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- # ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
- # Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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- # The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
- # 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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- # http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- #
- # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
- # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- # License.
- #
- # The Original Code is Mozilla MathML Project.
- #
- # The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
- # The University Of Queensland.
- # Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
- # the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- #
- # Contributor(s):
- # Jungshik Shin <jshin@i18nl10n.com>
- #
- # Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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- # ***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****
- # Do not translate anything in this file
- # This is a font name mapping table for CJK fonts with CJK native names.
- #
- # For each font in the list, two key=value pairs have to be listed :
- #
- # - <asciiname>.<codepage>=<CJK native name>
- # - <cjknativename>=<ASCII name>.<codepage>
- #
- # where
- # - <CJK native name> and <ASCII name> are the ASCII name and
- # the CJK native name of a font
- # - <asciiname> and <cjknativename> are the ASCII name and
- # the CJK native name of the font in lowercase with whitespace
- # stripped.
- # - <codepage> is the codepage in which the native name
- # of the font is 'understood' (returned by Windows 'A' APIs )
- # (Japanese : cp932, Simplified Chinese : cp936,
- # Korean : cp949, Traditional Chinese : cp950)
- #
- # This list only includes the CJK *core* fonts shipped with MS Windows.
- # If you have more CJK fonts with native names, you can add them.
- # For additional font name mapping, see
- # <http://www.trigeminal.com/samples/font_choices.html>
- #
- # Japanese fonts (cp932)
- mspゴシック=MS PGothic.cp932
- mspgothic.cp932=MS Pゴシック
- msp明朝=MS PMincho.cp932
- mspmincho.cp932=MS P明朝
- msゴシック=MS Gothic.cp932
- msgothic.cp932=MS ゴシック
- ms明朝=MS Mincho.cp932
- msmincho.cp932=MS 明朝
- メイリオ=Meiryo.cp932
- meiryo.cp932=メイリオ
- # Korean fonts (cp949)
- 바탕=Batang.cp949
- batang.cp949=바탕
- 바탕체=Batangche.cp949
- batangche.cp949=바탕체
- 굴림=Gulim.cp949
- gulim.cp949=굴림
- 굴림체=Gulimche.cp949
- gulimche.cp949=굴림체
- 돋움=Dotum.cp949
- dotum.cp949=돋움
- 돋움체=Dotumche.cp949
- dotumche.cp949=돋움체
- 궁서=Gungsuh.cp949
- gungsuh.cp949=궁서
- 궁서체=Gungsuhche.cp949
- gungsuhche.cp949=궁서체
- 맑은고딕=Malgun Gothic.cp949
- malgungothic.cp949=맑은 고딕
- # Simplified Chinese fonts (cp936)
- 宋体=SimSun.cp936
- simsun.cp936=宋体
- 黑体=SimHei.cp936
- simhei.cp936=黑体
- 新宋体=NSimSun.cp936
- nsimsun.cp936=新宋体
- 微软雅黑=Microsoft Yahei.cp936
- microsoftyahei.cp936=微软雅黑
- # Traditional Chinese fonts (cp950)
- 新細明體=PMingLiu.cp950
- pmingliu.cp950=新細明體
- 細明體=MingLiu.cp950
- mingliu.cp950=細明體
- 微軟正黑體=Microsoft JhengHei.cp950
- microsoftjhenghei.cp950=微軟正黑體