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- Mechwarrior 2: Mercenaries (tm) 1.05 Patch
- This patch will upgrade your copy of Mercenaries 1.00 to version 1.05.
- Version 1.05 includes the following improvements:
- The 'Mech Lab now functions properly
- Extra weapons or weight no longer appear on your 'Mech after battle
- CD-ROM changers and multiple CD-ROM drives now supported
- Input device configuration screen improved
- The "Prince Luthor" and "Clan Wolf Escape" missions are easier to complete
- Connecting to the Internet server in DOS MercNet should go faster
- 'Mechs in DOS MercNet now checked for conformance to weight and equipment rules
- Be sure to name the file MERC105P.EXE.
- The patch file has been compressed to make downloading quicker.
- The resulting file that you are downloading is called an archive file.
- It is about 2.8 megabytes in size, and downloading should take
- about 35 minutes with a 14.4 modem, 17 minutes with a 28.8 modem, or 8 minutes with ISDN
- (depending on how busy the Internet is when you download).
- What should I do before installing the patch?
- You may want to run SCANDISK and DEFRAG on your hard drive
- before patching to improve game performance.
- It is safest to uninstall Mercenaries and reinstall it before patching. We expect that most people
- won't need to do this, but if you have trouble, uninstall and
- try again.
- The patch will cause customized 'Mechs in saved games to revert to standard 'Mechs.
- If you have any customized 'Mechs in saved games, please sell off all of your customized 'Mechs
- before patching.
- Copy the patch to MERC105P.EXE in the same directory as Mercenaries is installed in.
- (This is usually C:\MERCS or C:\Program Files\Activision\Mercenaries.)
- How do I install the patch?</h2>
- Extract the updated files by running <tt>MERC105P.EXE</tt>. You can do
- this either at the DOS prompt, or by double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer.
- It will ask you whether to install to C:\MERCS.
- If this is where you installed Mercenaries to, press Y and then the ENTER key.
- Otherwise, press N and then the ENTER key.
- It will then ask you where to install to. If you followed the above
- instructions and are running it in the Mercenaries install directory,
- you can just press N and the ENTER key.
- Run the program PROJPAT.EXE. You can do this either at the DOS prompt, or by double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer.
- It will ask you whether it is ok to patch MW2.PRJ.
- Press Y and then the ENTER key. It will print out three rows of dots
- as it patches your missions.