PC/CD Gamer UK 28
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I. Introduction
Welcome to Command and Conquer. In this demo you will be playing the side of
the Global Defense Initiative (GDI): the strike force of the United Nations,
the "good" guys. Your opponents are the forces of the Brotherhood of Nod, a
ruthless terrorist organization bent on world domination.
II. Title Screen Menu
This is where you begin the game. You are given a few options here.
Start New Game: Choose this option to start a new game. You will
receive instructions on your mission objective and
then enter the battle.
Load Mission: If you have previously saved a mission, you may reload
it with this option.
Order Info: This option will give you information on how to order
the full version of Command and Conquer.
Replay Intro: If you wish to review the introduction sequence, choose
this option.
Exit game: Choose this option to exit the game and return to your
operating system.
Please note that multi-player (modem and network) functionality is only
available in the full version of Command and Conquer.
III. The Playing Field
Your screen is broken up into 3 sections. The first and largest section is
the map. This is where all of the action in the game takes place. To scroll
around the map, simply move the cursor to the map edge (notice it changes to
a fat white arrow). If you reach the edge of the world, the arrow will be
covered by the 'universal no' symbol. The second section is the Sidebar.
This is where your Radar and building options are located (more on these
below.) The third section is the strip of tabs at the top of the screen.
There are three tabs:
Options: Clicking this tab pauses the game and takes you to the
options window.
Credits: This tab shows the current amount of Tiberium credits
available to you. Tiberium is gathered by Harvesters and
processed in a refinery. If you lose your harvester or
refinery, you no longer have a source of income, and
your career in GDI will be short.
Sidebar: Clicking this tab will hide the sidebar and give you a
larger view of the map.
IV. How to Play
Once you have received your instructions, you will find yourself on the
field of battle, looking at your troops. Most actions in Command and Conquer
are controlled by moving the mouse and using the left mouse button. Each
action has its own cursor. The default cursor is a white pointer arrow, the
same one that is used to select menu options.
Selecting Units
To do anything with a unit, you must first select it. To do so,
place your pointer over the unit. Notice that the cursor changes to a
white box. Left click the unit - it now has a white box around it. You
can also select more than one unit at a time by holding down the left
mouse button and dragging the cursor to include all the units you wish.
Doing so will draw a white box around the units; all units within the
box will be selected, and any command you give will affect them all.
Moving Units
To move a unit, move your mouse to the desired location. Notice the
cursor changes to a green circle with white arrows. Left click the
mouse to move your selected unit(s) to that location. If you choose
a location that is unreachable, the movement cursor will be covered
by the "universal no" sign.
To attack an enemy unit, move your cursor over it - notice that the
cursor changes to a white circle with red arrows. Left click the enemy,
and your selected unit(s) will attack.
Deploying the MCV
The Mobile Construction Vehicle is a special unit that unfolds to
become your construction yard. To deploy the MCV, select it. If the
MCV is in a good location and is not being attacked at the time, the
cursor will change to a green dot with outward pointing arrows. Left
click it again, and it will deploy. Since all buildings must be built
next to an existing structure, make sure you have plenty of open space
before deploying your MCV. Otherwise, you may not have enough room to
build the rest of your base.
Transporting Infantry
Infantry (including Commandos) can be transported on transport
helicopters and APC vehicles. To load a passenger into a transport,
select the infantry soldier and then move the mouse over the
transport. When the downward pointing green arrows show up, click the
mouse. The infantry soldier will walk into the transport. Move the
transport normally. When ready to unload, double click on the
transport in the same manner as used when deploying the MCV. All
passengers will then unload.
V. The Sidebar
Once you have deployed your MCV, The sidebar becomes active. The sidebar
consists of four sections: the building strips, the radar screen, the power
output strip and the buttons.
Building Structures
The left building strip allows you to build structures. To build what
you want, click the icon for the structure. The icon will become gray,
and begin counting down the construction time. Right clicking the icon
during the building time will pause the construction; a second right
click will cancel it. When finished, you will hear the "construction
complete" message, and the word 'ready' will appear at the bottom of
the icon. Left click the icon again, and move your cursor to the map.
You will see a white grid in the shape of your chosen structure. To
place the structure on the map, left click. You cannot build another
structure until you have placed the one that is ready. If any part of
the grid turns red, the location you have chosen is unsuitable. You
may right click to cancel placement and return to the 'ready' stage.
Structure Tips
- Everything you build requires credits. You get credits from harvesting
Tiberium. It is a good idea to scout out the Tiberium fields at first
- The first building you are allowed to build is a Power Plant. Notice
that when you do, the Power Output Strip turns green. Also note the
blue line on the Strip. The green is the power you have (this will
turn yellow or red depending on the placement of the blue line) and
the blue line is how much power your buildings require. Remember that
when your power level is yellow, some structures cease to function,
and build times are increased.
- To create units, you must build the correct structure (factory):
Infantry require a barracks, vehicles require a weapons factory.
Building two barracks will decrease the build time for infantry;
this applies to any factory building.
- There are pre-requisites for some structures and units. For example,
you cannot build a refinery without first building a power plant, and
you cannot build an APC without first building a barracks and a
weapons factory.
- When you build a Communications Center, the radar screen becomes
available to you (it appears where the GDI logo is on the sidebar) if
you have sufficient power. The radar shows everything on the map that
you have explored (unexplored portions of the map are black). You can
change the magnification of the radar by clicking the MAP button under
the screen. You can also click the screen to move to different parts
of the map, and can click on the radar screen to move units.
- If one of your structures becomes damaged, you can repair it by
clicking on the REPAIR button, located under the radar screen. Doing
so changes your cursor to a wrench. Any structure you click on with the
wrench icon will begin repairing itself (draining credits as it does).
The cursor will remain a wrench until you either click the repair
button again or right-click the mouse.
- If you wish to get rid of a structure, or you desperately need cash,
you can sell it by clicking the SELL button under the radar screen.
Doing so changes the cursor to a dollar sign. Clicking on a structure
with the sell cursor will dismantle it with two effects. First, you
will be refunded half the building price of the structure. Second,
you will see the personnel of the structure abandon it; these usually
consist of minigun troops or civilians. Be careful not to sell your
construction yard unless absolutely necessary! If you do, you will
not be able to build any more structures.
- If you have more than one of a factory (whether by building it or
capturing one from your enemy) you can select a primary unit-building
location. This means that units which are common to both structures
will appear at the primary location when built. For example: If you
have two Barracks or a Barracks and a Hand of Nod, minigunners will
appear at the primary location. If you have a Barracks and a Hand of
Nod, a grenadier will only appear at the barracks, and a flamethrower
will only appear at the Hand of Nod, since the units are not common
to both structures.
Building Units
When you complete construction on a unit-capable structure, the units
available to build will appear on the right strip. Building units is
similar to building structures: click the icon and the countdown begins.
Once the unit is ready, it will walk/roll out of the structure that
created it (the Barracks or Factory).
Unit Tips
- You can check on a unit's health by selecting it. If the colored
bar is green, the unit is healthy. This will change to yellow and
red as the unit takes damage. While there is no way to heal infantry,
later missions will allow you to build a repair bay, which will repair
any vehicle (which costs credits). To repair a vehicle, select it,
then place your cursor over the repair bay. Notice the cursor changes
to the 'enter' cursor (three downward-pointing green arrows). Left
click, and the unit will make its way to the repair bay. Once the
unit is fully repaired, you will need to move it off the bay to make
way for the next unit.
- Remember! Tiberium is poisonous to infantry! Moving a trooper through
a Tiberium field will eventually kill him.
- The Engineers are special units. Though they do not have any offensive
or defensive capabilities, they are able to capture an enemy building
and place it in your control. To do this, select your engineer, then
move the cursor over an enemy structure (notice the 'enter' cursor)
then left click. The engineer will make his way to the structure,
and if successful, the structure will change color and be in your
control. Once captured, the enemy structure is yours to use, including
selling it, or producing units. Note that this will allow you to build
units and structures not normally allowed to you. Some structures
(such as SAM sites, Turrets and Obelisks) cannot be captured.
- The Orca is an air unit you will receive in the second demo mission.
The Orca is selected and targeted just like any other unit. However,
you cannot select an Orca once it is airborne. For this reason, you
may wish to keep the Orcas on a group hot-key (see the README file for
keyboard shortcuts and hot-keys). You can get Orcas to return to their
pads by selecting them, placing the cursor over the pad (notice the
'enter' cursor) and left clicking. Orcas are immune to weapons other
than missiles (such as SAM sites or Bazooka troops).
VI. The Options Menu
The Options menu is accessed either by clicking the options tab in the
upper left corner, by hitting the space bar, or by hitting the Escape
key. You have several options:
Load Mission: The same as the main menu option - loads a previously
saved game.
Save Mission: Save your mission in progress. You may name the saved
game anything you like, and the only limit on the
number of savegames is your available hard drive space.
Delete Mission: Allows you to delete a savegame from your hard drive.
Useful to conserve space.
Abort Mission: Choosing this option allows you to exit the mission to
the main menu, or restart the current mission.
Resume: Takes you back to the action.
Restate: Gives you a text summary of the mission objectives.
Also gives you the option of reviewing the video
Game Controls: This option brings up a new menu to adjust the settings
of the game:
Game Speed: Adjusts the overall speed of the game.
Scroll Rate: Adjusts the scroll rate of the map.
Visual Controls: Allows you to adjust the brightness, color,
contrast and tint of the game.
Sound Controls: From this menu you can adjust the volume of the
music and sound effects, change the music track,
listen to a music track, or set the music tracks
to shuffle during the game. The demo contains
two of the music tracks from the many available
in the full version of Command and Conquer. To
listen to a track, click the desired track, then
click the play button.
VII. List of Available Structures in the Demo (note that not all structures
are available in all three missions)
GDI (you can build these)
Construction Yard
The construction yard is formed from a deployed MCV. It is the
foundation of a base and allows the construction of other
Power Plant
Provides power for the buildings in your base. The power output
declines when this structure is damaged.
This building allows the training of infantry units.
Guard Tower
Provides base defense with a high-powered machine gun.
Processes Tiberium into credits. A refinery comes with one
Harvester, and will store 1000 credits.
This building stores 1500 credits of Tiberium.
Communications Center
Allows the use of the radar screen, as long as there is sufficient
Weapons Factory
Produces light and heavy vehicles.
Allows the production of the Orca VTOL craft. Each pad comes with
one Orca.
Repair Facility
Repairs damaged vehicles. If the bay is damaged, repair time is
Barrier Defenses
Includes sandbags (which provide some cover and block unit
movement) and Chain-link fences (which will stop light vehicles).
NOD (You can build these if you capture the NOD construction yard)
Hand of Nod
Allows you to train infantry (equivalent of barracks).
A non-mobile defense against vehicles.
SAM Site
Non-mobile, fires surface-to-air missiles at enemy aircraft.
Allows the purchase of heavy and light vehicles (equivalent of
weapons factory).
VIII. List of Available Units in the Demo (note that all structures are not
available in all three missions)
GDI (You can build these)
Minigun Infantry
The standard for GDI and NOD forces.
Grenade Infantry
These troops can throw their grenades over barriers and up hills to
great effect. May catch friendly units with area effect (shrapnel).
Bazooka Infantry
These troops use portable rocket launchers for great effect on
armor units, air units, and structures.
These troops carry no weapons, but have the ability to capture
enemy buildings.
A quick vehicle armed with a chaingun.
This vehicle can carry up to 5 infantry units. To load an APC,
select your infantry unit, then place the cursor over the APC
(notice the 'enter' cursor) and left click. Only one unit can
load at a time.
Medium Tank
The staple of the GDI armor arsenal.
The unit which deploys into a Construction yard. You will not be
able to build these in the demo, so guard it well.
This vehicle gathers Tiberium and returns it to the refinery for
processing. You get one free with each refinery you build, but you
may build them separately.
An attack aircraft which fires a limited supply of rockets (the orca
must return to the helipad to reload). You get one free with each
helipad you build, but you may build them separately if you have a
helipad available.
Ground Support Aircraft (A-10)
You cannot actually build these, but if you eliminate all SAM sites
on the map, you will gain airstrike capability. This allows you to
call an A-10 loaded with napalm to fry the enemy troops.
NOD (you can build these if you capture NOD's Hand of Nod and Airstrip)
Flamethrower Infantry
A nasty trooper carrying a flame pack. May catch friendly troops
with spray, and explode when killed.
Recon Bike
A very quick unit armed with rockets.
Nod Buggy
A quick unit with a mounted machine gun.
Light Tank
The staple of the NOD armory. Not as effective as the GDI tanks, but
cheaper and faster.
Mobile Artillery
Devastating to units and structures at long range, but weak and
ineffective close up.
Flame Tank
The ultimate anti-personnel weapon, this tank sprays twin flames at
it's victims. Explodes when destroyed.
IX. Final Notes
For more information about units and structures (both in this demo and in
the full game) including building prerequisites, please see the FAQ file.
For more general information including keyboard shortcuts and hot-keys,
troubleshooting and installation information, please see the README file.