PC/CD Gamer UK 39
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373 lines
# MultiGen .FLT(v14.1 to 14.2) to Criterion RenderWare Script Convertor
# Version 4.0(alpha) 14th June 1996
# Copyright Digital Workshop Limited 1994,1995,1996
# Tel. +44 (0)181 443 7055 Fax. +44 (0)181 443 7057
# email : info@dwork.demon.co.uk
# RenderWare Script file created from a10.flt source file
# Mon Jul 15 13:08:37 1996
GeometrySampling Solid
LightSampling Vertex
Surface 0.1 0.6 0.0
# land1
VertexExt 0.440 -6.078 -18.944 UV 0.388 0.533
VertexExt 0.440 -6.078 -19.644 UV 0.125 0.533
VertexExt 0.440 -5.472 -19.994 UV 0.000 0.751
# Negative U -0.005987 and/or V 0.751453 Cordinate, clamped to zero
VertexExt 0.440 -4.866 -19.644 UV 0.125 0.970
VertexExt 0.440 -4.866 -18.944 UV 0.388 0.970
VertexExt 0.440 -5.472 -18.594 UV 0.520 0.751
VertexExt -0.160 -6.078 -19.644 UV 0.398 0.473
VertexExt 0.440 -6.078 -19.644 UV 0.028 0.471
VertexExt 0.440 -6.078 -18.944 UV 0.030 0.040
VertexExt -0.160 -6.078 -18.944 UV 0.400 0.041
VertexExt 0.189 -4.037 -18.945
VertexExt 0.113 -2.169 -16.745
VertexExt -0.077 -2.169 -16.745
VertexExt 0.000 -4.037 -18.945
VertexExt 0.189 -3.437 -18.745
VertexExt 0.113 -2.169 -17.145
VertexExt -0.077 -2.169 -17.145
VertexExt 0.000 -3.437 -18.745
VertexExt -0.160 -6.078 -18.944 UV 0.375 0.336
VertexExt 0.440 -6.078 -18.944 UV 0.039 0.336
VertexExt 0.440 -5.472 -18.594 UV 0.038 0.027
VertexExt -0.160 -5.472 -18.594 UV 0.374 0.027
VertexExt 0.440 -5.472 -19.169 UV 0.581 0.774
VertexExt 0.440 -5.472 -19.419 UV 0.581 0.774
VertexExt 0.589 -5.472 -19.419 UV 0.544 0.774
VertexExt 0.589 -5.472 -19.169 UV 0.544 0.774
VertexExt 0.489 -4.657 -19.169 UV 0.562 0.940
VertexExt 0.489 -4.657 -19.419 UV 0.562 0.940
VertexExt 0.440 -5.272 -19.419 UV 0.581 0.815
VertexExt 0.440 -5.272 -19.169 UV 0.581 0.815
VertexExt 0.189 -4.657 -19.169 UV 0.511 0.233
VertexExt 0.045 -4.657 -19.169 UV 0.511 0.233
VertexExt 0.045 -4.657 -19.419 UV 0.467 0.233
VertexExt 0.189 -4.657 -19.419 UV 0.467 0.233
VertexExt 0.689 -4.457 -19.419 UV 0.526 0.981
VertexExt 0.189 -4.657 -19.419 UV 0.617 0.940
VertexExt 0.189 -4.457 -19.419 UV 0.617 0.981
VertexExt 0.689 -4.457 -19.169 UV 0.526 0.981
VertexExt 0.189 -4.457 -19.169 UV 0.617 0.981
VertexExt 0.189 -4.657 -19.169 UV 0.617 0.940
VertexExt 0.489 -4.457 -19.419 UV 0.562 0.981
VertexExt 0.489 -4.457 -19.169 UV 0.562 0.981
VertexExt 0.440 -4.866 -19.644 UV 0.400 0.041
VertexExt -0.160 -4.866 -19.644 UV 0.030 0.040
VertexExt -0.160 -4.866 -18.944 UV 0.028 0.471
VertexExt 0.440 -4.866 -18.944 UV 0.398 0.473
VertexExt -0.160 -5.472 -18.594 UV 0.376 0.645
VertexExt 0.440 -5.472 -18.594 UV 0.040 0.645
VertexExt 0.440 -4.866 -18.944 UV 0.039 0.336
VertexExt -0.160 -4.866 -18.944 UV 0.375 0.336
VertexExt -0.160 -5.472 -18.594 UV 0.520 0.751
VertexExt -0.160 -4.866 -18.944 UV 0.388 0.970
VertexExt -0.160 -4.866 -19.644 UV 0.125 0.970
VertexExt -0.160 -5.472 -19.994 UV 0.000 0.751
# Negative U -0.005987 and/or V 0.751453 Cordinate, clamped to zero
VertexExt -0.160 -6.078 -19.644 UV 0.125 0.533
VertexExt -0.160 -6.078 -18.944 UV 0.388 0.533
VertexExt 0.440 -5.472 -19.994 UV 0.375 0.336
VertexExt -0.160 -5.472 -19.994 UV 0.039 0.336
VertexExt -0.160 -4.866 -19.644 UV 0.040 0.645
VertexExt 0.440 -4.866 -19.644 UV 0.376 0.645
VertexExt 0.440 -6.078 -19.644 UV 0.374 0.027
VertexExt -0.160 -6.078 -19.644 UV 0.038 0.027
VertexExt -0.035 -2.200 -18.713 UV 0.452 0.731
VertexExt 0.189 -2.200 -18.713 UV 0.452 0.737
VertexExt 0.189 -2.200 -18.362 UV 0.527 0.736
VertexExt 0.045 -4.655 -19.169 UV 0.000 0.000
VertexExt 0.189 -4.657 -19.169 UV 0.000 0.000
VertexExt 0.189 -2.200 -18.362 UV 0.000 0.000
VertexExt -0.035 -2.200 -18.362 UV 0.000 0.000
VertexExt -0.035 -2.200 -18.362 UV 0.527 0.736
VertexExt -0.035 -2.200 -18.713 UV 0.452 0.737
VertexExt 0.045 -4.655 -19.419 UV 0.467 0.233
VertexExt 0.045 -4.655 -19.169 UV 0.511 0.233
VertexExt 1.195 -2.825 -19.331 UV 0.235 0.594
VertexExt 0.934 -1.734 -19.317 UV 0.238 0.777
VertexExt 0.803 -1.802 -16.067 UV 0.830 0.728
VertexExt 1.040 -2.802 -16.059 UV 0.831 0.584
VertexExt 0.000 -14.000 -20.000
Texture f16fus
Color 0.482353 0.482353 0.482353
Polygon 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Texture NULL
Quad 7 8 9 10
Texture NULL
Color 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Quad 11 12 13 14
Quad 11 15 16 12
Quad 13 17 18 14
Texture wheels2
Color 0.482353 0.482353 0.482353
Quad 19 20 21 22
Texture f16fus
Color 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Quad 23 24 25 26
Texture NULL
Quad 27 28 29 30
Texture f16fus
Color 0.482353 0.482353 0.482353
Quad 31 32 33 34
Texture NULL
Color 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Quad 16 15 18 17
Texture NULL
Polygon 7 35 25 24 29 28 36 37
Polygon 7 27 30 23 26 38 39 40
Polygon 6 35 41 37 39 42 38
Quad 26 25 35 38
Texture wheels2
Color 0.482353 0.482353 0.482353
Quad 43 44 45 46
Quad 47 48 49 50
Texture f16fus
Polygon 6 51 52 53 54 55 56
Texture wheels2
Quad 57 58 59 60
Quad 61 62 58 57
Texture NULL
Quad 34 33 63 64
Quad 31 34 64 65
Quad 66 67 68 69
Quad 70 71 72 73
Texture greycam
Color 0.678431 0.733333 0.819608
Quad 74 75 76 77
Quad 77 76 75 74
Texture NULL
Color 0.768627 0.533333 0.270588
# land2
VertexExt -9.105 -6.112 1.897 UV 0.388 0.533
VertexExt -9.105 -6.112 0.777 UV 0.125 0.533
VertexExt -9.105 -5.142 0.217 UV 0.000 0.751
# Negative U -0.005987 and/or V 0.751453 Cordinate, clamped to zero
VertexExt -9.105 -4.172 0.777 UV 0.125 0.970
VertexExt -9.105 -4.172 1.897 UV 0.388 0.970
VertexExt -9.105 -5.142 2.457 UV 0.520 0.751
VertexExt -10.065 -6.112 0.777 UV 0.398 0.473
VertexExt -9.105 -6.112 0.777 UV 0.028 0.471
VertexExt -9.105 -6.112 1.897 UV 0.030 0.040
VertexExt -10.065 -6.112 1.897 UV 0.400 0.041
VertexExt -9.105 -4.860 1.053 UV 0.144 0.261
VertexExt -9.105 -4.860 1.621 UV 0.144 0.261
VertexExt -8.707 -4.860 1.621 UV 0.218 0.261
VertexExt -8.707 -4.860 1.053 UV 0.218 0.261
VertexExt -8.107 -5.592 1.053 UV 0.330 0.125
VertexExt -8.107 -5.592 1.621 UV 0.330 0.125
VertexExt -9.105 -5.592 1.621 UV 0.143 0.125
VertexExt -9.105 -5.592 1.053 UV 0.143 0.125
VertexExt -8.107 -2.277 1.053 UV 0.333 0.740
VertexExt -8.107 -2.261 1.621 UV 0.333 0.743
VertexExt -8.707 -2.261 1.621 UV 0.221 0.743
VertexExt -8.707 -2.277 1.053 UV 0.221 0.740
VertexExt -8.207 -3.860 1.621 UV 0.313 0.447
VertexExt -8.207 -3.260 1.621 UV 0.314 0.558
VertexExt -8.207 -2.260 2.021 UV 0.315 0.743
VertexExt -8.207 -2.260 2.421 UV 0.315 0.743
VertexExt -8.607 -3.260 1.621 UV 0.239 0.558
VertexExt -8.607 -3.860 1.621 UV 0.238 0.447
VertexExt -8.607 -2.260 2.021 UV 0.240 0.743
VertexExt -8.607 -2.260 2.421 UV 0.240 0.743
VertexExt -8.107 -5.592 1.621 UV 0.330 0.125
VertexExt -9.105 -4.860 1.621 UV 0.144 0.261
VertexExt -9.105 -5.592 1.621 UV 0.143 0.125
VertexExt -9.105 -4.172 0.777 UV 0.400 0.041
VertexExt -10.065 -4.172 0.777 UV 0.030 0.040
VertexExt -10.065 -4.172 1.897 UV 0.028 0.471
VertexExt -9.105 -4.172 1.897 UV 0.398 0.473
VertexExt -10.065 -6.112 1.897 UV 0.375 0.336
VertexExt -9.105 -6.112 1.897 UV 0.039 0.336
VertexExt -9.105 -5.142 2.457 UV 0.038 0.027
VertexExt -10.065 -5.142 2.457 UV 0.374 0.027
VertexExt -10.065 -5.142 2.457 UV 0.376 0.645
VertexExt -9.105 -5.142 2.457 UV 0.040 0.645
VertexExt -9.105 -4.172 1.897 UV 0.039 0.336
VertexExt -10.065 -4.172 1.897 UV 0.375 0.336
VertexExt -9.105 -5.142 0.217 UV 0.375 0.336
VertexExt -10.065 -5.142 0.217 UV 0.039 0.336
VertexExt -10.065 -4.172 0.777 UV 0.040 0.645
VertexExt -9.105 -4.172 0.777 UV 0.376 0.645
VertexExt -9.105 -6.112 0.777 UV 0.374 0.027
VertexExt -10.065 -6.112 0.777 UV 0.038 0.027
VertexExt -10.065 -5.142 2.457 UV 0.520 0.751
VertexExt -10.065 -4.172 1.897 UV 0.388 0.970
VertexExt -10.065 -4.172 0.777 UV 0.125 0.970
VertexExt -10.065 -5.142 0.217 UV 0.000 0.751
# Negative U -0.005987 and/or V 0.751453 Cordinate, clamped to zero
VertexExt -10.065 -6.112 0.777 UV 0.125 0.533
VertexExt -10.065 -6.112 1.897 UV 0.388 0.533
VertexExt 0.000 -14.000 1.000
Texture f16fus
Color 0.482353 0.482353 0.482353
Polygon 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Texture NULL
Quad 7 8 9 10
Texture greycam
Color 0.996078 0.996078 0.996078
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Quad 30 29 27 28
Polygon 6 22 19 15 18 11 14
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Texture wheels2
Color 0.482353 0.482353 0.482353
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Quad 46 47 48 49
Quad 50 51 47 46
Texture f16fus
Polygon 6 52 53 54 55 56 57
Texture NULL
Color 0.768627 0.533333 0.270588
# land3
VertexExt 9.105 -5.142 2.457 UV 0.520 0.751
VertexExt 9.105 -4.172 1.897 UV 0.388 0.970
VertexExt 9.105 -4.172 0.777 UV 0.125 0.970
VertexExt 9.105 -5.142 0.217 UV 0.000 0.751
# Negative U -0.005987 and/or V 0.751453 Cordinate, clamped to zero
VertexExt 9.105 -6.112 0.777 UV 0.125 0.533
VertexExt 9.105 -6.112 1.897 UV 0.388 0.533
VertexExt 8.607 -3.860 1.621 UV 0.238 0.447
VertexExt 8.607 -3.260 1.621 UV 0.239 0.558
VertexExt 8.607 -2.260 2.021 UV 0.240 0.743
VertexExt 8.607 -2.260 2.421 UV 0.240 0.743
VertexExt 8.207 -2.260 2.421 UV 0.315 0.743
VertexExt 8.207 -3.860 1.621 UV 0.313 0.447
VertexExt 8.207 -3.260 1.621 UV 0.314 0.558
VertexExt 8.207 -2.260 2.021 UV 0.315 0.743
VertexExt 8.707 -4.860 1.621 UV 0.218 0.261
VertexExt 8.707 -4.860 1.053 UV 0.218 0.261
VertexExt 8.707 -2.277 1.053 UV 0.221 0.740
VertexExt 8.707 -2.261 1.621 UV 0.221 0.743
VertexExt 9.105 -5.592 1.053 UV 0.143 0.125
VertexExt 9.105 -5.592 1.621 UV 0.143 0.125
VertexExt 8.107 -5.592 1.621 UV 0.330 0.125
VertexExt 8.107 -5.592 1.053 UV 0.330 0.125
VertexExt 9.105 -4.860 1.621 UV 0.144 0.261
VertexExt 9.105 -4.860 1.053 UV 0.144 0.261
VertexExt 9.105 -4.172 1.897 UV 0.398 0.473
VertexExt 10.065 -4.172 1.897 UV 0.028 0.471
VertexExt 10.065 -4.172 0.777 UV 0.030 0.040
VertexExt 9.105 -4.172 0.777 UV 0.400 0.041
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VertexExt 9.105 -6.112 1.897 UV 0.030 0.040
VertexExt 9.105 -6.112 0.777 UV 0.028 0.471
VertexExt 10.065 -6.112 0.777 UV 0.398 0.473
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VertexExt 10.065 -6.112 0.777 UV 0.125 0.533
VertexExt 10.065 -5.142 0.217 UV 0.000 0.751
# Negative U -0.005987 and/or V 0.751453 Cordinate, clamped to zero
VertexExt 10.065 -4.172 0.777 UV 0.125 0.970
VertexExt 10.065 -4.172 1.897 UV 0.388 0.970
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Texture f16fus
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Color 0.482353 0.482353 0.482353
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Texture f16fus
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