Mordor is a large-scale Windows Fantasy Role-Playing game that is in the final stages of BETA. Since the game is so close to release, a PUBLIC BETA has been made available to all, allowing anybody access to a limited version of the game. This PUBLIC version is essentially the Shareware version of MORDOR (just still in BETA). The commercial PUBLIC version of MORDOR will be made available when the FULL commercial version is shipping.
The latest PUBLIC version of Mordor (1.064b) was released on 4/18/95. If you have an earlier version of Mordor, it's highly recommended that you pick up the new one - especially since there have been many new features, monsters, and items added! We are also starting to accept pre-orders for the final version, which is projected to ship on June 1st, 1995. You can find out the pre-order information by clicking on the About box in the Main Menu.
Welcome to the world of Mordor, where magic is known, adventure is expected,
exploration is required and discovery is the goal.
At your fingertips is a vast underground world where no one has ventured before! With a selection of a dozen races and guilds, you may mold the characters you create to your taste for adventure. You will have the ability to explore this unforgiving place, and hopefully live to tell about it!
It is your job to put together characters and parties that will explore and map this underground world. You may know your goals right from the start, or make it up as you go along. However you like to play, you will find room after room of creatures, good & evil, their treasures, and items of magic. As you career through the hallways, you must keep your eyes open and your wits drawn, because you don't know what will be around the next corner.
Since little is known about the depths of Mordor, all that you will have to go on is rumors, general information, and the drive to explore and discover. You will be the one who will set the foundation for every character to follow and you will help establish the basis of knowledge for this place. By your efforts, the unknown will become known. Experience & knowledge will be your strongest allies...
Mordor was built to be as realistic as possible. With this in mind, characters can interact with other characters, pick up and resurrect dead characters, cast spells and exchange items, and even wander around the dungeon with each other. This is what makes the game really enjoyable. In order to interact with another character, they must be in the same room (or in the city), or in the same party. Wherever the selected character was last run (before exiting the game) will be the place they will stay until run again.
In addition to organizing parties of characters, Mordor also allows adventurers to befriend, bind and control the creatures of the depths as well. This allows a single character not to be alone as they adventure without organizing a party of other characters.
Overall, Mordor is a VERY large game in the sense of playtime and exploration. Even from the smallest details of character stats to swinging the most powerful weapon in combat or casting an incredible spell, the finely-tuned engine of Mordor was built to take this type of FRP game to the limits, giving the player a sense of incredible depth to the game.
Experience a FRP game like you never have before - experience MORDOR!
Mordor is the first game of its type on the market (for Windows or DOS). It's much too large to give even a general overview of, but here's a list of some of the Features that are included:
* Windows 95 Compatibility
* 256 Color Graphics
* Musical Sound Track (Digital with proper Hardware)
* Action Sound FX
* Hundreds of Unique Items and Monsters
* Single or Multiple Character Play
* Automapping
* An advanced sizing system allowing forms and graphics to match most any
* Extensive flexiblity in game configuration and setup
* A game play environment so advanced, one can play for hundreds and even thousands
of hours!!
There is really no game on the market to compare Mordor with. The only way to find out what it's like is to Download it!
Mordor requires the following to run:
* Microsoft Windows 3.x, Workgroups for Windows 3.x, Windows NT or 100% Compatible Windows Operating System
* 386/33 or greater processor
* 4 MB RAM Available to Windows
* 5 MB of Disk Space
* 640x480x16 color VGA
Mordor recommends the following to run:
* Microsoft Windows 3.x, Workgroups for Windows 3.x, Windows NT or 100% Compatible Windows Operating System
For more information, check out Section 17 (Mordor Betatest) of the GAMERS forum. This is where all of the action, announcement and information takes place!
If you grabbed this file from a BBS, the Microsoft Network, or from the Internet, you should be able to download Mordor from the same location you got this file from. If not, You can find MORDOR.ZIP (which now contains the WAVE files as well as the game files) in the above mentioned section of the GAMERS forum on CompuServe. After downloading this file, unzip it into a TEMP directory on your hard drive and run SETUP. A list of Internet addresses that contain Mordor will also be available soon...