home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- (perm-space)
- (printy (get_directory "."))
- (break)
- (setq platform (platform))
- ; Load up the messages for the language we are using
- (setq section upgrade_section)
- (load "lisp/english.lsp")
- ; Get the version this game is using so we can compare it later
- (load "lisp/version.lsp")
- (setq current clive_version)
- (defun slash ()
- (select platform
- ('WATCOM "\\")
- ('UNIX "/")))
- (defun remove-slash (path)
- (if (equal (schar path (- (length path) 1)) (schar (slash) 0))
- (concatenate 'string (hack-string 0 (- (length path) 2) path))
- path))
- (defun hack-string (x1 x2 st)
- (if (<= x1 x2)
- (cons (schar st x1) (hack-string (+ x1 1) x2 st))
- nil))
- (defun append-slash (path)
- (if (equal (schar path (- (length path) 1)) (schar (slash) 0))
- path
- (concatenate 'string path (slash))))
- (defun sf (filename) (convert_slashes (concatenate 'string source_dir (slash) filename) (slash)))
- (defun tf (filename) (convert_slashes (concatenate 'string target_dir filename) (slash)))
- (defun go_there (path)
- (select platform
- (if (and (< 2 (length path)) (eq (schar path 1) #\:))
- (system (concatenate 'string (list (schar path 0) #\:))))
- (chdir (remove-slash path)))
- ('UNIX (chdir path))))
- (setq target_dir (get_cwd))
- (setq error nil)
- (let ((source_dir (append-slash (nice_input enter_old_dir
- "dir>"
- (if (equal (platform) 'WATCOM)
- "c:\\abuse"
- "~/abuse"))))
- (start_dir (get_cwd)))
- (if (not (dir_exsist (remove-slash source_dir)))
- (print (concatenate 'string dir_not_here source_dir))
- (progn
- (go_there source_dir)
- (if (and (load "lisp/version.lsp") (<= clive_version current))
- (progn
- (print (concatenate 'string already_updated))
- (print current)
- (print clive_version))
- (progn
- (for i in '("levels/level05.spe"
- "levels/level06.spe"
- "levels/level07.spe"
- "levels/level08.spe"
- "levels/level09.spe"
- "levels/level10.spe"
- "levels/level11.spe"
- "levels/level12.spe"
- "levels/level13.spe"
- "levels/level14.spe"
- "levels/level15.spe"
- "levels/level16.spe"
- "levels/level17.spe"
- "levels/level18.spe"
- "register/alien.spe"
- "register/alienb.spe"
- "register/ant.lsp"
- "register/boss.spe"
- "register/english.lsp"
- "register/flyer.lsp"
- "register/galien.spe"
- "register/green2.spe"
- "register/micron.vcd"
- "register/people.lsp"
- "register/powerup.lsp"
- "register/readme.txt"
- "register/tiles.lsp"
- "register/trees.spe"
- "register/trees2.spe"
- "register/weapons.lsp") do
- (if (and (not error)
- (not (nice_copy updating
- (sf i)
- (tf i)))
- (setq error T)
- )))
- (if (and (not error)
- (show_yes_no complete_title remove_old_reg yes-key no-key))
- (print "delete stuff"))
- )))))
- (go_there source_dir)