PC/CD Gamer UK 8
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1,290 lines
{ Var
_TimeTest = 0 // Has the machine speed test been run?
// Set when a user hits a key to interrupt something.
_UserInterrupt = 0
// TITLE sequence variables
_titl_frame = 0
// Cryogenics chamber variables
_no_more_pouring = 0 // kill variable for pour_loop
_IR2_FRAME = 1
_frz_frame = 0
_WARP_FRAME = 1 // Platform warp door
_Bx1_Space = _POSITIVE
_ld1_SPACE = _NEUTRAL // Cryo_Room door that gets blasted off
_ld2_SPACE = _NEUTRAL // Cryo_Room door that gets blasted off
_ld3_SPACE = _NEUTRAL // Cryo_Room door that gets blasted off
_qpit1_SPACE = _NEUTRAL // The cryo hatch
_qpit2_SPACE = _NEUTRAL // The cryo hatch
_qpit3_SPACE = _NEUTRAL // The cryo hatch
_qpit4_SPACE = _NEUTRAL // The cryo hatch
_qpit5_SPACE = _NEUTRAL // The cryo hatch
_lp8_space = _NEUTRAL // Phantom pillar in Tomb Room
_qhole01_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Glass pane in final battle room
_qhole02_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Glass pane in final battle room
_qhole_trigger = 0 // Trigger the pane to fall
_pltdoor_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Door in final battle room
_gls1_frame = 0 // Glass animation
_gls2_frame = 0 // Glass animation
_btl3_frame = 0 // Cam3 ani
_cryo_warning = _INVALID_PROCESS_ID // warning process
_ever_poured = 0 // has cryo ever been turned on?
// The cell-block area on CHAOS
_pn3_frame = 0 // spark behind cell-block panel
_pn2_frame = 0 // spark behind cell-block panel
_burn_frame = 0 // burn marks around panel
_xplo_frame = 0 // explosion art of cell-block panel
_DR6_FRAME = 1 // Door from Guard room to hallway
_read_danes_log = 0 // set to _TRUE once Dane's logbook has been read
_read_caynans_log = 0 // set to _TRUE once Caynan's logbook has been read
_caynan_lost_arm = 0 // set to _TRUE once Caynan has lost his arm
_ce3_modifyvar_handle = 0 // this is the handle for a @ModifyVarEveryNth() in CE3_LOAD
_got_log_about_bars = 0 // set to _TRUE once we've had the log entry about the force bars added to our log
_played_flute = 0 // Counts when flute is played, used to trigger log entry
// Unknown usage for these variables.
_DR5_FRAME = 1
_DR7_FRAME = 1
_WR7_FRAME = 0 // skip shape for door depths
_DR1_FRAME = 1
_DR3_FRAME = 1
_DR2_FRAME = 1
_DRK_Frame = 1 // Skip shape for dark cell2
_mon_frame = 0 // Tanks monster art and platform monitor
_mnt_frame = 0 // The other monster skip shape
// This is used to stop Lex from doing silly things while he
// endures a dramatic moment. Just set it to one, and then
// back to zero when things are normal again. -KLD
_Drama = 0
_Suppress_Quakes = 0 // set to 1 if we want to supress earthquakes, like when a monitor is about to be run
// Control level skipshape variables
_DR4_frame = 1 // Door to control area
_elev_frame = 0 // the elevator from the garage to the control level
_eleb_frame = 0 //
// Control Corridor Scene Variables
_Hard_Suit_Mach_Used = 0 // HardSuit machine used?
_Suit_Machine_In_Use = 0
_OKtoUse = 1 // COntrol Airlock door in use
// Operating Room variables
_Mastaba_Set_Scene = 0 // Mastaba set scene
_Operate_Done = 0 // Operating room set scene is done
_mastaba_override = 0 // allows PFD to fire despite other guns
_arm_frame = 1 // Dane's arm movements
_hed_frame = 0 // Dane's head movements
_ded_frame = 0 // Dane is dead
_Dane_Alive = 1 // 1 is Dane is alive; 0 if dead
_opra_frame = 0 // runs the Dane flic animation
_Dane_Asks_Death = _FALSE // Set _TRUE after Dane has conversation
_Dane_interrupt = _FALSE // Prevents code being called over itself
_btt_frame = 0 // Dane's death by battery frames
_baa_frame = 0 // Dane's death by battery anim
// Control Room Variables
_Use_Hardsuit_Machine = 1 // Allow player to use hardsuit machine
_waiting_to_leave_elv = 0 // for the machine shop auto-activation of the elevator
// Control Hangar Variables
_Battery_In_Bike = 1 // Battery is in the "bike" (0=empty,1=alien battery,2=mondite battery)
_did_bike_journal = 0 // Set to TRUE when LEX reads journal about bike
_did_ring_glyphs = 0 // Set to TRUE when LEX reads hieroglyphs about gravity ring
_Can_frame = 0 // Canopy opening
_Bat_frame = 0 // Bike battery panel animation; panel is open
_Bat0_frame = 0 // cycling animation of empty storage cell for battery in bike
_BatR_frame = 0 // a mondite battery is in storage cell of bike
_BatB_frame = 0 // cycling animation of alien battery in storage cell of bike
_Exp_Frame = 0 // Bike taking off
_Exp2_Frame = 0 // Bike taking off
_sip_space = _POSITIVE // The bike itself (has to be set to false to get the player to sit in it)
_Seen_Mach_Shop = _FALSE // set to TRUE once the player has seen the machine shop
// Tower Scene Variables
_GN1_FRAME = 1
_GN2_FRAME = 1
_GUN_FRAME = 1 // TOWER: the gun you aim at the dropship, LEDGE: the gun of the dropship firing at us
_Lase_Frame = 0
_Missile_Coming = 0
_DR0_FRAME = 1 // Tower elevator door pics
_IncomingProcess = -1 // The incoming ship manager
_Lander_Stage = 0
_LexAtGun = 0
_FirstLanderAlive = 1
_SecondLanderAlive = 1
_InCutScene = 0
_Swiveling = 0
_GunActive = 0
_RolandOnKnees = 0
_RolandBusy = 0
_Roland_Alive = 1 // Roland Start the game alive
_Roland_Log = 0 // Roland alive log flag
_LeftSide = 1 // Roland is cowering on the leftside
// of the gun
_HeardMastabaSurSpeech = 0 // Flag for Mastaba's elevator speech after
// you kill both ships
_Mastaba_Elev_Speech = 0 // flag that checks if Mastaba is in his elevator speech
_Tower_Y = 0
_BR3_FRAME = 0
_BR1_FRAME = 1
_BR2_FRAME = 1
_BR4_FRAME = 1
_LV2_FRAME = 1
_LV3_FRAME = 1
_lv4_frame = 1
_lv5_frame = 1
_LD1_FRAME = 1 // Freezer lid
_pn1_frame = 1
_do1_frame = 1
_ld3_frame = 0
_shd_frame = 0 // 34
_ld2_frame = 1
_dk1_frame = 0
_dk3_frame = 0
_dp1_frame = 0
_dp2_frame = 0
_gol_frame = 1
_win_frame = 1
_dr8_frame = 1
_wall_frame = 0
_sng1_frame = 0
_sng2_frame = 0
_TUB_frame = 1
_mec_frame = 1
_flr_frame = 1
_grd_frame = 1
_for_frame = 1
_aft_frame = 1
_lht_frame = 2
_wat_frame = 1
_tnkd_frame = 0 // TankDeth water
_q5a_frame = 0 // Bubbles
_q4b_frame = 0 // Bubbles
_q9c_frame = 0 // Bubbles
_dr9_frame = 1 // Landpad elevator door (inside)
_dra_frame = 1 // Landpad airlock from hall (inside)
_drb_frame = 1 // Landpad airlock to outside (inside)
_door_frame = 1 // Landpad airlock to outside (pad6)
_butn_frame = 1 // Anim for Klaxon button
_drw__frame = 1 // Anim for warp field in snake corridor
// beach variables
_LastLoc = 0 // Var to determine whether Lex is in the Beach or the Landpad level
_bchr_frame = 0 // Anim of the acid lake rippling
_bchz_frame = 0
_xbm_frame = 0 // For anim of explosion in tunnel near landpad
_btn1_frame = 0 // Frame 0 = normal, frame 1 = blasted
_btn2_frame = 0 // Frame 0 = normal, frame 1 = blasted
_msl_frame = 1 // Shows the missile out of its tube.
_spl_frame = 0 // The Splash that Fluffy causes
_mlt_frame = 1 // Blinking lite on missle
_bub_frame = 0 // Beach acid bubbles
_Fluffy_Space = _NEUTRAL // Extent box for dead fluffy
// Blast Tunnel Variables
_BLN_FRAME = 1 // Variable for blst tunnel animations
_fnt_frame = 0 // Suit machine front
_bak_frame = 0 // Suit machine back
// Tube Room variables
_TubesOpen = 0 // flags indicating open tubes
_TN1_frame = 0 // tube activation frames....
_TN2_frame = 0
_TN3_frame = 0
_TN4_frame = 0
_TN5_frame = 0
_TN6_frame = 0
_TN7_frame = 0
_TN8_frame = 0
_MN1_frame = 0
_MN2_frame = 0
_T1b_frame = 0 // tube activation frames....
_T2b_frame = 0 // Part 2
_T3b_frame = 0
_T4b_frame = 0
_T5b_frame = 0
_T6b_frame = 0
_T7b_frame = 0
_T8b_frame = 0
_fmo_frame = 1 // Skip shape to set the depth of
// the closed tube control monitor
// correctly
_tube_mon_failure = 0 // keeps track of failures
// Tube room flickering lights
_lik_frame = 0
// Tubes variables
// Pillar base (5 sections) space
// set to NEUTRAL when Lex walk around to monitor opening during use
// Digsite variables
_keyglow = 0 // Handle for keyglow process
_off_frame = 0 // Anim of Tomb forcefield fading
_enrg_frame = 1 // CloseUp anim of tomb forcefield
_key_frame = 1 // CloseUp anim of tomb key w/out forcefield
_lid_space = _NEUTRAL // Ripped-off tomb door
_opening_tomb = 0 // Is lex opening the tomb?
_crak_frame = 0 // Anim of glow thru the tomb's cracks
_back_frame = 1 // Tomb lid is shut
_open_frame = 1 // Tomb lid is shut
_opn2_Frame = 0 // tomb llid is half open
_glow_frame = 0 // Tomb's force field is off
_gunm_frame = 4
_mch1_frame = 1
_mch2_frame = 1
_rcks_frame = 1 // Rocks busting out in Tomb Room
_escher_dead = 0 // set to _TRUE(1) once Escher disappears (no death)
_know_escher = _FALSE // Set when LEX knows who Escher is
_escher_healed = 0 // set to _TRUE if Escher is healed
_escher_spoke_1 = 0 // set to _TRUE when Escher speaks to Lex
_escher_spoke_2 = 0 // set to _TRUE when she gives her last message
_esc_frame = 1 // Eschers headless body (head is 3d) Turn to 0 when gone
_escher_interrupt = 0 // set to _TRUE when not supposed to interrupt
_escher_process = 0 // set to handle of escher_talk
_stop_escher_process = _FALSE // set to _TRUE to end talk process cleanly
_escher_process_2 = 0 // set to handle of escher_whine
_escher_dont_whine = _FALSE // set to true when you want her to not interrupt
_escher_moaning = 0 // process handle for Escher_moans
_sdam_frame = 0 // Damaged suit machine
_lmp_frame = 1 // lamp in dgs3 2nd frame is damaged one
_lmp2_frame = 1
_Hardsuit_Mach_Damaged = 0
_hole_frame = 1 // blinkie at digsite tube
_blinkie_process = 0 // is blinkie process being run?
_tube_frame = 0 // tube tunnel is off at start
_tub2_frame = 0 // other half of digtube (for sorting)
// Dust that falls from Lex's starting cell
_Eq1_frame = 0
_Eq2_frame = 0
_Eq3_frame = 0
_Eq4_frame = 0
_big_quake_running = 0 // used by Level1Tremors to know when to start the quake motion
// The medical indicator on the wall of Lex's cell
_Med_Frame = 0
// the landing pad
_plr_frame = 0 // the blinking lights in the foreground
_arow_frame = 0 // the big arrows pointing to the spot to land
_fire_frame = 0 // the flaming husk of airmecho
_hfr2_frame = 0 // fire flickering on walls
_hfr3_frame = 0 // the dark hallway with the elevator doors opening and closing
_hall_frame = 0 // fire flickering on walls
_mech_frame = 0 // mecho burning in hallway
_mecs_frame = 0 // Small fire (depth related)
_arl2_frame = 0 // mecho burning and hallway flickering from airlock
_elv3_frame = 0 // the animation for the laser bolts ripping through the elevator door
// the ledge
_blst_frame = 0 // the exhaust of the ship preparing for takeoff
_ship_frame = 0 // the ship (0 or 1)
//_gun_frame = 0 // the gun of the ship firing at us - defined already for the tower scene
_lift_frame = 0 // the ship takes off
// Grav Ring
_rk0_frame = 0
_rk1_frame = 0
_rk2_frame = 0
_rk3_frame = 0
_rk4_frame = 0
_rk5_frame = 0
_no_more_asteroids = _INVALID_PROCESS_ID
_stb_frame = 0 //Wall strobes
_pz1_frame = 15
_pz2_frame = 1
_pz3_frame = 13
_pz4_frame = 15
_pz5_frame = 1
_pz6_frame = 11
_tg1_frame = 0 // Triangle button for grav ring pz6
_tg2_frame = 0 // Triangle button for grav ring pz5
_tg3_frame = 0 // Triangle button for grav ring pz4
_tg4_frame = 0 // Triangle button for grav ring pz3
_tg5_frame = 0 // Triangle button for grav ring pz2
_tg6_frame = 0 // Triangle button for grav ring pz1
_acid_frame = 0 // Acid lake opening
// Dropship Missles
_Dropship_Missles = 14 // 01110 - #4 always unavailable
// Frame of the missile showing it
// out of the pod
_MIS_FRAME = 0 // missle launch/fire
_BOM_FRAME = 0 // missle Boom! Explosion
_DAM_FRAME = 0 // missle damage
_OK_ToFire = 1 // Is it OK to fire a missile?
// Platform variables
_plt0_frame = 0 // Frame control for plt0 camera
_emn_frame = 0 // Frame control for elite alien monitor
_lite_frame = 0 // Frame control for city sun anim
_bll_frame = 0 // Frame control for floating ball
_shpa_frame = 0 // Frame control for arriving ship
_shpb_frame = 46 // Frame control for departing ship
_ship_animation_process = 0 // Used to keep track of process
_gave_alien_battery = 0 // TRUE after alien gives battery
_notice_alien_drop = 0 // TRUE if Lex kills alien before getting battery
_need_new_battery = 0 // Set if player tries to charge bike with low battery
_dr1_SPACE = _NEGATIVE // Chaos Cell #1 bars space
_dr2_SPACE = _NEGATIVE // Chaos Cell #2 bars space
_dr3_SPACE = _NEGATIVE // Chaos Cell #3 bars space
_dr4_SPACE = _NEGATIVE // Chaos Cell #4 bars space
_dr5_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Cell block to guard room
_dr6_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Guard room to hallway door
_dr7_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Front elevator door
_dr9_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Back elevator door
_dr11_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Door b/w airlock & hallway (control)
_dr12_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Door b/w airlock & reactor
_dr13_SPACE = _POSITIVE // operate room door (control)
_dr14_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Control Room doors (Control)
_dr18_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Airlock/Airhall door (Landpad)
_lexstuk_SPACE = _NEUTRAL // Space that HFR6 can't see, set to solid when fighting airmecho
_wk1_SPACE = _NEUTRAL // Reactor room light bridge
_paddr_SPACE = _POSITIVE // Landpad airlock to pad
_drog_SPACE = _NEGATIVE // area where drogg leaps from
_opn_SPACE = _NEGATIVE // area where drogg leaps thru?
_lndtnk1_SPACE = _POSITIVE
_lnddr2_space = _NEUTRAL // the doors inside the crashed dropship leading to the missile monitor
_FS1_SPACE = _NEUTRAL // Tanks monster extents
//_wk2_space = _POSITIVE // Tank platform
//_wka_space = _POSITIVE // Tank walkway
_fl2_SPACE = _POSITIVE // control room elevator
_sft_SPACE = _POSITIVE // control room elevator
_mecho_space = _NEUTRAL // landing pad hallway, airmecho's burning husk
_Blt_Space = _POSITIVE // Blast door full
_blt1_Space = _NEUTRAL // First quarter of blown blast doors
_blt2_space = _NEUTRAL // Second quarter of blown blast doors
_blt3_space = _NEUTRAL // Third quarter of blown blast doors
_blt4_space = _NEUTRAL // Forth quarter of blown blast doors
_blt5_space = _NEUTRAL // FIfth part of blown blast doors
_cliff04_space = _NEUTRAL // Extent next to the ledge (above the acid lake)
_cliff05_space = _NEUTRAL // Extent next to the blast door tunnel exit (on the ledge)
_jetson1_space = _POSITIVE // Upper jetson tube door
_Jetson2_space = _POSITIVE // Lower Jetson Tube door
// All Levels
_ReflectBattDrain_Hand = 0 // Handle for the process "ReflectBattDrain"
// Beach
_ZipTripping = 0 // Is Lex zip-tripping?
_BlowLexAway = 0 // Handle for process that knocks Lex off of ledge after being blasted
_KnockLexDown_Handle = 0 // Handle for process that knocks Lex down from the warhead blast
_Tripped_Timer = 0 // Has Lex tripped the warhead timer trigger box?
_Warhead_Status = 0 // What are the conditions in which the warhead monitor is called
_WTdigit1 = 0 // 1st digit of warhead timer display
_WTdigit2 = 0 // 2nd digit of warhead timer display
_WTdigit3 = 0 // 3rd digit of warhead timer display
_WTdigit4 = 0 // 4th digit of warhead timer display
_Warhead_Mon_Handle = 0 // Handle for the realtime process "Warhead_Mon"
_Warhead_Timer_Handle = 0 // Handle for realtime process "Warhead_Timer"
_Hundredths = 0 // Handle for realtime process "Hundredths"
_Warhead_Timer = 900 // The realtime timer for the warhead
_bomb_volume = 100 // Controls the loudness of the "soft beep"
_Static_Handle = 0 // Handle for a process that fills the
// dropship monitor with white noise (static)
_KillFluffy_Handle = 0 // Handle for process of same name
_Fluffy_SFX1 = 0 // Handle for process of same name
_Fluffy_SFX2 = 0 // Handle for process of same name
_Fluffy_SFX3 = 0 // Handle for process of same name
_Fluffy_Dead = 0 // Is Fluffy alive or dead?
_FluffyRisen = 0 // Has Fluffy risen out of the acid?
_FluffyLooksUp = 0 // Handle for process of same name
_FluffyGoBack_Hand = 0 // Handle for process "FluffyGoBack"
_MissileGoBoom = 0 // Handle for the MissileGoBoom process
_PlatformBurning = 0 // Is the platform burning?
_Fluffy_Process = 0 // Process handle for Fluffy sfx
_LexBchLoc = 0 // Used for the Beachbots AI
_BchBot1_Alive = 1 // Beach robot 1
_BchBot2_Alive = 1 // Beach robot 2
_BchBot3_Alive = 1 // Beach robot 3
_Demo = 0
// Cryo Room
_lyd_frame = 1
_DR2_STATE = 0
_DR5_STATE = 0
_DR4_STATE = 0 // Door way to control room
_DR8_state = 0
_DRA_state = 0 // Landpad airlock
_DRB_state = 0 // Landpad airlock to pad
_ZAP_COMBAT = _FALSE // controls whether to resume combatmode
_ONEARM_LOADED = 0 // 50
_BRDG_ON = 0
_RTR_OFF = 0
_LT_LEV = 0
_RT_LEV = 0
// Chaos cell-block variables
_Deny_State = 0 // Used for the "DenyAccess" process in Chaosmon.scr
_LexRevived = 0 // Has Lex revived from being drugged?
_CEL1_OFF = 0
_CEL2_OFF = 0
_CEL3_OFF = 0
_CEL4_OFF = 0
_BARS1_ON = 1
_BARS2_ON = 1
_BARS3_ON = 1
_BARS4_ON = 0
_CellThreeProcess = _INVALID_PROCESS_ID
_CellFourProcess = _INVALID_PROCESS_ID
_short_drip = 0
_Use_Bot_Blown = 0
_Medical_Speed = 10
_current_level = 2
_cycle4 = 0
_cls_arlk_tripped = 0
_cls_airl_tripped = 0
_entering = 0
_leaving = 0
_opn_arlk_tripped = 0
_in_rtr_tripped = 0
_arlk_out_tripped = 0
_opn_airl_tripped = 0
_in_pad_tripped = 0
_airl_out_tripped = 0
_ZegCounter = 0
_CtrRmElv = 1
_TEMP = 0
_TEMP1 = 0
_TEMP2 = 0
_TEMP3 = 0
_TEMP4 = 0
_TEMP5 = 0
_landpad = 0
_from_tanks = 0
_beach = 0
_digsite = 0
_tunroom = 0
_Winds_of_Change = 0 // flag for changing wind sfx in tower
_exit_monitor = 0
_RexFallsNow = 0
_BeenThere = 0
_WaterPour = 0 // 78 // cryo fluid
_FightSFX = 0 // Fido/Scorp fight
_LightInterval = 10
_Fido_and_Scorp_are_DEAD = 0
_Heard_tank_monster = 0
_Goner_Tripped = 0 // Flag for tank scene
_safe = 0 // It is safe to transport lex 'tween tanks
_cel_door_state = 0 // cel<->guard door: 0=closed, 1=open
_celpan_state = 2 // 1,2,3,4,5 (1 = reset,5=finished)
_celpan_start = 0
_celpan_open = 0
_celpan_flag = 0
_celpan_loc = 0
_celpan_cur_ptr = 0
_celpan_seq_ptr = 0
_celpan_entering = 0
_celpan_newloc = 0
_celpan_goal = 0 // 88
_celpan_failures = 0 // a running total of the number of
// times Lex has tried this puzzle
// door variables
_elevator_door_in_op = 0 // if 1, then door is currently being opened or closed
_Elevator_moving = 0 // Is the elevator in motion?
_hand_door_in_op = 0 // if 1, then door is currently being opened or closed
_operate_door_in_op = 0
_control_door_in_op = 0
_airlock_door_in_op = 0
_airlock_door2_in_op = 0
_lex_standing = 1
_bar_tick = 0
_elev_inacc_level = 0
_message = 0 // speech flag for Mastaba's "random" radio messages
_Mastaba_Message_One = 0 // controls radio trigger box
_Mastaba_Message_Two = 0 // controls radio trigger box
_Mastaba_Message_Three = 0 // controls radio trigger box
_Mastaba_Message_Four = 0 // controls radio trigger box
_Mastaba_Message_Five = 0 // controls radio trigger box
_Mastaba_Message_Six = 0 // controls radio trigger box
_mastaba_Random = 0 // process handle for _Random_Mastaba_speech
_mastaba_threatened = _FALSE // set when Mastaba threatens Escher on radio
_elevator_vox_secure = 0 // speech for weapon-discharge speech
_BeenInTanks = 0 // Used for positioning HalMecho
_HalMecho_Speech_Num = 0 // Used in switch statement of mecho speech
_CheckLexDeath_Hand = 0 // Handle for "CheckLexDeath" process
_HalMecho_state = 0 // the AI state of the hallway mecho
_HalMecho_speech = 0 // the current speech of the hallway mecho
_HalMecho_Speeches = 0 // Block of speeches; used a handle.
_HalMecho_Alive = 1 // 1 = alive ; 0 = dead
_Retaliate = 0 // Handle for HalMecho's "Retaliate" Process
_brendan_var1 = 0 // stupid vars for Brendan to play with
_brendan_var2 = 0
_brendan_var3 = 0
_gosub = 0
_Grav_Solved = 0 // Flag for the grav ring puzzle
_Rock0 = 0 // handle for rock process
_Rock1 = 0 // handle for rock process
_Rock2 = 0 // handle for rock process
_Rock3 = 0 // handle for rock process
_Rock4 = 0 // handle for rock process
_Rock5 = 0 // handle for rock process
_mch1_process = 0 // handle for hardsuit process
_mch2_process = 0 // handle for hardsuit process
_radio_crosstalk_process = 0 // handle for radio crosstalk process in GRD
_radio_crosstalk = 0 // flag
_tankwater_process = 0 // handle for water anim process
_bub1_process = 0 // handle for bubble1 anim process
_bub2_process = 0 // handle for bubble2 anim process
_bub3_process = 0 // handle for bubble3 anim process
_lnd2_shipflyby = 0 // handle for 1st ship in lnd2_frame
// Landing Pad variables
_alien_city_seen = 0 // Set to 1 when the alien city has been reactivated
_ship_has_left = 0 // set to 1 when the dropship has left with Mastaba and Escher
_airmecho_dead = 0 // set to _TRUE when killed
_Airmecho_Scene = 0 // Is it running?
_airlock_solved = _FALSE // TRUE when puzzle done
_airlock_flag = 0 // Current puzzle state
_airlock_prev = 0 // Previous button push
// Zero-G room variables
_Sng_Space = _NEUTRAL // so we can float thru the big glowing thing in the middle of the room
// Reactor Room variables
_Bridge_Moving = 0 // Is bridge activating/Deactivating?
_Reactor_Safe = 0 // Reactor safe variable 0=not 1= ok
_Conbot_Is_Ramming = 0 // Is the ConBot ramming?
_Forklift_Dead = 0 // Used to grey out the forklift control buttons once it's destroyed
_rt6_Frame = 1 // Shut down scene frame counter
_Reactor_Detonate = 0 // Reactor is to/has Detonate(ed)
_On_Bridge = 0 // Is Lex going to the bridge?
_On_Stone = 0 // Is Lex on Stone or Sand?
// Reactor Monitor Variables
_Left_Pylon = 0 // Variable for left pylon state
_Right_Pylon = 0 // Variable for right pylon state
_Strobe_Tripped = 0
_RDTDigit1 = 10 // Reactor Detonation Timer Digit #1
_RDTDigit2 = 10 // Reactor Detonation Timer Digit #2
_RDTDigit3 = 10 // Reactor Detonation Timer Digit #3
_RDTDigit4 = 10 // Reactor Detonation Timer Digit #4
_RDTHandle = 0 // Reactor Detonation Timer handle
_RDTDigit1n2Handle = 0 // Reactor Detonation Timer handle (digit #1&2)
_RDTDigit3Handle = 0 // Reactor Detonation Timer handle (digit #3)
_RDTDigit4Handle = 0 // Reactor Detonation Timer handle (digit #4)
_Pylon_Kill = 0 // Reactor monitor in use and pylon
// engaged animation going
// COntrol Level Airlock variables
_Con_Decontam_ok = 0 // control decontam variable
_Con_in_Cycle = 0 // Control Airlock in Cycle
// has the walkytalky started receiving messages from Escher yet? Set to TRUE once the guard in the machine shop drops it
_walky_talky_started = _FALSE
// Security Monitor variables ....
_access_id1 = 0 // access id digits
_access_id2 = 0
_access_id3 = 0
_access_id4 = 0
_access_id5 = 0
_access_id1_to_match = 0 // id digits to match
_access_id2_to_match = 0
_access_id3_to_match = 0
_access_id4_to_match = 0
_access_id5_to_match = 0
_access_id_digit = 0 // digit entered on keypad
_access_id_digit_frame = 0
_allow_access_id_entry = 0 // allow access id entry
_Klaxon_On_Process = 0 // Process handle for guardroom klaxon
_Klaxon_Off_Process = 0 // Process handle for guardroom klaxon
_Warp_Field = 0 // Process handle for warp field in snake corridor
_IHearYou = 0 // Flag for Tomb Room scene
_mecho_on_fire = 0 // Is mecho on fire sfx
// Sound state vars
_RoomAmb = 0 // current room handle for pimm
_FuckingKlaxon = 1 // grd_ambient state = on
_bleed_1 = 0 // handles for bleeders
_bleed_2 = 0
_bleed_3 = 0
_sfx_1 = 0 // handles for general sfx - to replace use
_sfx_2 = 0 // of tempN handles
_sfx_3 = 0
_sfx_4 = 0
_sfx_5 = 0
_shrimp_ambient_1 = 0 // shrimp ambient handles
_shrimp_ambient_2 = 0
_shrimp_ambient_3 = 0
_Alien_Ship_Amb = 0 // Platform scene ship
_Tmp_Ball_Amb = 0 // Temple Ball ambient
_acidsfx_1 = 0 // Handle for acid sfx
_acidsfx_2 = 0 // Handle for acid sfx
_RoomVol = 0 // handle for original room amb vol lvl
_BleedVol = 0 // handle for vol lvl of adjoining room amb
_FromPad = 0 // Tells which pad elevator
// lex cames from
_Pad_In_Cycle = 0 // Flag for airlock in cycle
_LTS_Frame = 0 // decontam lights
_decontam_ok = 0 // decontam available
_LandbotsAlive = 1 // For ALL robots on the Landing Pad
_LdgBot1_Alive = 1 // For robot on the ledge in Landing Pad
_LdgBot2_Alive = 1 // For robot on the ledge in Landing Pad
_LdgBot3_Alive = 1 // For robot on the ledge in Landing Pad
_LanBot1_Alive = 1 // For robots on landing pad
_LanBot2_Alive = 1 // For robots on landing pad
_LanBot3_Alive = 1 // For robots on landing pad
_LanBot4_Alive = 1 // For robots on landing pad
_LandBots = 0 // Controls Landing Pad robots' AI
_LdgBotAI = 0 // Controls the ledge bots' AI
_ela_Frame = 16 // jetson tube door shadow
_elb_frame = 17 // Jetson tube door
_elc_frame = 1 // Jetson tube dummy skip shape (depth reasons)
_down_frame = 0 // jetson tube light pulse
_blip_frame = 0 // jetson tube waring light
_get_frame = 0 // jetson tube button
_pad_talking_done = 0 // variable to end jetson transit
_Do_OPR_Scene = 1 // Should the first set scene occur now? 1=yes
_Personality_Web = 0 //Value determines who Lex is
_Ident = 0 // web computed flag
// Camera Volumes
_ce11_volume = 100
_ce12_volume = 60
_ce21_volume = 100
_ce22_volume = 60
_ce31_volume = 100
_ce32_volume = 60
_ce33_volume = 80
_ce41_volume = 100
_ce42_volume = 60
_blk1_volume = 50
_blk2_volume = 85
_blk3_volume = 125
_blk4_volume = 140
_blk5_volume = 100
_grd1_volume = 100
_grd2_volume = 100
_grd3_volume = 100
_grd4_volume = 100
_grd5_volume = 100
_hal1_volume = 150
_hal2_volume = 255
_hal3_volume = 85
_hal4_volume = 125
_hal5_volume = 80
_hal6_volume = 80
_cry1_volume = 150
_cry2_volume = 255
_cry3_volume = 100
_cry4_volume = 155
_tnk1_volume = 65
_tnk2_volume = 65
_tnk3_volume = 65
_tnk4_volume = 65
_tk21_volume = 65
_tk22_volume = 65
_tk23_volume = 85
_tnkd_volume = 85
_twr1_volume = 75
_twr2_volume = 255
_twr3_volume = 85
_twr4_volume = 75
_twr5_volume = 75
_twr6_volume = 75
_twr7_volume = 150
_ctr1_volume = 125
_ctr2_volume = 100
_ctr3_volume = 85
_ctr4_volume = 105
_ctr5_volume = 80
_ctr6_volume = 80
_ctr7_volume = 80
_ctr8_volume = 80
_opr_volume = 60
_rtr_volume = 100
_hlc1_volume = 80
_hlc2_volume = 150
_hlc3_volume = 120
_hlc4_volume = 150
_hlc5_volume = 100
_air_volume = 100
_sho1_volume = 75
_sho2_volume = 100
_sho3_volume = 65
_sho4_volume = 75
_sho5_volume = 105
_lnd1_volume = 175
_lnd2_volume = 150
_lnd3_volume = 125
_lnd4_volume = 100
_lnd5_volume = 100
_dgs1_volume = 125
_dgs2_volume = 75
_dgs3_volume = 175
_alc1_volume = 125
_alc2_volume = 75
_alc3_volume = 175
_tmb1_volume = 125
_tmb2_volume = 75
_tmb3_volume = 175
_bch_volume = 150
_btn1_volume = 125
_btn2_volume = 100
_btn3_volume = 75
_btn4_volume = 50
_btn5_volume = 25
_grv_volume = 150
_tmp_volume = 100
_plt_volume = 75
_btl1_volume = 125
_btl2_volume = 150
_pad_volume = 100
_arl_volume = 150
_hfr_volume = 150
_elt_volume = 70
_elc_volume = 70
_hlc_volume = 70
_elv_volume = 70
_tun_volume = 100
// cryo monitor variable - KGC
_fluid_level = 0
_cryo_chamber = 0
_cryo_temp = 0
_bpm = 0 // heart rate in Beats Per Minute
_fido_awake = 0 // fido is awake flag
_flatline = 0 // chamber is full flag
// FIDO_WAKENS communication variables
_crym_warning = 0 // cryo monitor in use flag
_heart_wait = 0 // heart beat delay variable
_ctemp = 0 // chamber temperature variable
_clvl = 0 // for fluid level
_ctemp1 = 0 // chamber 1 temperature variable
_clvl1 = 0 // chamber 1 fluid level variable
_kgc_temp1 = 0 // temp variable
_kgc_temp2 = 0 // temp variable
_kgc_temp3 = 0 // temp variable
// flatline variables
_notes = 0 // tells flatline and beatline
// that control is in correct
// crym screen
_flatframe = 0 // flatline frame counter
_beatframe = 0 // beatline frame counter
_bpmdelay = 0 // beatline wait delay
_p_flatline = 0 // flatline process handle
_p_beatline = 0 // beatline process handle
// Music vars
_PlayedIt = 0 // flag for ambient
_ControlMusic = 0 // flag for music
_MilliVanilli = 0 // flag for music
_DigsiteMusic = 0 // flag for music
_ZeroGMusic = 0 // flag for music
_TunRoomMusic = 0 // flag for music
_CityAmbient = 0 // handle for ambient
_ReactorMusic = 0 // handle for music
_LanderMusic = 0 // flag for music
_Going_Back_To_Tanks = 0 // flag - got to cell 2, now you are
// going back thru tanks
_lev2_loop1 = 0
_lev3_loop1 = 0
_lev3_loop2 = 0
_crack = 0
_drip1 = 0 // handle for drip sfx in BLK
_drip2 = 0 // handle for drip sfx in BLK
// Prisoner_bio_monitor Variables
_clvl_attract = 0 // declares if control is in text field
// Maintenance Monitor variables
_Cell1RepairNeeded = 1
_Cell2RepairNeeded = 1
_Cell3RepairNeeded = 1
// Security/Palm Reader variables
_caynan_security_id_ok = 0
_palm_failures = 0 // used by log entry system
// use_bot & forklift activation state
// 0 == is not activated, in automatic mode
// 1 == is activated, in manual mode
// 2 == is in process of being activate
_use_bot_activated = 0
_forklift_activated = 0
_Forks_are_up = 0 // 0 when conbot forks are down 1 when up
_manb_state = 2
_autb_state = 4
// lets us know when Lex has used the medicaid at least once -bes
_have_used_medicaid = 0
// PIM-related
_return_to_pim = 0 // used by code - rerun PIM
// Dignostics monitor
_pfd_state = 2 // 0 = uncharged, 1 = charged, 2 = not activated yet
_bio_state = 0
_pds_recharge = 0
_charging_PFD = 0
// *** ID VARIABLES ***
// escher id variables
_escher_id1_to_match = 0 // id digits to match
_escher_id2_to_match = 0
_escher_id3_to_match = 0
_escher_id4_to_match = 0
_escher_id5_to_match = 0
_bio_results_restricted = 1
// reactor id variables
_reactor_id_to_match = 0 // bit flags of what to match
_reactor_id_number = 0 // the actual printable number
_ok_to_pwr_down = 0 // set to 1 when reactor id entered
_LexIsDead = 0 // Set to 1 by LEX_DEATH
_HardDmg = 0 // Hard Suit Damage Flags
_easy_wait = 45 // used for difficulty level
_medium_wait = 30 // used for difficulty level
_hard_wait = 15 // used for difficulty level
_tonfa_handle = 0 // used for the timer process handle
_wait_30_handle = 0 // handle for Wait_30 realtime process
_tonfa_timer = 20 // timer for the tonfa gun
_gun_timer = 30 // 30 second timer; used when the tonfa can't be fired
_tonfa_used = 0 // the number of times the tonfa gun has been fired
_TONFA_OK = _TRUE // Set to false while gun it to hot
_delay_before_reload = 2 // Default # sewconds to delay in Kill_Lex
_forcing_reload = 0 // can we exit Options?
_enemy_speech = 0 // handle of enemy speech
_subtitle_hand = 0 // handle of a subtitle process
_enemy_process = 0 // generic enemy process handle
_lex_process = 0 // generic lex process handle
_subtitle_lex = 0 // handle of lex's subtitle process
_lex_speech = 0 // handle of lex's speech
_SRE_Count = 0 // Super Recoil Enemy Counter
_SRP_Count = 0 // Super Recoil Player Counter
_Abort_Face_The_Enemy = 0 // Set to 1 to abort the process
_lex_drugged = 0 // how many times has lex been drugged?
_nursebot_is_hit = 0 // 0 = no, 1 = yes
_Caynan_Alive = _TRUE // Is Caynan alive?
_Caynan_State = 0 // 0=space, 1=greet, 2=atk (or eat)
_cay_greet = 0 // controls Caynan's greeting routine - BAR
_Caynan_Eating = 0 // Is Caynan eating?
_Lex_Was_Inside3 = 0 // Lex was just inside cell3
_Lex_Has_Fork = 0 // Lex has picked up the fork
_Stop_Eating = 0 // Forces caynan top stop eating
_Fido_Alive = _TRUE // 0 = no, 1 = yes
_Fido_Hit = 0 // 0 = no, 1 = yes
_KO_Count = 0 // KO counter for Fido
_Fido_In_Tank = 0 // True when Fido falls to Tank Level
_Fido_On_Iris = 0 // True when Fido is on the iris
_Fido_Running = 0 // True if lex is in Fido_Run trigger
_Fido_Max_KO = 8 // The only was to use CONST in our engine
_Fido_KOed = 0 // # of times KOed
_Fido_Avoid_Set = 0 // Is hatch avoidance on?
_GRD1_Alive = _TRUE // Is guard1 alive?
_GRD1_Awake = _FALSE // Has he been woken up yet?
_LexTowLoc = 0 // Set by various tower triggers
_TB1_Alive = _TRUE // Is towerbot1 alive?
_TB2_Alive = _TRUE // Is towerbot2 alive?
_TB3_Alive = _TRUE // Is towerbot3 alive?
_TB4_Alive = _TRUE // Is towerbot4 alive?
_TB5_Alive = _TRUE // Is towerbot5 alive?
_TB6_Alive = _TRUE // Is towerbot6 alive?
_LexConLoc = 0 // Set by various control triggers
_Lex_In_Elevator = _FALSE // Set By lex's presence in the control elevator
_Mecho2_Alive = _TRUE // Is mecho2 alive?
_Mecho2_Fired = _FALSE // TRUE if he has fired
_ReactBot_Alive = _TRUE // Is the Reactor Robot alive?
_ReactBot_Active = _TRUE // Is the Reactor Robot activated?
_GrdCon_Alive = _TRUE // Is the control room guard alive?
_GrdHang_Alive = _TRUE // Is the machine shop guard alive?
_GrdHall_Alive = _TRUE // Is the hall guard alive?
_GrdCon_Active = _FALSE // AI stasis hack around...
_GrdHang_Active = _FALSE // AI stasis hack around...
_GrdHang_State = 0 //
_GrdHall_Active = _FALSE // AI stasis hack around...
_GrdHallHatesLex = _FALSE // Assumes lex in the hardsuit...
_Marine1_Alive = _FALSE // Set True in OPR if dropship not shot...
_Drogg1_Alive = _TRUE
_Drogg1_Active = _FALSE // AI stasis hack around...
_Drogg1_Counter = 0 // Attack counter used by the A.I...
_Drogg1_Loc = 0 // Drogg1 location
_Drogg1_Bored = _TRUE // _TRUE = wait for Lex to cross bridge...
_Drogg1_RanForIt = _FALSE // _TRUE = when Drogg decides to cross brdg
_Drogg1_Max_KO = 6 // The only was to use CONST in our engine
_Drogg1_Part2 = _FALSE // Crossed Bridge w/o being dropped?
_pulling_lever = _FALSE // _TRUE = lex is pulling a lever
_lever_process = _FALSE // process handle for lever pulling
_Tumolt_Alive = _TRUE // Small rodents dance merrily
_Tumolt_Flag = _FALSE // Activation flag
_Tumolt_Activated = _FALSE // Activated flag
_Drogg2_Alive = _TRUE // True until he runs to the TunRoom...
_Drogg2_Active = _FALSE
_Drogg2_Jumped_Out = _FALSE
_Drogg2_Counter = 0 // Attack counter used by the A.I...
_Drogg2_Running = _FALSE
_Shrimp1_Alive = _TRUE
_Shrimp1_Active = _FALSE
_Shrimp2_Alive = _TRUE
_Shrimp2_Active = _FALSE
_Shrimp3_Alive = _FALSE
_Shrimp3_Active = _FALSE
_Drogg3_Alive = _TRUE // True until he dies...
_Drogg3_Activated = _FALSE
_LexPltLoc = 0
_Elite_Alive = _TRUE // True until he dies...
_Mind_Meld_Active = _FALSE // True during telepathy
_Marine2_Alive = _TRUE
_Marine2_Active = _FALSE
_Marine2_State = 0
_Marine2_Counter = 0
_Marine3A_Alive = _TRUE
_Marine3A_Active = _FALSE
_Marine3A_State = 0
_Marine3B_Alive = _TRUE
_Marine3B_Active = _FALSE
_Marine3B_State = 0
_Marine4_Alive = _TRUE
_Marine4_Active = _FALSE
_Marine4_State = -1
_Marine5_Alive = _TRUE
_Marine5_Active = _FALSE
_Marine5_State = 0
_Marine5_Counter = 0
// Temple ball for opening Temple
_mrn_frame = 0 // body of crushed marine
_WAK_frame = _FIRST_WAK_FRAME // first WAK (ball raising) frame
_TLR_Frame = 0 // Floor animations in temple
_LightAnim = 0 // Variable for light bar animaations
_TUBE_space = _POSITIVE // the statue in the temple
_QTUBE_space = _NEUTRAL // the space below the temple
_bal_frame = 1 // Frame of animation for hovering statue in temple
_heard_templeA_speech = _FALSE
_heard_templeB_speech = _FALSE
_safe_to_peer_in = _FALSE // set to _TRUE when its safe for the marine to peer in the hole
_marine_peering_in = _FALSE // set to _TRUE when the marine is peering down the hole that the statue left in the ground
_heard_templeC_speech = _FALSE
_grenade_handle = 0 // the handle of the process that waits for the grenade to intersect with the tube
_grenade_handle_2 = 0 // the handle of the process that counts down for the grenade
_got_temple_mon_log = _FALSE // set to _TRUE when we got the log about the monitor not having enough power
_inside_temple_monitor = _FALSE // set to _TRUE when the player is using the temple monitor
_marines_handle = 0 // handle for TempleMarinesPeerIn
_heard_fireinhole_speech = 0 // set to 1 once we've heard "Fire in the hole!" by the temple marine
_was_just_peering_in = _FALSE // set to 1 once the marine has peered in the hole so his AI will skip the wait
_mar_grenade_in_transit = 0 // HACK flag used for a problem with the marine throwing his grenade
_doa_frame = 1 // frames of animation for the temple flic
_marines_set_up = 0 // set to 1 once the marines are in place
_city_solved = 0;
_Red_Flag = 0;
_Blue_Flag = 0;
_Yellow_Flag = 0;
_CLocation = 1;
_City_Total = 1;
_CTM2 = 0
_CTM3 = 0
_CTM4 = 0
_CTM5 = 0
_CTM6 = 0
_CTM7 = 0
_CTM8 = 0
_CTM9 = 0
_CTM10 = 0
_CTM11 = 0
_CTM12 = 0
_CTM13 = 0
_CTM14 = 0
_CTM15 = 0
_CTM16 = 0
_CTM17 = 0
_CTM18 = 0
_CTM19 = 0
_CTM20 = 0
_CROT2 = 0
_CROT3 = 0
_CROT4 = 0
_CROT5 = 0
_CROT6 = 0
_CROT7 = 0
_CROT8 = 0
_CROT9 = 0
_CROT10 = 0
_CROT11 = 0
_CROT12 = 0
_CROT13 = 0
_CROT14 = 0
_CROT15 = 0
_CROT16 = 0
_CROT17 = 0
_CROT18 = 0
_CROT19 = 0
_CROT20 = 0
_tomb_solved = 0;
_tomb_flag1 = 0;
_tomb_flag2 = 0;
_tomb_flag3 = 0;
_tomb_flag4 = 0;
_tomb_flag5 = 0;
_tomb_flag6 = 0;
_tomb_sol1 = 0;
_tomb_sol2 = 0;
_tomb_sol3 = 0;
_tomb_sol4 = 0;
_tomb_sol5 = 0;
_tomb_sol6 = 0;
_tomb_L1 = 0;
_tomb_L2 = 0;
_tomb_L3 = 0;
_tomb_L4 = 0;
_tomb_L5 = 0;
_tomb_L6 = 0;
_tomb_L7 = 0;
_tomb_L8 = 0;
_tomb_L9 = 0;
_tomb_R1 = 0;
_tomb_R2 = 0;
_tomb_R3 = 0;
_tomb_R4 = 0;
_tomb_R5 = 0;
_tomb_R6 = 0;
_tomb_R7 = 0;
_tomb_R8 = 0;
_tomb_R9 = 0;
_tomb_T1 = 0;
_tomb_T2 = 0;
_tomb_T3 = 0;
// Credits - Speed Limit.
_credits_frame_ticks = 128 // 0.5 tick/vert pixel (1 tick = 256)
_Credits_Shadowing = _Credits_DR_Shadow // shadowing credits text
// This is used if we've gone into the journal. We use this flag to know
// whether to add a log entry or not. -bes
// split up PIMM and had to move this out since Main & Journal of PIMM use it - jar
_journal_read = 0
_got_entries = _FALSE // Set true when log entry added for first time - BAR
// This variable is used to tell if player is inside of Pimm Diagnostics
// 0 if Falsse 1 if True
_In_Diag = 0
// Used by your battery recharge system.
_Bio = 0
// Misc Monitor-related
_PTR_X_HOT = 122
_PTR_Y_HOT = 13
// Monitor pointer variables
_ptr_left_margin = 0
_ptr_right_margin = 319
// hand ptrs do not reach to top of screen
_ptr_top_margin = 14
_ptr_bottom_margin = 199
// Credits Column alignment
_CrCol1 = 60
_CrCol2 = 60
_CrCol3 = 180
_CrCol4 = 180
// Music ids for Options
_OptionsMusic = _Options
// Monitor-related variables which need to be saved
_lex_last_hl = 0
_lex_last_rd = 0
_inventor_last_hl = 0
_last_game_no = 1
_difficulty_level = 1 // 0=Easy, 1=Medium, 2=Hard
_gama_corr_percent = 0
_sound_volume = 50
_music_volume = 50
// Is script trying to exit a monitor?
_IsExitMonRunning = 0