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Bullfrog espère que vous allez apprécier cet avant-goût de la suite étonnante du Jeu de l'Année 94. Avec ses nouvelles caractéristiques, Magic Carpet 2 est plus rapide, plus infernal ..... plus sanglant. Avec 25 niveaux d'action intense, Magic Carpet 2 présente de nouvelles créatures et des sorts inédits. Vous aurez la chance de découvrir certains d'entre eux sur cette démo. De plus, Magic Carpet 2 vous permet de sauvegarder en milieu de partie. Magic Carpet 2 sortira fin septembre 1995. Pause. Abandonner niveau. Continuer partie si mort avec château, fin partie si mort sans château. Interrupteur son Interrupteur musique Interrupteur vitesse Correction luminosité Interrupteur d'affichage des reflets Interrupteur d'affichage du ciel Interrupteur d'affichage des ombres Interrupteur d'affichage des cartes et des icônes Interrupteur d'affichage des sources de lumière Modifier la taille de l'écran Interrupteur de l'Aide Interrupteur d'aide en cours de vol Apprenti: Maître! Le Maître: Je vois que tu as déjà fait connaissane avec Vissuluth, Seigneur des Démons du Monde du Néant. You must explore the outer Netherworlds while you learn its magic. Your first destination is the ancient city of Jahwl. Before Vissuluth's rule of the Netherworlds began, the island of Kopahk was occupied by the great sorceress, Payahandra. Go there and discover her lost spells. Nyphur is a shapechanger. I will send you to his lair to seek the source of his power. I warn you, he will not have left his domain weakly defended. A gift from the gods! Alas, it falls towards the netherworld of the spiders... The outcast, Nyphur, wages war against Rahn The Destructor, in the outer netherworld of T'Klom. Neither is fit to rule. Others have entered the Labyrinths of Lost Souls, seeking powers which are said to lie in the netherworld of the undead. I warn you, none has ever returned. The way through the Mountains of Perilium is guarded the three outer guardians, each of whom shares power with the others by possessing one spell that no other has. All are deadly. To reach the Black Plains, you must first find your way through the tunnels beneath the mountains. I wonder what Vissuluth has in store for us here. The manticores of the Black Plains are ruled and hunted by Jark the Hunter, Lord of the Middle Netherworlds. Now he defends his secret lore from your defeated adversaries. The greatest challenge of your journey awaits you in the jagged wastes of Cymmeria. Guard your castle well, wizard. You must cross the Cymmerian Sea, home of the leviathan. Beware that which lurks beneath the waves. Centuries ago, the Demon Lord entombed an army of wizards that had risen against him. Forever trapped in giant stone faces, they are known as the sentinels. It would be best to avoid disturbing them when you make your way through these tunnels. The once beautiful netherworld of Galiphur is being ravaged by the war between the wizard lords you have displaced. Yet, by fighting among themselves, they make easier prey for you. You must return to the underworld soon. But the way to the netherworld you seek has been lost in the violent eruptions of the Fire Peaks. Beneath you lies the underground netherworld of Zyggogg. From this place, Vissuluth selects the strongest creatures to join his army. It is time to deal our adversary a truly serious blow. You must find out where the troglodytes are coming from and find a way to stop them. I suspect the deep netherworld of Darklava, mining civilisation of the ancient ones. The Arenas of the C'lannesh are infamous across the netherworlds, for the deadly sport which they provide. Your enemies have called on the Elyssia the Trainer for aid. She will see how well you have learned your skills. The Wyvernflights of The Firestorm Mountains are commanded by Yragore, one of the most powerful wizards to serve the Demon Lord. Yet a rival of Yragore stole the spell of creature command. The thief perished but Yragore does not know what happened to the spell. You have brought chaos to the Demon Lord's domain. His wizards regroup in the wilderness below. The people have nowhere to run to, nor any place to hide. And Vissuluth has turned his army on them. We must go to the aid of the innocent. Nyphur's armies return. They gather here, in a maze of tunnels and unstable caverns. You must enter tunnels and hunt down the enemy. We are nearing Vissuluth's Citadel. On the other side of Valley of the Hydra is Jathnar, the capital city. I am certain that the valley beyond will be suitably defended. Take care, master wizard. Dawn rises over the City of Jathnar, the iniquitous den from which the lackeys of the Demon Lord do his bidding. Leave nothing standing here. Let nothing live. Vissuluth's Citadel generates a shield which none of your spells can penetrate. But the catacombs beneath the ruins of Jathnar should still provide a way. You found the way. I have asked so much and you have never faltered. But you must be ready to use everything you have learned in the battle ahead, for you have reached the citadel. And Vissuluth has returned. "Vole en direction de mon phare." Follow the path to the foot of the spire. There you will find two spell jars. These archers guard a spell jar. They must be vanquished. "Construis un château fortifié et remplis-le de mana." These fireflies are lethal. Destroy them. The city of Jahwl is safe for now. Come, there is much more to do. Seek my sign. There is a spell near there which will find out your enemies. Beware! Nyphur, a servant of the Demon Lord, will try to kill you. You will have to banish him from the netherworld. Kill the giant bees that plague the people. Good work! Quickly, go to the ruins of Payahandra's tower. Payahandra's spells are hidden inside these vaults. Raze them to the ground. When you have recovered the spells, make your way to the portal. Your work here is done. The people of Nyphur's netherworld are doomed to swell the ranks of his army of undead, unless you slay the skeleton horde. "Tu dois vaincre les dragons de Nyphur." The entrance only reveals itself to the most powerful wizards. "Fuis! Il n'y a pas de temps à perdre mon ami." Despatch this evil! Take the secret of the shapechangers and let us begone. You must find the star that fell. This is a good time to attack the spiders But beware their webs. Once more, your determination proves its worth. Make your way to the portal. We must press on. Rahn is weaker. Challenge him and banish him. Defend yourself against Nyphur. I hope your taste for victory over Vissuluth's lieutenants is not yet sated. Already they plan their revenge. Send this creature to the grave where it belongs. I fear you have attracted some unwanted attention. There must be a way out of this cave. Look for a hidden sign. Defend yourself. Now is not the time to fade into legend. Get out of here! Get out while you can! To win, you must fight like a demon yourself. "Je savais que tu vaincrais. Tu dois maintenant abandonner ce lieu dévasté." The fiend has sprung a trap! Fight, wizard, fight! Follow my sign. I will try to find a way. Is there no end to this rock? These zombies guard a hidden way. So, Vissuluth is building an army of devils, is he? You can foil that plan, my friend. The devils built these structures to block the portal to the Black Plains. Obliterate them. You can now return to the surface. A manticore comes this way. It can smell an intruder. Finish it! Destroy Jark. Jark's Loretower is revealed to us. His ancient secret lies within. This is your hunting ground now. Make sure no manticore ever leaves this netherworld. Every one of the beasts has perished. Nothing remains for a wizard to rule! Vissuluth's army maintains barracks here. Send them crashing to the feet of the mountains. The black winged swarm finally emerges. The Cymmerians have sealed the portal. Travel to the ruined temple. Perhaps the gods may help us again. The gods do not speak to me. If you become more powerful they way may be revealed to you. Indeed, the gods are watching you. Navigate by my sign. The storm will hide you. You have discovered Yujan, the lost city of devils. You must destroy this place. Wipe out every trace of this evil plague. Ah! This spell will prove useful against Vissuluth's wizards. This has been a profitable stage of your journey. These tunnels all return on each other. You must find a way to blast your way out. Your stamina has impressed the gods. This spell is your reward. It is time to leave this place. The battle goes badly for Nyphur. His mana could easily be yours. I think it's time for Rahn to pay for his crimes. Attack Belix the Pitiless, scourge of the outer netherworlds! Only Jark stands in your way now. As convincing a display of sorcerous skills as I have ever beheld. Even here, humans strive for survival. Give them hope by keeping at bay the evil that has taunted them for so long. The chiefs of the Fire Peaks tribes pray that you can save them from the terror of the moon dwellers. If we cannot help the people here, those back in your world are doomed. "Dieux, attention! En provenance de la mer!" I hope you remember who taught you the sorcerer's way. Hurry, time is our enemy. Exterminate them all! Vissuluth has found some new allies. What they are and where they come from, I do not know. I fear our task may be too great. Yet we have no choice but to try. Vissuluth has re-opened the mines. Destroy this outpost. We must get inside. Those sentinels guard the way. A little more rubble here for you. Quickly, to the mines. Destroy the smelting houses. Fiends! Blast them! Let us leave what remains of Darklava in peace. Give these evil doers a display of real wizardry! Soon you will have finished them for good. Yragore is extremely powerful, do not attack him until you are ready. Beware! A wyvern approaches! Your battle with the wyvern will attract more of its kind. Be ready. Now, command the wyvern and attack Yragore's castle! Your foe surely fears you now. Battle is joined! Success, my friend! You triumph at last. Protect the people. Rid the netherworld of the Demon Lord's twisted creations. He has summoned a hydra! Destroy the beast before it lays waste to the entire netherworld. I fear there will more of these creatures to slay before your journey is done. These caverns are infested! Make this place the tomb of the troglodytes. Beyond lies the zombie horde. Now is your chance. Nyphur is more powerful than he has ever been. Can you force him to retreat again? I still sense evil. Do not dally here. You have been discovered! Gain all the strength you can while there's time. Tomorrow we fly to Jathnar. Night is almost over. You make good time. Destroy the War Council Tower. Good. Now reduce the barracks to rubble. Make sure that not one spell ever leaves Vissuluth's apocethary again. "Détruis ce temple satanique." Smash the weapons vaults. Now destroy the seven wizard lords! This time they will perish. Cleanse the netherworld of the evil spawn. Enough! The catacombs beckon you. This chamber appears to have been a temple. We have incurred the wrath of the faithful. Let us settle this here. Find out what now lies before us. This is some kind of device. On guard, mage. The foe is upon you. Do not tire, my friend. You have nearly completed your task. (Vissuluth): You, invader of my realm, pretender to the shadow throne - prepare to die! You have done it! Ye gods, you have done it. Master, it is I who will serve you, henceforth. Denizens of the Netherworld, hear me! Vissuluth is dead. All hail the new Lord of the Netherworlds! Vous avez amélioré votre maîtrise du sort %. BOULE DE FEU POSSESSION CHATEAU ACCELERATION METAMORPHOSE SOINS BOUCLIER ECLAIRS RICOCHET METEORE TELEPORTATION INVISIBILITE DOUBLE VUE TRANSFERT DE MANA DUEL SECOUSSE CRATERE TREMBLEMENT DE TERRE VOLCAN INVOCATION DE TROUPES TOURBILLON TORNADE MANA FACTICE MINE ALLIANCE EBOULEMENT Boule de feu Boule rapide Tempête de feu Possession Aimant à mana Mana imprenable Château Tour de tir Tour d'éclairs Accélération Super vitesse Super vitesse II Abeille Luciole Cymmerian Wyvern Soins Soins intensifs Reconstitution Bouclier Bouclier II Invulnérabilité Eclairs Tonnerre Ouragan Ricochet Ricochet II Amplification Météore Météore II Météore III Téléportation Téléportation II Téléportation Château Invisibilité Invisib. avec Possession Invisib. avec Attaque Double vue Voir l'invisible Vision absolue Transfert de mana Double Transfert Pillage de mana Duel Perte de mana Baisse de vitalité Secousse Secousse II Secousse III Cratère Cratère II Cratère III Tremblement de terre Tremblement de terre II Tremblement de terre III Volcan Volcan II Volcan III Armée d'abeilles Armée de lucioles Armée de Cymmerians Armée de Wyverns Tourbillon Tourbillon II Tourbillon III Tornade Tornade II Tornade III Mana factice Boule rapide Eclairs Mine magique Mine magique II Mine magique III Alliance Alliance II Alliance III Eboulement Eboulement II Eboulement III I, Vissuluth, Demon Lord of the Netherworlds, call upon the battle dead. Ancient warriors, rise and march on the domain of man. Kill them! Burn their cities to the ground! And as their armies fall before us, let them rise again as slaves of darkness. Ha, ha, ha, hah... Heed my call, winged legions of Cymmeria! The time has come when your kind shall fill the skies of mankind. Leave your mountain haunts and follow the march of Chaos. Let the beating of your wings carry my message to the world: Despair and bow down before your new God, Vissuluth, Demon Lord of the Netherworlds! I summon forth the demons who dwell in the moon. Gather mana for me, oh cold, nameless ones. Strike down those who would attempt to deny you. I shall reward you with souls to torment for all eternity. Come! I command you to do my bidding. The armies of mankind fight fiercely and bravely. But my patience is short. From Mount Firestorm, let the wyvernflights ride. Seek the cities of man, wyvern-kin, and blast them off the face of the world. The armies of our enemy are close to collapse. Crush them once and for all! Who is this who would thwart my plans? What fool could believe that the actions of a mortal might have any bearing on the will of a god? What name does the one go by who will pay for the rest of time for what they have done here? Retourne dès que possible dans le Monde du Néant. Tu as été chassé du royaume. a été chassé du royaume. Appuyez sur 'O' pour voir l'objectif en cours Vous êtes ici Les murs sont infranchissables Appuyez sur ENTREE pour agrandir la carte Vous êtes faible, retirez-vous un moment Cherchez des sorts Cherchez le sort Boule de feu Cherchez le sort Château Cherchez le sort Possession Utilisez les Boules de feu pour détruire la cible Utilisez le sort Possession pour amasser du mana Utilisez le sort Château pour bâtir un abri sûr Appuyez sur CTRL pour avoir le menu des sorts Retournez au château et rejetez le sort Château Utilisez les touches fléchées pour vous déplacer Utilisez la souris pour vous diriger Votre château a été assailli Amasser Ce mana Détruisez pour en amasser le mana Récupérez ce sort dans votre vol Prenez ce bâtiment pour accroître votre mana de sorts Cette pierre vous rend la vie Le mana que vous possédez se trouve dans ce ballon Votre château Un château ennemi Un ballon ennemi Repère Un joueur ennemi Mana du château, actuel et capacité totale Etat du château Taille actuelle du château Mana à l'intérieur des ballons Nombre de ballons Etat des ballons Mana de château nécessaire Votre vie Votre mana de sorts Cliquez sur le bouton gauche de la souris pour jeter ce sort Cliquez sur le bouton droit de la souris pour jeter ce sort Recharge du sort et tirs Mana insuffisant pour jeter un sort Niveau de sort sélectionné Expérience du sort Mana de château insuffisant Niveau de sort atteint Votre objectif est d'amasser du mana Votre objectif est de détruire un édifice Votre objectif est de détruire des édifices Votre objectif est de tuer une créature Votre objectif est de tuer des créatures Votre objectif est de tuer un joueur Votre objectif est de tuer tous les joueurs Votre objectif est de vous diriger vers un point Vous devez à présent voler jusqu'à la sortie Volez jusqu'ici pour réaliser votre objectif Ceci est un objectif à atteindre Volez pour quitter le niveau Pas de son Pas de musique Oui/Non Ombres activées Ombres désactivées Reflets activés Reflets désactivés Lissage activé Lissage désactivé Ciel activé Ciel désactivé Icônes et cartes activées Icônes et cartes désactivées Son Stereo activé Son Stereo désactivé Sillage léger activé Sillage accentué activé Sillage désactivé Taux de réussite des coups Noms des joueurs a été tué. est mort. est avec nous. Mana Tâches accomplies Dirige-toi vers la sortie. Barre d'espacement pour continuer. à vitesse normale. à grande vitesse. à très grande vitesse. Créatures tuées Précision Sorts découverts Performance globale Oui Non Son activé Son désactivé Musique activée Musique désactivée Temps écoulé Sources de lumière activées Sources de lumière désactivées Nouveau niveau Aide pendant le vol activée Aide pendant le vol désactivée Aide activée Aide désactivée Noms des joueurs activés Noms des joueurs désactivés Aide Charger une partie sauvegardée Sauvegarder partie en cours Quitter la partie Choix de la langue Mode multi-joueur Jouer Calibrage du Joystick Jeu en réseau Essai connexion Vide Jouer Entrez votre nom Partie multi-joueur Charger une partie précédente Choix de la langue Entrez votre nom: Charger Sauvegarder Charger niveau Sauvegarder niveau Pause! Volume musique Volume son Options Echec a atteind l'objectif. a atteind tous les objectifs. JOUR NUIT GROTTE QUITTER INFORMATIONS