PC/CD Gamer UK 33
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INI File
371 lines
"Network Mission 1",200
"Network Mission 2",201
Demo Mission
Eliminate the Golem class gaurd mechs in the base interior.
Eliminate the Auto-Turret gaurding the upper portions of the eastern escarpment.
Retrieve the red pass key on the third floor of the security building.
Gain entrance to the storage depot in the cetral base area (blue pass key) and
eliminate the nuclear fuel crate stored within.
Von Soloman Plains-Kapak
Resistance headquarters has assigned the 108th the Von Solomon Plains as
its first area of operations. Your first mission is to clear the forward
mech command post at Kapak. Kapak is a small installation with a relatively
small contingent of light security mechs. Good luck.
Show the resistance what you are capable of. Destroy the first enemy that you come into contact with.
The resistance needs the metals of the Von Solomon Plains. Locate and retrieve the metals in this
Fort McPherson
Originally a colonial fort, McPherson has been in the hands of the mechs
for some time. You must neutralize this lightly defended forward base
before the more strategic Solomon interior can be assaulted.
We need to cripple the McPherson HQ for our resistance to be taken seriously. Eliminate all mechs
in the HQ.
The mechs have a look-out in this area, find him and destroy him.
The mechs are currently using the caves in McPherson as a backup HQ. Find the caves and clear them out.
McPherson is an important link in the mechs communication channel. Locate the communication station and put it out of commission.
Lake Tarsus
Solomon Control's central storage depot is located near the center of Lake
Tarsus. Intel believes the security this location affords the mechs may
mean they have stockpiled one or more of Solomon Control's failsafe keys
Locate the green key to gain access to the main building.
The shield 2 technology is located in the main building, find it and bring it back.
Lake Tarsus is home to the blue section of the failsafe key. I need not tell you how important this key
is to the resistance.
The mechs use Lake Tarsus to store communication equipment. Destroy their storage area and cripple
their communications.
Rongul Valley
From information you retrieved at Tarsus we were able to discover that the
remainder of the Solomon's failsafes are at Rongul Valley, a heavily
fortified base near the center of Solomon sector. They know you're coming,
so be expect a real fight.
The mechs are using the north west building as a command post in this area. Make
sure to clear out both sides of the building, since it is connected by an overhead walkway.
The Rongul Valley is home to the mechs Armor 2 technology. Find it and bring it back.
You did a good job last time finding the blue section of the failsafe keys. This time
find and retrieve the green section of Solomon's fail safe key.
The purple section of Solomon's failsafe key is also in this area. Find and retrieve it.
The Morrison Institute-Soloman Control
Solomon Control is located in the old Morrison Institute facility on an
islands in the heart of now deserted San Garamond. This is the first time
the resistance has been in a position to free an entire sector from mech
control, but it wont be easy. Good luck.
This is it. Find the remaining failsafe key and search out the Solomon Control.
Somewhere in the old Morrison Institute is a new power source that the resistance desperately needs.
Find it and bring it back.
Once you have all four of the Solomon failsafe keys proceed to the Solomon Control and use the
keys to destroy the Solomon Control once and for all.
Stromli Rolm
After your success in the Solomon Sector, the high command has decided to
assign the 108th to the more strategically important Vallence sector. Once
a borax harvesting operation Stromli has been turned by the mechs into a
small forward base. Stromli is the key to opening operations in Valence,
and must be neutralized.
Stromli contains the mechs last supply of borax. Find it and destroy it.
This entrance to the lava caves is heavily guarded. Clear out the entrance building so that
further mission might go smoother.
Destroy all exterior tanks.
Destroy all exterior long-heads.
The colonists who coined the name Quicksand for there small outpost are
gone, but the shifting sands and stagnant pools below this town on stilts
remains. The mechs now control Quicksand, and its precious titanium mines.
Quicksand is home to a new shield technology. Find it and bring it back.
We will be transporting you into a heavily fortified zone. Clear this zone as soon as possible.
We have learned of a new weapon being developed in the area. Locate it and we could have a new
weapon to help win the war.
Mt. Erebus
Mt. Erebus in Vallence sector erupts every year for two weeks. This years
eruption affords us an opportunity to infiltrate and recover part of the
Vallence failsafe known to be stored at the mech base near the Volcano.
Mt. Erebus is home to the mechs gas mines. Find and destroy this storage tank.
This is the mechs back-up storage tank. Destroy it as well.
The first part of the Vallence fail safe key is located here. You did a great job last time
finding the keys. Lets up this time goes as well.
Vallence is also home to the deadly walkers. Clean out Vallence of this deadly mech.
The mechs are holding the armor three technology on Vallence. This will be a great benefit to our
future mission. Find it and bring it back.
Argus Climb
The Argus Climb is the only way into the well protected vaults at Argus, as
our transporters are unable to penetrate the magnetic interference around
this mountain. Inside Argus are the final pieces to the Vallence failsafe.
Argus will be fully prepared for your assault, so take care.
The mechs are using Argus to develop a new power source. Steel their development and help the
The green failsafe key is located at Argus and is desperately needed.
Our transporters are having a hard time getting readings due to the Argus hills. We have
focused in on a pick-up zone. Go to this zone to get home. Good Luck!
Vallence Control
The Daminsk complex was built to shield the Daminsk Corporation's
executives during the fighting in the corporate wars. We have discovered
that this is now the secret location of Vallence Control. But beware, the
Daminsk labyrinths will be boobytrapped and well defended by some of the
mechs latest bots.
Obtain the last key failsafe key and go after Vallence Control.
Hidden in the caves beneath the Daminsk complex is a new weapon technology that might help put
the resistance on top for good. Find it and bring it back.
Find the location of Vallence Control and put an end to its existence.
Richardson Lakes
We've freed two sectors, but there are more than 78 control sectors planet
wide. Headquarters believes, however, that the whole planet is under a
single master control, and that the key to its location is in the Arapol
Mountains. Your fist assignment is to open the Arapol by taking the small
base near the old Richardson Lakes resort area.
Clear out the southern HQ. Use any means necessary.
There is a stash of plutonium in this area. Find it and bring it back.
Locate and bring back the power source hidden somewhere in the lake resort.
Van Grott Construction Site
The mechs have been anticipating our move into the Arapol sector, and are
constructing a major defensive base at Van Grott to stop us. If we move
now, we can eliminate this base now before it becomes a threat.
We have secured a pick-up zone for you. Get here after you complete the following objectives.
The mechs are developing a new armor technology somewhere in the construction yard. Locate it and
we will be able to increase your defenses.
You must destroy the mechs energy storage tank to totally cripple this base.
Storm Canyon Vaults
Another of the vaults built by the corporations near the end of the
corporate wars, Storm Canyon now contains the at least part of the
Arapol Control fail safe. Unfortunately, the Storm Canyon vault was
built in a location that is easily defended. The canyon bridges can be
exceptionally murderous to cross, so take care.
Destroy Storm Canyon Security Control Station. Hopefully this will lessen the resistance.
Locate and retrieve the fail safe key. Risk all but life and limb to bring it back.
A more powerful Armor technology is being developed here. Bring back this Armor, and the resistance may stand a chance.
Procylon is the code name for one of the mechs most heavily guarded
bases hidden deep in Arapol's Iron Mountains. Procylon, because of it's
location, is the obvious place for the mechs to try to hide the final
piece of Arapol Controls fail safe.
The most fortified post on Procylon is the North East Corner. Destroy all mechs at this post
Destroy the Power Generation Station Security mechs. This will allow an uninterrupted attack on the Power Station.
Destroy the Power Generation Station to cripple Procylon. Destroying this station will give you enough time
to destroy the Navigation Network.
Clear this base of mechs. This base is critical to the next mission.
Destroy the Navigation Network. This will allow easier access to the Gaidon Fortress.
Gaidon Fortress
We've known for some time that Arapol Control was located within Gaidon
bases hidden deep in Arapol's Iron Mountains. Procylon, because of it's
location, is the obvious place for the mechs to try to hide the final
piece of Arapol Controls fail safe.
A more powerful Shield technology is being developed here. Bring back the Shield technology.
Eliminate all Arapol Control security system guards. This will allow a clear shot at
the security system.
Destroy the Arapol Control security system.
Find the location of Arapol Control and destroy.