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INI File  |  1996-03-19  |  6KB  |  222 lines

  1. [timing]
  2. help_delay=500
  3. extended_help_delay=2500
  4. ; how quickly you have to move from one item to another without resetting timers
  5. change_delay=100
  7. [toolhelp]
  8. ; put \n where line feed is desired
  9. build_menu=build %s
  10. message_button="send message to\nselected players"
  11. building=%s
  12. player_select=select %s
  13. select_all=select all players
  14. worker_slider=adjust worker distribution
  15. academy_slider=adjust academy studies
  16. build_button=change production
  17. world_map_button=display world map
  18. map_button=display map
  19. player_button=end turn
  20. FontSize=11
  21. import_slider=adjust import preferences
  22. export_slider=adjust export preferences
  23. food_display=%s
  24. res_display=%s
  25. unit_in_city=%s in army
  26. warehouse=%s
  27. order_next_army=Next Army
  28. order_move_unit=Move unit to ..
  29. order_build_city=Build city
  30. order_set_route=Set up route
  31. order_fortify=fortify
  32. order_build_road=Build road
  33. order_cultivate=Cultivate land
  34. order_build_wall=Build wall
  35. order_set_patrol=Set patrol route
  36. order_more=More ..
  37. order_previous=Previous
  38. scroll=press right mouse button to scroll
  39. choose_character=choose %s
  40. building_site=site for %s
  41. order=%s
  42. terrain=%s
  43. next_city=next city
  44. next_army=next army
  45. next_whatever=next army or city
  46. movement_bar=remaining army movement points
  47. army_health=army health
  48. army_morale=army morale
  49. army_quality=army quality
  50. affinity=affinity for %s
  51. empire_display=%s
  52. other_player_display=%s
  53. city_health=health
  54. city_morale=morale
  55. city_quality=quality
  56. prod_this_turn=production this turn
  57. prod_next_turn=production next turn
  58. knowledge=%s
  59. worker=%s
  60. level_built=%s
  61. level_built_text=this level %s built.
  62. level_built_addtext=\nAllows construction of:
  63. level_not_built=%s
  64. level_not_built_text=this level %s not built
  65. knowledge_needed=%s needed
  66. enough_knowledge=enough %s
  67. warehouse_contents=%s
  68. event=%s
  69. mystery_culture=mystery culture
  70. game_setup_dialog=%s
  71. dplay_dialog_help=%s
  72. service_provider=%s
  73. join_game=%s
  74. saddlebag=food carried
  75. army_fed=army is fed
  76. army_starving=army is starving
  77. city_population=city population is %s
  78. school_display=researchers
  79. selected_city=selected city
  80. army_in_city=army in city
  81. city_production=current city production
  82. selected_army=currently selected army
  83. army_terrain=terrain where army is
  84. city_fed=city is fed
  85. city_starving=city is starving
  86. army_unit=%s
  87. random_map=Generate random map
  88. load_game=Load saved map or game
  89. two_player=Select 2 players
  90. three_player=Select 3 players
  91. four_player=Select 4 players
  92. player1_char=select culture for player 1
  93. player2_char=select culture for player 2
  94. player3_char=select culture for player 3
  95. player4_char=select culture for player 4
  96. player1_type=select player 1 type
  97. player2_type=select player 2 type
  98. player3_type=select player 3 type
  99. player4_type=select player 4 type
  100. gen_smallmap=generate small random map
  101. gen_medmap=generate medium random map
  102. gen_largemap=generate large random map
  103. back=previous screen
  105. [FoodDisplay]
  106. Fresh=fresh food
  107. Hungry=empty plate
  109. Stored=stored food
  110. Wasted=spoiled
  111. EatenFromStorage=food consumed from storage
  112. EatenByArmy=food consumed by army
  113. Freshx6=fresh food consumed (6x)
  114. Exported=exported food
  115. ImportedAndEaten=imported food consumed
  116. Imported=food imported
  117. ExtraEaten=surplus food consumed
  118. StoredByArmy=army supplies gathered for field
  120. [ResourceDisplay]
  121. Gathered=ore gathered
  122. Refined=ore refined
  123. ResNeeded=ore needed
  124. ProdNeeded=workers needed
  125. ResImported=ore imported
  126. ImportStored=imported ore stored
  127. ResExported=resources exported
  128. ResWasted=Resources wasted
  129. PopShort=Not Enough Population
  130. PopUsed=Population used in unit
  132. [WarehouseControls]
  133. AllowFood=store food
  134. AllowRes=store resources
  135. PreventExport=lock out export
  136. PreventImport=lock out import
  138. [MiscCityHelp]
  139. BuildNothing=no current setting
  141. [BuildingExtendedHelp]
  142. building0="helps:\nmorale\nempire"
  143. building1="helps:\nproduction"
  144. building2="helps:\ntrade"
  145. building3="helps:\nresearch"
  146. building4="helps:\nmorale\nsage research"
  147. building5="helps:\nresearch\nmorale\nempire"
  148. building6="helps:\ntroop quality\nempire"
  149. building7="helps:\nstorage"
  150. building8="helps:\ntroop quality"
  151. building9="helps:\ncity defense"
  154. [Orders]
  155. NOTHING="Stop order"
  156. PATROL="Set points\nfor patrol"
  157. ROUTE="Set two cities\nfor route"
  158. FORTIFY="Dig in and defend"
  159. BUILD_ROAD="Build a road"
  160. EXPLORE="Explore"
  161. CULTIVATE="Cultivate"
  162. FOUND_CITY="Found a settlement"
  163. MOVE_TO="Set a distant point\nto move army"
  164. CITY_NOTHING="Stop order"
  165. CITY_PATROL="Set points\nfor patrol"
  166. CITY_ROUTE="Set two cities\nfor route"
  167. CITY_FORTIFY="Tell army in city to\ndig in and defend"
  168. CITY_BUILD_ROAD="Tell army in city to\nBuild a road"
  169. CITY_EXPLORE="Tell army in city to\nExplore"
  170. CITY_CULTIVATE="Tell army in city to\nCultivate"
  171. CITY_FOUND_CITY="Tell army in city to\nFound a settlement"
  172. CITY_MOVE_TO="Tell army in city to\nset a distant point\nto move army"
  173. MORE_BUTTON="More buttons..."
  175. [WarehouseContents]
  176. Food="stored food"
  177. Resources="stored resources"
  179. [EmpireDisplay]
  180. EmptyPlate="population starving"
  181. ExtraEaten="extra food eaten"
  182. WastedFood="food gone to waste"
  184. [OtherPlayerDisplay]
  185. ImportEaten="imported food eaten"
  186. FoodExported="exported food"
  187. ImportUsed="imported resource used"
  188. ResourceExported="exported resource"
  190. [Workers]
  191. FoodGatherer="food gatherers"
  192. Student="researchers"
  193. Engineer="builders"
  194. ResourceGatherer="resource gatherers"
  196. [Knowledge]
  197. GeneralKnowledge="general knowledge"
  198. Sage="sage knowledge"
  199. Engineering="engineering knowledge"
  200. Medical="medical knowledge"
  201. Combat="martial knowledge"
  203. [Credits]
  204. designer_text=DESIGNER
  205. exec_text=EXECUTIVE PRODUCER
  206. producer_text=PRODUCER
  207. art_text=ART DIRECTOR
  208. qual1_text=QUALITY ASSURANCE
  209. qual2_text=MANAGER
  210. prog_text=PROGRAMMERS
  211. sound_text=SOUND AND MUSIC
  212. artist_text=ARTISTS
  213. ltest_text=LEAD TESTER
  214. test_text=TESTERS
  215. atest_text=ADDITIONAL TESTERS
  216. doc_text=DOCUMENTATION
  217. hist_text=HISTORY
  219. [Window]
  220. add_width=20
  221. add_height=20