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Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries (tm) 1.05 Patch
This patch will upgrade your copy of Mercenaries 1.00 to version 1.05.
Version 1.05 includes the following improvements:
The 'Mech Lab now functions properly
Extra weapons or weight no longer appear on your 'Mech after battle
CD-ROM changers and multiple CD-ROM drives now supported
Input device configuration screen improved
The "Prince Luthor" and "Clan Wolf Escape" missions are easier to complete
Connecting to the Internet server in DOS MercNet should go faster
'Mechs in DOS MercNet now checked for conformance to weight and equipment rules
Be sure to name the file MERC105P.EXE.
The patch file has been compressed to make downloading quicker.
The resulting file that you are downloading is called an archive file.
It is about 2.8 megabytes in size, and downloading should take
about 35 minutes with a 14.4 modem, 17 minutes with a 28.8 modem, or 8 minutes with ISDN
(depending on how busy the Internet is when you download).
What should I do before installing the patch?
You may want to run SCANDISK and DEFRAG on your hard drive
before patching to improve game performance.
It is safest to uninstall Mercenaries and reinstall it before patching. We expect that most people
won't need to do this, but if you have trouble, uninstall and
try again.
The patch will cause customized 'Mechs in saved games to revert to standard 'Mechs.
If you have any customized 'Mechs in saved games, please sell off all of your customized 'Mechs
before patching.
Copy the patch to MERC105P.EXE in the same directory as Mercenaries is installed in.
(This is usually C:\MERCS or C:\Program Files\Activision\Mercenaries.)
How do I install the patch?</h2>
Extract the updated files by running <tt>MERC105P.EXE</tt>. You can do
this either at the DOS prompt, or by double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer.
It will ask you whether to install to C:\MERCS.
If this is where you installed Mercenaries to, press Y and then the ENTER key.
Otherwise, press N and then the ENTER key.
It will then ask you where to install to. If you followed the above
instructions and are running it in the Mercenaries install directory,
you can just press N and the ENTER key.
Run the program PROJPAT.EXE. You can do this either at the DOS prompt, or by double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer.
It will ask you whether it is ok to patch MW2.PRJ.
Press Y and then the ENTER key. It will print out three rows of dots
as it patches your missions.