Labels:text | picture frame | circle OCR: Altimeter: Shows your alti- tude. (note: this is feet ABOVE SEA LEVEL-- the ground will often be closer than this num- ber reads! 10 Vertical Speed Indicator (VSI): Shows how fast you are gain- ing or losing altitude, in feet or meters per second. 10 COCKPIT INSTRUMENTS 200 40 260 09 ALT 100 et selles ww 21:00 FBO (f /240 220 2.00 K. N 384 Tachometer: Shows engine speed, in Rotations Per Minute Click to go on 60 140 60 FLY 80 100/ 129 27 I S Airspeed Indicator: Shows your air- speed in Miles Per Hour, or Knots, depending on your airplane (the two are approximately equal). o J G-Meter: Registers stress on the airplane from acceleration, in units of one G (Earth Gravity). Records minimum and maxi- mum G's reached during a flight.