home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
INI File | 1996-08-28 | 29.1 KB | 1,836 lines |
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- ;; ;;
- ;; FRAGILE Install Script ;;
- ;; Copyright (c) 1996 Gremlin Interactive Ltd. ;;
- ;; ;;
- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
- Colours=1,1,1
- Language=American
- DefaultLanguage=American
- OSVersion=5.00
- CPUType=486
- FPUType=Builtin
- BaseMemory=409600
- ExtendedMemory=0
- ExpandedMemory=0
- ConfigurationFileName=CONFIG.INI
- ReadMeFileName=README.TXT
- DefaultPath=\FRAGILE
- CDSpeedTest=DOS4GW.EXE
- BootDiskConfig
- {
- FILES=20
- BUFFERS=20,0
- REM Remember to insert your CD driver and mouse driver if necessary.
- }
- BootDiskAutoexec
- {
- c:\DOS\SmartDrv
- C:
- REM Remember to insert your CD driver and mouse driver if necessary.
- }
- Installation
- {
- @Installing
- ;copy %SourcePath%\readme.txt
- ;copy %SourcePath%\install.exe
- md install
- copy %SourcePath%\install\*.drv install
- copy %SourcePath%\install\*.exe install
- copy %SourcePath%\install\*.ini install
- copy %SourcePath%\*.*
- del *.id
- md _text
- md _save
- md _intro
- md _ma
- md _scitek
- md _b
- md _s
- md _m
- md _p
- md _ms
- md _av
- md _trade
- md _photo
- md _zoom
- md _comms
- md _sfx
- md _music
- copy %SourcePath%\_text\*.* _text
- copy %SourcePath%\_intro\*.256 _intro
- copy %SourcePath%\_b\*.* _b
- copy %SourcePath%\_s\*.* _s
- copy %SourcePath%\_m\*.* _m
- copy %SourcePath%\_p\*.* _p
- copy %SourcePath%\_ms\*.* _ms
- copy %SourcePath%\_av\*.* _av
- copy %SourcePath%\_trade\*.* _trade
- copy %SourcePath%\_photo\*.* _photo
- copy %SourcePath%\_sfx\*.* _sfx
- copy %SourcePath%\_comms\*.256 _comms
- copy %SourcePath%\_ma\*.256 _ma
- copy %SourcePath%\_scitek\*.256 _scitek
- copy %SourcePath%\_zoom\*.256 _zoom
- [Standard,Maximum;American]
- copy %SourcePath%\_music\*.* _music
- [Maximum;American]
- copy %SourcePath%\_ma\*.vid _ma
- copy %SourcePath%\_zoom\*.vid _zoom
- }
- Minimum=41000000
- Standard=55000000
- Maximum=88000000
- ;Sound Card Detection Info and Order
- AudioCard=GravisMAX
- {
- DIGIID=e028
- MIDIID=a00a
- MIDIMenu=GravisMusicPortMenu
- }
- AudioCard=Ensoniq
- {
- DIGIID=e01e
- MIDIID=a001
- MIDIMenu=MidiPortMenu
- }
- AudioCard=Microsoft
- {
- DIGIID=e00c
- MIDIID=a009
- MIDIMenu=FMPortMenu
- }
- AudioCard=SoundBlaster16
- {
- DIGIID=e018
- MIDIID=a009
- MIDIMenu=FMPortMenu
- }
- AudioCard=SoundBlasterPro
- {
- DIGIID=e001
- MIDIID=a009
- MIDIMenu=FMPortMenu
- }
- AudioCard=SoundBlaster
- {
- DIGIID=e000
- MIDIID=a002
- MIDIMenu=FMPortMenu
- }
- AudioCard=Gravis
- {
- DIGIID=e024
- MIDIID=a00a
- MIDIMenu=GravisMusicPortMenu
- }
- Menu=Language
- {
- Title=LanguageTitle,%Language
- Item=SelectAmerican,AmericanHelp,%American
- Default=SelectAmerican
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=Installation
- {
- Title=InstallationTitle
- Item=MinimumInstallation,MinimumInstallationHelp,%Minimum
- Item=StandardInstallation,StandardInstallationHelp,%Standard
- Item=MaximumInstallation,MaximumInstallationHelp,%Maximum
- Default=StandardInstallation
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=MainMenu
- {
- Title=MainTitle
- Item=ReadMe,ReadMeHelp,$ReadMe
- Item=SetSoundDevice,SetSoundDeviceHelp,$SetSoundDevice
- ;Item=SelectController,SelectControllerHelp,>ControllerMenu
- ;Item=BootDisk,BootDiskHelp,$BootDisk
- ;Item=Uninstall,UninstallHelp,$UnInstall
- Item=Exit,ExitHelp,$Exit
- Default=ReadMe
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=MusicMenu
- {
- Title=SelectMusicCard,%MusicCard
- ;Item=CDAudio,CDAudioMusicHelp,%0xCD
- Item=GeneralMidi,GeneralMidiMusicHelp,%0xa001,>MidiPortMenu
- Item=RolandMT32,RolandMT32Help,%0xa004,>RolandPortMenu
- Item=SoundCanvas,SoundCanvasMusicHelp,%0xa001,>RolandPortMenu
- Item=Microsoft,MicrosoftMusicHelp,%0xa002,>FMPortMenu
- Item=GravisMAX,GravisMAXMusicHelp,%0xa00a,>GravisMusicPortMenu
- Item=Gravis,GravisMusicHelp,%0xa00a,>GravisMusicPortMenu
- Item=AWE32,AWE32MusicHelp,%0xa008,>AWE32PortMenu
- Item=SoundBlaster16,SoundBlaster16MusicHelp,%0xa009,>FMPortMenu
- Item=SoundBlasterPro,SoundBlasterProMusicHelp,%0xa009,>FMPortMenu
- Item=SoundBlaster,SoundBlasterMusicHelp,%0xa002,>FMPortMenu
- ;Item=Adlib,AdlibMusicHelp,%0xa002,>FMPortMenu
- Item=NoAudio,NoMusicHelp,%0x0
- Default=NoAudio
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SoundMenu
- {
- Title=SelectSoundCard,%SoundCard
- Item=GravisMAX,GravisMAXSoundHelp,%0xe027,>GravisPortMenu
- Item=Gravis,GravisSoundHelp,%0xe023,>GravisPortMenu
- Item=Ensoniq,EnsoniqSoundHelp,%0xe01e,>EnsoniqSoundPortMenu
- Item=Microsoft,MicrosoftSoundHelp,%0xe00b,>MicrosoftSoundPortMenu
- Item=AWE32,AWE32SoundHelp,%0xe018,>SB16PortMenu
- Item=SoundBlaster16,SoundBlaster16SoundHelp,%0xe018,>SB16PortMenu
- Item=SoundBlasterPro,SoundBlasterProSoundHelp,%0xe00f,>SBProPortMenu
- Item=SoundBlaster,SoundBlasterSoundHelp,%0xe000,>SBPortMenu
- Item=NoAudio,NoSoundHelp,%0x0
- Default=NoAudio
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=ControllerMenu
- {
- Title=SelectController,%Controller
- Item=Keyboard,KeyboardHelp,%Keyboard
- Item=Mouse,MouseHelp,%Mouse
- Item=AnalogJoystick,AnalogJoystickHelp,%AnalogJoystick
- Item=DigitalJoystick,DigitalJoystickHelp,%DigitalJoystick
- Default=Keyboard
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=FMPortMenu
- {
- Title=SelectPortAddress,%MusicPort
- Item=DefaultPort388,Port388Help,%0x388
- Default=DefaultPort388
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=MidiPortMenu
- {
- Title=SelectPortAddress,%MusicPort
- Item=Port220,Port220Help,%0x220
- Item=Port230,Port230Help,%0x230
- Item=Port240,Port240Help,%0x240
- Item=Port250,Port250Help,%0x250
- Item=Port300,Port300Help,%0x300
- Item=Port320,Port320Help,%0x320
- Item=DefaultPort330,Port330Help,%0x330
- Item=Port332,Port332Help,%0x332
- Item=Port334,Port334Help,%0x334
- Item=Port336,Port336Help,%0x336
- Item=Port340,Port340Help,%0x340
- Item=Port350,Port350Help,%0x350
- Item=Port360,Port360Help,%0x360
- Default=DefaultPort330
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=RolandPortMenu
- {
- Title=SelectPortAddress,%MusicPort
- Item=DefaultPort330,Port330Help,%0x330
- Item=Port332,Port332Help,%0x332
- Item=Port334,Port334Help,%0x334
- Item=Port336,Port336Help,%0x336
- Default=DefaultPort330
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=AWE32PortMenu
- {
- Title=SelectPortAddress,%MusicPort
- Item=DefaultPort220/620,DefaultPort220/620Help,%0x620
- Item=Port240/640,Port240/640Help,%0x640
- Item=Port260/660,Port260/660Help,%0x660
- Item=Port280/680,Port280/680Help,%0x680
- Default=DefaultPort220/620
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=GravisMusicPortMenu
- {
- Title=SelectPortAddress,%MusicPort
- Item=Port210,Port210Help,%0x210
- Item=DefaultPort220,Port220Help,%0x220
- Item=Port230,Port230Help,%0x230
- Item=Port240,Port240Help,%0x240
- Item=Port250,Port250Help,%0x250
- Item=Port260,Port260Help,%0x260
- Default=DefaultPort220
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=GravisPortMenu
- {
- Title=SelectPortAddress,%SoundPort,>GravisIRQMenu
- Item=Port210,Port210Help,%0x210
- Item=DefaultPort220,Port220Help,%0x220
- Item=Port230,Port230Help,%0x230
- Item=Port240,Port240Help,%0x240
- Item=Port250,Port250Help,%0x250
- Item=Port260,Port260Help,%0x260
- Default=DefaultPort220
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=GravisIRQMenu
- {
- Title=SelectIRQ,%SoundIRQ,>GravisDMAMenu
- Item=IRQ2,IRQ2Help,%2
- Item=IRQ3,IRQ3Help,%3
- Item=IRQ5,IRQ5Help,%5
- Item=IRQ7,IRQ7Help,%7
- Item=DefaultIRQ11,IRQ11Help,%11
- Item=IRQ12,IRQ12Help,%12
- Item=IRQ15,IRQ15Help,%15
- Default=DefaultIRQ11
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=GravisDMAMenu
- {
- Title=SelectDMA,%SoundDMA
- Item=DefaultDMA1,DMA0Help,%1
- Item=DMA3,DMA0Help,%3
- Item=DMA5,DMA0Help,%5
- Item=DMA6,DMA0Help,%6
- Item=DMA7,DMA0Help,%7
- Default=DefaultDMA1
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=EnsoniqSoundPortMenu
- {
- Title=SelectPortAddress,%SoundPort,>EnsoniqIRQMenu
- Item=Port320,Port320Help,%0x320
- Item=DefaultPort330,Port330Help,%0x330
- Item=Port340,Port340Help,%0x340
- Item=Port350,Port350Help,%0x350
- Default=DefaultPort330
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=EnsoniqIRQMenu
- {
- Title=SelectIRQ,%SoundIRQ,>EnsoniqDMAMenu
- Item=IRQ2,IRQ2Help,%2
- Item=DefaultIRQ5,IRQ5Help,%5
- Item=IRQ7,IRQ7Help,%7
- Item=IRQ10,IRQ10Help,%10
- Default=DefaultIRQ5
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=EnsoniqDMAMenu
- {
- Title=SelectDMA,%SoundDMA
- Item=DMA0,DMA0Help,%0
- Item=DefaultDMA1,DMA0Help,%1
- Item=DMA3,DMA3Help,%3
- Item=DMA5,DMA5Help,%5
- Item=DMA6,DMA6Help,%6
- Default=DefaultDMA1
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=MicrosoftSoundPortMenu
- {
- Title=SelectPortAddress,%SoundPort,>MicrosoftIRQMenu
- Item=DefaultPort530,Port530Help,%0x530
- Item=Port604,Port604Help,%0x604
- Item=PortE80,PortE80Help,%0xE80
- Item=PortF40,PortF40Help,%0xF40
- Default=DefaultPort530
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=MicrosoftIRQMenu
- {
- Title=SelectIRQ,%SoundIRQ,>MicrosoftDMAMenu
- Item=DefaultIRQ7,IRQ7Help,%7
- Item=IRQ9,IRQ9Help,%9
- Item=IRQ10,IRQ10Help,%10
- Item=IRQ11,IRQ11Help,%11
- Default=DefaultIRQ7
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=MicrosoftDMAMenu
- {
- Title=SelectDMA,%SoundDMA
- Item=DMA0,DMA0Help,%0
- Item=DefaultDMA1,DMA0Help,%1
- Item=DMA3,DMA0Help,%3
- Default=DefaultDMA1
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SB16PortMenu
- {
- Title=SelectPortAddress,%SoundPort,>SB16IRQMenu
- Item=DefaultPort220,Port220Help,%0x220
- Item=Port240,Port240Help,%0x240
- Item=Port260,Port260Help,%0x260
- Item=Port280,Port280Help,%0x280
- Default=DefaultPort220
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SB16IRQMenu
- {
- Title=SelectIRQ,%SoundIRQ,>SB16DMAMenu
- Item=IRQ2,IRQ2Help,%2
- Item=DefaultIRQ5,IRQ5Help,%5
- Item=IRQ7,IRQ7Help,%7
- Item=IRQ10,IRQ10Help,%10
- Default=DefaultIRQ5
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SB16DMAMenu
- {
- Title=SelectDMA,%SoundDMA
- Item=DMA0,DMA0Help,%0
- Item=DefaultDMA1,DMA1Help,%1
- Item=DMA3,DMA3Help,%3
- Item=DMA5,DMA5Help,%5
- Item=DMA6,DMA6Help,%6
- Item=DMA7,DMA7Help,%7
- Default=DefaultDMA1
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SBProPortMenu
- {
- Title=SelectPortAddress,%SoundPort,>SB16IRQMenu
- Item=DefaultPort220,Port220Help,%0x220
- Item=Port240,Port240Help,%0x240
- Item=Port260,Port260Help,%0x260
- Item=Port280,Port280Help,%0x280
- Default=DefaultPort220
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SBProIRQMenu
- {
- Title=SelectIRQ,%SoundIRQ,>SB16DMAMenu
- Item=IRQ2,IRQ2Help,%2
- Item=DefaultIRQ5,IRQ5Help,%5
- Item=IRQ7,IRQ7Help,%7
- Item=IRQ10,IRQ10Help,%10
- Default=DefaultIRQ5
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SBProDMAMenu
- {
- Title=SelectDMA,%SoundDMA
- Item=DMA0,DMA0Help,%0
- Item=DefaultDMA1,DMA1Help,%1
- Item=DMA3,DMA3Help,%3
- Default=DefaultDMA1
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SBPortMenu
- {
- Title=SelectPortAddress,%SoundPort,>SBIRQMenu
- Item=DefaultPort220,Port220Help,%0x220
- Item=Port240,Port240Help,%0x240
- Default=DefaultPort220
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SBIRQMenu
- {
- Title=SelectIRQ,%SoundIRQ,>SBDMAMenu
- Item=IRQ2,IRQ2Help,%2
- Item=IRQ3,IRQ3Help,%3
- Item=IRQ5,IRQ5Help,%5
- Item=DefaultIRQ7,IRQ7Help,%7
- Default=DefaultIRQ7
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SBDMAMenu
- {
- Title=SelectDMA,%SoundDMA
- Item=DMA1,DMA1Help,%1
- Default=DMA1
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=ConfirmExit
- {
- Title=ConfirmExit
- Item=Yes,YesHelp
- Item=No,NoHelp
- Default=No
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SaveChanges
- {
- Title=SaveChanges
- Item=Yes,YesChangesHelp
- Item=No,NoHelp
- Default=Yes
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=UnInstall
- {
- Title=UnInstallStart
- Item=Yes,YesUnInstallHelp
- Item=No,NoUnInstallHelp
- Default=No
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=Detect
- {
- Title=DetectConfirm
- Item=Yes,AutomaticHelp
- Item=No,ManualHelp
- Default=No
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SameCard
- {
- Title=UseThisCardMusic
- Item=Yes,YesDetectHelp
- Item=No,NoDetectHelp
- Default=Yes
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=ConfirmCard
- {
- Title=UseThisCardSound
- Item=Yes,YesCardHelp
- Item=No,NoCardHelp
- Default=No
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=SoundTest
- {
- Title=SoundTest
- Item=Yes,DoTestHelp
- Item=No,SkipTestHelp
- Default=No
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=BootDisk
- {
- Title=BootDisk
- Item=Yes,BootDiskHelp
- Item=No,NoUnInstallHelp
- Default=No
- Pos=-1
- }
- Menu=AdjustSettings
- {
- Title=Adjust
- Item=Yes,AdjustHelp
- Item=No,NoHelp
- Default=No
- Pos=-1
- }
- ;
- ; Title Message
- ;
- Message=FRAGILE
- {
- American="FRAGILE ALLEGIANCE Installation and Setup"
- }
- Message=InstallIntroduction
- {
- American=
- "Welcome to Install and Setup. This program will install FRAGILE
- to your hard drive and setup your music and sound devices, as
- well as choosing your preferred control device."
- }
- Message=SetupIntroduction
- {
- American=
- "Welcome to Install and Setup. This program will setup your music
- and sound devices for FRAGILE, as well as choosing your
- preferred control device."
- }
- Message=RunGame
- {
- American=
- "To run FRAGILE now type:
- FRAGILE [Return]
- To run FRAGILE at a later date type:
- CD %s [Return]
- FRAGILE [Return]
- "
- }
- ;
- ; Messages for Language Menu
- ;
- Message=LanguageTitle
- {
- American="Select Language"
- }
- Message=SelectAmerican
- {
- American="American"
- }
- Message=AmericanHelp
- {
- American="Select American Language"
- }
- ;
- ; Messages for Installation Menu
- ;
- Message=InstallationTitle
- {
- American="Choose Installation"
- }
- Message=StandardInstallation
- {
- American="Standard Installation 55 000 000 bytes"
- }
- Message=StandardInstallationHelp
- {
- American="Install the standard installation of FRAGILE"
- }
- Message=MinimumInstallation
- {
- American="Minimum Installation 41 000 000 bytes"
- }
- Message=MinimumInstallationHelp
- {
- American="Install the minimum installation of FRAGILE"
- }
- Message=MaximumInstallation
- {
- American="Maximum Installation 88 000 000 bytes"
- }
- Message=MaximumInstallationHelp
- {
- American="Install the maximum installation of FRAGILE"
- }
- ;
- ; Messages for Main Menu
- ;
- Message=MainTitle
- {
- American="Main Menu"
- }
- Message=DetectAudioCard
- {
- American="Detect Sound Device"
- }
- Message=SelectSoundCard
- {
- American="Select Sound Effects Device"
- }
- Message=SelectSoundCardHelp
- {
- American="Choose and setup device that will play sound effects"
- }
- Message=SelectMusicCard
- {
- American="Select Music Device"
- }
- Message=SelectMusicCardHelp
- {
- American="Choose and setup device that will play music"
- }
- Message=SetSoundDevice
- {
- American="Select Sound Device"
- }
- Message=SetSoundDeviceHelp
- {
- American="Choose and setup devices to play sound effects and music"
- }
- Message=SelectController
- {
- American="Select Controller"
- }
- Message=SelectControllerHelp
- {
- American="Choose preferred control method"
- }
- Message=ReadMe
- {
- American="Read 'READ.ME'"
- }
- Message=ReadMeHelp
- {
- American="Read about any latest changes that may not have made the manual"
- }
- Message=BootDisk
- {
- American="Create Boot Disk"
- }
- Message=BootDiskHelp
- {
- American="Create a bootable floppy disk"
- }
- Message=Uninstall
- {
- American="Uninstall"
- }
- Message=UninstallHelp
- {
- American="Delete FRAGILE from your hard disk"
- }
- Message=Exit
- {
- American="Exit"
- }
- Message=ExitHelp
- {
- American="Exit Install and Setup"
- }
- ;
- ; Messages for Music playback and Sound Effects Device
- ;
- Message=CDAudio
- {
- American="Compact Disc Audio"
- }
- Message=CDAudioMusicHelp
- {
- American="Select Compact Disc as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=GeneralMidi
- {
- American="General Midi"
- }
- Message=GeneralMidiMusicHelp
- {
- American="Select General Midi as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=RolandMT32
- {
- American="Roland MT32"
- }
- Message=RolandMT32Help
- {
- American="Select Roland MT32 or Roland LAPC-I as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=SoundCanvas
- {
- American="Sound Canvas"
- }
- Message=SoundCanvasMusicHelp
- {
- American="Select Roland Sound Canvas or Roland SCC-I as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=Microsoft
- {
- American="Microsoft Sound System"
- }
- Message=MicrosoftMusicHelp
- {
- American="Select Microsoft Sound System as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=MicrosoftSoundHelp
- {
- American="Select Microsoft Sound System as Sound Effects Device"
- }
- Message=GravisMAX
- {
- American="Gravis Ultrasound MAX"
- }
- Message=GravisMAXMusicHelp
- {
- American="Select Advanced Gravis Ultrasound MAX as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=GravisMAXSoundHelp
- {
- American="Select Advanced Gravis Ultrasound MAX as Sound Effects Device"
- }
- Message=Gravis
- {
- American="Gravis Ultrasound"
- }
- Message=GravisMusicHelp
- {
- American="Select Advanced Gravis Ultrasound as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=GravisSoundHelp
- {
- American="Select Advanced Gravis Ultrasound as Sound Effects Device"
- }
- Message=Ensoniq
- {
- American="Ensoniq Soundscape"
- }
- Message=EnsoniqSoundHelp
- {
- American="Select Ensoniq Soundscape as Sound Effects Device"
- }
- Message=AWE32
- {
- American="Sound Blaster AWE32"
- }
- Message=AWE32MusicHelp
- {
- American="Select Sound Blaster AWE32 as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=AWE32SoundHelp
- {
- American="Select Sound Blaster AWE32 as Sound Effects Device"
- }
- Message=SoundBlaster16
- {
- American="Sound Blaster 16"
- }
- Message=SoundBlaster16MusicHelp
- {
- American="Select Sound Blaster 16 or 100% Compatible as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=SoundBlaster16SoundHelp
- {
- American="Select Sound Blaster 16 or 100% Compatible as Sound Effects Device"
- }
- Message=SoundBlasterPro
- {
- American="Sound Blaster Pro"
- }
- Message=SoundBlasterProMusicHelp
- {
- American="Select Sound Blaster Pro or 100% Compatible as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=SoundBlasterProSoundHelp
- {
- American="Select Sound Blaster Pro or 100% Compatible as Sound Effects Device"
- }
- Message=SoundBlaster
- {
- American="Sound Blaster"
- }
- Message=SoundBlasterMusicHelp
- {
- American="Select Sound Blaster or 100% Compatible as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=SoundBlasterSoundHelp
- {
- American="Select Sound Blaster or 100% Compatible as Sound Effects Device"
- }
- Message=Adlib
- {
- American="Adlib"
- }
- Message=AdlibMusicHelp
- {
- American="Select Adlib or 100% Compatible as Music Playback Device"
- }
- Message=NoAudio
- {
- American="NONE"
- }
- Message=NoMusicHelp
- {
- American="Do not play any Music"
- }
- Message=NoSoundHelp
- {
- American="Do not play any Sound Effects"
- }
- ;
- ; Messages for Port Address'
- ;
- Message=SelectPortAddress
- {
- American="Select a Port Address"
- }
- Message=Port210
- {
- American="210"
- }
- Message=Port210Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 210"
- }
- Message=Port220
- {
- American="220"
- }
- Message=DefaultPort220
- {
- American="220 (Default)"
- }
- Message=Port220Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 220"
- }
- Message=Port230
- {
- American="230"
- }
- Message=Port230Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 230"
- }
- Message=Port240
- {
- American="240"
- }
- Message=Port240Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 240"
- }
- Message=Port250
- {
- American="250"
- }
- Message=Port250Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 250"
- }
- Message=Port260
- {
- American="260"
- }
- Message=Port260Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 260"
- }
- Message=Port280
- {
- American="280"
- }
- Message=Port280Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 280"
- }
- Message=Port300
- {
- American="300"
- }
- Message=Port300Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 300"
- }
- Message=Port320
- {
- American="320"
- }
- Message=Port320Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 320"
- }
- Message=Port330
- {
- American="330"
- }
- Message=DefaultPort330
- {
- American="330 (Default)"
- }
- Message=Port330Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 330"
- }
- Message=Port332
- {
- American="332"
- }
- Message=Port332Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 332"
- }
- Message=Port334
- {
- American="334"
- }
- Message=Port334Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 334"
- }
- Message=Port336
- {
- American="336"
- }
- Message=Port336Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 336"
- }
- Message=Port340
- {
- American="340"
- }
- Message=Port340Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 340"
- }
- Message=Port350
- {
- American="350"
- }
- Message=Port350Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 350"
- }
- Message=Port360
- {
- American="360"
- }
- Message=Port360Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 360"
- }
- Message=DefaultPort388
- {
- American="388 (Default)"
- }
- Message=Port388Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 388"
- }
- Message=DefaultPort530
- {
- American="530 (Default)"
- }
- Message=Port530Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 530"
- }
- Message=Port604
- {
- American="604"
- }
- Message=Port604Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 604"
- }
- Message=PortE80
- {
- American="E80"
- }
- Message=PortE80Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to E80"
- }
- Message=PortF40
- {
- American="F40"
- }
- Message=PortF40Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to F40"
- }
- Message=DefaultPort220/620
- {
- American="220 (620) (Default)"
- }
- Message=DefaultPort220/620Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 220 (620)"
- }
- Message=Port240/640
- {
- American="240 (640)"
- }
- Message=Port240/640Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 240 (640)"
- }
- Message=Port260/660
- {
- American="260 (660)"
- }
- Message=Port260/660Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 260 (660)"
- }
- Message=Port280/680
- {
- American="280 (680)"
- }
- Message=Port280/680Help
- {
- American="Set Port Address to 280 (680)"
- }
- ;
- ; Messages for IRQ Values
- ;
- Message=SelectIRQ
- {
- American="Select an IRQ"
- }
- Message=IRQ2
- {
- American="2"
- }
- Message=IRQ2Help
- {
- American="Set Interrupt to 2"
- }
- Message=IRQ3
- {
- American="3"
- }
- Message=IRQ3Help
- {
- American="Set Interrupt to 3"
- }
- Message=IRQ5
- {
- American="5"
- }
- Message=DefaultIRQ5
- {
- American="5 (Default)"
- }
- Message=IRQ5Help
- {
- American="Set Interrupt to 5"
- }
- Message=IRQ7
- {
- American="7"
- }
- Message=DefaultIRQ7
- {
- American="7 (Default)"
- }
- Message=IRQ7Help
- {
- American="Set Interrupt to 7"
- }
- Message=IRQ9
- {
- American="9"
- }
- Message=IRQ9Help
- {
- American="Set Interrupt to 9"
- }
- Message=IRQ10
- {
- American="10"
- }
- Message=IRQ10Help
- {
- American="Set Interrupt to 10"
- }
- Message=IRQ11
- {
- American="11"
- }
- Message=DefaultIRQ11
- {
- American="11 (Default)"
- }
- Message=IRQ11Help
- {
- American="Set Interrupt to 11"
- }
- Message=IRQ12
- {
- American="12"
- }
- Message=IRQ12Help
- {
- American="Set Interrupt to 12"
- }
- Message=IRQ15
- {
- American="15"
- }
- Message=IRQ15Help
- {
- American="Set Interrupt to 15"
- }
- ;
- ; Messages for DMA Channel
- ;
- Message=SelectDMA
- {
- American="Select a DMA Channel"
- }
- Message=DMA0
- {
- American="0"
- }
- Message=DMA0Help
- {
- American="Set DMA Channel to 0"
- }
- Message=DMA1
- {
- American="1"
- }
- Message=DefaultDMA1
- {
- American="1 (Default)"
- }
- Message=DMA1Help
- {
- American="Set DMA Channel to 1"
- }
- Message=DMA3
- {
- American="3"
- }
- Message=DMA3Help
- {
- American="Set DMA Channel to 3"
- }
- Message=DMA5
- {
- American="5"
- }
- Message=DMA5Help
- {
- American="Set DMA Channel to 5"
- }
- Message=DMA6
- {
- American="6"
- }
- Message=DMA6Help
- {
- American="Set DMA Channel to 6"
- }
- Message=DMA7
- {
- American="7"
- }
- Message=DMA7Help
- {
- American="Set DMA Channel to 7"
- }
- ;
- ; Messages for Controller Type
- ;
- Message=Keyboard
- {
- American="Keyboard only"
- }
- Message=KeyboardHelp
- {
- American="Use keyboard for all controls"
- }
- Message=Mouse
- {
- American="Keyboard + Mouse"
- }
- Message=MouseHelp
- {
- American="Use mouse for main control, keyboard for rest"
- }
- Message=AnalogJoystick
- {
- American="Keyboard + Analog Joystick"
- }
- Message=AnalogJoystickHelp
- {
- American="Use analog joystick for main control, keyboard for rest"
- }
- Message=DigitalJoystick
- {
- American="Keyboard + Digital Joystick"
- }
- Message=DigitalJoystickHelp
- {
- American="Use digital joystick for main control, keyboard for rest"
- }
- ;
- ; Error Messages.
- ;
- Message=OSVersion
- {
- American=
- "FRAGILE does not support the DOS version you are currently
- running. You will need to obtain DOS 5.0 or above."
- }
- Message=CPUType
- {
- American=
- "FRAGILE needs to take use of the 32 Bit capabilities of a 486DX
- or above processor to run. The processor in your PC is only capable
- of 16 Bit operations."
- }
- Message=FPUType
- {
- American=
- "FRAGILE needs a floating point unit to run, your system does not
- include one. This usually means that you own an SX type machine."
- }
- ;
- ; Warning messages.
- ;
- Message=BaseMemory
- {
- American=
- "You do not have enough base memory to run FRAGILE. Try removing
- any unnecessary device drivers or TSRs from your CONFIG.SYS and
- AUTOEXEC.BAT files. If you have DOS version 6.0 or above then you
- could try running MEMMAKER from the DOS Prompt, alternatively choose
- 'Create Boot Disk' from the main menu."
- }
- Message=ExpandedMemory
- {
- American=
- "You should never get this message, as FRAGILE does not need any
- and tell them what has happened. The address and telephone number are
- on the back of the box."
- }
- Message=ExtendedMemory
- {
- American=
- "FRAGILE needs at least 3072K of EXTENDED memory to run, at
- present your system does not have enough free. The easiest solution
- to this problem is to choose 'Create Boot Disk' from the main menu."
- }
- Message=InvalidPath
- {
- American=
- "The path you have specified is either invalid or already exists,
- please choose another. If the directory you have chosen is a previous
- installation of FRAGILE , run Install and Setup from that
- directory to change the configuration."
- }
- Message=DiskSpace
- {
- American=
- "The drive you have selected does not have enough disk space
- to install FRAGILE, select another or exit to DOS and free
- some space."
- }
- ;
- ; Flow control messages
- ;
- Message=PressAKey
- {
- American="Press a key or click mouse to continue"
- }
- Message=ConfirmExit
- {
- American="Exit Install and Setup"
- }
- Message=SaveChanges
- {
- American="Save configuration"
- }
- Message=UnInstallStart
- {
- American="Delete FRAGILE"
- }
- Message=Yes
- {
- American="Yes"
- }
- Message=YesChangesHelp
- {
- American="Save any changes to configuration and Exit to DOS"
- }
- Message=YesHelp
- {
- American="Exit to DOS"
- }
- Message=No
- {
- American="No"
- }
- Message=NoHelp
- {
- American="Continue Install and Setup"
- }
- Message=NoUnInstallHelp
- {
- American="Return to Main Menu"
- }
- Message=YesUnInstallHelp
- {
- American="Delete FRAGILE from hard disk"
- }
- Message=DetectConfirm
- {
- American="Autodetect sound device?"
- }
- Message=ManualHelp
- {
- American="Set up the device manually, using the menus"
- }
- Message=AutomaticHelp
- {
- American="Try to detect your sound device"
- }
- Message=UseThisCardSound
- {
- American="Use this device for sound?"
- }
- Message=UseThisCardMusic
- {
- American="Use this device for music?"
- }
- Message=YesDetectHelp
- {
- American="Use the same device to play music as well as sound effects"
- }
- Message=NoDetectHelp
- {
- American="Choose a different device to play music"
- }
- Message=YesCardHelp
- {
- American="Use this device for sound"
- }
- Message=NoCardHelp
- {
- American="Keep looking for another device"
- }
- Message=SoundTest
- {
- American="Do sound test?"
- }
- Message=Adjust
- {
- American="Adjust Settings?"
- }
- Message=DoTestHelp
- {
- American="Do the test with the current settings"
- }
- Message=SkipTestHelp
- {
- American="Skip the test"
- }
- Message=AdjustHelp
- {
- American="Change the settings of the device"
- }
- ;
- ; Installation Messages
- ;
- Message=EnterDrive
- {
- American="Select Drive"
- }
- Message=EnterDriveHelp
- {
- American="Choose the drive you wish to install FRAGILE to"
- }
- Message=EnterPath
- {
- American="Enter Installation path"
- }
- Message=EnterPathHelp
- {
- American=
- "Type in the name of the directory you wish to install FRAGILE to"
- }
- Message=InstallationStart
- {
- American=
- "Install and Setup will now copy the necessary files to the drive
- and path that you have selected."
- }
- Message=InstallationOver
- {
- American="FRAGILE has successfully installed on to your hard disk."
- }
- Message=Installing
- {
- American=
- "FRAGILE is now being installed to your hard disk."
- }
- Message=InstallationFail
- {
- American=
- "FRAGILE has failed to install on to your hard disk. Consult your
- manual for assistance."
- }
- Message=Disk2
- {
- American=
- "Please insert the disk marked FRAGILE DISK TWO."
- }
- ;
- ; UnInstallation Messages
- ;
- Message=UnInstallFinished
- {
- American=
- "FRAGILE has been deleted and Install and Setup will now
- exit to DOS."
- }
- Message=UnInstalling
- {
- American="Deleting FRAGILE..."
- }
- ;
- ; Create boot disk messages
- ;
- Message=BootDiskStart
- {
- American=
- "Install and Setup will now create a boot disk for FRAGILE.
- Insert a blank floppy disk in your boot drive."
- }
- Message=CreatingBootDisk
- {
- American="Creating FRAGILE boot disk, please wait..."
- }
- Message=BootDiskSuccess
- {
- American=
- "Your FRAGILE boot disk is now ready to use. If necessary add
- your mouse and CD Drivers to the AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS
- on the disk."
- }
- Message=BootDiskFailure
- {
- American=
- "There was an error whilst creating the boot disk. Check that the
- disk is not write protected or try another disk."
- }
- Message=CardFailed
- {
- American=
- "Failed to initialise device, please try some different settings."
- }
- Message=InvalidPort
- {
- American=
- "The Port Address is incorrect, please try another setting"
- }
- Message=InvalidIRQ
- {
- American=
- "The IRQ is incorrect, please try another setting"
- }
- Message=InvalidDMA
- {
- American=
- "The DMA channel is invalid, please try another setting"
- }
- Message=MusicOnSoundCard
- {
- American=
- "The device you have selected for sound effects can also be used
- to play music."
- }
- Message=DetectWarning
- {
- American=
- "Install and Setup can automatically determine which sound device you
- have attached to your system, sometimes this can cause a system to
- hang, so the sound device can also be setup manually. If your system
- does hang during detection, reset your machine and try again, any
- device that did cause a hang will be ignored the next time."
- }
- Message=SampleWarning
- {
- American=
- "Install and Setup will now play a short sample to test the sound
- device. It is possible that if the sound device is incorrectly
- configured your system may hang."
- }
- Message=TuneWarning
- {
- American=
- "Install and Setup will now play a short tune to test the music
- device. It is possible that if the music device is incorrectly
- configured your system may hang."
- }
- Message=SoundHeard
- {
- American=
- "If you did not hear anything you may wish to change the settings"
- }
- Message=SoundComplete
- {
- American=
- "Sound and Music Device Setup is now complete"
- }