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'************************************************************************** '* MS Test script for Win32s setup program '************************************************************************** '' $DEFINE DEBUG ''Define for script development/debugging '$INCLUDE 'setupapi.inc' '$INCLUDE 'msdetect.inc' ''Dialog ID's CONST WELCOME = 100 CONST ASKQUIT = 200 CONST DESTPATH = 300 CONST EXITFAILURE = 400 CONST EXITQUIT = 600 CONST EXITSUCCESS = 700 CONST OPTIONS = 800 CONST BADPATH = 6400 CONST HELPWELCOME = 1000 CONST VERPATH = 1100 CONST EXITFAILNOTWIN31 = 1200 CONST EXITFAILNOTENH = 1300 CONST EXITFAILNOTPAGING = 1325 CONST EXITFAILNOTINTEL = 1350 CONST EXITFAILRUNAPP = 1360 CONST FREECELLINST = 1400 CONST FREECELLINSTNOWIN32S = 1450 CONST FREECELLPATH = 1500 CONST HELPFREECELL = 1600 ''Bitmap ID CONST LOGO = 1 GLOBAL DESTSYS$ ''Windows\System directory. GLOBAL DEST32S$ ''Windows\System\Win32s directory GLOBAL DESTFREE$ ''Freecell directory GLOBAL OLE_PROTECT% ''Indicates whether ole2 dlls were protected from being '' copied. DECLARE SUB Install(OLEONLY%, OLE2_32%, OLE2_16%, OLE2AUTO_16%, OLE16RUNAPP%) DECLARE SUB UpdateSystemIni DECLARE FUNCTION RebootSystem(OLEONLY%) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION MakePath (szDir$, szFile$) AS STRING DECLARE FUNCTION MakeSystemIni LIB "INIUPD.DLL" (arg1$, arg2$) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION RestartWindows LIB "INIUPD.DLL" AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION OnWindowsNT LIB "INIUPD.DLL" AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION PagingEnabled LIB "INIUPD.DLL" AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION ShareEnabled LIB "INIUPD.DLL" AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION IsWin32sLoaded LIB "INIUPD.DLL" (arg1$) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION IsRunningApp LIB "INIUPD.DLL" AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION SetCuiFlags LIB "MSCUISTF.DLL" (arg1%, arg2%) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION ExitWindowsExec LIB "USER.EXE" (arg1$, arg2$) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION GetModuleHandle LIB "KRNL386.EXE" (arg1$) AS INTEGER DECLARE FUNCTION LoadLibrary LIB "KRNL386.EXE" (arg1$) AS INTEGER DECLARE SUB FreeLibrary LIB "KRNL386.EXE" (arg1%) DECLARE FUNCTION SetErrorMode LIB "KRNL386.EXE" (arg1%) AS INTEGER INIT: CUIDLL$ = "mscuistf.dll" '' Custom user interface dll HELPPROC$ = "FHelpDlgProc" '' Help dialog procedure szOldVer$ ="1.00.000 " '' Reserve space in string for version WIN32ENABLED% = 0 OLEONLY% = 0 OLE2_16% = 0 OLE2AUTO_16% = 0 OLE16RUNAPP% = 0 OLE_PROTECT% = 0 ON ERROR GOTO ERRNORMAL SrcDir$ = GetSymbolValue("STF_SRCDIR") szInf$ = GetSymbolValue("STF_SRCINFPATH") IF szInf$ = "" THEN szInf$ = GetSymbolValue("STF_CWDDIR") + "32sinst.inf" END IF ReadInfFile szInf$ SetBitmap CUIDLL$, LOGO SetTitle "Microsoft Win32s version " + MID$(GetSectionKeyVersion("WindowsSystem", "win32s16"), 1, 4) + " Setup Program" DESTSYS$ = GetWindowsSysDir() DEST32S$ = DESTSYS + "WIN32S\" '$IFDEF DEBUG i% = SetSizeCheckMode(scmOnIgnore) '' could use scmOff; def = scmOnFatal WinDrive$ = MID$(GetWindowsDir, 1, 1) IF IsDriveValid(WinDrive$) = 0 THEN i% = DoMsgBox("Windows drive ('"+WinDrive$+"') is not a valid drive.", "DEBUG", MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND+MB_OK) GOTO QUIT END IF '$ENDIF ''DEBUG CHECK: '' Can not run on versions less than 3.10. IF GetWindowsMajorVersion < 3 THEN ExitCode% = EXITFAILNOTWIN31 GOTO QUIT END IF IF GetWindowsMajorVersion = 3 AND GetWindowsMinorVersion < 10 THEN ExitCode% = EXITFAILNOTWIN31 GOTO QUIT END IF '' Check that we are not runnig on Chicago, including pre-released '' Chicago versions. IF GetWindowsMajorVersion * 100 + GetWindowsMinorVersion > 350 THEN ExitCode% = EXITSUCCESS WIN32ENABLED% = 1 GOTO FREECELL END IF IF GetWindowsMode < 2 THEN IF OnWindowsNT() THEN ExitCode% = EXITFAILNOTINTEL '' Running on Windows NT (on RISC) ELSE ExitCode% = EXITFAILNOTENH '' Standard Mode Windows END IF GOTO QUIT END IF IF OnWindowsNT() THEN ExitCode% = EXITSUCCESS WIN32ENABLED% = 1 GOTO FREECELL END IF ExitCode% = EXITSUCCESS if IsRunningApp() <> 0 THEN ExitCode% = EXITFAILRUNAPP GOTO QUIT END IF '' Get version of Win32s to be installed from version info in INF file szNewVer$ = GetSectionKeyVersion("WindowsSystem", "win32s16") '' See if OLE is included. OLEINCLUDED% = DoesFileExist( GetSymbolValue("STF_SRCDIR") + "OLE2THK.DL_", femExists ) IF OLEINCLUDED% = 1 THEN '' See whether one of the OLE 16 bit components is loaded. IF GetModulehandle("compobj") <> 0 THEN OLE16RUNAPP% = 1 GOTO GetOleVersion END IF IF GetModuleHandle("ole2") <> 0 THEN OLE16RUNAPP% = 1 GOTO GetOleVersion END IF IF GetModuleHandle("ole2prox") <> 0 THEN OLE16RUNAPP% = 1 GOTO GetOleVersion END IF IF GetModuleHandle("ole2conv") <> 0 THEN OLE16RUNAPP% = 1 GOTO GetOleVersion END IF IF GetModuleHandle("storage") <> 0 THEN OLE16RUNAPP% = 1 GOTO GetOleVersion END IF IF GetModuleHandle("ole2nls") <> 0 THEN OLE16RUNAPP% = 1 GOTO GetOleVersion END IF IF GetModuleHandle("ole2disp") <> 0 THEN OLE16RUNAPP% = 1 GOTO GetOleVersion END IF IF GetModuleHandle("typelib") <> 0 THEN OLE16RUNAPP% = 1 GOTO GetOleVersion END IF GetOleVersion: szOleNewVer$ = GetSectionKeyVersion("OleWindowsSystemWin32s", "ole2thk") '' Get version of currently installed OLE32 from version info of '' ole2thk file szOleOldVer$ = GetVersionOfFile( DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S\OLE2THK.DLL" ) szOle16OldVer$ = GetVersionOfFile( DESTSYS$ + "COMPOBJ.DLL" ) szOle16NewVer$ = GetSectionKeyVersion("OleWindowsSystem", "compobj") IF (szOle16NewVer$ > szOle16OldVer$) THEN OLE2_16% = 1 END IF szOle16OldVer$ = GetVersionOfFile( DESTSYS$ + "OLE2.DLL" ) szOle16NewVer$ = GetSectionKeyVersion("OleWindowsSystem", "ole2") IF (szOle16NewVer$ > szOle16OldVer$) THEN OLE2_16% = 1 END IF szOle16OldVer$ = GetVersionOfFile( DESTSYS$ + "OLE2PROX.DLL" ) szOle16NewVer$ = GetSectionKeyVersion("OleWindowsSystem", "ole2prox") IF (szOle16NewVer$ > szOle16OldVer$) THEN OLE2_16% = 1 END IF szOle16OldVer$ = GetVersionOfFile( DESTSYS$ + "STORAGE.DLL" ) szOle16NewVer$ = GetSectionKeyVersion("OleWindowsSystem", "storage") IF (szOle16NewVer$ > szOle16OldVer$) THEN OLE2_16% = 1 END IF szOle16OldVer$ = GetVersionOfFile( DESTSYS$ + "OLE2CONV.DLL" ) szOle16NewVer$ = GetSectionKeyVersion("OleWindowsSystem", "ole2conv") IF (szOle16NewVer$ > szOle16OldVer$) THEN OLE2_16% = 1 END IF szOle16OldVer$ = GetVersionOfFile( DESTSYS$ + "OLE2NLS.DLL" ) szOle16NewVer$ = GetSectionKeyVersion("OleWindowsSystem", "ole2nls") IF (szOle16NewVer$ > szOle16OldVer$) THEN OLE2AUTO_16% = 1 END IF szOle16OldVer$ = GetVersionOfFile( DESTSYS$ + "OLE2DISP.DLL" ) szOle16NewVer$ = GetSectionKeyVersion("OleWindowsSystem", "ole2disp") IF (szOle16NewVer$ > szOle16OldVer$) THEN OLE2AUTO_16% = 1 END IF szOle16OldVer$ = GetVersionOfFile( DESTSYS$ + "TYPELIB.DLL" ) szOle16NewVer$ = GetSectionKeyVersion("OleWindowsSystem", "typelib") IF (szOle16NewVer$ > szOle16OldVer$) THEN OLE2AUTO_16% = 1 END IF END IF OLE2_32% = 1 '' Check if Win32s is partially installed sz$ = GetIniKeyString (DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "Win32s", "Setup") '' If WIN32S.INI specifies Win32s Setup=0, then force complete Win32s file overwrite IF sz$ = "0" THEN GOTO WELCOME END IF '' If WIN32S.INI is missing, try and reinstall Win32s files/recreate WIN32S.INI IF sz$ <> "1" THEN GOTO WELCOME END IF '' If Win32s is already installed, get running version number i% = DoesFileExist( DESTSYS$ + "W32SYS.DLL", femExists ) IF i% = 1 THEN i% = IsWin32sLoaded( szOldVer$ ) ENDIF IF i% = 0 THEN GOTO WELCOME END IF IF szNewVer$ > szOldVer$ THEN GOTO WELCOME END IF OLE2_32% = 0 IF szNewVer$ = szOldVer$ AND OLEINCLUDED% = 1 THEN '' Compare OLE32 version and versions of each of OLE16 libraries. sz$ = GetIniKeyString (DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "OLE", "Setup") '' If WIN32S.INI specifies OLE2 Setup=0, then force OLE2 file overwrite IF ((sz$ <> "1") OR (szOleNewVer$ > szOleOldVer$)) THEN OLEONLY% = 1 OLE2_32% = 1 GOTO WELCOME END IF IF OLE2_16% OR OLE2AUTO_16 THEN OLEONLY% = 1 GOTO WELCOME END IF END IF WIN32ENABLED% = 1 GOTO FREECELL WELCOME: '' DL '' i% = SetCuiFlags(OLEONLY%, OLE16RUNAPP%) '' sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, WELCOME, "FInfoDlgProc", HELPWELCOME, HELPPROC$) '' IF sz$ = "CONTINUE" THEN '' UIPop 1 '' ELSE '' GOSUB ASKQUIT '' GOTO WELCOME '' END IF GETWIN32SPATH: IF PagingEnabled() = 0 THEN i% = DoMsgBox("Use the Control Panel 386 Enhanced icon and configure Windows using the Virtual Memory option.", "Win32s requires Virtual Memory", MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND+MB_OK) ExitCode% = EXITFAILURE '' Enhanced mode but not paging GOTO QUIT END IF IF ShareEnabled() = 0 THEN i% = DoMsgBox( "File-sharing must be enabled. Run SHARE.EXE before starting Windows or add SHARE.EXE to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.", "Win32s Setup: SHARE.EXE is not loaded", MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONEXCLAMATION+MB_OK) END IF SetSymbolValue "EditTextIn", DESTSYS$ SetSymbolValue "EditFocus", "END" GETPATHL1: sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, VERPATH, "FDispDlgProc", HELPWELCOME, HELPPROC$) IF sz$ = "CONTINUE" THEN IF IsDirWritable(DESTSYS$) = 0 THEN GOSUB BADPATH GOTO GETPATHL1 END IF UIPop 1 ELSEIF sz$ = "REACTIVATE" THEN GOTO GETPATHL1 ELSEIF sz$ = "BACK" THEN UIPop 1 GOTO WELCOME ELSE GOSUB ASKQUIT GOTO GETPATHL1 END IF COPYFILES: IF OLEONLY% = 0 THEN CreateIniKeyValue DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "Win32s", "Setup", "0", cmoOverwrite END IF IF OLE2_32% = 1 THEN CreateIniKeyValue DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "OLE", "Setup", "0", cmoOverwrite END IF '' Indicate Win32s install failure until all files known to be copied. ExitCode% = EXITFAILURE ERR = 0 CreateDir DEST32S$, cmoNone Install OLEONLY%, OLE2_32%, OLE2_16%, OLE2AUTO_16%, OLE16RUNAPP% UpdateSystemIni '' Terminate if unhandled fatal error IF ERR <> 0 THEN GOTO QUIT END IF IF OLEONLY% = 0 THEN CreateIniKeyValue DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "Win32s", "Setup", "1", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "Win32s", "Version", szNewVer$, cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "Nls", "AnsiCP", "1252", cmoOverwrite END IF IF OLE2_32% = 1 THEN CreateIniKeyValue DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "OLE", "Setup", "1", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "OLE", "Version", szOleNewVer, cmoOverwrite END IF i% = DoMsgBox("Win32s files successfully installed.", "Microsoft Win32s Setup", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL) '' Indicate Win32s correctly copied and installed. ExitCode% = EXITSUCCESS '' DL END FREECELL: '' DL GOTO QUIT IF OLEONLY% = 1 THEN GOTO QUIT ENDIF IF WIN32ENABLED% = 1 THEN sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, FREECELLINSTNOWIN32S, "FInfoDlgProc",0, "") ELSE sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, FREECELLINST, "FInfoDlgProc",0, "") END IF UIPop 1 IF sz$ <> "CONTINUE" THEN GOTO QUIT END IF GETFREEPATH: DESTFREE$ = MID$(DESTSYS$,1,3) + "WIN32APP\FREECELL\" SetSymbolValue "EditTextIn", DESTFREE$ SetSymbolValue "EditFocus", "END" GETFREEPATHL1: sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, FREECELLPATH, "FEditDlgProc", HELPFREECELL, HELPPROC$) IF sz$ = "CONTINUE" THEN DESTFREE$ = GetSymbolValue("EditTextOut") IF MID$(DESTFREE$, LEN(DESTFREE$), 1) <> "\" THEN DESTFREE$ = DESTFREE$ + "\" END IF ''Validate new path. IF IsDirWritable(DESTFREE$) = 0 THEN GOSUB BADPATH GOTO GETFREEPATHL1 END IF UIPop 1 GOTO COPYFREECELL ELSEIF sz$ = "REACTIVATE" THEN GOTO GETFREEPATHL1 ELSEIF sz$ = "EXIT" THEN UIPop 1 GOTO QUIT END IF COPYFREECELL: ClearCopyList CreateDir DESTFREE$, cmoNone SrcDir$ = GetSymbolValue("STF_SRCDIR") ERR = 0 AddSectionFilesToCopyList "Win32appFreecell", SrcDir$, DESTFREE$ CopyFilesInCopyList '' If error copying FreeCell, not a fatal error. Win32s is already installed. IF ERR <> 0 THEN ERR = 0 GOTO QUIT END IF ERR = 0 IF DoesFileExist( DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", femExists ) THEN CreateIniKeyValue DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "Freecell", "Setup", "1", cmoOverwrite CreateIniKeyValue DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "Freecell", "Version", szNewVer$, cmoOverwrite END IF ERR = 0 CreateProgmanGroup "Win32 Applications", "", cmoNone ShowProgmanGroup "Win32 Applications", 1, cmoNone CreateProgmanItem "Win32 Applications", "Freecell", DESTFREE$ + "FREECELL.EXE", "", cmoOverwrite '' Only put up success dialog if icon added to group IF ERR = 0 THEN i% = DoMsgBox("Freecell was successfully installed.", "Freecell Setup", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL) END IF ERR = 0 QUIT: '' Install error handler for final message box routines ON ERROR GOTO ERRQUIT IF ERR = 0 THEN dlg% = ExitCode% ELSEIF ERR = STFQUIT THEN IF (OLE_PROTECT% = 1) THEN '' Free all previously loaded libraries FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("compobj") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("ole2") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("ole2prox") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("ole2conv") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("storage") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("ole2nls") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("ole2disp") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("typelib") END IF dlg% = EXITQUIT ExitCode% = EXITQUIT ELSE dlg% = EXITFAILURE ExitCode% = EXITQUIT END IF QUITL1: IF WIN32ENABLED% = 1 THEN UIPop 1 END END IF sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, dlg%, "FInfo0DlgProc", 0, "") IF sz$ = "REACTIVATE" THEN GOTO QUITL1 END IF UIPop 1 IF ExitCode% = EXITSUCCESS THEN IF RebootSystem(OLEONLY%) = 0 THEN 'DL CreateIniKeyValue DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "Win32s", "Setup", "0", cmoOverwrite 'DL IF OLE2_32% = 1 THEN 'DL CreateIniKeyValue DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S.INI", "OLE", "Setup", "0", cmoOverwrite 'DL END IF 'DL i% = DoMsgBox("Win32s is not properly configured and Win32s Setup must be run again.", "Unable to Restart Windows", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION+MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL) END IF ENDIF END '' Fatal error handler for error message routine ERRQUIT: i% = DoMsgBox("Setup sources were corrupted!", "Setup Message", MB_OK+MB_TASKMODAL+MB_ICONHAND) END '' Bypass run-time errors. Let final dialog box display fatal error message. ERRNORMAL: '' Check if user cancelled setup IF ERR = STFQUIT THEN GOTO QUIT END IF RESUME NEXT BADPATH: sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, BADPATH, "FInfo0DlgProc", 0, "") IF sz$ = "REACTIVATE" THEN GOTO BADPATH END IF UIPop 1 RETURN ASKQUIT: sz$ = UIStartDlg(CUIDLL$, ASKQUIT, "FQuitDlgProc", 0, "") IF sz$ = "EXIT" THEN UIPopAll ERROR STFQUIT ELSEIF sz$ = "REACTIVATE" THEN GOTO ASKQUIT ELSE UIPop 1 END IF RETURN '** '** Purpose: '** Builds the copy list and performs all installation operations. '** Arguments: '** none. '** Returns: '** none. '************************************************************************* SUB Install(OLEONLY%, OLE2_32%, OLE2_16%, OLE2AUTO_16%, OLE16RUNAPP%) STATIC SrcDir$ = GetSymbolValue("STF_SRCDIR") '' Use file layout sections that specify OLDER file version/time check IF OLEONLY% = 0 THEN AddSectionFilesToCopyList "WindowsSystem", SrcDir$, DESTSYS$ AddSectionFilesToCopyList "WindowsSystemWin32s", SrcDir$, DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S\" '' Add obsolete files to be removed AddSectionFilesToCopyList "Win32sSystemObsoleteFiles", SrcDir$, DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S\" END IF OLE_PROTECT% = 0 OLEINCLUDED% = DoesFileExist( GetSymbolValue("STF_SRCDIR") + "OLE2THK.DL_", femExists ) if OLEINCLUDED% = 1 THEN IF (OLE2_16% = 1) OR (OLE2AUTO_16% = 1) THEN IF OLE16RUNAPP% = 1 THEN '' Force all OLE2 DLLS to be copied during reboot. i% = SetErrorMode(-32768) i% = LoadLibrary(DESTSYS$ + "compobj.dll") i% = LoadLibrary(DESTSYS$ + "ole2.dll") i% = LoadLibrary(DESTSYS$ + "ole2prox.dll") i% = LoadLibrary(DESTSYS$ + "ole2conv.dll") i% = LoadLibrary(DESTSYS$ + "storage.dll") i% = LoadLibrary(DESTSYS$ + "ole2nls.dll") i% = LoadLibrary(DESTSYS$ + "ole2disp.dll") i% = LoadLibrary(DESTSYS$ + "typelib.dll") OLE_PROTECT% = 1 END IF AddSectionFilesToCopyList "OleWindowsSystem", SrcDir$, DESTSYS$ END IF IF OLE2_32% = 1 THEN AddSectionFilesToCopyList "OleWindowsSystemWin32s", SrcDir$, DESTSYS$ + "WIN32S\" END IF IF (OLE2_16% = 1) OR (OLE2_32% = 1) OR (OLE2AUTO_16% = 1) THEN AddSectionFilesToCopyList "Ole2RegWindowsSystem", SrcDir$, DESTSYS$ END IF IF (OLE2AUTO_16% = 1) THEN AddSectionFilesToCopyList "StdoleWindowsSystem", SrcDir$, DESTSYS$ END IF END IF SetRestartDir GetWindowsDir() CopyFilesInCopyList IF (OLE_PROTECT% = 1) THEN '' Free all previously loaded libraries FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("compobj") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("ole2") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("ole2prox") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("ole2conv") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("storage") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("ole2nls") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("ole2disp") FreeLibrary GetModuleHandle("typelib") OLE_PROTECT% = 0 END IF IF OLEINCLUDED% AND (OLE2_16% OR OLE2_32% OR OLE2AUTO_16%) THEN RUN "regedit /s " + DESTSYS$ + "ole2.reg" END IF END SUB SUB UpdateSystemIni STATIC VxDPath$ = DEST32S$ + "W32S.386" SystemIniPath$ = GetWindowsDir() t% = MakeSystemIni(SystemIniPath$, VxdPath$) END SUB FUNCTION RebootSystem(OLEONLY%) STATIC AS INTEGER ' Check if any files were locked during install. If the RestartList ' is not empty, ExitExecRestart() will restart Windows, cleanup setup ' files, and copy over locked files before Windows restarts. i% = RestartListEmpty() IF i% = 0 THEN ' ExitExecRestart() only returns if applications refuse to be shutdown. ' Win32s is installed but will not operate until Windows is restarted ' and the Win32s VxD is loaded. 'DL i% = ExiwtExecRestart() RebootSystem = 0 ELSE ' If the RestartList list is empty, it is necessary to restart windows ' directly. The MSSETUP program creates _MSRSTRT.EXE and _MSSETUP.BAT ' in the restart directory. This program should be exec'd to handle ' proper MSSETUP cleanup (temp files) and restart Windows. IF (OLEONLY% = 1) THEN RebootSystem = 1 ELSE 'DL i% = ExitWindowsExec( GetWindowsDir() + "_MSRSTRT.EXE", "_MSSETUP.BAT" ) RebootSystem = 0 END IF ENDIF END FUNCTION '** '** Purpose: '** Appends a file name to the end of a directory path, '** inserting a backslash character as needed. '** Arguments: '** szDir$ - full directory path (with optional ending "\") '** szFile$ - filename to append to directory '** Returns: '** Resulting fully qualified path name. '************************************************************************* FUNCTION MakePath (szDir$, szFile$) STATIC AS STRING IF szDir$ = "" THEN MakePath = szFile$ ELSEIF szFile$ = "" THEN MakePath = szDir$ ELSEIF MID$(szDir$, LEN(szDir$), 1) = "\" THEN MakePath = szDir$ + szFile$ ELSE MakePath = szDir$ + "\" + szFile$ END IF END FUNCTION