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- Subject: Mon in All SimCity 2000s
- From: ralph.baumgartner@wol.com (Ralph Baumgartner)
- Date: Wed, 1 Mar 95 10:49:00 -0800
- To One and All,
- I have finally found the elusive way to get extra cash in the windows
- version of SimCity 2000. Found this out after talking to one of the tech
- guys at Maxis yesterday.
- Generate a city in 2000, using any version of 2000 you want (dos, windows,
- mac). Do NOT try this with a city you import from classic - no matter how
- many times I tried, I could not get it to work on a simcity classic city
- that was converted. Make sure that you have highlighted the icon bar on
- the left side right before you are going to do this - seems to be a key.
- Type the following:
- buddamus
- It seems to work only with caps lock off - lower case only.
- Each time you do this, it gives you $500,000 more funds and turns on all
- the rewards (mayor's house, city hall, statue, dome, and all the arcos)
- without regard to the date or population you are at. This seems to be
- very much the same as on the mac when using porntipsguzzardo or
- topsguzzardo (depends on which mac version you have).
- Interesting idea for both pc and mac situations (for the mac, you luckily
- do not have to switch as on the pc between dos and windows versions,
- otherwise do the same):
- Start a new city in 2000 for dos but do NOT do any building or other stuff
- yet. Type FUND and take the bond at 25% interest; repeat again. Now open
- the budget window and then the bond window - take out a bond. The bond
- offered will be at .% interest. If it is not, you did something after
- starting your city up which you can not do to get this to work right.
- Accept the bond at .% and immediately pay back the other 2 bonds at 25%
- interest ONLY. Close the bond window and forget the bond window forever
- for this city. You will now have an income of over $1.4 million (pc) /
- $1.3 million (mac) every year of your city's being. Go a head and lower
- your tax rate to either 1 or 0% - you will have more than enough funds for
- this city for the rest of its life so you dont have to worry about income
- from your citizens and they will more than move in.
- Now save your city and start 2000 for windows and load your city from the
- previous step (for the mac, just continue working on your city).
- Highlight the icon bar on the left side and type the magic word for your
- system for an additional $500,000 as well as all the rewards being
- available. The major item a lot of people would be interested in at this
- point, it would seem, are all the different arcos. Imagine building a
- city with a date of 1900 and making all lauch arcos for the whole city all
- at once??? I dont generally build cities with arcos but I know a lot of
- people who just love them for the large populations. So now the pc folks
- have the same capabilities as the mac folks do for 2000. Just repeat the
- magic word for more $500,000 incomes real quick if you want. If you do
- the earlier, you probably will not if you wait a few years to build up
- your funds.
- Now you can either save your city and go back to 2000 for dos (for speed)
- or just keep in windows and continue on your way. Since I have access to
- both 2000 for dos and windows, this seems a great way to go for cities
- made in 2000. Have not tried, but would be interesting to see what
- happens with cities that used these ways and were imported to the other
- platform (pc to mac or mac to pc).
- Have fun and build lots of cities
- ralph.baumgartner@wol.com
- ---
- * WinQwk 2.0b#0 * Unregistered Evaluation Copy
- Here are the codes you've all been whinging for...
- Type in C-A-S-S to get a small amount of money, but beware, for if you type
- it in too often you will get a fire storm (Hint: Just stick with the Double
- F-U-N-D code!).
- Type in P-O-R-N to hear a guy say "I can't get enough!"
- Type in V-E-R-S to see what version of SC 2000 you own.
- Type in M-E-M-Y to see how much free memory you have.
- Type in D-A-M-N, D-A-R-N, H-E-L-L, or H-E-C-K and all you residential zones
- will form into churches (Don't do this cheat, for there is no way reverse the
- process).
- To get 500,000 and all the rewards Click on the toolbar like you were going
- to move it and then type B-U-D-D-A-M-U-S.
- If you have a MAC, just type in PORNTIPSGUZZARDO and you will become 500,000
- dollars richer! Do it as much as you wish.
- Here are some cheats:
- This works early in your city. When industrial, comercial, or residencial
- drops to zero or into the negative, save your city. Then reopen the city from
- FILE. After one month passes BANG, your demand shoots up. If that's not
- enough for you, do it again and BANG, all three get another shot in the arm.
- Here is a way to fool SimCity 2000 into thinking you
- always have a water surplus and make those water shortage
- messages go away. Before you add any water pumps to your
- city, do the following:
- 1. Pick an area on the outskirts of your city and de-zone
- a 3x3 grid
- 2. Place a single water pump in the center of this grid
- 3. Connect the water pump to power
- 4. DO NOT connect any pipes to this pump
- Now go back to building your city. Pretty soon you will
- see the water shortage messages go away and if you open
- your graph window and select water, you will see that
- the line has shot up to maximum capacity. E-Mail me if you have any questions
- or comments!
- One of the undocumented features of Sim City 2000 is the
- ability to "erase" a structure that you have built and
- then be able to re-use that land space while still
- retaining the population values from the original
- structure. I have been able to use this technique to
- "erase" 140 Launch Arcos and rebuild over the reclaimed
- land space. When to use the query tool, the sim still
- tells you it "sees" an arco. Here's how you do it:
- 1. Make a backup copy of your city in case you mess up
- 2. Click on the water/tree icon
- 3. Select trees
- 4. Hold down the shift key and the left mouse button
- 5. Slowly drag the mouse cursor over the tiles you want
- to erase while continuing to hold down the shift key
- and depressing the mouse button. You will see your
- structures "disappear".
- 6. Make frequent use of the rotate view tool to make sure
- you only erase the tiles you have selected
- 7. If you release the shift key or mouse button by mistake,
- go back to step 2 and start over.
- To do this code you need a Binary File Disk Editor like Norton's Disk Editor.
- Open Up Your City File From Here and Go To The String Of 4 Hexidecimals that
- looks like this:
- 00 02 4E 20
- Change The 00 to a 7F which will give you $2,139,029,504.00 to your city's
- funds. And don't worry ... it's not illegal !!!
- debugger menu--type "oigevald"
- By Julius Roberts (julius_r@postoffice.sandybay.utas.edu.au)
- The Mega-Cheat for SIM CITY 2000 DOS!
- Updated to include V1.1.
- This cheat will give you $500,000 and all technologies and rewards.
- V1.0:
- You might want to pause the game first, to avoid being interrupted
- by some event before you've completed the whole sequence.
- Then follow these simple instructions...
- 1. Press Ctrl-F3.
- 2. Click on the Rotate Counterclockwise icon.
- 3. Click on the Resize box (lower right corner of City Window).
- 4. Click on the Status Window.
- 5. Click on the Population icon.
- 6. Click anywhere inside the City Window.
- 7. Pull down the Disasters menu and select the horizontal line between
- Riots and No Disasters.
- V1.1:
- Just type TORG.
- Yo can also try typing FISH, but it doesn't appear to do anything useful.