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- Contributors:
- Nilson Cain <mybugs@bellsouth.net> (original author)
- Jeff Walden <jwalden+code@mit.edu>
- -->
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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- <title>Using &brandFullName;'s Download Manager</title>
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- <h1>Using &brandFullName;'s Download Manager</h1>
- <div class="contentsBox">In this section:
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#what_is_download_manager">What is the Download Manager?</a></li>
- <li><a href="#do_with_download_manager">What can I do with the Download Manager?</a></li>
- <li><a href="#download_manager_options">Download Manager &pref.pluralCaps;</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <h2 id="what_is_download_manager">What is the Download Manager?</h2>
- <p>The Download Manager is a feature of &brandShortName; that allows you to
- track and manage your past and current file downloads. It is a convenient way
- to escape the clutter of multiple downloading windows while still preserving
- access to download statistics.</p>
- <p>The Download Manager will appear when you download files, when you select
- <span class="menuPath">Tools > Downloads</span>, and when you press
- <span class="noUnix">&accelKey;+<kbd>J</kbd></span><span class="unix">&accelKey;+<kbd>Y</kbd></span>.</p>
- <h2 id="do_with_download_manager">What can I do with the Download Manager?</h2>
- <p>In addition to keeping information on all your downloads in one place, the
- Download Manager keeps convenient download actions easily accessible for each
- of your downloads.</p>
- <dl>
- <dt>Pause</dt>
- <dd>You can pause any downloads currently in progress by clicking the
- <em>Pause</em> link beside the file entry. This may be useful, for
- example, if you need to open a small download started after a large
- download. Pausing downloads gives you the choice to decide which of your
- downloads are most important. When you want to continue downloading those
- files, simply use the <em>Resume</em> link to finish those downloads.</dd>
- <dt>Cancel</dt>
- <dd>If after starting a download you decide you no longer need that file,
- canceling the download is simple: just use the <em>Cancel</em> link beside
- that file entry to cancel it and free up your connection for your browsing
- and other downloads.</dd>
- <dt>Open the File</dt>
- <dd>When a download has finished, the <em>Open</em> link will appear
- by the file entry. Use it to open the file.</dd>
- <dt>Remove the File's Entry</dt>
- <dd>If you do not wish to store information on a particular download, removing
- the entry is as simple as the click of a mouse. Simply use the
- <em>Remove</em> link beside the file entry to delete it.</dd>
- <dt>Retry a Download</dt>
- <dd>If for any reason a download does not complete, it is easy to attempt the
- download again. To recover from a failed download and retry it, just use
- the <em>Retry</em> link next to the file entry and &brandShortName; will
- restart the download for you.</dd>
- <dt>Show Download Folder</dt>
- <dd>If you have set &brandShortName; to save all downloads to a folder in
- <a href="#download_manager_options">Download Manager &pref.pluralCaps;</a>,
- you can open this folder by clicking the <em>Folder Name</em> at the
- bottom of the Download Manager window.</dd>
- </dl>
- <h2 id="download_manager_options">Download Manager &pref.pluralCaps;</h2>
- <p>The &pref.plural; for the Download Manager are accessible by opening the
- Downloads section of the <em>Main</em> panel in the &pref.pluralCaps; window.
- They allow you to change several downloading &pref.plural;. More information
- regarding the various &pref.plural; is available in the <a
- href="prefs.xhtml#downloads">&pref.pluralCaps; page</a>.</p>
- <div class="contentsBox"><em>12 September 2006</em></div>
- <p>Copyright © 2003-2007 Contributors to the Mozilla Help Viewer Project.</p>
- </body>
- </html>