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- Dinotopia Walkthrough:
- (i) Search beach thoroughly and pick up any items (important to get
- conveyor belt (looks like a towel & found to left of path through
- jungle). Enter ship & get crowbar & candlestick. Click crowbar on clam
- shell (to open clam the mouse click must be on exactly the right spot on
- the clam - very frustrating).
- (ii) Head up path to first village (Hatchery) and click on door near
- where 2 children are standing. Talk (click) to old woman & get dinosaur
- ABC. Open it and use it to decipher all letters of the alphabet (write
- them down to translate messages later). You will now be able to click on
- people & dinos & understand them. Go to first house (windmill) and use
- conveyor belt on gears. Show people your sister's picture & be told to
- go to next town - Pumicetown. Talk to dinosaurs attached to carriage
- (they will mention a gramaphone) and get transported to Pumicetown.
- (iii) Pumicetown - Play cards with dino in the fairbooth (put an object
- in the offer box eg. candlestick). If you win you get a metal item. Find
- stairway to smithy and melt metal item. Pour metal item into key mould,
- cool & get key (you will get verbal instructions if you forget to use
- gloves, tongs, etc). Talk to everyone & show picture of your sister &
- you will be told to go to Waterfall City. Go back to Hatchery first via
- dino carriage & then walk to beach.
- (iv) Beach again - click key on trunk to open it & get time-piece. Then
- back to carriage to go to Waterfall City.
- (v) Waterfall City - You can waste a lot of time here wandering around
- so look for areas where blue octagonal squares are part of the pavement
- (indicates a place you can enter). First find museum after meeting dino
- friend. It is across the bridge (S) and then far right. Talk to curator
- & enter slide room. Clean slides & look at them in projector. Talk to
- curator again about the gramaphone - he will mention a gear, a trumpet &
- a recording device. He gives you the base model.
- Find building across bridge (N) you can enter. Dino outside window will
- sing a series of musical notes. Repeat first note on xylophone and then
- each additional note. If you succeed you get the recording device & a
- nice fanfare on exiting the building. Head back across bridge (S) and
- then West to find glasshouse. Enter & talk to dino then water flower
- with can. Cut large trumpet flower with shears. Head back to carriage &
- go to Pumicetown.
- (vi) Pumicetown again - Back to smithy & melt key. Then pour into gear
- mould, cool as before. Click on all components of gramaphone - base,
- recording device, gear & trumpet. Give gramaphone to dinos pulling
- carriage & a new location appears on the map - Old Ruins. Go there.
- (vii) Old Ruins - find big dino & talk to him. He will give you his
- insignia (looks like tusks) & ask you to find his nephew in the World
- Beneath. Enter ruins and find hole in wall near back & to the East.
- Follow path to stairs going down. Enter. After walking underground you
- come out on mountain plateau. Talk to woman & stand on carpet. Wait
- until flags stay still for just a moment (in downward position) & then
- walk off cliff. Never fear if you have timed it right you will end up on
- the back of a flying dino (your next method of transportation). Fly to
- Savannah.
- (viii) Savannah - talk to dino at entrance to factory. Walk on metal
- paths inside factory or just slog across the muck to find entrance to
- machine room at rear near far left. Enter & pull levers to get the same
- sequence of musical notes as previously done at Waterfall City. You will
- head downwards & get a scroll. Exit factory. Fly to Treetown
- (ix) Treetown - To save time wander around & find Fireweed (near canal -
- approx. center). Then find moss on tree - it has a yellow cloud of bees
- on it. Go to next tree (in front) and click on sap collecting cup - sap
- pours out & cloud of bees moves from moss to cup. Now get moss. Climb
- ladder into tree and wander around (to the right) to find big dino. Talk
- to him & show him all pictures. He has a cough & sore throat. In front
- of him is a flask. Click on moss then on flask (now you can pick it up).
- Then click fireweed on flask - cough & sore throat medicine. Clicking
- the potion on the big dino then didn't work for me but clicking it on my
- dino friend did (weird!!!). The big dino will give you a prism. (Note:
- to find out about the description & use of important items like the
- prism click them on your little dino friend). Exit & fly to Alpine.
- (x) Alpine - It is not necessary but you can go to the nearby hut and
- trade any unimportant item for a pick. Climb the mountain but take care
- to cross the mountain slides by the ice bridges. Enter monastery and
- talk to monk. He will give you a red sunstone. Exit and for fun slide
- down the mountain. Fly to desert.
- (xi) Desert - Talk to old dino at oasis or far NW of desert where there
- are buildings. He wants you to find another dino & bring him home. Go to
- far NE to find him and then he will follw you back NW. Enter building,
- climb ladder, go E, descend ladder to another beach. Examine sundial.
- Put prism on central column of stones. Now click scroll on you to read
- it & arrange central stones of sundial according to the scroll. Click
- also on SW and SE outer stones to light them. Decipher wording on scroll
- 'give your time to another'. Give timepiece from trunk to old dino and
- suudenly a hole appears in the sundial. Descend ladder and enter
- submarine.
- (xii) Sub - remove old used sunstone and replace with new one from monk.
- Click on levers to right of sub - cutscene. Interface changes to arcade
- sequence now. Hold mouse button down and drag to descend in sub. Go to
- left of screen and follow underwater passages continuously to the W
- across several screens as far as possible. May need to move fish, sharks
- & jellyfish with lever to far left (electricity) or next lever (smoke).
- Then ascend in sub (don't ever exit as you will find yourself back at
- sundial and will need to repeat sub sequence again) until you reach
- surface & a new temple. Move sub near open doorway & click on doorway.
- Cutscene follows with sister & dino's nephew in World Beneath. Then you
- click on one of two choices to return to the normal world or stay in
- Dinotopia. The latter seems the obvious choice leading to a final
- cutscene. That's it folks!!
- All in all quite a fun game for a few hours of expensive gameplay but
- the interface is a real pain until you get used to it. Many of the
- objects & much of the conversation lead nowhere & must have been added
- for background. Sound is poor & difficult to distinguish - you will need
- to listen carefully. Good fun for junior adventurers - nothing risque,
- no violence, no bad language.