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- ;;;; This document is provided as is and no support is provided for
- ;;;; it by Origin or Crack dot Com. Use at your own risk.. blah blah blah
- ;;;; This file shows how to create a abuse level which uses your own
- ;;;; tiles without messing up the main abuse direcory structure & files.
- ;;;; The first important point is where to put your stuff.
- ;;;; All addons to abuse should be placed in the directory addon/
- ;;;; Abuse does not require this to be done, but it's a good idea so the
- ;;;; user can easily find/install/remove various addons.
- ;;;; if you do not already have the directory c:\abuse\addon, make it now.
- ;;;; If you created foretiles for abuse (using Satan Paint) you should
- ;;;; start numbering them at 1200 because the last of the registered
- ;;;; tiles end at 1100 something. Backtiles should start numbering at 350.
- ;;;; The command to renumber in Satan Paint is
- ;;;; /renumber 1200 "%d" 0-last
- ;;;; this renumbers all loaded tiles starting at 1200
- ;;;; Remember all images must be changed to the 'foretile' or 'backtile' type
- ;;;; The spaint command to do this is
- ;;;; /with all type foretile (or)
- ;;;; /with all type backtile
- ;;;; To have your tiles loaded into the game, you should create your
- ;;;; own Lisp Startup File (you can just copy this file and replace
- ;;;; the names with your own.
- ;;;; ****************** RUNNING PACKAGES *******************
- ;;;; For example to run this package, you should type :
- ;;;; abuse -a example
- ;;;; -a will load up the file addon/example/example.lsp
- ;;;; if you make a directory addon/joe and have a file joe.lsp in there
- ;;;; you can start abuse with abuse -a joe
- ;;;; ****************** CREATING PACKAGES *******************
- ;;;; to archive this package you should do the following
- ;;;; DOS :
- ;;;; cd c:\abuse\addon
- ;;;; pkzip -rp example.zip example\*.*
- ;;;; UNIX :
- ;;;; cd ~/abuse/addon
- ;;;; tar cvf - example/ | gzip -9 -c > example.tar.gz
- ;;;; ****************** INSTALLING PACKAGES *******************
- ;;;; to install this package you should type
- ;;;; DOS :
- ;;;; cd c:\abuse\addon
- ;;;; pkunzip -d example.zip
- ;;;; UNIX :
- ;;;; cd ~/abuse/addon
- ;;;; gunzip -c example.tar.gz | tar xvf -
- ;;;; Now the meat of this package :
- ;;;; Note that slashes should be FORWARD slashes even if
- ;;;; you are using DOS
- ;; load up some tiles I made. You can add more filenames
- ;; if you wish, but they should all be loaded from 'your' dir.
- (load_tiles "addon/example/example.spe")
- ;; set the first level to the one I made
- (set_first_level "addon/example/example.lvl")
- ;; load up the normal abuse startup file
- (load "abuse.lsp")