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|The following document is derived from VESA Super VGA BIOS Extension |
|document VS891001. I have tried to make sure that all the information |
|presented in that document is complete and comprehensive. If you find |
|any omissions or errors, please report them to me on the |
|Everex Systems BBS at (415) 683-2984. |
| Gary Lorensen |
| Everex Systems, Inc. |
| 48571 Milmont Dr. B3 |
| Fremont, CA 94538 |
|VESA Super VGA Standard VS891001 10/1/89|
|Video Electronics Standards Association |
|1330 South Bascom Ave. Suite D |
|San Jose, CA 95128-4502 |
|FAX:(408) 286-8988 |
|Super VGA BIOS Extension |
|Standard #VS891001 |
| |
|Proposal |
| To standardize a common software interface to Super VGA video |
| adapters in order to provide simplified software application |
| access to advanced VGA products. |
| |
|Summary |
| The standard provides a set of functions which an application |
| program can use to |
| a) obtain information about the capabilities and |
| characteristics of a specific Super VGA implementation. |
| b) control the operation of such hardware in terms of video |
| mode initialization and video memory access. |
| The functions are provided as an extension to the VGA BIOS video |
| services, accessed through interrupt 10h. |
1. Introduction
This document contains a specification for a standardized interface to
extended VGA video modes and functions. The specification consists of
mechanisms for supporting standard extended video modes and functions
that have been approved by the main VESA committee and nonstandard video
modes that an individual VGA supplier may choose to add, in a uniform
manner that application software can utilize without having to understand
the intricate details of the particular VGA hardware.
The primary topics of this specification are definitions of extended VGA
video modes and the functions necessary for application software to
understand the characteristics of the video mode and manipulate the
extended memory associated with the video modes.
Readers of this document should already be familiar with programming VGAs
at the hardware level and Intel iAPX real mode assembly language.
Readers who are unfamiliar with programming the VGA should first read
one of the many VGA programming tutorials before attempting to understand
these extensions to the standard VGA.
2. Goals and Objectives
The IBM VGA (IBM and VGA are trademarks of International Business
Machines Corporation) has become a de-facto standard in the PC graphics
world. A multitude of different VGA offerings exist in the marketplace,
each one providing BIOS or register compatibility with the IBM VGA.
More and more of these VGA compatible products implements various
supersets of the VGA standard. These extensions range from higher
resolutions and more colors to improved performance and even some
graphics processing capabilities. Intense competition has dramatically
improved the price/performance ratio, to the benefit of the end user.
However, several serious problems face a software developer who intends
to take advantage of these "Super VGA" environments. (The term
"Super VGA" is used in this document as a term for video graphics
products implementing a superset of the standard IBM VGA display
adapter.) Because these is no standard hardware implementation, the
developer is faced with widely disparate Super VGA hardware
architectures. Lacking a common software interface, designing
applications for these environments is costly and technically difficult.
Except for applications supported by OEM-specific display drivers, very
few software packages can take advantage of the power and capabilities
of Super VGA products.
The purpose of the VESA VGA BIOS Extension is to remedy this situation.
Being a common software interface to Super VGA graphics products, the
primary objective is to enable application and system software to adapt
to and exploit the wide range of features available in these VGA
Specifically, the VESA BIOS Extension attempts to address the following
two main issues:
a) Return information about the video environment to the application.
b) Assists the application in initializing and programming the
2.1 Video environment information
Today, an application has no standard mechanism to determine what Super
VGA hardware is is running on. Only by knowing OEM-specific features
can an application determine the presence of a particular video board.
This often involves reading and testing registers located in I/O
addresses unique to each OEM. By not knowing what hardware an
application is running on, few, if any, of the extended features of the
underlying hardware can be used.
The VESA BIOS Extension provides several functions to return information
about the video environment. These functions return system level
information as well as video mode specific details. Function 00h returns
general system level information, including an OEM identification string.
The function also returns a pointer to the supported video modes.
Function 01h may be used by the application to obtain information about
each supported video mode. Function 03h returns the current video mode.
2.2 Programming support
Due to the fact that different Super VGA products have different hardware
implementations, application software has great difficulty in adapting
to each environment. However, since each is based on the VGA hardware
architecture, differences are most common in video mode initialization
and memory mapping. The rest of the architecture is usually kept intact,
including I/O mapped registers, video buffer location in the CPU address
space, DAC location and function, etc.
The VESA BIOS Extension provides several functions to interface to the
different Super VGA hardware implementations. The most important of
these us Function 02h, Set Super VGA mode. The function isolates the
application from the tedious and complicated task of setting up a video
mode. Function 05h provides an interface to the underlying memory
mapping hardware. Function 04h enables an application to save and
restore a Super VGA state without knowing anything of the specific
2.3 Compatibility
A primary design objective of the VESA BIOS Extension is to preserve
maximum compatibility to the standard VGA environment. In no way should
the BIOS extensions compromise compatibility or performance. Another but
related concern is to minimize changes necessary to an existing VGA BIOS.
RAM as well as ROM-based implementations of the BIOS extension should be
2.4 Scope of standard
The purpose of the VESA BIOS Extension is to provide support for extended
VGA environments. Thus, the underlying hardware architecture is assumed
to be a VGA. Graphics software that drives a Super VGA board will
perform its graphics output in generally the same way it drives a
standard VGA, i.e. writing directly to a VGA-style frame buffer,
manipulating graphics controller registers, directly programming the
palette, etc. No significant graphics processing will be done in
hardware. For this reason, the VESA BIOS Extension does not provide any
graphics output functions, such as BitBlt, line or circle drawing, etc.
An important constraint of the functionality that can be placed into
the VESA BIOS Extension, is that ROM-space is severely limited in certain
existing BIOS implementations.
Outside the scope of this VESA BIOS Extension is handling of different
monitors and monitor timings. Such items are dealt with in other VESA
fora. The purpose of the VESA BIOS Extension is to provide a
standardized software interface to super VGA graphics modes, independent
of monitor and monitor timing issues.
3. Standard VGA BIOS
A primary design goal with the VESA BIOS Extension is to minimize the
effects on the standard VGA BIOS. Standard VGA BIOS functions should
need to be modified as little as possible. This is important since ROM
as well as RAM-based versions of the extension may be implemented.
However, two standard VGA BIOS functions are affected by the VESA
extension. These are Function 00h (Set video mode) and Function 0Fh
(Read current video state.) VESA-aware applications will not set the
video mode using VGA BIOS function 00h. Nor will such applications use
VGA BIOS function 0Fh. VESA BIOS function 02h (Set Super VGA mode) and
03h (Get Super VGA mode) will be used instead.
However, VESA-unaware applications (such as old Pop-Up programs and other
TSRs, or the CLS command of MS-DOS), might use VGA BIOS function 0Fh to
get the present video mode. Later it may call VGA BIOS function 00h to
restore/reinitialize the old video mode.
To make such applications work, VESA recommends that whatever value is
returned by VGA BIOS function 0Fh (it is up to the OEM to define this
number,) it can be used to reinitialize the video mode through VGA BIOS
function 00h. Thus, the BIOS should keep track of the last Super VGA
mode in effect.
It is recommended, but not mandatory, to support output functions (such
as TTY-output, scroll, set pixel, etc) in Super VGA modes. If the BIOS
extension doesn't support such output functions, bit D2 (Output functions
supported) of the ModeAttributes field (returned by the VESA BIOS
function 01h) should be cleared.
4. Super VGA mode number
Standard VGA mode numbers are 7 bits wide and presently ranges from 00h
to 13h. OEMs have defined extended video modes in the range 14h to 7Fh.
Values in the range 80h to FFh cannot be used, since VGA BIOS function
00h (Set video mode) interprets bit 7 as a flag to clear/not clear video
Due to the limitations of 7 bit mode numbers, VESA video mode numbers are
15 bits wide. To initialize a Super VGA mode, its number is passed in
the BX register to VESA BIOS function 02h (Set Super VGA mode.)
The format of VESA mode numbers is as follows:
D0-D8 = Mode number
if D8==0, this is not a VESA defined mode
if D8==1, this is a VESA defined mode
D9-D14= Reserved by VESA for future expansion (=0)
D15 = Reserved (=0)
Thus, VESA mode numbers begin at 100h. This mode numbering scheme
implements standard VGA mode numbers as well as OEM-defined mode numbers
as subsets of the VESA mode number. That means that regular VGA modes
may be initialized through VESA BIOS function 02h (Set Super VGA mode),
simply by placing the mode number in BL and clearing the upper byte (BH).
OEM-defined video modes may be initialized in the same way.
To date, VESA has defined a 7 bit video mode number, 6Ah for the 800x600,
16-color, 4-plane graphics mode. The corresponding 15-bit mode number
for this mode is 102h.
The following VESA mode numbers have been defined:
15-bit mode 7-bit mode
number number Resolution Colors
100h - 640x400 256
101h - 640x480 256
102h 6Ah 800x600 16
103h - 800x600 256
104h - 1024x768 16
105h - 1024x768 256
106h - 1280x1024 16
107h - 1280x1024 256
5. CPU Video Memory Windows
A standard VGA subsystem provides 256K bytes of memory and corresponding
mechanism to address this memory. Super VGAs and their extended modes
require more than the standard 256K bytes of memory but also require that
the address space for this memory be restricted to the standard address
space for compatibility reasons. CPU video memory windows provide a
means of accessing this extended VGA memory within the standard CPU
address space.
This chapter describes how several hardware implementations of CPU video
memory windows operate, their impact on application software design, and
relates them to the software model presented by the VESA VGA BIOS
The VESA CPU video memory windows functions have been designed to put the
performance insensitive, nonstandard hardware functions into the BIOS
while putting the performance sensitive, standard hardware functions into
the application. This provides portability among VGA systems together
with the performance that comes from accessing the hardware directly. In
particular, the VESA BIOS is responsible for mapping video memory into
the CPU address space while the application is responsible for performing
the actual memory read and write operations.
This combination software and hardware interface is accomplished by
informing the application of the parameters that control the hardware
mechanism of mapping the video memory into the CPU address space and then
letting the application control the mapping within those parameters.
5.1 Hardware design considerations
5.1.1 Limited to 64K/128K of CPU address space
The first consideration in implementing extended video memory is to give
access to the memory to application software.
The standard VGA CPU address space for 16-color graphics modes is
typically at segment A000h for 64K. This gives access to the 256K bytes
of the standard VGA, i.e. 64K per plane. Access to the extended video
memory is accomplished by mapping portions of the video memory into the
standard VGA CPU address space.
Every super VGA hardware implementation provides a mechanism for software
to specify the offset from the start of video memory which is to be
mapped to the start of the CPU address space. Providing both read and
write access to the mapped memory provides a necessary level of hardware
support for an application to manipulate the extended video memory.
5.1.2 Crossing CPU video memory window boundaries
The organization of most software algorithms which perform video
operations consists of a pair of nested loops: an outer loop over rows or
scan lines and an inner loop across the row or scan line. The latter is
the proverbial inner loop, which is the bottle neck to high performance
If a target rectangle is large enough, or poorly located, part of the
required memory may be within the video memory mapped into the CPU
address space and part of it may not be addressable by the CPU without
changing the mapping. It is desirable that the test for re-mapping the
video memory is located outside of the inner loop.
This is typically accomplished by selecting the mapping offset of the
start of video memory to the start of the CPU address space so that at
least one entire row or scan line can be processed without changing the
video memory mapping. There are currently no Super VGAs that allow this
offset to be specified on a byte boundary and there is a wide range among
Super VGAs in the ability to position a desired video memory location at
the start of the CPU address space.
The number of bytes between the closest two bytes in video memory that can
be placed on any single CPU address is defined as the granularity of the
window mapping function. Some Super VGA systems allow any 4K video
memory boundary to be mapped to the start of the CPU address space, while
other Super VGA systems allow any 64K video memory boundary to be mapped
to the start of the CPU address space. These two example systems would
have granularities of 4K and 64K, respectively. This concept is very
similar to the bytes that can be accessed with a 16-bit pointer in an
Intel CPU before a segment register must be changed (the granularity of
the segment register or mapping, here is 16 bytes.)
Note that if the granularity is equal to the length of the CPU address
space, i.e. the least significant address bit of the hardware mapping
function is more significant that the most significant bit of the CPU
address, then the inner loop will have to contain the test for crossing
the end of beginning of the CPU address space. This is because if the
length of the CPU address space (which is the granularity in this case)
is not evenly divisible by the length of a scan line, then the scan line
at the end of the CPU address will be in two different video memory which
cannot be mapped into the CPU address space simultaneously.
5.1.3 Operating on data from different areas
It is sometimes required of convenient to move or combine data from two
different areas of video memory. One example of this is storing menus in
the video memory beyond the displayed memory because there is hardware
support in all VGAs for transferring 32 bits of video data with an 8-bit
CPU read and write. Two separately mappable CPU video memory windows
must be used if the distance between source and destination is larger
than the size of the CPU video memory window.
5.1.4 Combining data from two different windows
The above example of moving data from one CPU video memory window to
another CPU video memory window only required read access to one window
and only required write access to the other window. Sometimes it is
convenient to have read access to both windows and write access to one
window. An example of this would be a raster operation where the
resulting destination is the source data logically combined with the
original destination data.
5.2 Different types of hardware windows
Different hardware implementations of CPU video memory windows can be
supported by the VESA BIOS Extension. The information necessary for an
application to understand the type of hardware implementation is provided
by the BIOS to the application. There are three basic types of hardware
windowing implementations and they are described below.
The types of windowing schemes described below do not include differences
in granularity.
Also, note that it is possible for a VGA to use a CPU address space of
128K starting at segment A000h.
5.2.1 Single window systems
Some hardware implementions only provide a single window. This single
window will be readable as well as writable. However, this causes a
significant performance degradation when moving data in video memory a
distance that is larger than the CPU address space.
5.2.2 Dual window systems
Many Super VGAs provide two windows to facilitate moving data within
video memory. There are two separate methods of providing two windows. Overlapping windows
Some hardware implementations distinguish window A and window B by
determining if the CPU is attempting to do a memory read of a memory
write operation. When the two windows are distinguished by whether the
CPU is trying to read or write the can, and usually do, share the same CPU
address space. However, one window will be read only and the other will be
write only. Nonoverlapping windows
Another mechanism used by two window systems to distinguish window A and
window B is by looking at the CPU address within the total VGA CPU
address space. When the two windows are distinguished by the CPU address
within the VGA CPU address space the windows cannot share the same
address space, but they can each be both read and written.
6. Extended VGA BIOS
Several new BIOS calls have been defined to support Super VGA modes. For
maximum compatibility with the standard VGA BIOS, these calls are grouped
under one function number. This number is passed in the AH register to
the INT 10h handler.
The designated Super VGA extended function number is 4Fh. This function
number is presently unused in most, if not all, VGA BIOS implementations.
A standard VGA BIOS performs no action when function call 4F is made.
6.1 Status information
Every function returns status information in the AX register. The format
of the status word is as follows:
AL == 4Fh: Function is supported
AL != 4Fh: Function is not supported
AH == 00h: Function call successful
AH == 01h: Function call failed
Software should treat a nonzero value in the AH register as a general
failure condition. In later versions of the VESA BIOS Extension new
error codes might be defined.
6.2 Function 00h - Return Super VGA Information
The purpose of this function is to provide information to the calling
program about the general capabilities of the Super VGA environment. The
function fills an information block structure at the address specified by
the caller. The information block size is 256 bytes.
Entry: AH = 4Fh: Super VGA support
AL = 00h: Return Super VGA Information
ES:DI : Pointer to buffer
Exit: AX :Status
The information block has the following structure:
VgaInfoBlock struc
VESASignature db 'VESA' ;4 signature bytes
VESAVersion dw ? ;VESA version number
OEMStringPtr dd ? ;Pointer to OEM string
Capabilities db 4 dup (?) ;capabilities of the video environment
VideoModePtr dd ? ;pointer to supported Super VGA modes
VgaInfoBlock ends
The VESASignature field contains the characters 'VESA' if this is a valid block.
The VESAVersion field specifies which VESA standard the Super VGA BIOS
conforms to. The higher byte would specify the major version number.
The lower byte specify the minor version number. The initial VESA
version number is 1.0. Applications written to use the features of the
specific version of the VESA BIOS Extension, is guaranteed to work in
later versions. The VESA BIOS Extension will be fully upwards compatible.
The OEMStringPtr is a far pointer to a null terminated OEM-defined
string. The string may be used to identify the video chip, video board,
memory configuration, etc., to hardware specific display drivers. There
are no restrictions on the format of the string.
The Capabilities field describes what general features are supported in
the video environment. The bits are defined as follows:
D0-D31 = Reserved (=0)
The VideoModePtr points to a list of supported Super VGA (VESA-defined
as well as OEM-specific) mode numbers. Each mode number occupies one
word (16 bits). The list of mode numbers is terminated by a -1 (FFFFh).
Please refer to chapter 2 for a description of VESA mode numbers. The
pointer could point into either ROM or RAM, depending on the specific
implementation. Either the list would be a static string stored in ROM,
or the list would be generated at run-time in the information block (see
above) in RAM.
6.3 Function 01h - Return Super VGA Mode Information
This function returns information about a specific Super VGA video mode.
The function fills a mode information block structure at the address
specified by the caller. The mode information block is maximum 256 bytes.
Some information provided by this function is implicitly defined by the
VESA mode number. However, some Super VGA implementations might support
other video modes than those defined by VESA. To provide access to these
modes, this function also returns various other information about the mode.
Entry: AH = 4Fh: Super VGA support
AL = 01h: Return Super VGA Mode Information
CX = : Super VGA video mode
ES:DI : Pointer to buffer
Exit: AX :Status
The mode information block has the following structure:
ModeInfoBlock struc
;mandatory information
ModeAttributes dw ? ;mode attributes
WinAAttributes db ? ;Window A attributes
WinBAttributes db ? ;Window B attributes
WinGranularity dw ? ;window granularity
WinSize dw ? ;window size
WinASegment dw ? ;Window A start segment
WinBSegment dw ? ;Window B start segment
WinFuncPtr dd ? ;pointer to window function
BytesPerScanLine dw ? ;bytes per scan line
;extended information
;optional information
XResolution dw ? ;horizontal resolution
YResolution dw ? ;vertical resolution
XCharSize db ? ;character cell width
YCharSize db ? ;character cell height
NumberOfPlanes db ? ;number of memory planes
BitsPerPixel db ? ;bits per pixel
NumberOfBanks db ? ;number of banks
MemoryModel db ? ;memory model type
BankSize db ? ;bank size in K
ModeInfoBlock ends
The Mode Attributes field describes certain important characteristics of
the video mode. Bit D0 specifies whether this mode can be initialized in
the present video configuration. This bit can be used to block access to
a video mode if it requires a certain monitor type, and that this monitor
is presently not connected. Bit D1 specifies whether extended mode
information is available. Video modes defined by VESA will have certain
known characteristics, like resolution, number of planes, pixel format,
etc. Doe to the severe space constraint for ROM-based implementations of
the VESA BIOS Extension, this information need not be given for
VESA-defined video modes. Bit D2 indicates whether the BIOS has support
for output functions like TTY output, scroll, pixel output, etc. in this
mode (it is recommended, but not mandatory, that the BIOS have support
for all output functions.)
The field is defined as follows:
D0 = Mode supported in hardware
0=Mode not supported in hardware
1=Mode supported in hardware
D1 = Extended information available
0=Extended mode information not available
1=Extended mode information available
D2 = Output functions supported by BIOS
0=Output functions not supported by BIOS
1=Output functions supported by BIOS
D3 = Monochrome/color mode (see note below)
0=Monochrome mode
1=Color mode
D4 = Mode type
0=Text mode
1=Graphics mode
D5-D15 = Reserved (=0)
Note: Monochrome modes have their CRTC address at 3B4h. Color modes
have their CRTC address at 3D4h. Monochrome modes have attributes in
which only bit 3 (video) and bit 4 (intensity) of the attribute
controller output are significant. Therefore, monochrome text modes have
attributes of off, video, high intensity, blink, etc. Monochrome
graphics modes are two plane graphics modes and have attributes of off,
video , high intensity, and blink. Extended two color modes that have
their CRTC address at 3D4h, are color modes with one bit per pixel and
one plane. The standard VGA modes, 06h and 11h would be classified as
color modes, while the standard VGA modes 07h and 0Fh would be classified
as monochrome modes.
The BytesPerScanLine field specifies how many bytes each logical scanline
consists of. The logical scanline could be equal to or larger than the
displayed scanline.
The WinAAttributes and WinBAttributes describe the characteristics of
the CPU windowing scheme such as whether the windows exist and are
read/writable, as follows:
D0 = Window supported
0=Window is not supported
1=Window is supported
D1 = Window readable
0=Window is not readable
1=Window is readable
D2 = Window writable
0=Window is not writable
1=Window is writable
D3-D7 = Reserved (=0)
WinGranularity specifies the smallest boundary, in KB, on which the
window can be placed in the video memory.
WinSize specifies the size of the window in KB.
WinASegment and WinBSegment address specify the segment addresses where
the windows are located in the CPU address space.
WinFuncPtr specifies the address of the CPU vide memory windowing
function. The windowing function can be invoked either through VESA BIOS
Function 05h, or by calling the function directly. A direct call will
provide faster access to the hardware paging registers the using INT 10h,
and is intended to be used by high performance applications.
The XResolution and YResolution specify the width and height of the video
mode. In graphics modes, this resolution is in unites of pixels, In
text modes this resolution is in unites of characters. Note that text
mode resolutions, in units of pixels, can be obtained by multiplying
XResolution and YResolution by the cell width and height, if the extended
information is present.
The XCharSize and YCharSize specify the size of the character cell in
The NumberOfPlanes field specifies the number of bits that define the
color of one pixel. 16-color and 256-color graphics modes would specify
4 and 8 respectively. Nonstandard memory organizations can be specified
using this field and the NumberOfPlanes field. For example, 1 16-color
packed pixel mode would be described as having 1 plane and 4 bits per
The MemoryModel field specifies the general type of memory organization
used in this mode. The following models have been defined:
00h = Text mode
01h = CGA graphics
02h = Hercules graphics
03h = 4-plane planar
04h = Packed pixel
05h = Non-chain 4, 256 color
06h-0Fh = Reserved, to be defined by VESA
10h-FFh = To be defined by OEM
NumberOfBanks defines the number of banks in which the scan lines are
grouped. The remainder from dividing the scan line number by the number
of banks is the bank that contains the scan line and the quotient is the
scan line number within the bank. For example, CGA graphics modes have
two banks and Hercules graphics mode has four banks. For modes that
don't have scanline banks (such s VGA modes 0Dh-13h), this field should
be set to 1.
The BankSize field specifies the size of a bank (group of scan lines) in
units of 1K. For CGA and Hercules graphics modes this is 8, as each bank
is 8192 bytes in length. For modes that don't have scanline banks (such
as VGA modes 0Dh-13h), this field should be set to 0.
6.4 Function 02h - Set Super VGA Video Mode
This function initializes a Super VGA video mode. The BX register
contains the Super VGA mode to set. The format of VESA mode numbers is
described in chapter 2. If the mode cannot be set, the BIOS should leave
the video environment unchanged and return a failure error code.
Entry: AH = 4Fh: Super VGA support
AL = 02h: Set Super VGA Video Mode
BX = : Video mode
D0-D14 = Video mode
D15 = Clear memory flag
0=Clear video memory
1=Don't clear video memory
Exit: AX :Status
6.5 Function 03h - Return Super VGA Video Mode
This function returns the current video mode in BX. The format of VESA
video mode numbers is described in chapter 2 of this document.
Entry: AH = 4Fh: Super VGA support
AL = 03h: Return current video mode
Exit: AX :Status
BX = :Current video mode
Note: In a standard VGA BIOS, function 0Fh (Read current video state)
returns the current video mode in the AL register. In D7 of AL, it also
returns the status of the memory clear bit (D7 at 40:87). This bit is
set if the mode was set without clearing memory. In this Super VGA
function, the memory clear bit will not be returned in BX since the
purpose of the function is to return the video mode only. If an
application wants to obtain the memory clear bit, it should call VGA BIOS
function 0Fh.
6.6 Function 04h - Save/Restore Super VGA Video State
These functions provide a mechanism ti save and restore the Super VGA
video state. The functions are a superset of the three subfunctions
under standard VGA BIOS function 1Ch (Save/Restore video state). The
complete Super VGA video state (except video memory) should be
savable/restorable by setting the requested states mask (in the CX
register) to 000Fh.
Entry: AH = 4Fh: Super VGA support
AL = 04h: Save/Restore Super VGA Video State
CX = Requested states
D0 = Save/Restore video hardware state
D1 = Save/Restore video BIOS data state
D2 = Save/Restore video DAC state
D3 = Save/Restore video Super VGA state
DL = Sub-function
00=Return save/restore state buffer size
01=Save Super VGA video state
02=Restore Super VGA video state
ES:BX = pointer to buffer (01,02)
Exit: AX :Status
BX = :Number of 64-byte blocks to hold the state
buffer (00)
Note: Due to the goal of complete compatibility with the VGA
environment, the standard VGA BIOS function 1Ch (Save/Restore VGA State)
has not been extended to save the Super VGA video state. VGA BIOS
compatibility requires that function 1Ch returns a specific buffer size
with specific contents, in which there is no room for the Super VGA state.
6.7 - CPU Window Memory Window Control
This function sets or gets the position of the specific window in the
video memory. The function allows direct access to the hardware paging
registers. To use this function properly, the software should use VESA
BIOS Function 01h (Return Super VGA mode information) to determine the
size, location and granularity of the windows.
Entry: AH = 4Fh: Super VGA support
AL = 05h: Super VGA Video Memory Window Control
BH = Sub-function
00=Select Super VGA Video Memory Window
01=Return Super VGA Video Memory Window
BL = Window A/B (0/1)
DX = Window position in video memory (in window
granularity units)
Exit: AX :Status
DX = Window position in video memory (in window
granularity units)
Note: This function is also directly accessible through a far call from
the application. The address os the BIOS function may be obtained by
using the VESA BIOS Function 01h, Return Super VGA Mode Information. A
field in the ModeInfoBlock contains the address of this function. Note
that this function may be different among video modes in a particular
BIOS implementation so the function pointer should be obtained after each
set mode.
In the far call version, no status information is returned to the
application. Also, in the far call version, the AX and DX registers will
be destroyed. Therefore if AX and/or DX must be preserved, the
application must do so prior to making the far call.
The application must load the input arguments in BH, BL, and DX (for set
window) but does not need to load either AH or AL in order to use the far
call version of this function.
7. Application Example
The following sequence illustrates how an application would interface to
the VESA BIOS Extension. The hypothetical application is VESA-aware and
calls the VESA BIOS functions. However, the application is not limited
to supporting just VESA-defined video modes. Thus, it will inquire what
video modes are available before setting up the video mode.
1) The application would first allocate a 256 byte buffer. This
buffer will be used by the VESA BIOS to return information about
the video environment. Some applications will statically
allocate this buffer. Others will use system calls to
temporarily obtain buffer space.
2) The application would then call VESA BIOS function 00h (Return
Super VGA Information.) If the AX register does not contain
004Fh on return from the function call, the application can
determine that the VESA BIOS Extension is not present and handle
such situation.
If no error code is passed in AX, the function call was
successful. The buffer has been filled by the VESA BIOS
Extension with various information. The application can verify
that indeed this is a valid VESA block by identifying the
characters 'VESA' in the beginning of the block. The
application can inspect the VESAVersion field to determine
whether the VESA BIOS Extension has sufficient functionality.
The application may use the OEMStringPtr to locate OEM-specific
Finally, the application can obtain a list of the supported Super
VGA modes by using the VideoModePtr. This field points to a list
of the video modes supported by the video environment.
3) The application would then create a new buffer and call the VESA
BIOS function 01h (Return Super VGA Mode Information), to obtain
information about the supported video modes. Using the
VideoModePtr, obtained in step 2 above, the application would
call this function with a new mode number until a suitable video
mode is found. If no appropriate video mode is found, it's up
to the application to handle this situation.
The Return Super VGA Mode Information function fills a buffer
specified by the application with information describing the
features of the video mode. The data block contains all the
information an application needs to take advantage of the video
The application would examine the ModeAttributes field. To
verify that the mode indeed is supported, the application would
inspect bit D0. If Do is cleared, then the mode is not supported
by the hardware. This might happen if a specific mode requires a
certain type of monitor, but that monitor is not present.
4) After the application has selected a video mode, the next step
is to initialize the mode. However, the application might first
want to save the present video mode. When the application exits,
this mode would be restored. To obtain the present video mode,
the VESA BIOS function 03h (Get Super VGA Mode), would be used.
If a non-VESA (standard VGA or OEM-specific) mode is in effect,
only the lower byte in the mode number is filled. The upper byte
is cleared.
5) To initialize the video mode, the application would use VESA BIOS
function 02h (Set Super VGA mode). The application has from this
point on full access to the VGA hardware and video memory.
6) When the application is about to terminate, it would restore the
prior video mode. The prior video mode, obtained in step 4 above
could be either a standard VGA mode, OEM-specific mode, or
VESA-supported mode. It would reinitialize the video mode by
calling VESA BIOS function 02h (Set Super VGA mode). The
application would then exit.