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- Spycraft: The Great Game (c) Activision
- Walkthru by BONeHeAD
- =======================================
- I know one for this game is already available, but it's damn
- unreadable. My one is much clearer. :)
- On the bench in Washington Square access your Intelink > Comlink to read
- a videomessage from Warhurst. Close PDA and you're in Langley.
- In Washington go to Farm > Milkovsky. Look at the stuff on his table,
- then on the photos. Go to Farm > Image Analysis.
- Look left. Access the Image Analysis menu. Click on the grey sedan on
- the photo and enhance the license plate, then use OCE to clear up the
- view. The number is 2GGX368. Do the report (the button on your right).
- Access Image Analysis again. Mix the two photos and count the tanks
- (don't forget the ones under the tent). There are 6. Do the report.
- Go to Farm > The Zone. When you have your pistol ready move all the
- way ahead thru the map shooting enemys. Then, in the second test,
- move ahead until you find a radiotransmitter (the area with crates),
- get it and step back.
- Check Intelink > Comlink for new mail. Return to Washington > Langley.
- Go to DCI Sterling. Go to your (Thorn's) office. Activate KAT. Move the
- camera to point on the building to your left (Moscow Historical Museum
- that is) and the tribune ahead of it. In Camera View window do a
- maximum zoom, find the bullet holes on the wall. On the model align the
- holes with tribune (click on the wall and drag mouse over to the
- tribune). Zoom off and turn the camera to the opposite side of the
- trajectory line. Do a max zoom again and you should see the face of
- a killer in a GUM's window (but how could he shoot someone from the
- Moscow's biggest supermarket without being noticed is a mystery :)).
- Activate Mix & Match system and build his electronic sketch and click
- Search. If you did right you should find T.J. "Harmonica" Philips.
- Report the name of the killer (Harmonica) and Receive the new message.
- Access PinPoint software. You have to find the weapon used, it's
- absolutely silent and leaves no bullett. Browse thru the weapon
- database and you'll see that the weapon was PEG (Pulse Electric Gun)
- and the bullett is needle pack projectile. Report it, watch the
- message incoming.
- Go to Washinton > Langley > DCI Sterling. Then return to your office
- computer and click Security Model. Look at the dr. Cohlen's activities.
- Browse his dossier (folder icon next to his name) to find out that
- he's claustrophobic and never uses elevators. Then look at his activities
- again and click on 24 - this day he used the elevator. Activate Mix &
- Match. Build the sketch - here's the man you look for (Allen Wayne).
- Report your progress.
- Read the new message. Open dr. Cohlens security model again. Click on
- his phone activities for 2 and 22. On the recording isolate the woman's
- voice and analyse it. You'll find out it's Ying Chungwang, another
- CIA ex - look at her dossier, then report her name and location (Rockland,
- Washington D.C.). Read the incoming mail.
- Visit secret meeting in Washington > Halifax. Return to your office.
- Read the incoming mail, get all the stuff from the desk into your
- case.
- Use your PC and click on Cypher. Click on Beale > A-B > Beowulf. Report
- (Ying in Moscow).
- Click on PhotoDoc. You must falsificate a photo of Grendel in prison.
- You know he's in Turkey (see Ying's crypted note), he smokes Emperor
- Filterless (see his dossier) and you have his photo. Drag the low-left
- Grendel-face and place it on the face of man on the photo, drag the
- middle turkish paper and place it on left and middle Camel pack on the
- right. Match everything with actual human size and hit Print. Read the
- incoming messages to see if you've succeeded, if not start all over.
- Read all the messages you receive.
- Go Moscow > Station > Lobby. Talk to Maxine, go to Iterrogation Room.
- Talk to Ying. Tell her you've got Grendel and you will set him free
- if she'll talk. Don't threat her with Grendel's death and don't take
- her to the Bullpen or she won't tell anything. Read the incoming
- messages. Examine the Procat files in Intelink > Datalink > CIA >
- Authorised > Procat.
- Go to Foster's office, talk to her about SVR, Birdsong and Gromchevski.
- Go to Pearson's office, read the incoming messages for Gromchevski's
- phone number. Use phone, press Speaker and dial 2334819.
- Go to Moscow > Yasevno. Talk to Yuri. He tells you that in Russia mafia
- is everywhere (like in America it isn't) and offers you a meeting with
- one of the supposed mafia heads and presidental candidate
- Churbanoff.
- Go to Moscow > Birdsong and talk to him. Don't threat the man, just
- tell him to try and find out something about president hit.
- Go to Moscow > Station > Lobby > Pearson, take yellow paper from the
- desk. Open the casefile to the left of your table, take the folder
- marked Nukes. Take the floppy.
- Now use EMBC floppy from your case on computer and download Rabid Hound
- book. Use Nuke floppy on computer, find message Subj: Gog and Magog,
- view header, launch Cypher and select Beale > Other > Rabid Hound.
- Then do so with Subj: Re: Gog and Magog message. Read the incoming.
- Soon you should receive the message from Colby about an another
- upgrade to your Eclipse tool and the access to the agents' Holt and
- Seaton cabinets. You may want to fly to Washington to examine their
- rooms and report to Colby that the traitor is within Team Eagle
- Shield, but he will not take your suspicions seriously.
- Go to Moscow > Vilnius. Then return back to office. Check out
- Intelink > Datalink > CIA > Authorised > Procat. There's a name John
- Blake there - access his dossier and check out his contact phone number
- (011441715550909). Make an appointment with Blake. Go to London.
- In London talk to Blake. While he's out take a look at his laptop and
- books beside it. Take the Procat folder from him.
- Return to Moscow, Pearson's office. Read the folder, especially the
- bits about Onyx, Kneecaps and Harmonica. Use Intelink > Datalink >
- CIA > Onyx. Look under all of the aliases in Ticket Data section.
- As you know from the file, Onyx is vegetarian, he flies business class
- and passage seats only. You'll find out that he stopped in Berlin,
- report it.
- Read the incoming mail to find out about the Birdsong's disappearance.
- Load up Sound Analysis and mark the outside sounds on the phone record -
- bells, plane, etc. You'll find out that he's in Novosibirsk, at Suvorov's.
- Later, when Foster asks you how to make Birdsong cooperate tell her to
- promise him a house in Montana.
- Go to Moscow > Birdsong. Open his door with the lockpick (in your case).
- Look at his room - he's obsessed with western culture. Turn L, when
- Lange enters and starts talking to you select Shoot.
- Return to the Station and go to the Alley. The girl gives you Yuri
- Gromchevski's file. Read it. Enter office and soon you must hear a
- call from Yuri. Pick up the phone and go Moscow > Yasenvo. Yuri gives
- you the Onyx folder.
- Return Moscow > Station > Lobby > Pearson. Fire up Intelink > Datalink >
- CIA > Authorised > Onyx > CEFT. Look up the banknotes' serial numbers and
- when and where they were spotted, then compare it with data on airplane
- tickets database. So, here it goes - Onyx is in Heidelberg, Germany,
- at Schlumpthen hotel.
- Go Germany > Schlumpthen. Talk to Onyx, threat him with Indian Government
- and Jammu. After the conversation say you wanna look around, turn L,
- open wardrobe, take cuffs and use them on Onyx.
- Go Germany > Scharfenstahl. Select Shoot (nothin to talk about with the
- suckers!). Move quickly without shooting to the center of the map (ahead-
- left, ahead-right, ahead). Kill Grendel as soon as you have the
- opportunity. Get The Pit, move back all the way killing baddies.
- Watch the mail.
- Return to Moscow > Station > Lobby > Pearson, read the mail from Foster
- about Birdsong's kidnapping. Take camera and chip from your desk, then
- use chip on PC. Stop the tape when you hear a shot - the flash from
- the pistol lights up the kidnapper's face. Hit IA. Looks familiar? Now
- you must find out where he can be. Go to Intelink > Datalink > CIA >
- Authorised > 201 Files > Maxine Foster > Support Personnel > Owen Pearson.
- There you should find a link to the map with an address -
- Leningradsky Prospekt, 19. Report that the captor is Kneecaps and he's
- at that address.
- Watch the incoming mail. Go Moscow > Kneecaps. Click on GPS to activate
- BADMAN. When you take control of the team click on them all and send them
- to 2nd floor. Click on blue one and move him to the right door in the
- upper row of rooms. Activate Cyber-Optical Surveillance on that room,
- then take the red one and make him throw stun grenade inside. Make all 4
- enter the room and use blue one to watch the door ahead - he must say that
- the objective is inside. Use brown one to blow a hole in room's right
- wall, order red one to throw bomb thru the crack. Lead 2 of your men thru
- the hole in the wall, make them approach the door, then click on all
- 4 and storm into the room where Birdsong is. You should get him with no
- human losses.
- Return to Pearson's office. Use EMBC to download a new book to your
- computer - Croak!. In the incoming you should have some new crypted
- messages, decypher them with Beale > Other > Croak!. You'll receive
- information about Maxwell and Raven.
- Go to Tunisia > Chopper. Shoot everyone on the map, then move to the
- center and drop the weapon. When Blake's pistol glitches pick up your
- gun and shoot Blake as he grabs his bag. Pick up his laptop and
- enter the chopper.
- Take laptop out of the bag, open it. Use Intelink on it, when progress
- indicator reaches 30% hit Cancel, disconnect and throw laptop ouuta
- the chopper. Check out Intelink for downloaded data, decipher the
- messages, attempt to send the one which is still unsent and close PDA.
- When you're on Red Square move activate frequency detector and move to
- the top-left corner of the map, where the blinking red point is. Close
- PDA and if you see a TV operator in brown jacket press Shoot immediately.
- The Prez is saved.
- Check out the new mail, and go to Crimea > Dacha. When Warhurst enters
- drop the gun, then talk to him about the team and say "This is why you
- hacked my PDA" to give Jamie a hint about sound hack. When Warhurst
- is distracted pick up gun and shoot him. When Yuri attempts to kill
- Churbanoff you'll have to shoot him too...
- GAME SUCCESSFULLY OVER (very disturbing finale...)
- ==============================================
- I also failed to find any different endings here, I think the game is
- pretty linear after all, and there are only minor plot twists. But
- I'm still playing, so if I find something I'll update this.
- (C) moral rights reserved!
- 12-15.05.1996 A.D.
- BONeHeAD // tRX