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- Tex's Office.
- Getting Started in Tex's office.
- . Get all the mail by the door. (sales flyer, Gift Certificate, application.)
- . Get gun.
- . Examine at Phono Graph.
- . Play Phono Graph.
- . Examine Ex-wife's photo on desk.
- . Getting the credit card application for the Electronics shop from Tex's
- Office.
- . Examine the application.
- . Open the desk drawer.
- . Get the stamp.
- . Open the desk drawer.
- . Get the ink pen.
- . Combin the pen and the application to create a signed application.
- . Combin the stamp and the signed application to create a ready to mail
- application.
- . Examine at the fax Machine on top of the Cabinet.
- . Examine at the Crime link Computer on the table behind Tex's desk.
- . Examine mailbox.
- . Go down to the street and find a mailbox.
- . Examine Rusty's place.
- Find Some Work.
- . Go to the Pawnshop and talk to Rook.
- B-A-B-A-A-B-C
- . Get the glass shard, from the alley behind the pawnshop.
- . Examine shard, Red Hair. (clue)
- . Examine foot print, about size 14. (clue)
- . Get Basketball and play with it.
- . Pull down staircase.
- . Climb staircase and open door.
- . Examine dumpster.
- . Open the dumpster and look inside.
- . Examine radio
- . Get Radio.
- . Examine radio again getting batterys.
- . Examine batterys.
- . Open fence and go through to street.
- . Get the newspaper in front of the door at the Brew & Stew.
- . Examine the Newspaper and read all articles.
- . Go the newstand and talk to Chelsee. B-A-B-A
- Green eyes, and tattoo of anchor on arm. (clue)
- . Go to police station and talk to Mac Malden. A-A-C
- White, AB- (clues)
- . Getting Mac to talk about the Martian case will get you halfway there.
- 2
- . Go to alley and talk to bum unitl he tells you about his addiction.
- B-B.
- . Go to Brew & Stew and talk to Louie. B-C-A ask about all.
- . Go to alley.
- . Talk to man. C
- . Give pie to bum, ask about all.
- Norm, 6'3" or 4" 300 lb. (clues)
- . Find key in alley under trash can outside pawnshop.
- . Find key under Mate at Rusty's.
- . Examine locked door to storeroom.
- . Examine noosel in clowns head on wall.
- . Find key on Pole in Rusty's.
- . Get stacking ring off wall.
- . Play TV and find out about inspector Burns.
- . Unlock door to back room.
- . Open tank and look inside.
- . Get balloon from the sink.
- . Use balloon on valve in big face in main room to inflate balloon.
- . Get plastic dart, crossbow, mask, clown doll.
- . Go to your office and use comlink.
- [caucasian] - [male] - [6-0 - 6-4] - [281-320 lbs.]
- [mutant-no] - [red] - [two] - [green] - [AB-]
- [14] - [anchor]
- Locate Beek Nariz.
- . Go to Newstand and talk to Chelsee.
- . Go to Coit Tower.
- . Talk to Beek. B-B-A-B
- . Offer Beek the Surgery gift Certificate.
- . Ask about all.
- Locate Mick Flemm.
- . Go to the Warehouse.
- . Examine locked box on wall.
- . Open Crate get clothes.
- . Go up stairs and get key.
- . Use the key from warehouse on power box.
- . Pull lever and stop crain above upper lever.
- . Put batteries in clown doll.
- . Hang clown doll on crain hook.
- . Hide near switch box,
- . Pull switch box when Flemm comes in.
- . Use Flemm's keys to open storage box.
- . Examine box in a box.
- . Use key from alley to open strongbox.
- . Examine box getting Jade.
- . Travel to Tex's office. (starting a new day)
- 3
- . Get mail, and open mail getting credit card.
- . Examine credit card.
- . Go to Electronics shop and open door with card.
- . Talk to man. B-B
- . Use card on blue light special.
- . Get fax machine.
- . Travel to Tex's office.
- . Get fax #1.
- . Examine the fax.
- . Travel to Countess' Mansion.
- . Go to Newstand and talk to Chelsee. A-A - statuette - Franco Franco.
- . Go to Police station, and talk to Mac Malden.
- C- ask about Franco Franco.
- . Go to Pawnshop and talk to Rook.
- . Ask about Franco and Jade.
- . Go to alley open trash can with sign on it.
- . Get paper, and examine paper.
- . Travel to Alhombra Theater.
- . Talk to man in theater. B-B
- . Give Jade to Franco.
- . Ask Franco about the Mysterious artifact. -B
- . Go to Tex's office.
- . Get fax #2.
- . Examine fax.
- . Go to Police and talk to Mac Malden.
- . Ask about Eddie Ching, Knickerbocker.
- . Go to Knickerbocker.
- . Go to Electronic store.
- . Talk to Hamm Underwood. C-C-B-A.
- . Use credit card on Blue light special.
- . Get laser glass cutter.
- 4
- . Go to knickerbocker.
- . In Eddies library get book 'through the looking glass.'
- (on top of bookshelf.)
- . Examine book, opening and get key.
- . Open closet.
- . Examine trap.
- . Examine fish food.
- . Take trap.
- . Take fish food.
- . Open fish tank.
- . Use throw ring in tank.
- . Use fish fook on tank.
- . Go to Ching's Hallway and turn off the lasernet.
- . Use dart and dart gun on powerbox.
- . Throw water filled ring at lever.
- . Examine Geigger.
- . Examine and Take Geigger chow.
- . Examine fax and Take fax on floor.
- . Combine Geigger chow with trap.
- . Use trap on Geigger.
- . Go to Chings study and move mirror.
- . Move painting, and look at safe.
- . Get the Birthday fax on floor in front of table.
- 10/14/12
- . Use key in lock on wall between safe and mirror.
- . Get noose with trap.
- . Go to secret room.
- . Look at statue.
- . Move box.
- . Move picture.
- . Get bandana from statue.
- . Use bandand on dirty pull lever sign.
- . Use card in slot.
- . Use trap noose on statue.
- . Go back to your office.
- 5
- Finding Out who jumped you and Stole the Statue.
- . Talk to people in the neighborhood. to see who knows about the mugging.
- (Franny in the pizza parlor knows)
- . Talk to Franny, get note. A-B-A
- . Examine note.
- . Go to Brew & Stew.
- . Ask about Sal.
- . Open trash can outside Brew & Stew.
- . Get torn note.
- . Put the Note together it reads:
- --------------------------
- . Combine note with secret code.
- . Find missing letters.
- We have confirmed
- your appointment
- with Chastity at
- the suite in the
- Golden Gate Hotel
- at the usual time.
- the Password today
- is silicon.
- 6
- . Go to the Golden Gate Hotel lobby.
- . Talk to Ardo. B-B-C-C ask about all.
- . Re-enter hotel, 2nd time.
- . Combine Mask with Firesuit.
- . Enter Hotel 3rd time B-B-B.
- . Enter Password S I L I C O N
- . Go to hot tub room and look in vase, see cork.
- . Go to bedroom and open closet doors.
- . Examine Champahne glass.
- . Get Champagne glass.
- . Open and Examine all drawers and cabinets.
- . Examine magazine.
- . Examine locked drawer.
- . Get foil on table.
- . Go to hot tub room.
- . Use glass on hot tub, filling vase getting cork.
- . Move towel and look down the drain, seeing film and screwdriver.
- . Examine cork and get wire.
- . Go to bedroom and use wire to pick the lock on the locked drawer.
- . Open drawer and get shoelace.
- . Move picture and Examine twisty board game.
- . Go to Piano room.
- . Examine piano, sheet music, and bench.
- . Play piano.
- . Get the deodorizer magnet.
- . Combin the shoelace and the magnet getting a string magnet.
- . Move picture to the right of the bedroom door.
- . Examine name list of girls.
- . Go to hot tub room.
- . Use string magnet on screwdriver.
- . Use screwdriver on drain cover.
- . Get film from drain.
- . Go to Electronic shop.
- . Use credit card to by blue light special. (developing kit)
- . Combin film with developing kit.
- . Take pictures to Franny at pizza parlor. -C - mugging, - Pug.
- . Go to Coit Towers.
- . Talk to Beek. -C - Pug
- . Talk to Pug. C-B-C-C-B-B-B-B-B
- . Go to Colonel's office.
- . Talk to Orintal girl. A-C-B-A-A
- 7
- . Go to the Countess' Mansion.
- . Look at Eagle.
- . Use foil on eagle.
- . Get cigarette case, and examine case.
- . Get the note pieces from trash can.
- and put them together. (Not usefull)
- . Get the watch, from fireplace mantel.
- . Examine watch.
- . Move newspaper, and examine ashtray.
- . the first lines of the note read:
- ...circumstances...progressing smoothly...
- delighted to hear that Murphy was able to
- provide the final pieces of our puzzle.
- ---------------------------------------
- circumstances ---
- s are progressing smoothly
- delighted to hear that Murphy was able
- the final piece of our puzzle. He probably doesn't
- we repaid him by not killing him immediately
- he gets too nosy, don't be afraid to deal with
- meantime, go to the basionof Sancity and
- . Go back to the colonels office.
- . lift picture and look at picture.
- . Open desk drawers.
- . Get and Examine Greeting Card.
- . Get and Examine Envelope.
- . Move vase right side at bottom shelf.
- . Get computer disk.
- . Turn on computer, Use disk on computer.
- . Go to girl friends house, Melahn Tode's Apt.
- B-B-B-B-A ask about the colonel, chameleon, key.
- . Go back to Colonels office, use key on file cabnet.
- . open and take files.
- . Examine files.
- . Move Magazines on floor in front of door.
- . Get receipt.
- . Examine receipt.
- . Go to Melahn's apt.
- . Ask about the receipt. B
- . Go to Colonels office.
- . Move picture on left side of file cabinet.
- . Examine numbers, open safe.
- . Click left knob 5 times, niddle 7 times, right 1 time.
- . Get book.
- . Combin coded book with file.
- 8
- . Go to Roadside Motel.
- . Go to G.R.S.
- . Go to the R & D office and get access to Paul Dubois computer.
- . avoid the Security eye: get between the desk and wall and get down low.
- . Examine and Get wrench from floor.
- . Get pennet flag on wall.
- . Examine pennet getting computer card.
- . Examine and get small TV.
- . Goto HA office, Use wrench on vent on door.
- . Use Geigger on open vent, opening door.
- . Examine note on desk.
- . Get CD on desk.
- . Open drawers, getting CD and Passcard, Examine them.
- . Go to confrence room, open desk drawr and get cd-player.
- . Combine TV and CD-player and Company CD.
- . Examine magazine.
- . Go to Tuckers office.
- . Examine door control panel.
- . Use passcard to open door.
- . Examine safe control panel.
- . Examine safe door.
- . Use panel, use cd-player for voice on safe.
- . quickly on 30 seconds go in safe.
- . Examine statue, take statue.
- . Examine tape, Take tape.
- . Examine trash can Take shreaded note.
- . Go out and hide behind plants in corner.
- . When robot enters safe, quickly close safe.
- . Open drawers.
- . Read tape numbers: 142235
- . Get match.
- . Fix shredded Note.
- . Go to Supervisor's office and find out about Eva Schanzee.
- (one door to left.)
- . avoid security eye: hide behind the partition wall in the back corner.
- . open safe.
- . Turn on Eva's computer.
- . Find Eva's computer card , under her desk to the inside right side.
- . Use card on computer and watch computer...
- . Use mini disk on computer.
- . Examine safe.
- . Open safe. 142235
- . Get vial.
- . Examine vial.
- . Go to R&D office.
- . Examine Paul Dubeis desk.
- . Examine Paul Dubeis computer.
- . Turn on computer and use computer card.
- 9
- . Examine all doors.
- . Go to Conference room.
- . avoid security eye: hide behind desk and get low.
- . Look at screen.
- . Open cabinet door.
- . Examine panel on table.
- . Use panel on table.
- . Get key on ledge of wall left hand side of room.
- . Unlock cabinet doors.
- . Open doors.
- . Turn on vcr.
- . Use tape in vcr.
- . Examine statue, braking it, getting chip.
- . Combine chip with watch.
- . Examine watch again.
- . Go to your office.
- 10
- . Go to Bastion on Sanctity.
- . Look at the chameleon.
- . Go in small hallway.
- . Get small clamp.
- . Get strap.
- . Look at gargoyle head on wall, look at gem.
- . Get gem.
- . Combine clamp with strap, creating a slingshot.
- . Combine gem with sling shot, creating a loaded slingshot.
- . Use sling shot on vase, braking the vase.
- . Go to main room in Bastion.
- . Combine cigarette with vial.
- . Combine leathal cigarette with match.
- . Put leathal cigarette on table.
- . Watch computer show.
- . Look at Alaynah.
- . Move shield.
- . respond A - B - B - B
- . watch computer show.
- . Go to Broken Skull.
- . Order a manly drink. B - B - B - A
- . Offer her a $100 bill.
- . responde: A or B
- . When she asks for the token:
- respond B
- . Go to the Roadside Motel.
- . Talk to Alaynah.
- . Ask about token and silver dollar.
- . Go to Pawnshop.
- . Talk to Rook, ask about silver dollar.
- . Go to Broken Skull.
- . Talk to Girl. A
- . Show her silver dollar.
- . Talk to Ferrel Plus. A
- . Play the game with him.
- . Drinks on the house. A - (B or A) - (A or B or C)
- 11
- DAY 6.
- . Look at the pile of leaves.
- . Turn around and look at the door.
- . Look at the smoke alarm.
- . Open wall panel or right door.
- . Get lighter fluid.
- . Get the smooth stone.
- . Get the flint.
- . Get the rake.
- . Rake pile of leaves.
- . Put lighter fluid on pile of leave.
- . Combine stone with flint, creating a spark.
- . Put spark on pile of leaves.
- . In the hallway.
- . Go to Residential Deck. R L R R L
- . Get pipe.
- . Examine stasis room door.
- . Examine Emergency Room door.
- . Go to Stasis Room. R S R
- . Open door and go in.
- . Turn on.
- . Move left slider: 60
- . Move right slider: 12
- . Push button: EPINEPHRINE
- . Push button: ELCTRICAL SHOCK
- . Move Left slide: 90
- . Push button: SODIUM PENTATHOL
- . Push button: EPINEPHRINE
- . Move right slider: 14
- . Move left slider: 98.6
- . Move right slider: 16
- . Push button: EPINEPHRINE
- . Go to Observatory: L R L R S R L
- . Examine instruction paper.
- . Walk left.
- . Use key on Wall Panel, Opening wall panel.
- . Move Links 986 BOH
- . Get the mini Computer.
- . Get Cocktail gass.
- . Examine Glass, getting straw.
- . walk to right side of room.
- . Move plant exposing floor panel.
- . Examine floor panel.
- . Use pipe on floor panel.
- . Get computer cable.
- . Near exit door, look at small hole in wall.
- . Use straw on the Recessed Button in hole.
- . Combine mini Computer with Winter Chip, creating computer virus linkup.
- . Computer computer virus linkup with computer cable.
- . Use Computer Virus linkup on the moon child Computer.
- . watch show.