PC/CD Gamer UK 28
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;;;; Copyright 1995 Crack dot Com, All Rights reserved
;;;; See licensing information for more details on usage rights
;;;; to play this game, go to the abuse root directory and type :
;;;; abuse -lsf addon/pong/pong.lsp
;;;; -lsf tells abuse to use an alternate Lisp Startup File than abuse.lsp
;;;; Notes :
;;;; This "game" was written by Jonathan Clark as a demonstration of the
;;;; capabilities of the abuse engine. It is not meant to be a complete game
;;;; and is released strictly for purpose of study only. Any part of this file
;;;; may be used by others and distributed in any form, but it uses some of the
;;;; lisp, sound effects, and artwork from Abuse (TM) which may only distributed
;;;; as a complete package with no files missing or changed.
;;;; ***** Emacs plug *********
;;;; If you don't already have emacs, get it! It's free.
;;;; Firstly it makes editing lisp 100% easier because it matches braces.
;;;; Secondly if you load the hi-lighting .el file you can read this file much
;;;; easier because all comments, strings, etc will be different colors.
;;;; I don't know the exact site where to find it, but if you telnet to
;;;; archie.unl.edu or look it up on a web search server you are sure to find it.
;;;; You might be interest to know emacs is also very customizable using a language
;;;; called lisp :-)
;;;; Please do not ask me for docs on how to code with the abuse engine, there are
;;;; none at this time and there won't be any until networked abuse is available.
;;;; ALL games written with the abuse engine are network ready with no additional
;;;; work including this one, but there are some issues that need addressing
;;;; that cannot be fully discussed until the net code is finished. When these
;;;; docs are written they will be available at http://www.crack.com Estimated
;;;; date for these docs is sometime late Oct. 1995
(perm-space) ; define all functions and global variable in "perm space" which
; is a space which will be garbage collected when it fills up.
; The down side to garbage collection is that it is a little slow
; and users of very slow machines will notice a very small pause
; from time to time, though writers of games may ignore this issue and
; always stay in "perm space"
; "tmp space" on the other hand, is not garbage collected, but rather
; at the end of executing an object's function will be completely
; thrown away it's important not to do a setq on a global variable
; (not local and not a member of the object) because the memory the
; item resides in will be lost after the function finishes.. see the
; add_score function in this file.
;; this is a simple check to see if they player has an engine version
;; capable of playing the game. All games should at least check for version 1.0
;; because all version before that are beta and have known bugs.
(if (< (+ (* (major_version) 100) (minor_version)) 100) ; require at least version 1.0
(print "Your engine is out of date. This game requires verion 1.0")
(setq pong_dir "addon/pong/") ; in case we change the location of these files later
; this is always a very good idea to do because the user of
; this program may/may not be able to install into this directory
(setq pong_art (concatenate 'string pong_dir "pong.spe")) ; all artwork is in this file
(setq load_warn nil) ; don't show a waringing if these files aren't there
(load "lisp/english.lsp") ; need this for various translated messages (english only pong for now!)
(load "gamma.lsp") ; gamma correction values (if saved)
(setq load_warn T)
(load "lisp/common.lsp") ; grab the definition of abuse's light holder & obj mover
(load "lisp/userfuns.lsp") ; load seq defun
(load "lisp/input.lsp") ; get input mapping stuff from abuse
;; these are a few things that the engine requires you to load...
(load_big_font "art/letters.spe" "letters")
(load_small_font "art/letters.spe" "small_font")
(load_console_font "art/consfnt.spe" "fnt5x7")
(load_color_filter "art/back/backgrnd.spe")
(load_palette "art/back/backgrnd.spe")
(load_tiles pong_art) ; load all foreground & background type images from pong.spe
;; this is the image that will be displayed when the game starts
;; this needs to be in the form (X . Y) where X is the filename and
;; Y is the name of the image
(setq title_screen (cons pong_art "title_screen"))
;; define a few sound effects to be used (these are all from abuse)
(def_sound 'METAL "sfx/lasrmis2.wav")
(def_sound 'BHIT "sfx/delobj01.wav")
(def_sound 'BLOWUP "sfx/ball01.wav")
(def_sound 'BUTTON_PRESS_SND "sfx/button02.wav") ; used by menu system
;; use these images to draw the score
(setq nums (make-array 10 :initial-contents (list (def_image pong_art "0")
(def_image pong_art "1")
(def_image pong_art "2")
(def_image pong_art "3")
(def_image pong_art "4")
(def_image pong_art "5")
(def_image pong_art "6")
(def_image pong_art "7")
(def_image pong_art "8")
(def_image pong_art "9"))))
(setq score 0)
(defun show_score (x y digs_left score)
(if (not (eq digs_left 0)) ; end recursion
(let ((this-digit (/ score digs_left)))
(put_image x y (aref nums this-digit))
(show_score (+ x (image_width (aref nums this-digit))) y
(/ digs_left 10) (- score (* digs_left this-digit))))))
(defun paddle_draw ()
(draw) ; normal draw function
(show_score (- (view_x2) 80) (view_y1) 1000000 score))
(defun add_score (amount)
(perm-space) ; we are modifing a global var, so we need swith to perm space
(setq score (+ score amount))
(tmp-space)) ; switch back to tmp space which is not garbage collected
(defun destroyable_tile (x) (> x 1))
(defun blow_up_tile (tilex tiley)
(let ((gamex (+ (* tilex 16) 8))
(gamey (+ (* tiley 7) 7)))
(add_score 200)
(add_object EXPLOSION gamex gamey)
(destroy_tile tilex tiley)))
(defun destroy_tile (tilex tiley)
(let ((gamex (+ (* tilex 16) 8))
(gamey (+ (* tiley 7) 7))
(type (fg_tile tilex tiley)))
(add_score 100)
(set_fg_tile tilex tiley 0) ; clear the tile and start animation
(if (eq type 6) ; dinamite tile?
(blow_up_tile tilex tiley)
(if (and (> tilex 0))
(blow_up_tile (- tilex 1) tiley))
(if (and (> tiley 0))
(blow_up_tile tilex (- tiley 1)))
(blow_up_tile tilex (+ tiley 1))
(blow_up_tile (+ tilex 1) tiley)))
(with_object (bg) (add_hp 10)) ; give player points
(add_object TILE_BLOW_UP gamex gamey)
(if (eq (random 10) 0)
(add_object PILL1 gamex gamey)
(if (eq (random 30) 0)
(add_object PILL2 gamex gamey)))))
(defun check_collide (status) ;; returns T if we hit something
(if (not (eq status T)) ; did we hit anything?
(if (eq (car (cdr status)) 'object) ; did we hit an object?
(let ((object (car (cdr (cdr status)))))
(if (eq (with_object object (otype)) PADDLE) ; did we hit the paddle?
(if (<= (aistate) 180)
(set_aistate (+ (aistate) (- (with_object object (x)) (x))))
(if (> 20 (aistate)) (set_aistate 20)
(if (< 160 (aistate)) (set_aistate 160)))
(if (eq (car (cdr status)) 'tile) ; did we hit a tile?
(let ((tilex (car (cdr (cdr status))))
(tiley (car (cdr (cdr (cdr status))))))
(let ((type (fg_tile tilex tiley)))
(if (destroyable_tile type) ; can we destroy the tile?
(destroy_tile tilex tiley)
(if (eq type 6)
(play_sound BLOWUP 100)
(play_sound BHIT)))
(play_sound METAL 60)))
(defun move_ball () ;; returns status of move
(let ((status (float_tick)))
(if (not (eq status T)) ; T means we did not hit anything
(let ((block_flags (car status)))
(if (or (blocked_left block_flags) (blocked_right block_flags)) ; bounce left/right
(if (<= (aistate) 180)
(set_aistate (- 180 (aistate)))
(set_aistate (+ 180 (- 360 (aistate))))))
(if (or (blocked_up block_flags) (blocked_down block_flags)) ; bounce up/down
(if (<= (aistate) 180)
(set_aistate (mod (+ (- 180 (aistate)) 180) 360))
(set_aistate (- 360 (aistate))))
(if (not (eq block_flags 0)) ; move the ball one tick, because we just bounced
(set_course (aistate) 7)
(defun ball_ai ()
(set_course (aistate) 7)
(select (aitype)
(0 ; normal play, bounce around and stuff..
(check_collide (move_ball))
(if (> (y) 240) ; check to see if we are dead
(if (> score 500)
(add_score -500))
(if (find_closest BALL) ; don't regenerate if other balls exsist
(set_aistate 90) ; reset ball to 90 degree angle
(set_fade_count 15)
(set_aitype 1)
(1 ; ball is dead - go to paddle and fade in
(set_x (with_object (bg) (x)))
(set_y (- (with_object (bg) (y)) 14))
(set_fade_count (- (fade_count) 1))
(if (eq (fade_count) 0)
(set_aitype 0))
(def_char BALL
(funs (ai_fun ball_ai))
(flags (hurt_all T))
(range 100 100) ; make sure ball doesn't stop when off screen
(states pong_art (stopped "ball")))
(defun paddle_mover (xm ym but)
(print xm)
(set_gravity 0)
(set_shift_down (me) 80)
(set_shift_right (me) (- 0 (x))) ; adjust screen shift so it doesn't scroll
(if (> fire_delay 0)
(setq fire_delay (- fire_delay 1))
(if (> shooting_time 0)
(add_object MISSLE (x) (- (y) 20))
(setq fire_delay 5)
(setq shooting_time (- shooting_time 1)))))
(if (or (and (< xm 0) (> (x) 20)) (and (> xm 0) (< (x) 300)))
(mover xm 0 0)
(def_char PADDLE
(vars shooting_time fire_delay)
(funs (move_fun paddle_mover) ; move fun get's passed the player input and responsible for calling ai_fun
(draw_fun paddle_draw))
(abilities (walk_top_speed 8)
(start_accel 8))
(flags (can_block T))
(states pong_art (stopped "big_paddle")))
(defun do_nothing () T)
(def_char START
(funs (draw_fun dev_draw) ; dev draw is a compiled fun
(ai_fun do_nothing)) ; always return T, therefore it never "dies"
(states pong_art (stopped "start")))
(def_char TILE_BLOW_UP
(funs (ai_fun block_ai))
(states pong_art (stopped (seq "block_die" 1 9))))
(defun pill1_ai ()
(set_y (+ (y) 3))
(if (touching_bg) ; are we touching the paddle
(add_score 1000)
(with_object (add_object BALL (x) (y) 1) (progn (set_fade_count 15) (set_aistate 80)))
(> 240 (y))))
(defun pill2_ai ()
(set_y (+ (y) 3))
(if (touching_bg) ; are we touching the paddle?
(add_score 300)
(with_object (bg) (setq shooting_time 20)) ; give 'em a 20 ticks of fire power
(> 240 (y))))
(def_char PILL1 ; the extra ball pill
(funs (ai_fun pill1_ai))
(states pong_art (stopped (seq "pill" 1 24))))
(def_char PILL2 ; the extra ball pill
(funs (ai_fun pill2_ai))
(states pong_art (stopped (seq "pill2" 1 24))))
(defun missle_ai ()
(set_course 90 10)
(not (check_collide (move_ball))))
(def_char MISSLE
(funs (ai_fun missle_ai))
(states pong_art (stopped "missle")))
(defun block_ai () (next_picture))
(def_char EXPLOSION
(funs (ai_fun block_ai))
(states pong_art (stopped (seq "exp" 1 10))))
(setq current_level 1)
(defun get_level_name (num)
(concatenate 'string pong_dir "pong" (digstr num 2) ".lvl"))
(create_players PADDLE)
(set_first_level (get_level_name current_level))
(gc) ; garbage collect