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- Acumen Software
- presents...
- Micro! Deluxe (version 1.0)
- by Adrian B. Danieli
- Copyright (C) 1995 Acumen Software
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Features
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Beautiful 3-D, animated graphics which fully exploit the VGA's 256-color
- palette.
- Large 4-way scrolling playfield.
- 20 levels of play in the shareware version, 80 in the registered version
- Intuitive joystick & keyboard controls.
- Music support:
- Roland LAPC-I / MT-32 (or compatible).
- General MIDI (MPU-401 compliant).
- FM synthesis (Adlib or compatible).
- Sound support:
- Sound Blaster (or compatible) digitized effects.
- Roland LAPC-I / MT-32 (or compatible).
- FM synthesis (Adlib or compatible).
- PC speaker.
- Easy-to-use installation and setup program.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Requirements
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 286 (or higher) CPU required.
- VGA card.
- hard disk with 1.5 MB of disk space free.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Recommended
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- fast 386, 486, Pentium (or higher) CPU.
- fast VGA card.
- Roland LAPC-I / MT-32 (or compatible) for music.
- Sound Blaster (or compatible) for digitized sound effects.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Contents of this Document
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 1.0 Objective
- 2.0 Installation / Setup
- 3.0 Starting the Game
- 3.1 The Main Menu
- 4.0 Begin Play
- 4.1 Skipping Levels
- 4.2 Level Information
- 4.3 Game Controls
- 4.4 Floor Tiles
- 4.5 Game Objects
- 4.6 End of Level
- 5.0 Level Designer
- 5.1 The Piece Menu
- 5.2 The Level Menu
- 5.3 The File Menu
- 6.0 How to Order
- 6.1 How to Contact Acumen Software
- 6.2 Legal stuff
- 7.0 Credits
- =============================================================================
- (1.0) Objective
- =============================================================================
- The object of this game is to eliminate all the spheres
- in the playfield by redirecting a single laser beam. You
- control Micro -- a cute, purple ball. By rotating and
- moving mirrors, pushing obstacles, and throwing switches,
- you'll help Micro advance through many levels of unique
- puzzles that range in difficulty level from the intuitively
- obvious to nearly impossible.
- Each level has a required number of spheres you must
- destroy in order to proceed to the next level. Often, there
- are more spheres on the screen than required. Destroying
- all the spheres can be a very challenging task even for a
- quick, perceptive player (like yourself).
- Users who have purchased the registered version of this
- game receive an additional 60 levels of brain-teasers and a
- level designer which allows them to create and play their
- own puzzle sets.
- =============================================================================
- (2.0) Installation / Setup
- =============================================================================
- First, run the installation program: MINSTALL (from a
- floppy or hard disk). This program will copy and decompress
- the game files to your hard disk in a directory you specify
- ("C:\MICRODLX" for example). The file MDLXSHAR.CQZ (or
- MDLXREGV.CQZ in the registered version) must be in the same
- directory as the MINSTALL executable file.
- Once installation is complete, you should be in the
- newly-created directory we have made for this game. You
- will have to change to this directory each time you wish to
- play. Now run the setup program to configure the game:
- The following music configurations are supported:
- None -- if you don't own a music card or don't want music
- Roland LAPC-I / MT-32 sound module (or compatible)
- General MIDI (MPU-401 compliant)
- FM synthesis (Adlib or compatible)
- The following sound configurations are supported:
- None -- if you don't want any sound effects
- Sound Blaster (or compatible) single-channel digitized
- sound
- Sound Blaster overlapping, digitized sound effects (for
- fast computers)
- Roland LAPC-I / MT-32 sound module (or compatible)
- FM synthesis (Adlib or compatible)
- PC speaker
- If you own a joystick, make that selection from the
- controller menu. The program will now calibrate your
- joystick: simply hold the joystick in the direction asked
- and press and release a button. Note: Many computers have
- turbo switches. Be sure that the speed the computer is
- running at when you calibrate the joystick is the same speed
- at which you play the game. This is because the joystick
- routines are time-sensitive.
- Once you have configured the game, select the save and
- exit option from the main menu. You are now ready to play
- the game.
- =============================================================================
- (3.0) Starting the Game
- =============================================================================
- Change to the directory on your hard drive which
- contains this game (for example CD \MICRODLX), then run:
- MICRODLX. The game title screen followed by the main menu
- should appear. If the game crashes, or if the sound output
- sounds messed up, your sound/music card settings are most
- likely invalid. Rerun the setup program and check all the
- settings. Make sure everything is correct, then try to
- execute the game again. Note: This game may not run
- correctly from within Microsoft Windows on slower systems,
- this includes the DOS prompt. It is suggested that you exit
- Windows completely to play the game.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (3.1) The Main Menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- There are five (5) options on the main menu: Begin
- Play, Level Designer, High Scores, How to Play, and Exit.
- The Begin Play selection is explained below, the Level
- Designer is described in detail later on in this document.
- The High Scores option displays the top five players
- for each level in the current puzzle set. Usually the
- current puzzle set will be the "normal" puzzle set, however
- if you are using the registered version, the high scores
- file of the last puzzle set played will be displayed.
- The How to Play option is a brief overview of the game.
- It should be enough to get most people started. Reading the
- full documentation is recommended, however. (But we don't
- have to tell you that!)
- The Exit option should be self-explanatory.
- =============================================================================
- (4.0) Begin Play
- =============================================================================
- At this sub-menu you can select the puzzle set type you
- wish to play. The normal puzzle set is found in both
- versions of this game and contains 20 different levels.
- Registered users have access to the registered puzzle set
- which includes an addition 60 levels of play, as well as
- custom puzzle sets which you or other registered users have
- created.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (4.1) Skipping Levels
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Each puzzle set can contain up to a maximum of 99
- levels. You may skip levels in a puzzle set by entering the
- appropriate skip code. After successfully completing a
- level, you are often given the level skip code. This code
- will allow you to skip over levels you've completed in the
- past and get right back to where you left off (or got stuck)
- last time. Not all levels have skip codes! The decision to
- include a skip code is left up to the sole discretion of the
- person designing the puzzle set. All levels found in the
- normal and registered puzzle sets include skip codes.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (4.2) Level Information
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The pre-level screen contains the following information
- about the level: the person who designed the level, the
- level number, the level name, the number of spheres in the
- level, and the number of spheres required to complete the
- level. The name of the level's author scrolls by quickly
- before the actual level-info screen. If this level has been
- created by a member of the Acumen Software development team,
- the words "Acumen Approved" will appear below the author's
- name. This is merely a way for you to distinguish between
- custom puzzle sets made by other users and our own.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (4.3) Game Controls
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Either the keyboard or the combination of a joystick
- and the keyboard may be used to play this game. You
- maneuver Micro by pressing the arrow keys or pushing the
- joystick in the direction you want to walk. The spacebar
- (or joystick button) is the action key. You can rotate
- mirrors, turn the laser, or flip a switch by facing the
- appropriate object and pressing the action key.
- Pressing F1 will display a short help box containing
- keystrokes and their respective action. They are:
- F1 Help
- F2 Sound on/off
- F3 Music on/off
- F4 Next song
- F Fire laser
- S Scan mode
- M Display level map
- I Object info
- ESC Abort level
- The level map displays a condensed image of the entire
- level and is very useful in planning your strategies before
- you actually start moving things. Scan mode allows you to
- scroll around the playfield quickly without moving Micro.
- The "F" key fires the laser. Do this only after you've
- successfully solved the level -- you've only got one chance,
- so if it doesn't work, it's back to the beginning of the
- level! Object info displays the name of the object Micro is
- currently facing (including floor tiles).
- The special function keys are self-explanatory. If you
- don't have the game set up for sound effects, F2 won't work.
- Likewise, if you don't have the game set up for music, F3
- and F4 will not work. Go figure.
- Note: If you find that you are unable to complete a
- level, you can abort it by pressing the ESC key and then
- restart it from the beginning.
- Additional note: After firing the laser by pressing
- "F", you can increase or decrease its speed by pressing the
- "+" or "-" keys. Four possible laser speeds are available,
- the slowest one is used by default.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (4.4) Floor Tiles
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- There are 13 floor tile types in this game, separated
- into two basic categories: low-friction and high-friction.
- Micro can walk over any floor tile, but he cannot push
- mirrors or blocks over high-friction surfaces. Low friction
- tiles have a singular grey shade (light or dark), and
- occasionally have arrows or a square design on their
- surface. High friction tiles are comprised of many
- different shades of white and grey; the direction of the
- shading is irrelevant.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (4.5) Game Objects
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Micro Our picture-perfect, purple-skinned, blue-eyed hunk of
- spherical muscle. He can push mirrors bigger than
- himself, rotate lasers with ease, and flip
- switches effortlessly. A word of advice: Micro
- makes a better door than a window -- don't let him
- get hit by the laserbeam!
- Spheres These come in two flavors: blue and green. In order to be
- destroyed by the laser, spheres must be BLUE! Use
- switches to change their colors. You cannot move
- the spheres (the idea is to bring the laserbeam to
- them). Green spheres will block the laserbeam.
- Switches There are two settings for each switch: blue and green. A
- switch can be "linked" to one or more objects on
- the playfield, and will have the following effect
- depending on the object: spheres will change from
- blue to green or green to blue; and mirrors,
- tubes, and blocks will change from a blue shade to
- a purple shade (or vice-versa). Switches will
- block the laserbeam.
- Laser As its name implies, this is the source of the laserbeam. There
- is only one laser per level, and Micro can't move
- it. He can, however, turn it to point in any of
- the four directions. Press the "F" key to
- activate the laser. If the laserbeam loops around
- and hits the laser, the beam will stop -- the
- source has been destroyed.
- Mirrors Mirrors come in two varieties and four orientations:
- blue/purple, and up-left/up-right/down-left/down-
- right. Mirrors with blue trim can be turned from
- left to right by Micro (not up and down), purple
- ones cannot be turned. Mirrors redirect the laser
- beam (duh!).
- Tubes Tubes come in two classic colors and two orientations:
- blue/purple, and vertical/horizontal. Blue tubes
- can be rotated by Micro, purple one cannot be
- rotated. If the laserbeam is traveling left or
- right, it may pass through the tube if it is in a
- horizontal orientation, but it will be blocked if
- the tube is in a vertical orientation. Similar
- when the beam is traveling up and down...
- Blocks There are two "block" types: one large block that obstructs the
- laserbeam, and four small blocks through which the
- beam can pass in between. Also, blocks come in
- two colors (you guessed it: purple and blue).
- Purple blocks are fixed; Micro cannot move them.
- Blue blocks are movable.
- One-way Similar to real one-way mirrors where you can see through one
- Mirrors side but not the other, these objects only allow the beam to pass
- when entered from the green end. Micro can push
- these objects, but they cannot be rotated.
- Beam Beam splitters divide the beam into two orthogonal beams. That is,
- Splitters if a beam enters a splitter from the bottom OR top, the two
- resulting beams will travel left AND right. The
- beam must enter from the green end. Micro cannot
- rotate these objects, but he can move them.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (4.6) End of Level
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- At the end of the level a status screen appears
- displaying the level number, the level name, the total
- number of spheres found on the level, the number of spheres
- required to successfully complete the level, the number of
- spheres you hit, and the total time it took you to play the
- level. Additional comments will tell you if you reached the
- goal (yeah!) or, if not, what happened.
- Upon successfully completing a level, the level skip
- code will appear if the puzzle set designer has included
- one. High scores for each level are ranked by the number of
- spheres hit followed by the fastest time (for example,
- someone who hit 10 spheres in 3 minutes would be ranked
- lower than someone who hit 11 spheres in 30 minutes). You
- have the option to replay the last level again for a better
- time if you wish.
- Note: You may repeat any level any number of times. If
- at first you don't succeed, try and try again. There's no
- losing!
- =============================================================================
- (5.0) Level Designer (registered users only)
- =============================================================================
- This designer was created to make it very easy for you
- to get your puzzle idea into a real level quickly without
- mastering a difficult interface. You'll find the level
- designer is well designed and aesthetically pleasing -- not
- a programmers-only level-hacking tool. Every level
- distributed in the registered and shareware versions of this
- game was created using this same tool.
- Basically, the screen is broken up into two parts: the
- large top section contains a downsized view of the entire
- level (an 18x14 grid), the bottom section contains the
- current menu and options. In addition, basic instructions
- can be found to the right of the grid. Each of the three
- menus (Piece, Level, and File) are described in detail
- below.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (5.1) The Piece Menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This is the default menu and can also be selected by
- pressing the letter "P". This menu contains the 49 pieces
- which are used in the game. The top row is dedicated to
- floor tiles: 7 low-friction and 6 high-friction. The other
- two rows contain the two spheres, the four laser
- orientations, all the mirror types & orientations, tubes,
- blocks, one-way mirrors, beam splitters, the two switch
- types, and four striking poses of Micro.
- Use the arrow keys (or joystick) to find the piece you
- want to place on the playfield. Press ENTER or the SPACEBAR
- to select it. Now the placement box jumps to the playfield
- grid. Again, use the arrow keys to find the spot where you
- want the piece to go. Press the SPACEBAR. You can continue
- placing this same piece as many times as you wish. Press
- the ENTER key when you want to jump down to the piece menu.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (5.2) The Level Menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This menu's selections allow you to enter the level's
- name, enter your name (the author), view the number of
- spheres required to complete the level, view the skip level
- code for this level, edit switch links, or view current
- level statistics (including any warnings and/or problems).
- Select this menu by pressing the "L" key.
- The level's name and the author's name can contain any
- alphanumerical characters, but are limited to 30 characters
- each. Pressing ESC while entering text will erase whatever
- has been typed; ESC again will abort the selection.
- The number of spheres required must be a number between
- 1 and 99 (inclusive). The skip level code can be any 4-
- digit number. Pressing ENTER without entering a number will
- result in NO skip code for this level.
- The "edit switch links" selection allows you to attach
- or link certain objects to a switch. There must be switches
- already placed in the level before you can use this option.
- The interface is the same as placing a piece: position the
- cursor over the object you wish to link. If it is a valid
- object (i.e. it is linkable, only spheres, mirrors, tubes,
- and blocks are) the display will prompt you for a number.
- You'll notice that each switch has a number overlaid on top
- of it; use this number when linking an object to a certain
- switch. If you press the SPACEBAR, the link for the current
- piece will be removed. Press ENTER when you're finished.
- Note: Replacing an object that is linked will remove the
- link completely (changing a blue sphere to green for
- example). Also, replacing a switch with another object
- (except another switch) will destroy ALL links that switch
- had.
- The statistics screen displays all the information
- about the level you're currently working on: it's name, the
- author's name, the level code (if any), the number of
- spheres in the level, the number of spheres required, the
- number of switches, and any warnings or problems. The
- program checks the current level to make sure it is
- playable. If it is not, errors (or warnings) will be
- displayed. Here are the level-creation rules:
- There must be one and only one Micro per level.
- There must be one and only one laser per level.
- There must be at least one sphere per screen, but no more
- than 99.
- The number of spheres required must be equal to or less
- than the total number of spheres on the level.
- Blue spheres and green spheres cannot be linked to the
- same switch.
- No more than 9 switches are allowed on each level.
- No more than two beam splitters are allowed per level.
- Once all these rules have been met, the level "should" be
- playable. The program cannot guarantee this, however, since
- the level itself may contain logic faults -- there may be no
- way to complete it successfully. How can this happen?
- Well, you could design a level with a laser, spheres, and
- Micro... all appears well. But, you trap Micro in the
- corner behind immovable blocks with no means of escape.
- Therefore, no one can get past this level. This is why it
- is VERY important to ALWAYS test your levels before saving
- them in a puzzle set to distribute later.
- Note: You can save an unplayable level (if you're in
- the middle of designing it and you have to stop), however,
- the game will skip over it if you decide to play the puzzle
- set until everything is fixed.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (5.3) The File Menu
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The file menu is accessed by pressing the "F" key.
- There are six options available: Clear/New level, Load a
- level, Save this level, Delete a level, Test this level, and
- Exit.
- The clear/new level selection clears the playfield
- grid. If you have changes since your last save, you are
- asked to make sure you really want to do this.
- To load an existing level, select the load option. You
- will be presented with a list of puzzle sets found in the
- current directory (if any). Use the arrow keys to select a
- puzzle set (pressing "M" will skip to the next screen if all
- the levels can't fit on one screen). Next, the level names
- will appear. The current level number and it's skip level
- code (if it has one) will be displayed. If the level is
- unplayable, a red asterisk will appear to the left of the
- level name. Use the arrow keys to select a level, or "M" to
- see more screens. Pressing ESC at any time will abort the
- load.
- After pressing the save option, the statistics screen
- found in the Level menu will again appear. You will be told
- if the level will be saved as playable or unplayable. After
- pressing a key, a small menu will appear with three options:
- (M)odify an existing puzzle set, (C)reate a new puzzle set,
- or (Q)uick save in last puzzle set as last level number.
- The Quick save feature will only be active if the level
- you're working on was retrieved from an existing puzzle set.
- Hit the appropriate letter to advance. If you chose create
- a new puzzle set, you'll be prompted for a legal DOS
- filename (8 characters maximum) followed by a longer puzzle
- set name (30 characters maximum). If you chose to modify an
- existing puzzle set (i.e. add/replace a level) you'll have
- to select a puzzle set as described above in the load
- option. Now, a list of levels will appear. If you wish to
- replace a level, select that level number and hit the "R"
- key. If you wish to insert this level before or after an
- existing level, select the appropriate level number then hit
- the "B" key for before, or "A" key for after. The level
- will then be saved. Note: a maximum of 99 levels can be
- saved in any one puzzle set. If there are already 99 levels
- in a puzzle set, you'll only be able to replace an existing
- one.
- The delete level option is very similar to the load
- option with the obvious difference in that you're deleting a
- level, not loading it.
- To test out the level you're currently designing,
- choose the test level selection. Again, the statistics
- screen will appear telling you whether or not the level is
- playable. If it is, you will jump into game mode. The only
- difference is that no level information is displayed.
- When you wish to exit the level designer, select the
- exit option or hit the ESC key from this menu. Hitting ESC
- from any other menu will being you to the file menu.
- That's all!!! Now get out there and start making some
- REAL levels. Feel free to send us some of your best work
- (sorry we can't return disks without postage). Remember,
- custom puzzle sets can be distributed freely. However, only
- registered users can play them so tell all your friends to
- register if they want to play 'em. Or, invite them over
- your house, but DON'T give them a copy of the registered
- version... how would game companies succeed if you did?!?
- Thank you!
- Adrian B. Danieli
- 1995 Acumen Software
- =============================================================================
- (6.0) How to Order
- =============================================================================
- You can order the full version of this game which
- includes 60 additional levels, access to custom puzzle sets,
- and the ability to design your own -- for only $12.00. If
- you would also like a printed copy of the game's postscript
- manual, send $15.00. Please read ORDER.TXT for details.
- Make checks or money orders payable to Acumen Software and
- send to:
- Acumen Software
- 404 Stone Church Road
- Tiverton, RI 02878-2813
- U.S.A.
- Note: We can only accept checks drawn on U.S. banks in U.S.
- funds. Sorry, we cannot handle credit card orders at this
- time.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (6.1) How to Contact Acumen Software
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- U.S. Mail:
- Acumen Software
- 404 Stone Church Road
- Tiverton, RI 02878-2813
- Internet E-mail:
- adrian@mit.edu
- World-Wide-Web:
- http://www.mit.edu:8001/afs/athena.mit.edu/user/a/d/adrian/www/acumen.html
- Due to our busy schedules, the possibility of a delayed
- response should not be unexpected. Thank you for your
- patience.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (6.2) Legal stuff
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Acumen Software reserves the exclusive copyright to this
- program. This version replaces all previous versions, which
- are now withdrawn from shareware. This program is provided
- "as-is". No warranties of any kind, express or implied, are
- made as to it. We will provide no remedy for indirect,
- consequential, punitive or incidental damages arising from
- it, including such from negligence, strict liability, or
- breach of warranty or contract, even after notice of the
- possibility of such damages.
- =============================================================================
- (7.0) Credits
- =============================================================================
- Original game idea Adrian B. Danieli
- Game design / implementation " " "
- Graphics system programmer " " "
- Font " " "
- Raytraced sprites " " "
- Backgrounds & other stuff " " "
- Sound system programmer " " "
- Digitized sound effects " " "
- FM synthesis effects " " "
- Roland LAPC-I / MT-32 effects " " "
- PC speaker bloops " " "
- Music system programmer " " "
- Acumen Theme Song " " "
- Micro Theme music " " "
- Magnetic Mind (end puzzle set music) " " "
- Selections from the Nutcracker Tchaikovsky
- Controller interface programmer Adrian B. Danieli
- Setup & Installation programs " " "
- Documentation " " "
- Assistance Brian A. Zabel
- Puzzle sets and levels Adrian B. Danieli
- Brian A. Zabel
- Alexis M. Danieli
- Alpha Tester Brian A. Zabel
- Beta Testers " " "
- Tommy Ng