phishBeforeText=Selecting this option will send the address of web pages you are viewing to %S. To continue, please review and accept the following terms of service.
setMasterPassword=Set Master Password...
changeMasterPassword=Change Master Password...
#### Fonts
labelDefaultFont=Default (%S)
#### Permissions Manager
cookiepermissionstext=You can specify which web sites are always or never allowed to use cookies. Type the exact address of the site you want to manage and then click Block, Allow for Session, or Allow.
cookiepermissionstitle=Exceptions - Cookies
addonspermissionstext=You can specify which web sites are allowed to install add-ons. Type the exact address of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.
popuppermissionstext=You can specify which web sites are allowed to open popup windows. Type the exact address of the site you want to allow and then click Allow.
popuppermissionstitle=Allowed Sites - Popups
imagepermissionstext=You can specify which web sites are allowed to load images. Type the exact address of the site you want to manage and then click Block or Allow.
imagepermissionstitle=Exceptions - Images
invalidURI=Please enter a valid hostname
invalidURITitle=Invalid Hostname Entered
#### Master Password
password_not_set=(not set)
failed_pw_change=Unable to change Master Password.
incorrect_pw=You did not enter the correct current Master Password. Please try again.
pw_erased_ok=You have deleted your Master Password.
pw_not_wanted=Warning! You have decided not to use a Master Password.
pw_empty_warning=Your stored web and email passwords, form data, and private keys will not be protected.
pw_change2empty_in_fips_mode=You are currently in FIPS mode. FIPS requires a non-empty Master Password.
pw_change_success_title=Password Change Succeeded
pw_change_failed_title=Password Change Failed
#### Fonts
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: Next two strings are for language name representations with
# and without the region.
# e.g. languageRegionCodeFormat : "French/Canada [fr-ca]" languageCodeFormat : "French [fr]"
# %1$S = language name, %2$S = region name, %3$S = language-region code
languageRegionCodeFormat=%1$S/%2$S [%3$S]
# %1$S = language name, %2$S = language-region code
languageCodeFormat=%1$S [%2$S]
# LOCALIZATION NOTE: dpi stands for 'dots per inch'
fontScalingResolutionFormat=%S dpi
#### Downloads
myDownloadsFolderName=My Downloads
chooseDownloadFolderTitle=Choose Download Folder:
#### Download Actions
removeButtonSingle=Remove Action
removeButtonMultiple=Remove Actions
removeTitleSingle=Remove Action
removeTitleMultiple=Remove Actions
removeMessageSingle=The selected Action will no longer be performed when files of the affected types are downloaded. Are you sure you want to remove this Action?
removeMessageMultiple=The selected Actions will no longer be performed when files of the affected types are downloaded. Are you sure you want to remove these Actions?
fileEnding=%S file
saveToDisk=Save to Disk
openWith=Open with %S
actionsFiltered=The following Actions match your search:
actionsAll=Automatically perform the associated Action with each of the following file types:
#### Change Action
extensionStringFormat=%S, %S
downloadHelperNoneSelected=None Selected
pluginHelperNoneAvailable=None Available
fpTitleChooseApp=Select Helper Application
fpTitleChooseDL=Select Download Folder
#### Cookie Viewer
forSecureOnly=Encrypted connections only
forAnyConnection=Any type of connection
AtEndOfSession = at end of session
canSession=Allow for Session
noCookieSelected=<no cookie selected>
cookiesAll=The following cookies are stored on your computer:
cookiesFiltered=The following cookies match your search: