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- 1.1.1 Entrance
- --------------
- *
- &0You are advised to clear the entrance
- &0for the marine drop crew by removing
- &0crate and barrel barricades and
- &0dispatching any &1xenomorphs&0 you may
- &0encounter.
- #
- &0Note that due to the protective design
- &0of the &1barrels&0 [for transportation],
- &0your 9mm will be ineffective in their
- &0removal. Search out alternative means.
- *
- Icon: Crate & barrel
- 1.1.2 Outer Complex
- -------------------
- *
- &0You must locate the main junction room
- &0and activate all three control panels.
- &0This will allow further penetration
- &0into the colony.
- #
- &0Pick up any &1seismic survey charges&0 as
- &0they are essential for the removal of
- &1temporary walls.&0
- *
- Icon: Survey Charge
- 1.1.3 Ammunition Dump 1
- -----------------------
- *
- &0You may re-arm your arsenal here but
- &0we can only hover for &160 seconds&0 as
- &0the area is about to self-destruct.
- #
- &0Ensure that you arm up before we pull
- &0you out.
- *
- 1.2.2 Recreation Rooms
- ----------------------
- *
- &0The recapture of the colony is
- &0progressing well. However, as we have
- &0feared, our &1security&0 people have been
- &0infected and must be eliminated.
- #
- &0Power up &1all of the lights&0, destroy
- &0anything that lives, and pull out so that
- &0we may remove any carcasses and
- &0secure the area for re-habitation.
- *
- 1.3.1 Medical Laboratory
- ------------------------
- *
- &0Once again, an area of the colony
- &0has been totally infected.
- &0Retire all &1enemy lifeforms
- &0so that the marines may enter and
- &0secure the area and remove any
- &0suspect biological samples for
- &0destruction.
- &0#
- &0Collect all &1ID tags&0 so we can confirm
- &0that no samples have been removed
- &0without our knowledge.
- *
- Icon: Security tag
- 1.1.4 Ammunition Dump 2
- -----------------------
- *
- &0You may re-arm your arsenal here but
- &0we can only hover for &160 seconds&0 as
- &0the area is about to self-destruct.
- #
- &0Ensure that you arm up before we pull
- &0you out.
- *
- 1.4.1 Garage
- ------------
- *
- &0Before the mass infection, some
- &0colonists sought to smuggle samples
- &0out for personal gain: allegedly on
- &0behalf of the Company.
- #
- &0The garage area was the central point
- &0for crates entering and leaving the
- &0colony. It is imperative that you
- &1destroy all crates and their contents
- &0to ensure that this illegal trade does
- &0not resume.
- *
- Icon: Crate
- 1.1.5 Ammunition Dump 3
- -----------------------
- *
- &0You may re-arm your arsenal here but
- &0we can only hover for &160 seconds&0 as
- &0the area is about to self-destruct.
- #
- &0Ensure that you arm up before we pull
- &0you out.
- *
- 1.5.4 Atmosphere Sub-level
- --------------------------
- *
- &0This entire section is the beginning
- &0of an ideal cocoon storage area for the
- &0xenomorph and is the outer reaches of
- &0what we believe to be the Queen's nest.
- #
- &0Previously, &1Synthetics&0 were dropped in
- &0to protect the colonists, but it seems
- &0that all colonists &1have been infected.
- &0The &1Synthetics&0 are still guarding.
- &0Remove them to gain access to the
- &0xenomorph lair.
- *
- 1.5.5 Security Catwalks
- -----------------------
- *
- &0You may re-arm your arsenal here. The
- &0heat from the processor is extreme and
- &0may cause the craft to stall. We can
- &0only hover for &130 seconds&0.
- *
- 1.6.1 Atmosphere Sub-Basement
- -----------------------------
- *
- &0You must seek out all the remaining
- &0colonists and retrieve their &1ID tags&0 so
- &0that we may assess the speed and level
- &0of infection.
- #
- &0We believe that these &1colonists&0 are
- &0alive. We must insist that you
- &0perform a thorough search of the area
- &0to check for nests, where the colonists
- &0may be stored.
- *
- 1.6.2 Queen's Lair
- ------------------
- *
- &0It appears you have found the &1Queen&0.
- &0Eliminate her so that any traces of life
- &0may be removed from the area and we
- &0can re-populate the colony once again.
- #
- &0Good luck.
- *
- Icon: Queen's head/ Egg closed
- 2.1.1 Living Area
- -----------------
- *
- &0The prison has been lost to a &1new&0
- &0strain of xenomorph.
- #
- &0Destroy any living organism and &1seek
- &0out any hidden weapons caches&0 that
- &0were stockpiled by the former inmates.
- &0Do not let anything stand in your way.
- *
- 2.1.2 Canteen
- -------------
- *
- &0This is a maximum security area.
- &0
- &0All of the prisoners are missing.
- &0Their &1ID tags&0 are scattered throughout
- &0this section.
- #
- &1Retrieve&0 all of these &1ID tags&0 so that
- &0a thorough assessment can be made
- &0of the capability of this new strain
- &0of xenomorph.
- *
- 2.1.3 Meeting Tower
- -------------------
- *
- &0We must have access to the &1Central&0
- &1Meeting Tower&0. The age and design
- &0of the machinery within this area
- &0has many of the control panels for
- &0activating access-platforms away
- &0from the vicinity of their
- &0respective mechanisms.
- #
- &0Ensure that you &1lower all lifts&0 and
- &1open all doors&0 to give free access
- &0to the entire tower complex.
- *
- 2.2.2 Leadworks
- ---------------
- *
- &0Due to the amount of time this section
- &0has been without maintenance, many of
- &0the &1pressurized gas-pipes&0 supplying the
- &0leadworks have fallen into decay and
- &0make entry very treacherous.
- #
- &0Find the control panels that activate the
- &0gas supply to &1the flame jets&0 and &1stem&0
- &1the flow of gas&0.
- *
- 2.4.2 Tunnels and Ducts
- -----------------------
- *
- &0We have managed to hold the fans for
- &0a short period of time. You must get
- &0in there and re-arm from the stockpile
- &0hidden by the inmates.
- #
- &0We estimate that you have &160 seconds&0.
- *
- 2.3.1 Mining and Smelting
- -------------------------
- *
- &0Once again, we have information that
- &0leads us to the conclusion that an illegal
- &0operation was being set up to export
- &0samples back to earth for personal
- &0gain. This was totally &1against&0 the prison
- &0religion.
- #
- &1Destroy any crates&0 that may contain
- &0samples and any organisms that stand
- &0in your way.
- *
- 2.3.2 Furnace Controls
- ----------------------
- *
- &0The high level of heat and pressure
- &0has caused steam pipes to burst,
- &0making the area highly dangerous.
- #
- &0Get in there, find the control panels
- &0for the &1steam&0 and make sure that
- &0they are &1turned off&0 to allow a
- &0follow-up crew safe access.
- *
- 2.4.3 Tunnels and Ducts
- -----------------------
- *
- &0We have managed to hold the fans for
- &0a short period of time. You must get
- &0in there and re-arm from the stockpile
- &0hidden by the inmates.
- #
- &0We estimate that you have &160 seconds&0.
- *
- 2.6.2 Lead Mould
- ----------------
- *
- &0You will be dropped into an area known
- &0to be inhabited by a &1Dog strain&0 of the
- &0xenomorph. This strain is highly
- &0dangerous and has, so far, managed to
- &0stop any attempt of securing the
- &0area.
- #
- &0Get in there and &1access all areas&0
- &0by opening all &1doors via control panels&0
- &0in the main chamber.
- #
- *
- 2.6.3 Queen's Lair
- ------------------
- *
- &0The Queen has been located and has to
- &0be destroyed if we are to rebuild
- &0the prison for other offenders.
- #
- &1Destroy her&0 and &1her spawn&0 so
- &0we may clean up and remove any
- &0evidence of this thing.
- *
- 3.1.1 Tunnels.
- --------------
- *
- &0We believe the original xenomorph
- &0infection came from within this
- &0derelict &1Boneship&0. We must
- &0investigate the area to find the origin
- &0of the xenomorph on this planet.
- #
- &0Use the bio-mechanical &1lifts&0 and clear
- &0the way to the main Pilot's Chamber
- &0so that we may enter freely and
- &0remove the carcasses for testing
- &0and subsequent destruction.
- *
- 3.2.1 Pilot's Chamber
- ---------------------
- *
- &0You now have free access to the entire
- &0Boneship from these chambers. Find the
- &1active airlock&0 to progress deeper.
- #
- &0You must secure each section of the
- &0entire vessel from this central point
- &0to ensure that our landing crews
- &0may enter freely.
- *
- 3.3.1 Canyons and Catacombs
- ---------------------------
- *
- &0In a previous attempt to hold this
- &0area of the vessel, rogue &1dog&0
- &0strains of the xenomorph escaped
- &0captivity.
- #
- &0Search for hidden lairs where
- &0they may reside and &1destroy these &0
- &1xenomorphs&0.
- *
- 3.2.2 Pilot's Chamber
- ---------------------
- *
- &0Well done. You have arrived back at
- &0the central section of the ship and have
- &0opened &1another air-lock&0.
- #
- &0Do not delay. There are more areas to
- &0secure and time is against us.
- *
- 3.5.1 Secrets
- -------------
- *
- &0The previous landing crew were
- &0caught and infected. Find these
- &0members and kill them so that they
- &0cannot spawn any more of their
- &0kind.
- #
- &0Remember to collect their &1ID tags
- &0as proof that each is &1eliminated&0.
- *
- 3.5.2 Inorganics 1
- ------------------
- *
- &0We have detected Inorganic Materials
- &0near an area known to be inhabited
- &0by adult xenomorphs. We believe that
- &0these are Munitions.
- #
- &0You have &145 seconds&0
- &0to get in there and restock
- &0before we pull you out of this
- &0potentially dangerous area.
- *
- 3.2.3 Pilot's Chamber
- ---------------------
- *
- &0You are re-entering the &1main&0
- &1chamber&0 of this ship. Your efforts
- &0have opened up another section that
- &0can be secured.
- #
- &0Unfortunately, you have inadvertently
- &0allowed some &1xenomorphs&0 back into
- &0these chambers. It would be wise to
- &1dispatch them&0 before moving on.
- *
- 3.7.1 Droplifts
- ---------------
- *
- &1Synthetics&0 have previously been placed
- &0in this area to &1deter&0 any potential
- &0sample &1smugglers&0. We are now unable
- &0to remove them. These synthetic
- &0workers will kill on sight.
- #
- &0After studying our data we feel that
- &0the company can sustain the credit loss
- &0of these... employees. &1Remove them&0 so
- &0the area can be accessed.
- *
- 3.5.3 Inorganics 2
- ------------------
- *
- &0We have detected more Inorganic
- &0Materials in the Boneship. We again
- &0believe that these are Munitions.
- #
- &0You have &145 seconds&0
- &0to get in there and restock
- &0before we pull you out of this
- &0potentially dangerous area.
- *
- 3.2.4 Pilot's Chamber
- ---------------------
- *
- &0You are re-entering the main
- &0chamber of this ship. Your efforts
- &0have opened up another section that
- &0can be secured. Judging by the
- &0warrior presence, you must be very
- &0deep into the Boneship.
- *
- 3.8.1 Egg Chambers
- ------------------
- *
- &0We believe that you are &1close&0 to
- &0the &1central&0 hatchery which contains
- &0enough eggs to infect any large
- &0colony.
- #
- &1Destroy&0 all of the &1eggs&0 to ensure
- &0the future of any visitors to this
- &0barren place.
- *
- 3.2.5 Pilot's Chamber
- ---------------------
- *
- &0You are approaching the last few
- &0sections of the &1Boneship&0. Beware as
- &0our information leads us to
- &0understand that a &1Queen&0 has been
- &0building a nest.
- #
- &0Make sure that you &1clear the main&0
- &1chamber&0 of any threats so we may
- &0remove the dead pilot for study.
- *
- 3.9.1 Queen's lair
- ------------------
- *
- &0The final task is at hand.
- #
- &0It ends where it once began.
- #
- &0You &1must&0 succeed.
- #
- *