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- <!--
- Contributors:
- David Tenser <tenser@comhem.se> (original author)
- Steffen Wilberg <steffen.wilberg@web.de>
- Ryan Flint <rflint@dslr.net>
- Jeff Walden <jwalden+code@mit.edu>
- -->
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head>
- <title>&brandFullName; Options</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="chrome://help/skin/helpFileLayout.css"/>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>&brandFullName; &pref.pluralCaps;</h1>
- <p>This document explains all of the &pref.plural; available in the
- &pref.pluralCaps; window of &brandFullName;.</p>
- <div class="contentsBox">In this section:
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#main_options">Main &pref.pluralCaps;</a></li>
- <li><a href="#tabs_options">Tabs &pref.pluralCaps;</a></li>
- <li><a href="#content_options">Content &pref.pluralCaps;</a></li>
- <li><a href="#feeds_options">Feeds &pref.pluralCaps;</a></li>
- <li><a href="#privacy_options">Privacy &pref.pluralCaps;</a></li>
- <li><a href="#security_options">Security &pref.pluralCaps;</a></li>
- <li><a href="#advanced_options">Advanced &pref.pluralCaps;</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <h2 id="main_options">Main &pref.pluralCaps;</h2>
- <h3 id="startup">Startup</h3>
- <p>When you open &brandShortName;, by default your <a
- href="glossary.xhtml#home_page">home page</a> is displayed. Your home page
- might be a commonly-visited web site, a search engine, or perhaps your email
- account, but the choice is up to you. You can change your home page or
- choose to display a different page or set of pages on startup in this
- section.</p>
- <p><em>When &brandShortName; starts</em><br/>
- By default, when &brandShortName; starts it opens your home page (listed in
- the textbox immediately below), which corresponds to the <em>Show my home
- page</em> option. Alternately, you can choose to display a blank page on
- startup (perhaps to eliminate the time required to load that page from the
- Internet) by selecting the <em>Show a blank page</em> option.</p>
- <p>As a final alternative, you can have &brandShortName; reopen the windows and
- tabs you had open the last time you ran &brandShortName;, effectively
- restoring you to where you were when you last stopped browsing the Internet.
- This can be a handy way of saving what you were doing when you close
- &brandShortName;, perhaps to install an operating system update. You can
- choose this option by selecting <em>Show my windows and tabs from last
- time</em>.</p>
- <p><em>Home Page</em><br/>
- If you've set &brandShortName; to show your home page when you start
- &brandShortName;, you specify your home page by typing it here. You can
- also click any of the buttons below the textbox to choose a special home
- page:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><em>Use Current Page</em> sets the currently-displayed page (or pages,
- if you have multiple tabs open) as your home page</li>
- <li><em>Use Bookmark</em> sets the selected bookmark (or if you select a
- folder, the set of bookmarks in that folder) as your home page</li>
- <li><em>Restore to Default</em> resets your home page to the default home
- page</li>
- </ul>
- <h3 id="downloads">Downloads</h3>
- <p>This section contains &pref.plural; determining how &brandShortName;
- downloads files.</p>
- <p><em>Show the Downloads window when downloading a file</em><br/>
- With this &pref.singular; selected, &brandShortName; will open the <a
- href="download_manager.xhtml">Downloads window</a> when you start
- downloading a file.</p>
- <p><em>Close it when all downloads are finished</em><br/>
- Select this &pref.singular; to have &brandShortName; close the Downloads
- window when all downloads currently in progress finish.</p>
- <p><em id="download_folder">Save files to</em><br/>
- By default downloaded files are automatically saved to the Desktop,
- eliminating the hassle of specifying a download location for every file you
- download. You can choose a different folder by clicking the <em><span
- class="noMac">Browse...</span><span class="mac">Choose...</span></em>
- button.</p>
- <p><em>Always ask me where to save files</em><br/>
- With this &pref.singular; selected, &brandShortName; will ask you where
- you would like to save every downloaded file (instead of using the default
- location specified above).</p>
- <h3 id="system_defaults">System Defaults</h3>
- <p><em>Always check to see if &brandShortName; is the default browser on
- startup</em><br/>
- Select this option if you want &brandShortName; to check whether it is the
- default browser at startup. This will ensure &brandShortName; is used
- whenever an application tries to display a web page. You can also click the
- <em>Check Now</em> button to do a check right now.</p>
- <h2 id="tabs_options">Tabs &pref.pluralCaps;</h2>
- <p><em>New pages should be opened in:</em><br/>
- This &pref.singular; controls whether links from other applications or from
- web pages which request to open them in new windows are opened in <em>a new
- window</em> or <em>a new tab</em> in the most recent window.</p>
- <p><strong>Note:</strong> If you have chosen to open pages in new tabs,
- &brandShortName; will ignore this &pref.singular; and will open a new window
- from a link if the page author specified that the new window should have a
- specific size, because some pages can only be displayed correctly at a
- specific size.</p>
- <p><em>Warn me when closing multiple tabs</em><br/>
- When you close a window with multiple tabs, &brandShortName; will ask you
- to confirm your choice. This prevents you from accidentally closing the
- whole window when you intended to only close the current tab. Uncheck this
- &pref.singular; to disable this warning and have &brandShortName;
- automatically close the window.</p>
- <p><em>Warn me when opening multiple tabs might slow down
- &brandShortName;</em><br/>
- When you open a large number of tabs at once, &brandShortName; will ask you
- to confirm your choice. This prevents you from accidentally slowing down
- your system while the pages are loading. Uncheck this &pref.singular; to
- disable this warning.</p>
- <p><em>Always show the tab bar</em><br/>
- If you're only viewing one web page in a &brandShortName; window, the tab
- bar is not normally shown. Check this &pref.singular; to always show the tab
- bar, including when only the &brandShortName; window contains only one
- page.</p>
- <p><em>When I open a link in a new tab, switch to it immediately</em><br/>
- When you middle-click on a Web link (or hold down &accelKey; while clicking
- with the left mouse button), the page will be opened in a new tab. That page
- will not be displayed and will load in a background tab. Check this
- &pref.singular; to load and display the page in a new foreground tab
- instead.</p>
- <h2 id="content_options">Content &pref.pluralCaps;</h2>
- <p><em>Block Pop-up Windows</em><br/>
- By default, &brandShortName; blocks annoying pop-up windows on web sites.
- Unchecking this &pref.singular; will disable pop-up blocking.</p>
- <p>Some web sites make legitimate use of pop-up windows. Therefore, you can
- allow these sites to open pop-ups anyway. To do so, click
- <em>Exceptions...</em>, enter the site name, and click <em>Allow</em>. To
- remove a web site from the list, select it and then click <em>Remove
- Site</em>. To clear the list completely, click <em>Remove All Sites</em>.</p>
- <p><em>Load images automatically</em><br/>
- &brandShortName; displays images in web pages by default. Uncheck this
- &pref.singular; to disable images in web pages.</p>
- <p>If you enable loading images automatically, the <em>Exceptions...</em>
- button lets you select sites from which images will not automatically load.
- The <em>Exceptions...</em> button lets you specify web sites that you wish
- to load (or not load) regardless of the setting of this preference. In the
- exceptions list, enter the site from which you want to allow or block images
- and click <em>Allow</em> to allow images, or click <em>Block</em> to block
- the images.</p>
- <p><em>Enable JavaScript</em><br/>
- JavaScript is a scripting language commonly used to make web pages
- interactive. However, it also makes certain annoying behaviors much easier to
- perform. To disable JavaScript, uncheck this &pref.singular;. However, note
- that disabling JavaScript may cause some sites to not work properly. For more
- fine-grained control over what JavaScript can and cannot do, click
- <em>Advanced...</em>.</p>
- <h4 id="advanced_javascript">Advanced JavaScript Settings</h4>
- <dl>
- <dt>Move or resize existing windows</dt>
- <dd>Uncheck this &pref.singular; to disable moving and resizing windows
- using scripts.</dd>
- <dt>Raise or lower windows</dt>
- <dd>Uncheck this &pref.singular; to make sure scripts cannot raise (bring
- to the front) or lower (send to the back) windows.</dd>
- <dt>Disable or replace context menus</dt>
- <dd>Uncheck this &pref.singular; to prevent web pages from disabling or
- changing the &brandShortName; context menu.</dd>
- <dt>Hide the status bar</dt>
- <dd>Uncheck this &pref.singular; to force the status bar to be displayed in
- pop-up windows.</dd>
- <dt>Change status bar text</dt>
- <dd>Uncheck this &pref.singular; to disable changes to status bar text (such
- as displaying scrolling text messages or preventing the link address from
- being displayed while the mouse is over a link).</dd>
- </dl>
- <p><em>Enable Java</em><br/>
- Java is a popular programming language for the Web. A single Java program
- can run on many different kinds of computers, thus avoiding the need for
- programmers to create a separate version of a program for each kind of
- computer. Uncheck this &pref.singular; to disable Java applets in
- &brandShortName;. Note that in order for Java applets to work, you must
- install the Java plugin.</p>
- <h3 id="fonts_and_colors">Fonts & Colors</h3>
- <p><em>Default font</em> and <em>Size</em><br/>
- Web pages are usually displayed in the font and size specified here.
- However, web pages can override these choices unless you specify otherwise
- in the Fonts dialog. Click the <em>Advanced...</em> button to access the
- Fonts dialog and to change this and other fonts &pref.plural;.</p>
- <h4 id="fonts_dialog">Fonts Dialog</h4>
- <ol>
- <li>From the <em>Fonts for</em> drop-down list, choose a language
- group/script. For instance, to set default fonts for the West
- European languages/scripts (Latin), choose <em>Western</em>. For a
- language/script not in the list, choose <em>Other Languages</em>.</li>
- <li>Select whether proportional text should be serif (like "Times
- New Roman") or sans-serif (like "Arial"). Then specify
- the font size you want for proportional text.</li>
- <li>Specify the font to use for Serif, Sans-serif and Monospace fonts.
- You can also change the size for <code>Monospace fonts</code>.</li>
- </ol>
- <p>You can also set the minimum web page font size. This is useful to
- prevent sites from use overly small fonts that are barely readable.</p>
- <p><em>Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections
- above</em><br/>
- By default &brandShortName; uses the fonts specified by the web page
- author. Disabling this &pref.singular; will force all sites to use your
- default fonts instead.</p>
- <p><em>Character Encoding</em><br/>
- The character encoding selected here will be used to display pages that
- do not specify which encoding to use.</p>
- <h4 id="colors_dialog">Colors Dialog</h4>
- <p><strong>Text and Background</strong><br/>
- Here you can change the default text and background color to be used on
- web pages that haven't specified that information. Click on the color
- samples to select colors.</p>
- <p><em>Use system colors</em><br/>
- Check this &pref.singular; to use the colors defined in your operating
- system settings instead of the colors specified above.</p>
- <p><strong>Link Colors</strong><br/>
- Here you can change the default colors for Web links. Click on the color
- samples to select colors.</p>
- <p><em>Underline links</em><br/>
- By default, links are underlined on web pages. Uncheck this &pref.singular;
- to disable this. Note that many sites specify their own styling rules
- and this &pref.singular; has no effect on those sites.</p>
- <p><em>Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my selections
- above</em><br/>
- By default, &brandShortName; uses the colors specified by the web page
- author. Disabling this &pref.singular; will force all sites to use your
- default colors instead.</p>
- <h3 id="file_types">File Types</h3>
- <p>The Download Actions dialog, which can be opened by clicking the
- <em>Manage...</em> button, contains file types that you have downloaded.
- You can choose what &brandShortName; should do when clicking on a specific
- file type by selecting the file type you want to modify and clicking the
- <em>Change Action...</em> button.</p>
- <p>This will display the Change Action dialog, where you can choose to have
- the file type opened by the default application, opened by a particular
- application, saved to disk, or shown with an installed plugin. For example,
- if you view lots of media files on web pages, you might want to specify that
- &brandShortName; always open media files in your media player instead of
- asking where you want each media file to be saved.</p>
- <ul>
- <li><em>Open them with the default application:</em><br/>
- Select this &pref.singular; to open this file type in the default
- application for that file type (determined by the operating system).</li>
- <li><em>Open them with this application:</em><br/>
- Select this &pref.singular; to specify another application that should
- handle this file type. You will see a dialog asking you to specify the
- application to use.</li>
- <li><em>Save them on my computer:</em><br/>
- This &pref.singular; will save the files to disk (automatically if you
- have selected the <em>Save files to</em> &pref.singular; in the
- <em>Main</em> panel).</li>
- <li><em>Use this Plugin:</em><br/>
- Select this &pref.singular; to let a plugin handle this file type.</li>
- </ul>
- <h2 id="feeds_options">Feeds &pref.pluralCaps;</h2>
- <p>Feeds are specially formatted documents which summarize the content of web
- sites. For example, a feed might summarize the latest news headlines from a
- news site or the latest posts on a blog. You can view the content of feeds in
- &brandShortName;, create Feedmarks for them, or add them to a feed reader
- on your computer or on the Web. The &pref.plural; in this pane determine what
- &brandShortName; does when you view a feed.</p>
- <p><em>Use the &brandShortName; Feed Reader</em><br/>
- When you view a feed within &brandShortName;, you will be shown a preview of
- its contents. With this &pref.singular; selected, you are always given a
- choice of what you would like to use to subscribe to the feed at the top of
- the preview page.</p>
- <p><em>Subscribe to the feed using</em><br/>
- Instead of displaying a preview of the feed when you view one, you can have
- the feed be opened directly in a feed reader by selecting a reader from the
- list of available readers. You can choose to use an application on your
- computer to subscribe to feeds by clicking the <em>Choose Application...</em>
- button and finding the application on your computer. Alternately, you can
- choose to automatically subscribe to feeds by saving them as Feedmarks.
- To choose a subscription method, simply select it from the list.</p>
- <h2 id="privacy_options">Privacy &pref.pluralCaps;</h2>
- <h3 id="privacy_history">History</h3>
- <p><em>Remember visited pages for the last ... days</em><br/>
- Here you can specify how long you want &brandShortName; to remember what
- pages you have visited. The default is 9 days.</p>
- <p><em>Remember what I enter in forms and the search bar</em><br/>
- When you enter information in web forms or the search bar in
- &brandShortName;, that information is saved so that &brandShortName; can
- give suggestions when you enter information in forms in the future. To stop
- this behavior, uncheck this &pref.singular;.</p>
- <p><em>Remember what I've downloaded</em><br/>
- This &pref.singular; controls whether or not past downloads show up in the
- Downloads window. The Downloads window (accessible from <span
- class="menuPath">Tools</span> or by pressing <span
- class="noUnix">&accelKey;+<kbd>J</kbd></span><span
- class="unix">&accelKey;+<kbd>Y</kbd></span>) displays a list of your recent
- downloads. Downloads &pref.plural; are available in the <a
- href="#main_options"><em>Main</em></a> panel.</p>
- <h3 id="privacy_cookies">Cookies</h3>
- <p>A cookie is a file created by a web site that stores information on your
- computer, such as site-specific preferences when visiting that site.</p>
- <p><em>Accept cookies from sites</em><br/>
- By default cookies are enabled. Uncheck this &pref.singular; to disable the
- use of cookies. Note that some sites may not work properly when cookies are
- disabled.</p>
- <p><em>Keep until:</em></p>
- <ul>
- <li><em>they expire</em><br/>
- This is the default &pref.singular;. When set, this allows websites to
- specify how long a cookie will be stored by &brandShortName;. This makes
- it possible for a site to remember your preferences and login information
- across browser sessions.</li>
- <li><em>I close &brandShortName;</em><br/>
- With this &pref.singular; selected, &brandShortName; will remove all
- stored cookies when closed.</li>
- <li><em>ask me every time</em><br/>
- With this &pref.singular; enabled, &brandShortName; will ask you how long
- you would like to keep a cookie (or refuse it entirely) every time a web
- site attempts to set one.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>To control which sites may or may not set cookies, click the
- <em>Exceptions...</em> button.</p>
- <p>To display the Cookie Manager click <em>Show Cookies...</em>.</p>
- <p>Learn more about cookies, the individual &pref.plural;, and how you can
- gain control over what sites are allowed to store cookies on your computer
- by reading about <a href="cookies.xhtml">Managing Cookies</a>.</p>
- <h3 id="private_data">Private Data</h3>
- <p><em>Always clear my private data when I close &brandShortName;</em><br/>
- You can choose to have &brandShortName; clear your private data when you
- close it. To configure what data is cleared, click the <em>Settings...</em>
- button.</p>
- <p><em>Ask me before clearing private data</em><br/>
- With this &pref.singular; selected, &brandShortName; will ask you before
- automatically clearing the data specified by clicking
- <em>Settings...</em>.</p>
- <p>If you wish to clear your private data right now, you can click the
- <em>Clear Now...</em> button to do so. To clear your private data from
- outside the preferences dialog, either press &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+<kbd>Del</kbd>
- or select <span class="menuPath">Tools > Clear Private Data...</span>.</p>
- <h2 id="security_options">Security &pref.pluralCaps;</h2>
- <p><em>Warn me when sites try to install add-ons</em><br/>
- &brandShortName; will always ask you to confirm installations of add-ons.
- To prevent unrequested installation prompts which may lead to accidental
- installations, &brandShortName; warns you when a web site tries to install
- an add-on and blocks the installation prompt. To allow installations from
- a specific site, click <em>Exceptions...</em>, enter the site name, and click
- <em>Allow</em>. Uncheck this &pref.singular; to disable the warning for all
- sites.</p>
- <p><em>Tell me if the site I'm visiting is a suspected forgery</em><br/>
- Check this &pref.singular; if you want &brandShortName; to actively check
- whether the site you are visiting may be an attempt to mislead you into
- providing personal information (this is often referred to as <em>phishing</em>).</p>
- <p><em>Check using a downloaded list of suspected sites</em><br/>
- With this &pref.singular; selected, &brandShortName; will check the current
- site against a frequently updated list stored on your computer. No data about
- the sites you visit is transferred to third-party anti-phishing providers
- during normal browsing. Since phishing techniques and sites evolve quickly,
- this mode of protection may not be as effective as having an anti-phishing
- provider check every site you visit.</p>
- <p><em>Check by asking ... about each site I visit</em><br/>
- With this &pref.singular; selected, &brandShortName; will send the address of
- the current page over an encrypted connection to the selected third-party
- anti-phishing provider in order to verify its identity. This method offers the
- greatest protection, but information such as your IP address and browser
- version may be transfered and stored by the selected provider. You will be
- prompted to review and agree to the selected data provider's privacy policy
- after selecting this &pref.singular;.</p>
- <h3 id="security_passwords">Passwords</h3>
- <p><em>Remember passwords for sites</em><br/>
- &brandShortName; can securely save passwords you enter in web forms to
- make it easier to log on to web sites. Clear this checkbox to prevent
- &brandShortName; from remembering your passwords.</p>
- <p>Even with this &pref.singular; checked, however, you'll still be asked
- whether to save passwords for a site when you first visit it. If you select
- <em>Never for This Site</em>, that site will be added to an exceptions list.
- To access that list or to remove sites from it, click the
- <em>Exceptions...</em> button.</p>
- <p id="set_change_master_password"><em>Use a master password</em><br/>
- &brandShortName; can protect sensitive information such as saved passwords
- and certificates by encrypting them using a <a
- href="glossary.xhtml#master_password">master password</a>. If you create a
- master password, each time you start &brandShortName;, it will ask you to enter
- the password the first time it needs to access a certificate or stored
- password. You can set, change, or remove the master password by
- by checking or unchecking this &pref.singular; or by clicking the
- <em>Change Master Password...</em> button. If a master password is already
- set, you will need to enter it in order to change or remove the master password.</p>
- <p><em>Show Passwords...</em><br/>
- You can manage saved passwords and delete individual passwords by clicking
- the <em>View Saved Passwords</em> button.</p>
- <h3 id="warning_messages">Warning Messages</h3>
- <p>Click the <em>Settings...</em> button to configure the security warnings
- &brandShortName; displays while you browse the web.</p>
- <h4>Security Warnings Dialog</h4>
- <!--XXX massive suck! do these provide *any* value whatsoever? -->
- <dl>
- <dt>I am about to view an encrypted page</dt>
- <dd>When this &pref.singular; is enabled, &brandShortName; will notify you
- every time you are about to view an encrypted page.</dd>
- <dt>I am about to view a page that uses low-grade encryption</dt>
- <dd>With this &pref.singular; enabled, &brandShortName; will warn you when
- you visit a page which uses low-grade encryption.</dd>
- <dt>I leave an encrypted page for one that isn't encrypted</dt>
- <dd>With this &pref.singular; enabled, &brandShortName; will warn you
- every time you move from an encrypted page to an unencrypted page either
- by selecting a link on the page, selecting a bookmark or typing a new
- address into the location bar.</dd>
- <dt>I submit information that's not encrypted</dt>
- <dd>When this &pref.singular; is enabled, &brandShortName; will warn you
- when you submit data via a form that's not encrypted.</dd>
- <dt>I'm about to view an encrypted page that contains some unencrypted
- information</dt>
- <dd>With this &pref.singular; enabled, &brandShortName; will warn you when
- the page you're viewing contains a mixture of encrypted and
- unencrypted content. If an encrypted page contains unencrypted data,
- you should verify the identity of the page you're viewing prior to
- entering sensitive data.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2 id="advanced_options">Advanced &pref.pluralCaps;</h2>
- <p>The advanced panel contains many &pref.plural; that are less likely to be
- used by most people but are useful and sometimes critical &pref.plural; for
- some people.</p>
- <h3 id="advanced_general">General tab</h3>
- <h4 id="accessibility">Accessibility</h4>
- <p><em>Always use the cursor keys to navigate within pages</em><br/>
- When this &pref.singular; is enabled, &brandShortName; will display a
- movable cursor in web pages, allowing you to select text with the
- keyboard. You can toggle this mode by pressing <kbd>F7</kbd>.</p>
- <p><em>Search for text when I start typing</em><br/>
- When this &pref.singular; is enabled, &brandShortName; will find within
- the current web page what you type as you type it. While you are finding
- typed text in the page, the Find Toolbar will automatically display at the
- bottom of the window to show information about what you've found.</p>
- <h4 id="browsing">Browsing</h4>
- <p><em>Use autoscrolling</em><br/>
- Autoscrolling is a useful feature which allows you to scroll the page by
- clicking the middle mouse button (usually the scroll wheel) and moving the
- mouse up or down. Some people find this annoying, so autoscrolling can be
- disabled with this &pref.singular;.</p>
- <p><em>Use smooth scrolling</em><br/>
- Smooth scrolling can be very useful if you read a lot of long pages.
- Normally, when you press <kbd>Page Down</kbd>, the view jumps directly
- down one page. With smooth scrolling, it slides down smoothly, so you can
- see how much it scrolls. This makes it easier to resume reading from where
- you were before.</p>
- <p><em>Check my spelling as I type</em><br/>
- When this preference is enabled, &brandShortName; will check your spelling
- and offer possible corrections as you type in web forms. Note that you
- may need to download a dictionary; to do so, <span
- class="noMac">right-click</span><span class="mac">press &ctrlKey; and
- click</span> on any text field, enable spellchecking if necessary, and
- then use the provided <span class="menuPath">Languages</span> menu to
- download a dictionary.</p>
- <h4 id="languages">Languages</h4>
- <p>Some web pages are offered in more than one language. Click the
- <em>Choose...</em> button to specify your preferred language or
- languages.</p>
- <p><strong>Languages Dialog</strong><br/>
- To add a language, click <em>Select a language to add...</em>, choose the
- language, and click the <em>Add</em> button. Remove a language by
- selecting it in the list of active languages and clicking the
- <em>Remove</em> button. You can also reorder languages using the <em>Move
- Up</em> and <em>Move Down</em> buttons to determine the most preferred one
- in case a page is provided in multiple languages .</p>
- <h3 id="advanced_network">Network tab</h3>
- <h4 id="connection_settings">Connection</h4>
- <p>Your organization or Internet service provider may offer or require you
- to use a proxy. A proxy acts as an intermediary between your computer and
- the Internet. It intercepts all requests to the Internet to see if it can
- fulfill the request using its cache. Proxies are used to improve
- performance, filter requests, and hide your computer from the Internet to
- improve security. Proxies are often part of corporate firewalls.</p>
- <h4>Connection Settings Dialog</h4>
- <dl>
- <dt>Direct connection to the Internet</dt>
- <dd>This is the default &pref.singular;. Choose this if you don't want
- to use a proxy.</dd>
- <dt>Auto-detect proxy settings for this network</dt>
- <dd>Choose this if you want &brandShortName; to automatically detect the
- proxy settings for your network.</dd>
- <dt>Manual proxy configuration</dt>
- <dd>Choose this if you don't have a proxy location (URL). Ask your
- system administrator for the names and port numbers of the servers
- running proxy software for each network service and enter the
- information in the appropriate fields.</dd>
- <dt>Automatic proxy configuration URL</dt>
- <dd>If your workplace has a proxy configuration file, ask the system
- administrator for its URL and enter it here. Click <em>Reload</em> to
- load the settings.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h4 id="advanced_cache">Cache</h4>
- <p>Pages you view are normally stored in a special cache folder for quicker
- viewing the next time you visit the same page. You can specify the amount
- of disk space the cache can use here. You can also immediately clear
- the contents of the cache.</p>
- <p><em>Use up to ... MB of space for the cache</em><br/>
- Allows you to specify the maximum size, in megabytes, of the cache on
- your computer.</p>
- <p><em>Clear Now</em><br/>
- Immediately clears the current contents of the cache, freeing the disk
- space used by the cache.</p>
- <h3 id="advanced_update">Update tab</h3>
- <p>&brandShortName; can check whether updates to installed add-ons or to
- &brandShortName; itself are available.</p>
- <p><em>Automatically check for updates to:</em><br/>
- By default &brandShortName; automatically checks for updates to itself, to
- add-ons, and to search engines so you'll always know you have the most
- up-to-date version. You can change this behavior by changing the
- appropriate checkboxes here.</p>
- <p><em>When updates to &brandShortName; are found,</em></p>
- <dl>
- <dt>Ask me what I want to do</dt>
- <dd>Updates to &brandShortName; are installed automatically by default.
- Select this &pref.singular; to manually control how and when updates are
- installed.</dd>
- <dt>Automatically download and install the update</dt>
- <dd>When this &pref.singular; is selected, &brandShortName; updates will
- be automatically downloaded and will be installed the next time
- &brandShortName; is restarted. The <em>Warn me if this will disable any
- of my add-ons</em> &pref.singular; determines whether you will be warned
- before the installation of an update which would require an incompatible
- add-on to be disabled because no newer, compatible version exists. The
- warning will allow you to postpone installation of the update, though at
- the expense of improvements included in it.<br/><br/>
- If all extensions and themes are compatible or can be updated to be
- compatible, the &brandShortName; update will be installed. Upon restart
- you will be asked to install any needed add-on updates so that you can
- continue to use them.</dd>
- </dl>
- <p><em>Show Update History</em><br/>
- &brandShortName; automatically records the updates you have installed.
- You can view information about these updates by clicking this button.</p>
- <p><strong>Note:</strong> You must be running &brandShortName; as
- <span class="win">an administrator</span><span class="noWin">root</span>
- or as the user who originally installed &brandShortName;
- to install &brandShortName; updates.</p>
- <h3 id="advanced_encryption">Encryption tab</h3>
- <h4 id="protocols">Protocols</h4>
- <p><em>Use SSL 3.0</em><br/>
- Specifies whether you want to send and receive secured information through
- SSL3 (Secure Sockets Layer, Level 3), a standard protocol for
- communicating securely with web sites. Disabling it will prevent you from
- visiting some sites.</p>
- <p><em>Use TLS 1.0</em><br/>
- Specifies whether you want to send and receive secured information through
- TLS (Transport Layer Security), a security standard similar to SSL3
- (Secure Sockets Layer). Disabling it will prevent you from visiting some
- sites.</p>
- <h4 id="certificates">Certificates</h4>
- <p>Certificates help perform encryption and decryption of connections to
- <a href="glossary.xhtml#secure_site">secure sites</a>.</p>
- <p><em>When a web site requires a certificate:</em><br/>
- When a web site requests a secure connection, &brandShortName; will by
- default automatically use an appropriate certificate. If you wish to
- manually choose a certificate (for example, if you wish to use a certain
- type of encryption instead of what is automatically selected), select the
- &pref.singular; <em>Ask me every time</em> and you'll be in complete
- control of what certificates you use while browsing.</p>
- <p><em>View Certificates</em><br/>
- Click this button to view stored certificates, import new certificates,
- and back up or delete old certificates in &brandShortName;.</p>
- <p><em>Revocation Lists</em><br/>
- &brandShortName; can use Certificate Revocation Lists (also known as
- CRLs) to ensure that your certificates are always valid. Click the
- <em>Revocation Lists</em> button to manage the CRLs installed on your
- computer.</p>
- <p><em>Verification</em><br/>
- &brandShortName; can verify the validity of your certificates using OCSP
- (Online Certificate Status Protocol) every time they are viewed or used.
- &brandShortName; does not use OCSP by default, but if you want to enable
- it, you can do so here. You will most likely only need to change this if
- your Internet environment requires it.</p>
- <p><em>Security Devices</em><br/>
- Security devices can encrypt and decrypt connections and store
- certificates and passwords. If you need to use a security device other
- than the one in &brandShortName;, click the <em>Security Devices</em>
- button.</p>
- <div class="contentsBox"><em>12 September 2006</em></div>
- <p>Copyright © 2003-2007 Contributors to the Mozilla Help Viewer Project.</p>
- </body>
- </html>