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- <!--
- Contributors:
- R.J. Keller <rlk@trfenv.com> (original author)
- Nilson Cain <nilson@gmail.com>
- Steffen Wilberg <steffen.wilberg@web.de>
- -->
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head>
- <title>Using &brandFullName;</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
- href="chrome://help/skin/helpFileLayout.css"/>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>Using &brandFullName;</h1>
- <p>Welcome to &brandFullName;! &brandShortName; is an Internet browser that
- you can use to visit web pages and search the Web.</p>
- <div class="contentsBox">In this section:
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#navigating_web_pages">Navigating Web Pages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#searching">Searching</a></li>
- <li><a href="#copying_saving_and_printng_pages">Copying, Saving, and
- Printing Pages</a></li>
- <li><a href="#improving_speed_and_efficiency">Improving Speed and
- Efficiency</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <h2 id="navigating_web_pages">Navigating Web Pages</h2>
- <h3 id="viewing_your_home_page">Viewing Your Home Page</h3>
- <p>When you start &brandShortName;, you will see your home page. By default,
- you will see &brandShortName;'s home page.</p>
- <div class="noMac"><p><strong>Tips</strong>:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>To display more web content on the screen, you can use Full Screen mode.
- Full Screen mode condenses the &brandShortName;'s Toolbars into one small
- toolbar. To enable Full Screen mode, simply select
- <span class="menuPath">View > Full Screen</span> or press
- <kbd>F11</kbd>.</li>
- <li>To go to your home page quickly, press &altKey;+<kbd>Home</kbd>.</li>
- </ul></div>
- <h3><strong id="moving_to_another_page">Moving to Another Page</strong></h3>
- <p>You can move to a new web page by typing in its Internet address or URL
- into the Location Bar. URLs normally begin with "http://" followed
- by one or more names that identify the address. One example is
- "http://www.mozilla.org/".</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Click the Location Bar to select the URL that is already there.</li>
- <li>Type the URL of the page you want to visit. The URL you type replaces
- any text already in the Location Bar.</li>
- <li>Press &enterKey;.</li>
- </ol>
- <p><strong>Tip:</strong> To quickly select the URL of the Location Bar, press
- &accelKey;+<kbd>L</kbd>.</p>
- <p><img src="&images.baseURL;/urlbar.png" alt=""/></p>
- <p><strong>Don't know a URL</strong>? Try typing something specific to the page
- you want to visit, e.g. a name, into the Location Bar and hit &enterKey;.
- This will take you to the top result in Google for that term.</p>
- <h3 id="clicking_a_link">Clicking a Link</h3>
- <p>Most web pages contain links you can click to move to other pages.</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Move the mouse pointer until it changes to a pointing finger. This
- happens whenever the pointer is over a link. Most links are underlined
- text, but buttons and pictures can also be links.</li>
- <li>Click the link once. While the network locates the link's page, status
- messages will appear at the bottom of the window.</li>
- </ol>
- <h3 id="retracing_your_steps">Retracing Your Steps</h3>
- <p>There are several ways to revisit pages:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>To go back or forward one page, click the <em>Back</em> or
- <em>Forward</em> button.</li>
- <li>To go back or forward more than one page, click the small triangles on
- the <em>Back</em> and <em>Forward</em> buttons. You'll see a list of pages
- you've recently visited; to return to a page, choose it from the list.</li>
- <li>To see a list of any URLs you've typed into the Location Bar, click the
- down arrow at the right end of the Location Bar. To view a page, choose it
- from the list.<br/>
- <img src="&images.baseURL;/urlbar.png" alt=""/></li>
- <li>To choose from pages you've visited during the current session, open the
- History menu and use the list in the bottom section of the menu.</li>
- <li>To choose from pages you've visited during the past several sessions,
- open the <em>History</em> menu and choose <em>Show in Sidebar</em>. You will see the
- History Sidebar. The History Sidebar displays a list of folders.
- Clicking the folders displays subfolders or titles of web pages.
- You can click a page's title to view that page.</li>
- </ul>
- <h3 id="stopping_and_reloading">Stopping and Reloading</h3>
- <p>If a page is loading too slowly or you no longer wish to view a page,
- click the <em>Stop</em> button.</p>
- <p>To reload the current page or to get the most up-to-date version, click
- the <em>Reload</em> button or press &accelKey;+<kbd>R</kbd>.</p>
- <h3 id="tabbed_browsing">Tabbed Browsing</h3>
- <p>When you visit more than one web page at a time, you can use Tabbed
- Browsing to navigate the Web faster and easier.</p>
- <p>Tabbed Browsing lets you open tabs, each displaying a web page, within a
- single &brandShortName; window. You don't have to have several windows open
- to visit several different web pages. This frees up space on your desktop.
- You can open, close, and reload web pages conveniently in one place without
- having to switch to another window.</p>
- <p>For more info, see <a href="tabbed_browsing.xhtml">Tabbed Browsing</a>.</p>
- <h3 id="using_the_sidebar">Using the Sidebar</h3>
- <p>The Sidebar is an area on the left side of the screen that you can use for
- viewing bookmarks or history. Extensions may add new ways to use the Sidebar
- as well.</p>
- <p>To view an item in the Sidebar, select <span class="menuPath">View >
- Sidebar</span>. From there you can select the Sidebar tab you want.</p>
- <h2 id="searching">Searching</h2>
- <h3 id="searching_the_web">Searching the Web</h3>
- <p>Searching for web pages on a particular topic is as easy as typing a few
- words into &brandShortName;'s Search Bar.<br/>
- <img src="&images.baseURL;/searchbar.png" alt=""/></p>
- <p>For example, if you want to find information about baby dolls:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Click in the Search Bar.</li>
- <li>Type the phrase <kbd>baby doll</kbd>. Your typing replaces any text
- currently in the search bar.</li>
- <li>Hit &enterKey; to search.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>Search results for "baby doll" appear in the &brandShortName; window.</p>
- <h4 id="selecting_the_search_engine">Selecting the Search Engine</h4>
- <p>You can switch the Search Engine by clicking on its icon and selecting the
- Search Engine of your choice. Some Search Engines, like Google, search the
- whole web; others, like Amazon.com, only search specific sites.</p>
- <h4 id="manage_search_engines">Manage Search Engines</h4>
- <p>Click on the icon of the Search Engine and select <em>Manage Search
- Engines...</em> to add, reorder, remove, or restore the default Search Engines.
- Select a Search Engine and click the appropriate button to move it around
- within the list or to remove it. You can install new search engines by
- clicking the <em>Get more search engines...</em> link.</p>
- <h3 id="searching_on_selected_words_in_a_web_page">Searching the Web for
- Words Selected in a Web Page</h3>
- <p>&brandShortName; allows you to search the web for words you select within
- a web page:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Select (highlight) any words in a web page.</li>
- <li><span class="noMac">Right-click</span><span class="mac">Press &ctrlKey;,
- click the mouse button,</span> and choose <em>Search [Search Engine] for
- "[your selected words]"</em> from the popup menu.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>&brandShortName; opens a new tab and uses the currently selected Search
- Engine to search for your selected words.</p>
- <h3 id="searching_within_a_page">Searching Within a Page</h3>
- <p>To find text within the page you are currently viewing in
- &brandShortName;:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Press &accelKey;+<kbd>F</kbd> or select <span class="menuPath">Edit >
- Find in This Page...</span> to open the Find Toolbar at the bottom of
- &brandShortName;.</li>
- <li>Type the text you want to find. The search automatically begins as soon as
- you type something into the search box.</li>
- <li>The Find Toolbar offers the following choices:
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Next</strong>: find text in the page that is below the current
- cursor position.</li>
- <li><strong>Previous</strong>: find text that is above the current cursor
- position.</li>
- <li><strong>Highlight all</strong>: highlight occurrences of your search
- string in the current page.</li>
- <li><strong>Match case</strong>: limit the search to text that has the
- same capitalization as your search string.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ol>
- <p>To find the same word or phrase again, press <kbd>F3</kbd> or select
- <span class="menuPath">Edit > Find Again</span>.</p>
- <p><strong>Tip</strong>: Enable the <em>Search for text when I start typing</em>
- &pref.singular; in the <em>General</em> tab of the <em>Advanced</em> panel of
- &pref.menuPath; to enable the <em>Quick Find</em> mode of the Find Toolbar.
- When enabled, the <em>Quick Find</em> toolbar automatically opens and starts
- searching as soon as you type something. Unlike the Find Toolbar, the
- <em>Quick Find</em> toolbar will close automatically after a few seconds of
- inactivity.</p>
- <h2 id="copying_saving_and_printng_pages">Copying, Saving, and Printing
- Pages</h2>
- <h3 id="copying_part_of_a_page">Copying Part of a Page</h3>
- <p>To copy text from a page:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Select the text.</li>
- <li>Select <span class="menuPath">Edit > Copy</span> from the Menu
- Bar.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>You can paste the text into other programs.</p>
- <p>To copy a link (URL) or an image link from a page:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Position the pointer over the link or image.</li>
- <li><span class="noMac">Right-click</span><span class="mac">Press &ctrlKey;
- and click on</span> the link or image to display a popup menu.</li>
- <li>Choose Copy Link Location or Copy Image Location. If an image is also a
- link, you can choose either menu item.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>You can paste the link into other programs or into &brandShortName;'s
- Location Bar.</p>
- <h3 id="saving_all_or_part_of_a_page">Saving All or Part of a Page</h3>
- <p>To save an entire page in &brandShortName;:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Select <span class="menuPath">File > Save Page As</span>. You will see
- the Save As dialog box.</li>
- <li>Choose a location for the saved page.</li>
- <li>Choose a format for the page you want to save:
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Web Page, Complete</strong>: Save the whole web page along
- with pictures. This choice allows you to view it as originally shown
- with pictures, but it may not keep the HTML link structure of the
- original page. &brandShortName; creates a new directory where the
- page is saved to save pictures and other files necessary to show the
- whole web page.</li>
- <li><strong>Web Page, HTML Only</strong>: Save the original page
- without pictures. This choice preserves the original HTML link
- structure in one file.</li>
- <li><strong>Text file</strong>: Save the original page as a text file.
- This choice will not preserve the original HTML link structure, but
- will allow you to see a text version of the web page in any text
- editor.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li>Type a file name for the page and click <em>Save</em>.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>To save a frame from within a web page:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Position the mouse pointer within the frame.</li>
- <li><span class="mac">Press &ctrlKey; and click on</span><span
- class="noMac">Right-click</span> the frame to display a popup menu.</li>
- <li>Select <span class="menuPath">This Frame > Save Frame As</span> from
- the submenu. You will see the Save As dialog box.</li>
- <li>Choose a location for the saved page.</li>
- <li>Choose a format for the page you want to save.</li>
- <li>Type a file name for the page and click <em>Save</em>.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>Saving a file onto your hard drive lets you view the page when you aren't
- connected to the Internet.</p>
- <p>To save an image from a page:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Position the mouse pointer over the image.</li>
- <li><span class="noMac">Right-click</span><span class="mac">Press &ctrlKey;
- and click on</span> the image to display a popup menu.</li>
- <li>Select <span class="menuPath">Save Image As</span>. You will see the
- Save Image dialog box.</li>
- <li>Choose a location for the saved image.</li>
- <li>Type a file name for the image and click <em>Save</em>.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>To save a page without displaying it (which is useful for retrieving a
- nonformatted page that isn't intended for viewing):</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Position the mouse pointer over a link to the page.</li>
- <li><span class="noMac">Right-click</span><span class="mac">Press &ctrlKey;
- and click on</span> the link to display a popup menu.</li>
- <li>Select <span class="menuPath">Save Link to Disk</span>. You will see the
- Save As dialog box.</li>
- <li>Choose a location for the saved page.</li>
- <li>Type a file name for the page and click <em>Save</em>.</li>
- </ol>
- <p><strong>Important</strong>: Some links automatically download and save files
- to your hard drive after you click them. The URLs for these links often
- begin with "ftp" or end with a file-type extension such as
- "au" or "mpeg." These links might transmit software,
- sound, or movie files and can launch helper applications that support the
- files.</p>
- <p><strong>Tip</strong>: To set an image as your desktop background,
- <span class="noMac">right-click</span><span class="mac">press &ctrlKey;,
- click the mouse button</span> on an image and choose <em>Set As Desktop
- Background...</em> from the popup menu.</p>
- <h3 id="printing_a_page">Printing a Page</h3>
- <p>To print the current page:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Select <span class="menuPath">File > Print</span>.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>To print selected text:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Select the text in the current page.</li>
- <li>Select <span class="menuPath">File > Print</span>. The print dialog
- box will appear.</li>
- <li>Under <em>Print Range</em>, click <em>Selection</em>.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>The web page's author and the size of the printed page, not the size of the
- onscreen window, determine placement of content on the printed page. Text is
- wrapped and graphics are repositioned to accommodate paper size.</p>
- <h3 id="using_print_preview">Using Print Preview</h3>
- <p>To have an early look at how a page will look before it is printed, you can
- use Print Preview:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Select <span class="menuPath">File > Print Preview</span>.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>In Print Preview, you can do the following with pages you want to print:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><strong>View a preview of each page</strong>: Click the
- Next <img alt="" src="chrome://global/skin/arrow/arrow-rit-sharp.gif"/>,
- Previous <img alt="" src="chrome://global/skin/arrow/arrow-lft-sharp.gif"/>,
- First <img alt="" src="chrome://global/skin/arrow/arrow-lft-sharp-end.gif"/>,
- or Last <img alt="" src="chrome://global/skin/arrow/arrow-rit-sharp-end.gif"/>
- button to move between pages.</li>
- <li><strong>Change the scale (size) of pages</strong>: In the <em>Scale</em>
- drop-down menu, choose "50%" to make each page half the size of
- the original page. To automatically resize pages so that they fit the width
- of the paper, choose "Shrink to Fit". You can also type in your
- own percentage by choosing "Custom...".</li>
- <li><strong>Change the orientation of the page</strong>: Choose
- <em>Portrait</em> <img alt="" src="chrome://global/skin/icons/Portrait.png"/>
- to position the page with the shorter side facing up. Choose
- <em>Landscape</em> <img alt="" src="chrome://global/skin/icons/Landscape.png"/>
- to position the page sideways with the longer side facing up.</li>
- <li><strong>Go to Page Setup</strong>: Click <em>Page Setup</em> to further
- customize pages you want to print.</li>
- <li><strong>Go to Print</strong>: Click <em>Print</em> to print the
- pages.</li>
- </ul>
- <p class="noWin"><strong>Note</strong>: Some Print Preview functions are different or
- unavailable on Mac OS and Linux.</p>
- <h3 id="using_page_setup">Using Page Setup</h3>
- <p class="noWin"><strong>Note</strong>: Some Page Setup functions are different or
- unavailable on Mac OS and Linux.</p>
- <p>To customize how pages are printed in &brandShortName;, you can use Page Setup:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Select <span class="menuPath">File > Page Setup</span>.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>In Page Setup, you can change the following settings for pages you want to
- print:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Format & Options</strong>: Choose the orientation, scale, and other
- options:
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Orientation</strong>:
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Portrait</strong>: Choose this <img alt=""
- src="chrome://global/skin/icons/Portrait.png"/> to position the page
- normally, with the shorter side facing up.</li>
- <li><strong>Landscape</strong>: Choose this <img alt=""
- src="chrome://global/skin/icons/Landscape.png"/> to position the page
- sideways, with the longer side facing up.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Scale</strong>: Type in a percentage of the original size. For example,
- type "50" to make each page half the size of the original page.
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Shrink To Fit Page Width</strong>: Select this to automatically
- resize the page to the width of the paper.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Options</strong>:
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Print Background (colors and images)</strong>: Select this to
- print background images and colors. If unselected only pictures and color in the
- foreground (in front) are printed.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Margins & Header/Footer</strong>: Click this tab to set up margins,
- headers, and footers:
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Margins:</strong>
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Top, Bottom, Left, Right</strong>: Type a margin in the given units
- for the top, bottom, left, and right margins.</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- <li><strong>Headers & Footers</strong>: Each drop-down list represents either
- a header or a footer area. The top row of drop-down lists are for the left, center, and
- right header areas. The bottom row are for the left, center, and right footer areas. In
- each drop-down list, choose one of the following options:
- <ul>
- <li><strong>--blank--</strong>: Show nothing in this area.</li>
- <li><strong>Title</strong>: Show the web page title.</li>
- <li><strong>URL</strong>: Show the web page URL (URL's usually start with
- "http://").</li>
- <li><strong>Date/Time</strong>: Show the date and time when the web page is
- printed.</li>
- <li><strong>Page #</strong>: Show the page number of each page.</li>
- <li><strong>Page # of #</strong>: Show the page number along with the total number
- of pages. For example, if you print a five page web page, "3 of 5" would
- be shown on the third page.</li>
- <li><strong>Custom</strong>: Type your own text. You can include any of the
- following codes to print specific information:
- <ul>
- <li><strong>&PT</strong>: Page Number with Total (Example: "3 of
- 5")</li>
- <li><strong>&P</strong>: Page Number</li>
- <li><strong>&D</strong>: Date</li>
- <li><strong>&U</strong>: URL</li>
- <li><strong>&T</strong>: Page Title</li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- </li>
- </ul>
- <p><strong>Tip</strong>: To see a preview of changes made to Page Setup, use
- <a href="using_firebird.xhtml#using_print_preview">Print Preview</a>.</p>
- <h2 id="improving_speed_and_efficiency">Improving Speed and Efficiency</h2>
- <h3 id="managing_different_file_types">Managing Different File Types</h3>
- <p>&brandShortName; can handle many types of files. However, for some files such
- as movies or music, &brandShortName; needs Plugins or external applications
- that can handle those files. If &brandShortName; doesn't have the needed
- Plugin or doesn't know what application to use to open the file, it can still
- save the file to your hard disk. When saving files, you can keep track of them
- using the Download Manager.</p>
- <p>Plugins extend &brandShortName;'s functionality and run within it.
- Plugins like Sun Java, Macromedia Flash, and RealNetworks RealPlayer allow
- &brandShortName; to show multimedia files and run small applications such as
- movies, animations, and games. You can find common Plugins on the <a href=
- "https://pfs.mozilla.org/plugins/" target="_blank">Plugins page</a>
- at Mozilla Update.</p>
- <p>When files cannot be opened within &brandShortName;, you can choose to open
- them with applications outside of &brandShortName;. For example, you can use
- the media player of your choice to play MP3 files.</p>
- <p>You can specify how &brandShortName; handles files it can't display in the
- <em>Download Actions</em> dialog. To open this dialog, select &pref.menuPath;,
- open the <em>Content</em> panel, and click the <em>Manage...</em> button in
- the <em>File Types</em> section. You can change the action for a file type or
- remove it.
- More information about this dialog is available in <a
- href="prefs.xhtml#file_types">File Types</a>.</p>
- <p>When you click on a file and &brandShortName; doesn't know how to handle it,
- an <em>Opening</em> dialog box is displayed, offering these choices:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><strong>Open with</strong>: &brandShortName; opens the file using the
- default program in your system settings. You can also choose a different
- program by selecting <em>Other...</em> in the drop-down list.</li>
- <li><strong>Save to Disk</strong>: &brandShortName; allows you to select a
- location to save the file. If you have selected <em>Save all files to (this
- folder)</em> in the <em>Main</em> panel of &pref.pluralCaps;,
- the file will automatically be saved to the default folder; otherwise
- &brandShortName; will ask you where to save it.</li>
- <li><strong>Do this automatically for files like this from now on</strong>:
- When this is selected, &brandShortName; will automatically perform the
- selected action the next time you download a file of this type.</li>
- </ul>
- <p><strong>Tip</strong>: You can clear your saved &pref.plural; for <em>Do this
- automatically for files like this from now on</em> in the <em>Download
- Actions</em> dialog.</p>
- <h3 id="making_firebird_your_default_browser">Making &brandShortName; Your
- Default Browser</h3>
- <p>&brandShortName; displays web pages on the Internet and
- on your computer. To easily open web pages, you can make &brandShortName;
- your default browser.</p>
- <p>To make &brandShortName; your default web browser, select &pref.menuPath;
- and click the <em>Check Now</em> button in the <em>Main</em> panel.</p>
- <h3 id="changing_cache_settings">Changing Cache Settings</h3>
- <p>&brandShortName; stores copies of frequently accessed pages in the cache.
- By doing this &brandShortName; doesn't have to retrieve the page from the
- network each time you view the web page.</p>
- <p>To set the size of the cache:</p>
- <ol>
- <li>Select &pref.menuPath;.</li>
- <li>Open the <em>Advanced</em> panel and click the <em>Network</em> tab.</li>
- <li>Enter a number in the <em>Use up to</em> field to specify the size of the
- cache. The default size is 50MB.</li>
- </ol>
- <p><strong>Important</strong>: A larger cache allows more data to be quickly
- retrieved, but more of your hard disk space is used.</p>
- <p>When you quit &brandShortName;, it performs cache maintenance. If
- maintenance takes longer than you wish, try reducing the size of the disk
- cache.</p>
- <p>To reload a page at any time, click the <em>Reload</em> button in
- &brandShortName;'s <em>Navigation Toolbar</em>. &brandShortName; then loads
- and displays the latest version of the page.</p>
- <div class="contentsBox"><em>12 September 2006</em></div>
- <p>Copyright © 2003-2007 Contributors to the Mozilla Help Viewer Project.</p>
- </body>
- </html>