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- -=-=PING PRESENTS:=-=-
- -=-=Solved by STRESS (whoever this is)=-=-
- You start off in Calypso's place.
- Take the magnet(on the fridge) and the scissors(in the drawer) with you.
- Go outside and walk to the blacksmith.....Take the Rope and Clapper there.
- Now use Rope with Magnet to make this one item...
- Now go to the Druids place(a ladder and a wagonwheel are standing outside his
- house) and pickup the Ladder.Now go inside and pickup the Cold Remedy(on the
- table) and the Specimen Jar(stands next to the blue and red jars).
- Now go to the inn, it's called "The drunken Druid" and enter this place.
- There is a box of matches on the fruit machine.Pick it up. After that use
- scissors on dwarf. The drunken fool is sleeping so we're gonna cut his beard
- off.
- So far for the village...
- Before we continue....Once outside I'll use terms like :
- R = Leave screen to the right
- L = Leave screen to the left
- U = Leave screen on the upper side
- D = leave screen on the down side
- RU = There's a path leading to the Right Upper corner of the screen
- RD,LU and LD....
- By now you've found out you can "use the map" to zap from place to place...
- I will use this often.
- Now go outside to the forest.
- Once there go R-D-R(there must be a fallen tree here)-R(treestump) and have
- your first conversation with some Woodworms. Go D-L to arrive at the Witches
- Cottage. See the well over there ?? Use the handle attached to the well to
- pickup the bucket of water.
- Once you have the bucket go Right till you meet the troll and the two goats.
- Watch the conversation.You can not pass the bridge at this time but outhearing
- this conversation will save you a lot time later on..
- Now "use" your map to go back to the village.
- You now stand in front of the shop. Leave the village (left exit) and once
- outside go R-U-R and meet the wise owl..Talk to him and he looses a feather.
- Pick it up!! You can come here often to talk to the owl and he will give you
- some hints. But why do you need them since you're reading the solve now....
- From here go L-D. There's a barbarian here...Help the zero-I.Q. figure to
- remove the thorn from his foot..He's very gratefull and you'll get a whistle
- from him.
- Next use your map to return to the troll-bridge.
- Once there "talk" to the troll about his problem. Talk to the troll till he
- takes your whistle and uses it....Watch the scene now, it's great....
- So you can cross the bridge, it's cleared. Pickup the Placard on the bridge
- to demonstate with it.
- Now cross the bridge and go R-R to meet Oaf..
- Talk to Oaf about his Beans.
- Suggest to water the Beans. And what luck, you happen to have a bucket of
- water... Ai, you drowned them and leave the screen.. Go back there and notice
- Oaf is gone and there's a puddle of water.(with some beans in it)
- Pick up the beans.
- From here go R-RD. Use your clapper with the bell. Use the bell..Clang,clang.
- After severall minutes when you have recovered you can use the hair to climb
- up. There you meet Repulser,some sort of tranformed pig. Start talking to her
- and kiss here...YOU HERO !!!!! (but at least you have a pig now.) Otherwise
- if she had turned into the beautifull lady the game would have ended here
- with "horny" Simon. For some reason I do not understand the programmers left
- out the fuck-scene with the pig...
- Back to bussines: Use the hair again to exit the tower. Go L-RU.
- Now you are on a screen with two waterfalls. If you look at the forge you can
- see someone fishing down there. Now watch this !!! There are vines in the
- Left-down corner of this screen. Leave this screen by clicking on the vines.
- Once down you see a Golum fishing there. Talk to him. You can't do anything
- now so we'll come back later here.
- Use yor map to go back to the village.
- Go to Calypso's place and walk behind the cottage. There's a heap of compost
- here. Use your beans here and after they have grown up pick the water-melon.
- Now go to the house with the beehive(Left of druids place).
- Use your Repulser(piggy) with the chocolate door. Enter the house.
- Inside pick up the Smoke-box and the Hat. Go out. Use Smoke-box on Beehive
- and afterwards pick up Wax(top of beehive).
- Go to the Drunken Druid and talk to the barman.. Order a drink...As soon as he
- disappears behind his counter use Wax on Beerbarrel, which is standing behind
- him. Wait and he'll give you a Leaflet.
- Go outside and look what is waiting there to be picked up.
- Use your map to go to the owls place. From here go R-R-RU and "talk to the
- hole" ???? Indiana Jones is digging here. Go Right.
- You have arrived at the dwarf mine(located on your map as "Centre of the
- forest"). Pick up the Rock in front of the mine and have a closer look at it !!
- Now that you know the password enter the mine. Keep trying the password till
- you say "beer". Pffff, you may pass.
- Give Beer to the guarding dwarf. Follow him downstairs. Once down use your
- Feather on the sleeping dwarf. He rolls over and pickup the key. Nasty game !
- Now go Up and Left. Talk to the "middle dwarf". Pick up the Hook on the left
- side of this dwarf. Now use your Key on the door and enter the doorway. Inside
- make the dwarf there an offer. You got something he wants. Give the Beer
- Voucher to the Dwarf. You'll get a Gem in return for it. Give the Gem to the
- Pig to fuck it again or keep it for later use(better do the second). Now exit
- the mine.
- Go LU to a screen with a heavy door and bars. Pickup the paper there(it's on
- the ground in front of you).
- Go R-RU and enter the cave-entrance. Walk R till you see a swamphouse and open
- the door. Finally you'll get something to eat. Jum,jum,jum..... Talk to the
- swampling. Do not offend him on his birthday and eat his stew. At the second
- bowl use Specimen-jar with Stew. You get another bowl of stew and you MUST
- consume this one. Now you have eaten all his stew so the swampling dies of
- starvation......Nop, he's gonna get new ingredients for more jumjum-stew.
- Have you noticed the Chest jet? Move it. See the trapdoor? Open it... you
- can go down but you will not come very far.
- Now exit the swampling house (the Normal Way!) and go R-R-R-R till you arrive
- at the sleeping giant. This one only for Map-purpose.
- Now use your map and zap to the Centre of the forest.
- From there go RD-R and meet the woodcutter. Talk to him to get his Metal-
- detector.
- Use your map to go to the village. Enter the shop. Give shopping-list to the
- shopkeeper(s???) Behind them are a bottle of "white spirit" and a hammer.
- We'll get back later here to buy these items.
- Now go to the Dodgy Geezer (sales person,arabic I think) and give him your
- Gem. Sell it for 20 gold peaces and not a penny less.
- So now that you have your gold go to the shop and pick up(buy) the White Spirit
- and the Hammer(and you get a free nail !! Scroodges...).
- Use your map to zap to the troll-bridge. Go LU and talk to the bard. Give him
- your pig and let him fuck it...Oh, you don't have the pig anymore....What a
- shame.. Anyway, you can't stand the noise of the sousaphone sound so you exit
- the scene. Go back there and use Water-melon with Sousaphone..And since you
- have Instrument-repairing abbilities he'll give you his Sousaphone.
- Use your map to teleport( Enterprise,this is captain Kirk) to the crossroads,
- go RU-vines and talk to the golum again. In conversation take option 1 to
- hand over your Specimen-jar with Stew. You get his fishing rod, so start
- fishing.
- Now teleport(Spock here, captain) to the Sleeping Giant. Since you'll have to
- wake him use the Sousaphone. It works! he knocks over the tree so you can pass
- it.
- Go R-R and enter the cave. Watch the dragon-scene and get blown out. Re-enter
- the cave and use Cold-remedy on dragon. Re-re-enter the cave and take the
- fire-extinguisher. Leave the cave and use your Hook with the Boulder on top
- of the cave. Click on Boulder to climb the cave. Once up walk to the Hole and
- use your Rope&Magnet with Hole untill you have 40 gold coins and go down the
- way you came.
- Once down, go RU and pickup the Rock. Look at it. Hey, got an idea ????
- Go R-R-R till you come to the tree with the pink spot. Talk to the tree.
- Talk to the tree ??????
- YES, TALK TO THE TREE !!!!! After this use White Spirit on Pink Splodge to
- remove the stain from the tree. Talk to the tree to get your first Magic
- words.
- Now zap to the sleeping giant, walk L and use your Metal detector. YES !!!!!
- You have found your milrith(easy, isn't it ?)
- Now go to the hole of Indian Johnny(map:centre of forest,left) and give
- him the rock with the fossil in it. Shit, you have to get the fossil out.
- Now zap back to the village. Hey, there is a box in front of the store...
- So, use box I should say.. Now wait and when arrived open box.
- Behind you on the floor is a Rat-bone. Pick it up. Look at the boxes and find
- your Spellbook. Take a look at your Spellbook. There's a paper in it. Use
- Paper on Door. Use Ratbone at Lock. Pickup paper. Use Key on Lock. Open Door.
- Step through the doorway and pickup the Bucket. Go down now..
- Open the Iron Maiden and pick up the Mints. Talk to the druid.
- Now walk up and down the stairs and remove the Ring. Talk to the druid again.
- You have to prove your innocence to him by using his silver cross on your
- forehead. After that ask him if he got any ideas to escape. Now use your last
- found bucket on the druid. See the fiery pot in the middle of the room ?
- There's a flaming brand there which we'll gonna use on the druid.
- Now step into the Iron Maiden and wait for the druid to return. open the Iron
- Maiden and pick up the hacksaw the druid brought you. Use your hack-saw on
- the bars and free you are.
- Oh yes, the fossil....
- Zap back to the village and go to the blacksmith. Use your Rock with his Anvil
- to get the Fossil out. Since you're in town now why don't you pay the druid a
- visit ? Talk to him and ask for his help. Sure, the old Succer will help you..
- IN EXHANGE FOR FROGSBANE !!!!! So use your Placard now to kill the old bastard.
- It won't work ???? Programmers, why not ????
- Zap now to the Centre of the forest and go Left.
- Give the fossil to Incata Jambory down the Hole and tell him you found it where
- your detector is.
- Now go to your detector(map:sleeping giant-L). And have a look at the dirt.
- Pick up the Milrith-ore. Zap back to the village and give the Milrith-ore to
- the blacksmith. He makes an axe-head for you.
- Use map to Centre of forest-RD-R and give the axe-head to the woodcutter..
- He's so happy with it he'll gonna try it at once... So you can enter his house
- now. So do it. Inside pick up the climbing pin. Next use the fire-extinguisher
- to put the fire out. See the hook above the fire place ? Move it and an exit
- down becomes vissible. Go down and pick up a piece of Mahogany.
- Now go to the swamplings house(map:centre of forest-RU-R-R-R). Enter the house
- and go down the trapdoor. Walk R. The plank is loose. Use the Nail on Plank.
- Now walk Right. See the flowers on top of the skull ? It's Frogsbane.....
- Zap over to the witch cottage and go R-R to reach the treestump.. Talk to the
- woodworms in the treestump and let them eat your piece of Mahogany.
- So now go back to the druids place and hand over the Frogsbane. He'll give you
- the potion. He's no use to the rest of the game so kill him now if you like too.
- Next go back to the repulser house(map:cross roads-RD).
- Use Hair to enter the house.
- Once inside use the Woodworms on the Floorboards. You fall down through the
- hole and see another hole in the floor. Use your ladder on this hole.
- Go down and open the Tomb. Aaaaarrrggghhhh. You're outside now. Re-enter the
- tomb-room and open it again. If the mummy steps out be quick. At his rearside
- there's a peace of Loose Bandage. Pick this up and see what happens. Once
- destroyed you can pick up his staff. Now that you have his staff you can become
- a real wizkid.
- Zap to the village and go to the Drunken Druid. Inside walk Right to the side-
- room. There are four wizards here. Talk to them and tell them that you do any-
- thing to become a wizard. They are all gay so bend over and pull up your robe.
- Nah, they want your staff, uh, THE Staff. So talk to them again and give them
- the staff. After you,ve done that they want money too, so give them their
- money. You get your WizKid Wallet in return.
- Now that you are a real wizard you can go fight the witch. Use your map to go
- to the witch cottage. Open the door and step inside. See the mousehole in the
- back ? Good you'll need it later...All you need now is the broom so pick it
- up. Wrong!!! The witch appears. Challenge her for a duel. Play the duel till
- you win from the witch.(Hocus Pocus worked best for me...). If you win you
- pick up the broom automatically. The witch changes and you have to change too
- to defend yourself. Use the word "abracadabra" to change into a mouse and run
- to the mousehole quickly.
- Now use your map to go to the dragons cave.
- From here go RU-R. Use the Climbing Pin with the Hole and climb up.
- Talk to the snowman. To remove him from the scene consume a mint.
- Now walk R-R.
- You have arrived at Sordids Tower.
- Use your broom to fly over to the tower. Consume your Potion, and now you can
- enter the tower.
- Inside you meet your dog. See that you get one of his Hairs. He picks you up
- and puts you in the garden.
- In the garden pick up the Stone and the Leaf(both on the path) and the
- Matchstick inside the bucket. Now go Left
- Pickup the Lily-leaf here. Use your Matchstick with the Lily-leaf. Use your
- Leaf with the Matchstick. So now you have a boat. Pick up some seeds and go
- back to the shore. Use your Hair on the Tap. Use Stone on Seeds. You have
- some oil now. Use the Oil on the Tap. Move the Hair. Step on your Boat and go
- left.
- There's a frog here. Is it the Druid ? Nop, it's his mother...
- See the water at your right? Have a look at it. Do NOT pick up the Tadpole now
- but try to walk to the left first... So, had a good laugh? Pick up the Tadpole
- and talk to the Frog. Threathen to turn his little Tadpole into Froglegs(2)
- and the frog clears your path. Pick up the Mushroom and consume it to change
- back to normal size.
- Now pick up the Branch from the tree(on the right side). Open the door and
- enter the Tower. Re-enter the tower and use Branch on Chest. Now pick up the
- Shield and the Spear. Now go Down.
- Once down pick up chest. Use Spear with Skull. Pick up the Skull.
- Move the lever. Use chest with Block and move the lever again. Crack!!
- Move the Lever again and pick up the Candles. Go Up and Up.
- Now you're in Sordids bedroom. Pick up the Sock from the floor, the Book to the
- right, the Pouch on the bed and the Magic Wand in front of the mirror.
- Now use the Sock with the Pouch. Use the Pouch with the Hole. You captured the
- mouse? Good, talk to the mirror now. Go Up.
- There are two demons here. Pick up Chemicals(centre of the screen). Use the
- Chemicals on the Shield. Use the Shield with the Hook(centre of the screen).
- Pick up Book(behind chemicals). Now look at BOTH Books. Now go down and talk
- to the mirror again.Spy on the demons on the top floor.
- Now that you know their real names you can go back Up again.
- Talk to the demons for as long as it takes to offer them to return them to the
- pits. Do so and they tell you how to operate the teleporter.
- Step into the Teleporter and teleport out of here.
- Where am I ? Your on the Enterprise, Simon. Welcome aboard. But I don't know
- how to operate a starship ehh mister Spock. Oh in that case; Beam him out of
- here Scotty...Aye sir, teleporting now. And so your in the fiery pits now.
- Pick up the Pebble and the Sapling at your feet. Talk to the Attendant. he
- gives you a Brochure. Now look at your Brochure. Use the Elastic Band with
- the Sapling to turn it into a Phaser....uhh, Catapult.
- Use your Catapult with the Bell and the attendant flees. Pick up the Souvenir
- Matches from the counter and walk Right.
- Pick up the bucket of Floor Wax here and walk Right.
- Hey, Sordid id here.
- Use the Magic Wand on Sordid. Now light the Pit using the Souvenir Matches.
- All you have to do now is use the Magic Wand with the Lava.
- Is this the END ????? Nop, not yet.
- Once you've recovered from your fall go back to Sordid and use the Floor Wax
- on him.
- And now you can watch the end scene.........
- It took me 16 hours to replay the complete game and to write and type this
- solve.
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- | Christoph Hager | p7003ab@sunmail.lrz-muenchen.de | Always remember |
- | Herm.-Stockmann-Weg 6 | ping@nemesis ping@tappmud | Penguins |
- | 85778 Haimhausen | ping in any munich pirate BBS | are |
- | Bavaria/Germany | ++49-8133-2605 | forever |
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- | ... Windows, from those who gave us EDLIN |
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