ocr: - BUBBTITG OTTE POBDEDOB - - - RISE2: CDGAMER RESURRECTION Exclusive! It's infinitely better than Rise OfThe Robots - - - - - - - - - DESCENT2 An essential (though unplayable) sneak preview Fantastic exclusive TEMPEST2000 demo of Atari's 90%-rated arcade game SILENTHUNT : - - =- ER It's Up periscope!" in SSI's new sub sim Disc 16 January 1996 PLUS! Heaps of other o demos, NHL 96 o including: DAGGERFALL SCREAMER o o BIG FURY3 RED ACTUA SOCCER STEELPANTHERS o POWER SLAVE and many others! o And as if that wasn't enough, DOOM, HERETIC & DESCENT WADS o And more!