[#PeekUnit:[the number of cast "PeeK color", the number of cast "PeeK glow", the number of cast "PeeK glow - high" ], #Headgear:[the number of cast "headgear color", the number of cast "headgear glow"], #ScanDevice:[the number of cast "scan color", the number of cast "scan glow"], #Videotape:[the number of cast "Tape color", the number of cast "Tape glow"], #Weedkiller:[the number of cast "Weedkiller color", the number of cast "Weedkiller glow"], #Crowbar:[the number of cast "crowbar color", the number of cast "crowbar glow"], #BedroomKey:[the number of cast "key color", the number of cast "key glow"], #Oscillator:[the number of cast "oscillator color", the number of cast "oscillator glow"] ]