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- ;
- ; Menu definition file
- ;
- ;
- ; Configuration file
- ;
- ; Note there MUST a config entry for each menu file even if all menu
- ; files use the same congig file.
- ;
- ; This facility allows submenus to have their own look and feel.
- ;
- config doom.cfg
- ;
- ; Files to install to hard drive
- ;
- colour yellow
- [Doom 2 WAD Files]
- readme \text\doomh.txt
- []
- colour white
- [Trantor]
- pkunzip \doom\wads\trantor.zip \doom2\wads
- readme \doom\wads\trant.txt
- [Citadel]
- pkunzip \doom\wads\citadel.zip \doom2\wads
- readme \doom\wads\cit.txt
- [Tele Frag Me]
- pkunzip \doom\wads\tele_me \doom2\wads
- readme \doom\wads\tele.txt
- [Shoots 20]
- pkunzip \doom\wads\shoots20.zip \doom2\wads
- readme \doom\wads\sho.txt
- [MK Lofts]
- pkunzip \doom\wads\mklofts.zip \doom2\wads
- readme \doom\wads\mk.txt
- [Map01/Map02]
- pkunzip \doom\wads\compcore.zip \doom2\wads
- readme \doom\wads\comp.txt
- [Death Wad]
- pkunzip \doom\wads\3death.zip \doom2\wads
- readme \doom\wads\3death.txt
- [Doom 2 Walk-Through]
- pkunzip \doom\lmps\guide.zip \doom2\lmps
- readme \doom\lmps\dm2pj.txt
- colour yellow
- []
- []
- [Heretic WAD Files]
- []
- colour white
- [The Cemetary]
- pkunzip \doom\wads\augustus.zip \heretic\wads
- readme \doom\wads\aug.txt
- ;
- ; End of Menu Definition file.
- ;
- ; Note there MUST be a CR after the last menu line proper (which is
- ; why this is here)
- ;