home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- wallpaper playable.pcx
- MenuXpos 3
- MenuYpos 7
- MenuWidth 39
- MenuHeight 15
- MenuColour Black
- MenuPointerColour red
- MenuBorderColour white
- ButtonColour LIGHTGRAY
- ButtonBorderColour DARKGRAY
- ButtonTopHighLightColour WHITE
- ButtonBottomHighLightColour DARKGRAY
- ButtonTextColour BLACK
- ButtonHighLightColour RED
- ButtonNotAvailableColour DARKGRAY
- ; Define the Home button
- ButtonText @
- ButtonHotKey Home
- ButtonAction Home
- ButtonXpos 3
- ButtonYpos 22
- ButtonWidth 4
- ; Define the Scroll Up button
- ButtonText @
- ButtonHotKey UP
- ButtonAction ScrollUp
- ButtonXpos 33
- ButtonYpos 22
- ButtonWidth 3
- ; Define the End button
- ButtonText @
- ButtonHotKey End
- ButtonAction End
- ButtonXpos 8
- ButtonYpos 22
- ButtonWidth 4
- ; Define the Scroll Down button
- ButtonText @
- ButtonHotKey DOWN
- ButtonAction ScrollDn
- ButtonXpos 37
- ButtonYpos 22
- ButtonWidth 3
- ; Define the Drive Select button
- ButtonText Select Hard @isk
- ButtonHotKey D
- ButtonAction drive
- ButtonXpos 48
- ButtonYpos 12
- ButtonWidth 17
- ; Define the Execute button
- ButtonText @lay direct from CD-ROM
- ButtonHotKey P
- ButtonAction execute
- ButtonXpos 48
- ButtonYpos 22
- ButtonWidth 27
- ; Define the PkUnzip button
- ButtonText @nstall to Hard Disk
- ButtonHotKey I
- ButtonAction pkunzip
- ButtonXpos 48
- ButtonYpos 26
- ButtonWidth 27
- ; Define the Exit button
- ButtonText @ape to Main Menu
- ButtonHotKey Esc
- ButtonAction Exit
- ButtonXpos 2
- ButtonYpos 28
- ButtonWidth 20
- ; Define the Windows button
- ButtonText Run @indows Game
- ButtonHotKey W
- ButtonAction win
- ButtonXpos 48
- ButtonYpos 24
- ButtonWidth 17
- ; Define the Readme button
- ButtonText @iew Introduction
- ButtonHotKey V
- ButtonAction readme
- ButtonXpos 48
- ButtonYpos 14
- ButtonWidth 17
- ;
- ; End of Menu Configuration File
- ;