PC/CD Gamer UK 10
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A Solution, obtained via M.Scott.
Anything that is not mentioned here is of no use or importance
in the game.
CLUB (where Lydia is) PARK
Search everywhere you go at least 5 or 6 times, sometimes things
are hidden and you only find it on the 5th or 6th click on
Search every time you eat or drink something because quite often
you get them back even though you have used them. DO NOT steal
from shops or bars because you end up getting put in jail for
about 3 days.
DO NOT stay in one place too long otherwise Aliens steal your
Krells then your belongings.
Start: Set B.O.B. on Programming so you can understand both
Aliens and Robots (See B.O.B.).
Visit toilets first - right off screen - go into cubicle to meet
your colleague and get your equipment.
Access Cards: You get these off different Aliens. One is to get
past the Technicians at the Northern Airlock, this is where you
get the Access Code for Epsilon. Use this code at Vrangor's
Station on the Keypad on the wall. The other Access Card is to
get into the the Xifo club so you can kill Merigo. You will get
this card off the Alien that you have to meet in the Museum (see
Aliens: Steal as much as you can from them until they say
something (if you steal again from them you will have to fight
which lowers your health), always try and steal Access Cards but
don't eat the food that you steal.
Ammo: Buy in the Gun Shop which is at Central Junction. Buy for
whichever weapon you have and make sure you have plenty
especially when you are going to Vrangor's Station otherwise you
will not be able to kill him.
Arcade: This is in the Hot Area at the start of the A-312 road
opposite the club where you meet Lydia. Play Bizzy game to get
credits added on to your Credit Card. Go in between 1.15 and 3
p.m. and play against Sloan to get his friends ip (copy the
pattern of the Bizzy shapes on a piece of paper then as each one
appears put the number (in pencil) next to it, this way you can
win every time).
Bizzy Game: You play this in the Arcade which is in the Hot Area
at the start of the A-312 road opposite the club where you meet
Lydia. Play it to get more credits on your Credit Card or play
against Sloan ( between 1.15 and 3 p.m.) to win is friendship.
Copy the pattern of shapes onto a piece of paper and then as
each one appears write next to them (in pencil so you can rub
them out) the number that the shape is, this way you will win
every time.
B.O.B.: Keep a check on your Physical Condition, always make
sure that you eat and drink regularly and that you do not get
hurt. If you do get hurt try and get to the Doctor as soon as
possible. Put your language on Robot and then Programme B.O.B.
B.O.B. then hopefully it will stay the same every time you load
your game. You can change your heartbeat on the Cardiogram for
different reasons. Hibernation is good if you are injured or to
save your energy but you are more likely to get hurt. Normal is
OK for normal situations. Accelerate is for when you are
dancing with Lydia or when you come up against Merigo or
Vrangor, it makes your reactions quicker (you must be of
accelerate when dancing with Lydia otherwise she will not stay
with you). Make sure you change your heart rate before you go
into the situation otherwise you will not be able to change it
once you are there.
Club: This is the club where you meet Lydia. It is in the Hot
Area at the start of A-312 road opposite the Arcade where you
meet Sloan. You have to pay before you get into this club so
make sure you have enough Krells also put your heart rate on
accelerate before you enter the club (see Lydia for more help).
Credit Cards: Use card to make phone calls or buy food and
drink. You can also change credits into Krells in the Exchange
Centre (see Exchange Centre). Use credits to pay for Drag (see
Drag). To gain more credits play Bizzy in Arcade. The card
that you find with the broken strip is no use at all. Kortakis
gives you enough credits to rent a Drag (see Kortakis) or you
can play Bizzy for them.
Doctor: This is north (on the left) from where the Medical
Organisations are. Buy Stimulants or get Surgery when you are
injured. Search after taking your last pill and you will get it
back even though it was registered as being used in the game.
DOP Card: Please see 'Jewel' as you do not need this card and
'Jewel' explains why.
Drag: This is straight ahead from the Northern Airlock past the
guard. You have to have Sloan with you to get past the guard.
You need 5500 credits to rent one. You can either play Bizzy
until you get enough or go and see Kortakis with Lydia who will
give them to you. Read manual on how to fly Drag. Head for the
orange dot (it's quite bright) which is Vrangors Station. When
you find his Station you have to fire at it so that it stops
moving and firing at you. Once you have shot it you have to fly
the Drag into the darkest part of the Station (it can take a bit
of time before you get it right). Make sure that you know the
access code for Epsilon for the keypad on the wall and that you
have lots of ammo and shields before you go there so you can
kill Vrangor.
Electronic Key: You get this off Merigo after you have killed
him. The key is for the door which is by the derelict building
just off from the Astroport Square. This door leads into the
Maze (see Maze).
Exchange Centre: It is straight ahead from the Astroport Square
next to the cafe. Exchange credits for Krells here.
Food and Drink: DO NOT steal from shops. Always buy food and
drink that you are going to use for yourself, never eat or drink
what you have stolen off an alien. You can give anything to
Sloan or Lydia. The water in the Park is OK. Search every time
you use something or give it to Sloan or Lydia because you can
get it back even though it has been registered as being used in
the game.
Force Field Shop: This is right from the Police Station then
right from the man and woman. DO NOT steal from the shop. Buy
2 or 3 force fields (number 7 or 8) to protect you until you are
ready to go to Vrangors Station on the Drag, then get rid of
everything that is useless and try to get as many number 8 force
fields as the game will let you carry to protect you from
Vrangor. If you do not have enough shields you will not be able
to kill Vrangor.
Girl in Black Zip Suit: Ask about Merigo and she will tell of an
Alien that she heard talking about him. Keep looking for the
type of Alien that she said and ask about Merigo, when you find
the right one he will tell you to meet him at the Museum in the
Park at a certain time. Make sure you have Krells to give him
and make a note of the time he says to go to the Xifo club to
find Merigo.
Gun Shop: This is just off the Central Junction (straight ahead
but to the right). DO NOT steal from the shop. Buy ammo for
your weapons that you got at the beginning of the game
(hopefully you picked HAAS 10 and the MOZ). The ammo that you
need for these weapons are T 02, E-10 and E300. If you buy
another weapon (especially the NOVA) you will probably end up
carrying too much and will not be able to leave the location
until you get rid of something. Make sure you have plenty of
ammo before you go to Vrangors Station otherwise you will not be
able to kill him.
Jewel: Kortakis gives this to Lydia when you go and see him at
home. The Jewel is used by Lydia in the maze to find a 'DOP
card' (detection onde de poursuite - pursuit wave). This card
is supposed to be useful in the Drag to indicate where Vrangor's
ship is but you can find him easily enough without it (just go
for the bright dot). You can finish the game without ever going
in the maze or even being with Lydia, so the DOP card is not
really useful unless you want to make the game longer than it
already is.
Kortakis: To get his phone number you have to have Lydia with
you then go and rent a Drag, if you don't have enough credits
she will give you Kortakis's phone number (which is 52031
-hopefully). Ring the number and go and see him. He is in the
Hot Area past the cinema and the northeast end of town. He will
give you enough credits to rent a drag and give Lydia a Jewel
which is not really any use (see Jewel). You can complete the
game without seeing Kortakis by just playing Bizzy to get
credits for Drag (see Bizzy).
Krells: Steal from Aliens until they say something (don't steal
again or you will have to fight). You can exchange credits for
Krells at the Exchange Centre (see Exchange Centre). Use Krells
for buying food, drink, ammo and shields. Aliens steal from you
if you stay in one place for too long (you will hear the same
noise as when you are stealing from them).
Lydia: She is in the Club where you have to pay to get in which
is in the Hot Area opposite the Arcade where you find Sloan.
Make sure you put your heart rate on accelerate before you enter
the club. Go in club between 2 - 4 pm and Lydia will appear and
ask if you want to dance. Dance with her and get the love meter
to the top and then she will be your friend and stay with you.
If you get it wrong she will not appear again until the next
night. When you go to hire a Drag and you haven't got enough
credits Lydia will tell you the phone number for Kortakis so
that you can see him. Ring the number to make an appointment.
Go and see him (past the Xifo club in the Hot Area) and he will
give you enough credits for the rag, he will also give Lydia a
jewel which is supposed to help in the Maze (you don't really
have to have Lydia with you if you can raise enough credits by
playing Bizzy and you also do not need to go into the maze at
Maze: This is through the door by the derelict building which is
just off from the Astroport Square. To enter into the Maze you
need the Electronic Key off Merigo which you get after you kill
him in the Xifo Club. You do not need to go into the Maze at
all in the game as you can finish without ever entering it. If
you do want to go into it here is what is supposed to go on -
you don't find anything very interesting in the Maze but you can
have access to the underground city. You need to find the
control room but you can do so only if you are with Lydia. She
has to have the Kortakis Jewel (see Jewel) with her. Then she
finds a DOP Card (detection onde de poursuite - pursuit wave).
This card is supposed to be useful when you are in the Drag to
indicate the position of Vrangors ship but you can do very well
without it.
Merigo: He is in the Xifo Club at the time that the Alien from
the Museum says (see Museum). When he arrives you kill him then
you will find an Electronic Key and Krells (see Electronic Key).
Museum: This is in the Park which is left from the Artificial
Park. After talking to the girl wearing the black zip suit in
the Night Bar she tells you about an Alien who mentioned Merigo.
Once you have found the Alien he will tell you to me at him at
the museum at a certain time. Make sure you have Krells to give
him and that you are on time. He will tell you what time Merigo
is usually in the Xifo Club so that you can go there and kill
him. If the Alien has an Access Card try and steal it but if
you can't you'll have to buy it. You must get the Access Card
because it is for the Xifo Club where you will find Merigo and
you have to kill him.
Night Bar: This is at the Approach Road. It opens at 19.00 hrs.
Inside is a girl with a black zip suit, ask her about Merigo and
she will tell you about an Alien that has mentioned him. Keep
looking for this type of Alien and asking them about Merigo.
When you find him he will tell you to meet him at a certain time
at the Museum in the Park (see Museum).
Park: This is left from the Artificial Park. You can drink the
water from the fountain which will refresh you and your
companions. You will also find the Museum here which is where
you meet the Alien who tells you about
Merigo (see Museum).
Sloan: You will find him in the Arcade which is in the Hot Area
at the start of A-312 road opposite the Club where you find
Lydia. He is only there between 1.15 - 3 pm which is when you
can play Bizzy against him (see Bizzy). When you have beaten him
he will stay with you. You need him to get past the guard at
the Northern Airlock which leads to the Drag. You definitely
need Sloan where as you don't really need Lydia.
Shields: Buy them in the Shield Shop which is left from the
police station then left from the man and woman. Buy number 7
or 8 and make sure you have enough to last especially when you
are going to Vrangor's Station otherwise you will not be able to
beat him.
Shops: DO NOT steal from them otherwise you will end up in jail
for 3 days and that just wastes time. Always buy what you want.
Make sure that the food and drink that you use is from the shops
rather than stolen from an Alien as it is safer.
Technicians: They are left from the Northern Airlock. You need
the Access Card for 'Technicians Only' to get into this area
(you can steal this off one of the many Aliens that you meet).
This is where you will find info on the bases. Take a note of
the Access Code for Epsilon as this is what you have to enter
into the Keypad on Vrangor's Station (Epsilon - LRRRRRRL) to let
you get to Vrangor to kill him.
Vrangor: He is at his Station (see Vrangor's Station). You get
there in the Drag (see Drag). Make sure you have plenty of ammo
and shields before you see him and put your heart rate on
accelerate. Just keep firing at him and as long as you have
enough ammo and shields he will die and you have won.
Vrangor's Station: To get here you have to use the Drag (see
Drag). Make sure you have plenty of ammo and shields before
even considering going here or you just won't make it. When you
see the Station you have to fire at it to stop it then you have
to fly into it at the darkest part. Once inside go to the right
and you will see a Keypad on the wall. You need the Access Code
for Epsilon (which you get from the Technicians) to enter into
it otherwise you can't go any further (Access Code for Epsilon -
Before entering the Code put heart rate on accelerate and then
you can enter code. Now you will be face to face with Vrangor.
Just keep firing at him until he dies and then you have won the
game. You can still carry on wandering around if you wish to do
whatever you like but the objective of the game has been
Xifo Club: This is in the Hot Area at the northeast end of town.
You need an Access Card to get in here which you will probably
get off the Alien in the Museum (see Museum). This is where you
will wait for Merigo at the time that the Alien in the Museum
told you. When he appears you have to kill him (see Merigo).
Easy isn't it!