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- The following is a list supplemental information not included in the
- Ripper manual.
- *Video Problems*
- Ripper allows you to play in four different video modes. You can select the
- mode that you wish to use in the Game Option's screen. The average system
- will run most effectively in the Mode Change mode. This is the most versatile
- video mode as it switches automatically between high and low resolution on
- the fly. If however you notice intermittent popping noises as the modes are
- switching or excessive delays between modes, you may wish to try running in
- the Small Window mode which runs the game interactions and cinematics in a
- smaller portion of the screen making for smoother transitions. The Interlaced
- and Full Screen modes will allow high end systems to take advantage of
- their hardware's capabilities.
- *Sound Problems*
- When you first run the SETUP program, the game attempts to load the
- appropriate drivers for your sound card. As good as it is, it may make
- a mistake. Check to see what your particular sound card is compatible with,
- and also check the I/O PORT, IRQ, and DMA settings. This information can be
- found in the documentation that came with your sound card/computer. Try
- manually loading this information in the setup program.
- In Windows '95, if the game is detecting your settings incorrectly, try using
- DOS mode to set up the parameters. From the Windows desktop, click on
- START, then SHUTDOWN, then RESTART IN MS-DOS MODE. Change to the directory
- where you have Ripper installed (example: C:\RIPPER) and then run the setup
- program.
- *VESA Driver*
- Ripper requires a VESA driver. If you are trying to run it without one, you
- will not even be able to get into the setup program for the game. If you do
- not have a VESA driver for your video card, check the software and
- documentation that you recieved with your hardware. If that fails, contact
- your the card's manufacturer. They should be able to supply you with the
- appropriate VESA driver for your card. There are several VESA drivers in
- the Software Libraries folder on VESA's America On Line area.
- Do a Keyword search by "VESA" to check it out. You may also wish to
- contact SciTech, the maker of the UniVBE universal VESA driver. You can reach
- them via the Internet at www.scitechsoft.com. For more information on
- using VESA drivers, consult the VESA FAQ which can be found on the Internet
- at http://www.vesa.org/faq.html.
- *Win '95 update.*
- Autoplay no longer supported.
- The Windows '95 Auto Play function described on page 4 of the game manual is
- no longer supported by Ripper. Instead, make a shortcut to run the game.
- To make a shorcut, RIGHT CLICK anywhere on your desktop. A menu will pop up.
- move your mouse to the word NEW, then, on the next menu, choose SHORTCUT.
- The first thing you will have to enter is the path to the game. If you used
- the default installation, type in C:\RIPPER\RIPPER.EXE then click on NEXT.
- The next menu asks you to name the shortcut, it most likely already says
- RIPPER. You can change the name if you want, then click on NEXT. Choose
- an icon from the choices shown, then click on FINISH. A new icon will appear
- on your desktop. You can simply double click this icon to run the game.
- *Don't Multi Task Ripper*
- We do not recommend trying to run other programs while you are playing Ripper.
- Instead, we would suggest that you save your game and exit Ripper completely
- before opening another window.
- *Game Interface updates.*
- New C-Space Mouse Cursor
- A new cursor has been added for negotiating the main Cyber Space
- interface. The deck port cursor acts in exactly the same way as the dagger
- cursor does in the real world, in that you can point it in the direction that
- you wish to scroll your view and then click your left mouse button. Remember
- that your cursor will only rest on C-Space WELLS that are currently active.
- *Ctrl +R to replay last scene.*
- A replay feature has been added to assist you in playing the game. If you
- press the "Ctrl" plus the "R" key, the last cinematic or excerpt of
- conversation that occurred in the game will be repeated so that you can take
- a closer look.
- *Screen Shots.*
- You can take a screen shot anywhere in the game by pressing CTRL + "P". The
- captured footage will be written to a PCX file in your Ripper directory where
- you can retrieve it later. The files will be named "SHOT####.PCX", and be
- numbered consecutively in the order that you took them. Take many Ripper
- screen shots and take them often. They make great wallpaper in your Windows
- once you've converted them to a BMP format.
- *Passwords automatically added to WAC.*
- To assist you in your quest to catch the Ripper, some C-Space WELL
- passwords will be added to your WAC notebook automatically when Jake Quinlan
- learns them. The passwords that are added in this way will be those that
- are given to you directly and not ones that you will have to decrypt or
- discover through solving a puzzle. In other words, a character will have to
- tell you directly, "The WELL address is such and such" for the password to be
- placed in your notebook.
- *Puzzle Difficulty does not always apply.*
- Even though you can set the difficulty levels for combats and puzzles in
- Ripper, there are some puzzles that, by their nature can not be altered to
- make them simpler or more complex. None of the puzzles are unsolvable how-
- ever, so take heart. We have taken great pains to make sure that the puzzles
- in Ripper are carefully integrated into the game environment. There is never
- a situation where the solution to a puzzle is something completely off the
- wall. The solutions are all there waiting for you to find them.
- *Game Hints.*
- As a general rule, we don't approve of giving out clues on our puzzles. We
- hate to ruin the sense of satisfaction that a player gets from solving a
- particularly heinous challenge without any outside assistance. That being
- said, the Ripper puzzle that gave the majority of our testers the most fits
- was Catherine's Crystals. There are just so many possibilities that we
- decided to bend the rules just this once. So, if you are a truly dedicated
- gamer who is determined to tough it out on your own, read no further. For
- those of you that can't resist, take a look at this:
- X X O X X X X X X
- O X X X X X X X X
- X X X O X X X O X
- X X X X X O X X X
- And that's all we're going to say!
- Enjoy the game. All of us here at Take 2 hope that you have as much fun
- playing it as we did putting it together for you. It's been an experience
- that none of us will ever forget, and if our hunch is right, neither will you.
- - The Take 2 Team
- --------------- VERSION HISTORY ---------------
- Changes from Ripper v1.02 to Ripper v1.03: [March 29 1996]
- - Added command line options to INSTALL, SETUP, and RIPPER to disable
- support for Vesa 2.0, disable use of protected mode bank switching code,
- or both. Use /V1, /V2, or /V3 (respectively) to disable these features.
- Example:
- This will run Ripper, disabling support for both Vesa 2.0 and protected
- mode bank switching code.
- You can still use the /V option to force Ripper to run in 480 line mode.
- If you experience black screens or apparent lock ups, try this:
- - RIPPER now prints out the error number that DOS reports when it gets
- a CD read error. This should help Take 2's technical support staff to
- diagnose the problem.
- Changes from Ripper v1.01A to Ripper v1.02: [March 16, 1996]
- - Fixed restore game problem where it would delete the contents of the
- W.A.C. notebook.
- - Corrected problem that could cause graphic glitches behind the mouse
- cursor on Tseng video chips.
- Changes from Ripper v1.01 to Ripper v1.01A: [March 11, 1996]
- Changes from Ripper v1.0 to Ripper v1.01: [March 8, 1996]
- - Prints the version number when you quit the game.
- - Fixed problems relating to Vesa 2.0 drivers. This, in particular, caused
- various display problems for different parts of the game on the Matrox
- Millenia video card.
- - Fix various problems relating to bad values in C:\TAKE2.INI and
- - Exit gracefully if there isn't a CD in the CD-ROM drive when you start
- the game.
- - Fixed several problems with the WAC Notebook.
- - Implemented ripper choice cycling. This will guarantee a different
- ripper each time you start a game until all 4 possible Rippers have been
- selected. Then it resets and randomly selects the next one (for the 5th
- new game). To have it randomly choose from all 4 suspects, delete the
- - Fixed up the INSTALL program to be friendlier about some problems (it
- checks for disk full when copying files and keeps the file date and
- time off of the CDs).
- - Repaired the README file.