Labels:crt screen | digital display | monitor | poster | sky | vegetarianism OCR: Thank JoJ playing COLD DREOMS from IMMDRTALITY COLD DREAMS V1 .02 pr <16 Junc 1995> 13 NOI sharcwarc Plcasc do NDI distributc or copy Distr ibutors Contaci the authpr: 100333 3431 To gct the ful1 UCr3 ion or the sharcwarc vcrsi ion of COLD DREOMS im the Un i itcd Kingdon pleasc contact : PD 1cci ions Ltd The Whitc Housc Clifton Mar inc Paradc Gravescnd Kcnt D011 ODY Tcl : 01 174 325802 Tcl : 01474 331191 Fax : 01474 320442 for pr icc dctai 13 YSIN CompuScr EEE00T 3131 UCY3 vcrsion Unitod Kingdom lcct Gravesend dcta