PC/CD Gamer UK 28
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~Mission Critical
Walkthru obtained via the Internet from Joseph Seymour.
Mission Critical Walkthrough - by Jamei
You begin the game in the Central Corridor on Deck Two of
the USS Lexington. The only item you have is Captain's Note.
Read it (You'll get VIS override code for Captain's stateroom).
Go to the computer terminal down the hall and use it. Go
through all of the text menu options you can (same with all the
terminals). Open the Emergency Stores Cabinet above the
computer terminal. Take Hull Patch Kit and open it. You'll get
Molecular Glu, Gel-Foam Spray, a Patch and a sheet of
instructions. Go to the Officer's Wardroom down the hall to the
left. Go to the Bulkhead Viewscreen and use the Viewscreen
controls. You will see Tran's recorded message for you and you
will get a Plastic Card. Go to the Captain's Stateroom (A3X5
override code). Use the Computer Terminal to hear the
recorded message. Take the Crew Manifest from the desk.
Read it, it will give you override codes for several staterooms
on decks 2 and 3. Go down the hall to the other side if the deck
2. Before the end of the hall are two rooms on the left and right.
Communication Center is to the right. You can't do anything
there yet, except watch the distress singal video. On the left
is a Secure Storage Room. Take EC2061, EC2010 and
EC1999 modules, and take a Note from the box of EC2001
modues. Exit and go down the hall to the staterooms. Enter the
left corridor and face the doors. Put the Molecular Glue on the
Patch. Enter the Olivar's stateroom (the right one - override
code B29X). Spray the Gel-Foam Spray on the Hull Puncture.
Put the Patch on the hull puncture. Exit the room, and enter
Narang's stateroom to the left (override code TX11). There is
nothing in it, so exit. Move to the center of the stateroom
corridor and enter Dahl's room (on the right - override code
DC22). You can't do anything there yet, so exit. You can go to
your room (next to Dahl's) also, but there is nothing in it. Go to
the elevator. When you enter it, put the Plastic Card in the Slot
above the elevator controls. Use the elevator controls and go to
Deck 3.
~Deck 3
Go left to the staterooms. Enter Miuara's room (override code
F111). Take the necklace hanging over the computer terminal.
Take the Source Code from the desk and read it. Click on
Computer Terminal and Program it with the Source Code. You
will get the value of PI (3.141... - you will need that number
later). Go to Falcon's room (override code L6EC). Open the
desk drawer and look in. You will get Falcon's note. Read it, it
will give you Pool's override code. Go to Quan's room
(override code JU88). Take the Journal from the desk. Go to
the Mess Hall at the other side of the Deck 3. Pull the Power
and the Data Cables hanging from the VR system (You can use
VR system first if you like). Remove the VR System CPU (on
the right of the metal sphere). Open the VR System CPU and
you will get the EC2001 module. Go to Deck 5. (You will
never have to go to Deck 4).
~Deck 5
You can't go left to the Central Computer Room yet. Go right.
Read the note taped to the Medical Officer Console in Medlab.
Go to the Science Lab. Open the FRT Storage Cabinet on the
right. Take the Gaiger Counter and the Scanner. Go to Deck 6.
~Deck 6
Pick up the Multitool from the floor in the Cargo Bay. Go to
the Control Room. Open the Suit Locker and take the Vacuum
Suit and the Vacuum Suit Helmet. Go to the Reactor Spaces.
~Reactor Spaces
Descend down the ladder. Turn on the Geiger Counter. Go left
- go down - go right - go down - go down - go left - go down -
go right - go down.
~Engineering Level
Enter the Engineering Room. Go toward the ladder. Open
Equipment Storage Cabinet and take the Cutting Torch. Go up
the ladder and into the 2nd Crawlway. Open the Manual
Valve. Go back down the ladder to the Engineering Console.
Use it and set the valves to let the flow go as needed. (Note, the
flow does not need to go through the Ion Control Pool, and do
it with the left tank). Go to Deck 6.
~Deck 6
Go to the Control room. Disassemble the Cutting Torch with
the Multitool. Attach the Oxygen Tank to the Vacuum Suit.
Put on the Vacuum Suit, and put on the Vacuum Suit Helmet.
Use Controls. Depressurize Shuttle Bay. Open Shuttle Bay
Door. Depressurize Control Room. Open Control Room Door.
Go into the Shuttle Bay, and out to the Outer Hull. Find your
way to the TCS Dish. Open the Access Panel. Replace EC2001
module, and EC2010 module. Close the Access Panel. Find
your way back to the Control Room. Use Controls. Close the
Control Room door. Pressurize the Control Room. Close the
Shuttle Bay Door. Go to Deck 5.
~Deck 5
Go into the wrecked corridor. Put the acetylene and the oxygen
tanks back on the cutting torch. Ignite the cutting torch and cut
the werckage with it. Go forward to the door. Open door -
combination is 3141. Go to the Main Computer. Open the
pannel. Press the second switch to the right. (Note - as soon as
you press switch, you will see Tran's recorded message for you.
You cannot play that message again. So save before you press
the switch if you like.) Use the computer. Go through all the
text menus. Go to The Bridge.
~The Bridge
Use the Tactical Console. It will tell you that the Drones must
be programmed with 180 code. Go to Deck 2.
~Deck 2
Go to the last stateroom in the right corridor. Enter Poole's
room (override code IH31). Take the ship model from the
shelve above the desk. Disassemble the ship model with
multitool. Go to Dahl's room. Turn on the device and look in it.
Set it to Miracle Dark. Put the device on eyepiece of the safe.
Open the safe. Take out the hypo, ampule, folder, cable and
headset. Open the folder and read the documentation. Go to the
Wardroom. Go toward the display case on the right wall. Put
the key in the keyhole at the bottom of the display case. Take
the ship model and disassemble it with the multitool. Read and
Open the AntiMatter Bomb (Metal Cylinder you just got).
Dissarm it by pressing the button on the left. Go to the
Communication Center. Use the TCS control. Establish Relay
Link. Click on TRB010 (Deneb Kaitos) and click on Establish
Link. Follow the procedure with other targets. Relay Path is:
Lexington > TRB010 > TRB291 > TRB695 > TRB333 > TRB905 > TRB408
> TRB729 > TRB577 > TRB084 > TRB366 > TRB801 > EREBUS.
When you reach Erebus go back to main menu. Transmit Over
Link. Click on "Go Ahead" (I have not checked other text
menu options). Choose text options asking that you continue
the mission. Request all the information you can get. When you
are done, go to Establish a new link. Establish a link with
Jericho this time. Enter Code: "Jacob's Ladder". (Now you can
go to the Shuttle Bay and Home the Lander, but don't do it
yet). Go the Weapons Bay.
~Weapons Bay
Go to the one of the Weapons Controls (Drone Loaders). Use
it. Select a drone and program it with 180. Load and activate it.
Repeat the procedure with the other two drones that are
controled from that console. When you go back to the elevaltor
it should tell you that the drones controled from the other two
consoles have also been programmed. But if it doesn't, go and
program all the remaining drones yourself. Go back to the
~The Bridge
Put the ampule into the hypo. Use the hypo on youself. Attach
the cable to the headset. Put on the headset. Attach the cable to
the tactical console. Use the tactical console. Now you will
enter the combat simulator. You will have to complete 8
training combats. I will leave that to you, to decide how to do it
(because you can let the computer do it). When you complete
the training, you can stay by the tactical console for a while
and by pressing "Z" (letting the time pass) UN ships will arrive
and you can fight them. When you had enough or when you
decide to move on go the Shuttle Bay.
~The Shuttle Bay
Use Controls. Depressurize Shuttle Bay and Open Shuttle Bay
Door. Activate Homing Beacon. When the Lander docks Close
Shuttle Bay Door and Pressurize it. Opent the control room
door. Go into the bay and into the lander. Take the gas
cartridge, wire spool, seismic probe and the probe launcher
from the Storage Cabinets. Put them all together. Go further on
into the lander. Take the Oxygen Tanks. Go back into the
control room. Attach the oxygen tank to the suit. Put the suit
and the helmet on. Reassemble the cutting torch with the
second oxygene tank and the acetylene tank. Use the controls.
Depressurize both rooms and open both doors. Go into the bay
and into the lander. Use the control console and you will take
~Planet Surface
Pick up the metal pieces from the crash as soon as you exit the
lander. Go forward. Go right when you will first have the
option of choosing directions. Go forwad until you can't move
on anymore. Melt the ice with the cutting torch. Put the anti-
matter bomb in the hole. Open the bomb and program it to
about 15 minutes. Activate it and go back as fast as you can.
When you reach the lander if the bomb still hasn't exploded, hit
"Z" until it does. The explosion opened the entrance to the
tunnel. Go into the tunnel. Shoot the probe at the bridge.
Traverse on to the bridge. Go to the prysm with the basin. Pick
out the Blue and and Yellow rods. Go to the prysms with the
slots for them. Put them in and take the square and the triangle.
Go back to the basin and put the triangle and square in the two
slots. Use the cutting torch on both. Go to the prysm with the
octagon object. Take the octagon object, go back to the basin,
and put the object in it. Put the metal pieces into the basin too.
Use the cutting torch on the wreckage to the right. Get the bar
you just cut off. Use the bar on the door. Go through the door.
Take the disk. Turn on both switches (Note: the lower switch
does not stay turned on long). Go to the rail and put the disk on
it. Sit on the dis (If nothing happens, go back to the switches,
and turn the lower one on again, and go back to the disk and sit
on it). Go inside the tank. Actiavate the power switch on the
right. Move back left and use the screen. Shoot the cannon, exit
the tank, and go through the hole in the wall. Go the directions
that the robots are going. (or simply go through the tunnels
until you reach the platform). Both ways on the platform will
take you to the same place, so it doesn't matter which one you
take. Take the Goblet and drink from it. Take the key and use
it on the door. Talk to the Life Forms. They will give you the
test. Help the Jiffys find the door - go to time 00:08 - Talk to
the Jiffys (They will tell you the location and the time when the
door appeared and that they missed it) - go to time 00:06 - talk
to the Jiffys and tell them where the door will appear - Go to
time 00:07 and tell them same thing - go to time 00:08 and you
will pass the test. Talk to the Life Forms again.
~Back on Lexington
~The MedLab
When you are finished talking to Tran take the remote
controller from the autodoc. Use the remote controller and
enter code 0911.
~The Bridge
After conversation with the captain you will fight the battle that
started the whole adventure.
That's all folks. THE END. When you start watching the last
cinematics, you will start saying "What? Is that All?". Well, at
least I did. Too bad, such an excellent game and it is just too
If you have any questions, email me at:
ivanr@vukovar.unm.edu (---Jamei---)