PC/CD Gamer UK 14
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Text File
225 lines
ZOOP (tm) PC Demo
Version: 1.0
Date: August 13, 1995
Viacom New Media Inc
Table of Contents
1. System Requirements
2. Normal Installation
3. Starting the Game
4. Video Adapter Considerations
5. Sound Card Considerations
6. Windows 3.11 or 3.10 Configuration
> 1. System Requirements
The following is a list of minimum requirements
for running ZOOP (tm) PC Demo-
- DOS 5.0 or Higher (this requirement not relevant with
Windows '95)
- 486 or later system processor
- 550 Kb (563,200 bytes) of available conventional RAM
- 4 Mb (4,194,304 bytes) of total system RAM (see section 6.
Windows Configuration if you have less that 8Mb
system RAM)
- SVGA Video Adapter
- A sound card is required if sound effects and music are
to be enabled, see section 5 for compatability
> 2. Normal Installation
From Windows, use the Run Program feature from the Files
menu of the Program Manager in Windows 3.10 or 3.11, or
from the Start button in Windows '95.
Select the Setup.exe file located in the directory that
contains the ZOOP (tm) PC Demo install files.
Follow the directions given in the Install Program.
The installation program used to install ZOOP (tm) PC
Demo, INSTALL, is licensed software provided by
Knowledge Dynamics Corp, P.O. Box 780068, San Antonio
Texas 78278 (USA). INSTALL is Copyright (c) 1987-1994
by Knowledge Dynamics Corp which reserves all
copyright protection worldwide. Install is provided to
you for the exclusive purpose of installing ZOOP (tm)
Demo PC. Viacom New Media has modified the software as
provided by Knowledge Dynamics Corp. and thus the
performance and behavior of INSTALL as shipped with
ZOOP (tm) Demo PC may not represent the performance and
behavior of INSTALL as shipped by Knowledge Dynamics
Corp. Viacom New Media is exclusively responsible for
the support of ZOOP (tm) Demo PC, including support
during the installation phase. In no event will
Knowledge Dynamics Corp. provide any technical support
for ZOOP (tm) Demo PC.
> 3. Starting the Game
Double click on the newly created "Zoop
Demo" icon from the "ZOOP Demo Group" while
in Windows. In the game, use cursor keys to
navigate menus selecting with Ctrl (Fire) key.
> 4. Video Adapter Considerations
ZOOP (tm) PC Demo has been shipped with a
configuration that will work for most PCs.
Some video adapters do not implement the
standard known as VESA exactly the same way
in their hardware designs. For this reason,
different software drivers are required to
make some adapters work similarly to the
We have included a utility that provides
a library of drivers for many of the most
popular adapters. The current version of
the utility will not operate when run
from Windows 3.11 or earlier. It will work
when run from Windows '95. If you are using
Windows 3.10 or 3.11 on your system, you
must exit Windows to run the utility.
To run the utility from DOS, change the
working directory (using the CD command)
to the directory where ZOOP (tm) PC Demo
has been installed, I.E. "CD C:\ZOOPDEMO".
Then execute UVCONFIG.EXE and follow the
directions. After the new driver has been
installed, run Windows again and you are
ready to play the game.
We know of some cards that may not work
even after installing the drivers as
described above.
- Orchid Farenheit 1280 with S3 chipset
number 924 with V3.0 Bios
- Orchid Celcius
Current VESA driver supplied with the
adapter will not help. A new version of
the driver is expected soon that may fix
the problem.
- Matrox MGA Ultima
Can run with VESA driver supplied with
the adapter. Use instructions supplied with
the adapter instead of above instructions
to install the driver.
- Diamond Stealth Viper with Weitech 9000
chipset does not run. Nearly all other
Diamond adapters work without problems.
> 5. Sound Card Considerations
The following is a list of known problems
encountered with some sound cards and any
known remedies.
- Aztec Labs SGNXPro 16
select Sound Blaster Pro from Setsound program
- Aztech Labs SG
select Sound Blaster from Setsound program
- Aztech Labs SGNXPro Extra
select Sound Blaster from Setsound program
- Aztech Labs SGPro16
select Sound Blaster Pro from Setsound program
(crashes if Sound Blaster selected)
- Ensoniq SoundScape
will not run with any supplied drivers from
inside Windows
run ZOOP.EXE from DOS after selecting Sound
Blaster from Setsound program
- ESS Audio Magician
select Sound Blaster from Setsound program
note: Setsound fails to detect this card
make settings manually using those described
in the Sound Card's documentation
- Media Vision Pro Audio 3D
select Sound Blaster Pro from Setsound
- Gravis Ultra Sound
run ZOOP.EXE from DOS after selecting Gravis
Ultra Sound from Setsound
There are many others that will work by trying
Sound Blaster and/or Sound Blaster Pro from
Note: Be sure to select no Midi Sound and no
Digital Sound from the Setsound program if you
don't have a sound card installed.
> 6. Windows 3.11 or 3.10 Configuration
If you have less than 8 Mb of system RAM and
you find that ZOOP (tm) PC Demo will not
run because you are out of memory, you must
ensure that no other applications are
running and that you have at least a 4 Mb
virtual memory swapfile enabled for Windows
to take advantage of.
To ensure that there is a swapfile and that
it is big enough, the following steps are
- Double click on the Main group in the
Program Manager Window.
- Double click on the Control Panel icon
in the Main Window.
- Double click on the Enhanced icon in the
Control Panel Window.
- Click on the Virtual Memory... button.
- If Swapfile Settings size is less than
4096 Kb or if Type = none, adjustments
must be made. If these are both false, then
Swapfile settings probably won't help.
- Press the Change>> button if adjustments
are required.
- In New Swapfile Settings Type field select
Temporary or Permanent.
- Click in New Size field and enter a number
not less than 4096.
- Press OK button.
- Allow Windows to automatically restart.
- Presto! You have a swapfile.