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/ PC World Komputer 2007 December / PCWKCD1207B.iso / Cdinst / Jpg / mmmbe3.jpg < prev    next >
Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2007-10-27  |  547KB  |  1024x768  |  16-bit (45,434 colors)
Labels: crt screen | equalizer | monitor | multichannel recorder | windowpane
OCR: MAGIX Music Maker Basic Edition Demo Dance MMM File Edit Effects Window @Services Help Exports the arranaemeni in MP3 format with optiona 5.1 surround Audio as as wave, /ADPCM... Alt+W 120 Bars CPU: 130.0 Audio MP3 Alt+M Audio Windows Media Audis Alt+E 049 097:1 113:1 Drums Solo [Mute] REC Bass [Solo [Mute] REC Brass Solo [Mute] Guitars [Solo [Mute] REC IFX Strings [Solo [Mmute] REC +12 Vocals Solo [Mute] REC FX Reset olo [nmute] T.TT.TT.T.T.T [10 Band 60 170 310 600 800 6K 13K 16K 170 310 600 800 16K Lint Bands A/B Resei File abeuew Sounds Videc REVERB DELAY C:\Program POWER CD-ROM REVERB DELAY My projects BeatBox SIZE TIME COLOR MIX DELAY FEEDBACK MIX My documents A/B Bypass Reset Bypas Reset Titles Synthesizer Database TIME PROCESSOR TONES PITCH TEMPO Setup Bypass Reset MASTERAUDIO FX L ...