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- ===============================================================
- Title : The Purge
- Author : \/\/ilbur (aka Chris Willacy)
- Email Address : Q9323162@helios.usq.edu.au
- Mail me if you like these wads,
- if you hate these wads, if you are
- indifferent about these wads. Please,
- ladies and gentlemen, some feedback.
- Description : The purge trilogy is three levels of
- co-op fun (don't say poo! - co-op can be
- fun!). A short scenario is provided
- for your enjoyment.
- Misc Game Info : DOOM II WAD. This WAD is error free.
- Co-op wad. For serious co-opers, intent on
- displaying team work skills and team loyalty.
- Without these, i guarantee, freelancer bughunters
- will die. REAL teamwork is needed. These levels
- are not impossible. Look for visual clues
- for the best chance of survival.
- I really enjoyed designing some devious traps
- in these levels. Those with a sharp eye should
- be able to spot these and work towards surviving
- them.
- Additional Credits to : Moory, Scooby, Davey Dethman, Georde
- Jason, Mick, Grego, Simo, Phil and
- all the other kills.
- Thanks to iD software and authors of Doom
- editing tools everywhere!
- ================================================================
- * Play Information *
- Mape Level # : Map 01,02,03
- Single Player : Yep. If you dare!
- Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes!
- Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes.
- Difficulty Settings : Few less baddies and ammo with skill
- 3 than skill 4.
- New Sounds : Yes, all from Aliens the movie.
- New Graphics : Yes. A few inconsequential ones.
- Check the names of the levels at
- beginning and end. Also pretty title
- screen and godmode face. All art by me.
- Gosh! I'm talented!
- New Music : Sort of. The Alice in Chains .MUS files
- in certain Doom ][ levels have been
- displaced to levels 1 & 2.
- New Demo : Yes. For Doom ][ v1.9 though, so if you've
- got ver 1.666 still play the game before
- the demo starts or Doom will crash.
- This is a multiplayer co-op demo. Press F12
- to skip between players.
- Green: Me.
- Brown: Phil.
- Gray: Grego.
- Red: Jason.
- **Notice i get fragged twice! BASTARDS!**
- =================================================================
- * Scenario *
- You and your buddies are elite. Kill the hellspawn that has decided
- to roost in a UAC processing plant. Thats it. But make sure you survive.
- You're elite so display a bit of proffessional teamwork. Toughguys, rogues
- and freelancers will eat death. Teamers, the cautious and the wary will
- live (except maybe on level three where everyone dies). Transmission ends.
- * Construction *
- Base : Scratcheroo.
- Build Time : Approximations including crashes:
- 5 days to design all levels.
- 2 hours to place ammo, baddies, etc.
- 2 days playtesting.
- 2 hours multiplayer playtesting.
- 5 days finding a decent wad toolkit.
- 2 days working out how to use said toolkit.
- 1/2 day editing graphics.
- 1/2 day grabbing sounds.
- 1/2 night inserting sounds, lmp and graphics.
- (just in case you're interested.)
- Editor(s) used : WINdeu (finally a stable windows based editor),
- idbsp 1.1BETA (indispensible).
- WinTex and NWT.
- Known Bugs : No bugs in this wad. Just carnage. And Deth.
- * Copyright / Permissions *
- Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels
- 'cause the best levels are the ones you design and create yourself.
- Distribute this level freely, as is, with no modifications made to the
- WAD or the TXT file you are reading.
- For inclusion on compilation wads or CDs please mail me to tell me.
- (i just like to brag to my friends).