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- Contributors:
- Mark Pilgrim <pilgrim@gmail.com> (original author)
- -->
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
- <head>
- <title>Accessibility Features of &brandFullName;</title>
- <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
- href="chrome://help/skin/helpFileLayout.css"/>
- </head>
- <body>
- <h1>Accessibility Features of &brandFullName;</h1>
- <p>&brandShortName; includes many features to make the browser and web
- content accessible to all users, including those who have low vision, no
- vision, or limited ability to use a keyboard or mouse.</p>
- <div class="contentsBox">In this section:
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#using_a_keyboard">Using a Keyboard</a></li>
- <li><a href="#using_a_mouse">Using a Mouse</a></li>
- <li><a href="#fonts_and_colors">Fonts and Colors</a></li>
- <li><a href="#controlling_web_content">Controlling Web Content</a></li>
- <li><a href="#compatibility_with_assistive_technologies">Compatibility
- with Assistive Technologies</a></li>
- <li><a href="#finding_help_online">Finding Help Online</a></li>
- </ul>
- </div>
- <h2 id="using_a_keyboard">Using a Keyboard</h2>
- <h3 id="keyboard_shortcuts">Keyboard Shortcuts</h3>
- <p>A list of common keyboard shortcuts is available in
- <a href="shortcuts.xhtml">&brandShortName; Keyboard Shortcuts</a>.
- Online, you can find <a target="_blank"
- href="http://www.mozilla.org/support/firefox/keyboard">a comparison
- chart of keyboard shortcuts</a> implemented in &brandShortName;,
- Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Opera.</p>
- <h3 id="always_use_cursor_keys">Always use the cursor keys to navigate within
- webpages</h3>
- <p><a href="prefs.xhtml#accessibility">Always use the cursor keys to navigate
- within webpages</a> allows you to move through web content as if
- you were inside a read-only editor.
- You can use the keyboard to select web content and copy it to the
- clipboard. You can enable this feature by selecting &pref.menuPath;,
- opening the <em>General</em> tab in the <em>Advanced</em> panel,
- and checking the <em>Always use the cursor keys to navigate within webpages
- </em> &pref.singular;.</p>
- <p>You can press <kbd>F7</kbd> at any time to turn this feature on or
- off. When you press <kbd>F7</kbd>, &brandShortName; will
- ask if you really want to turn on this feature. You can disable
- this prompt by selecting <em>Don't show this dialog again.</em></p>
- <h3 id="find_as_you_type">Search for text when I start typing</h3>
- <p><a href="prefs.xhtml#accessibility">Search for text when I start typing</a>
- allows you to quickly navigate to text or hyperlinks in a web page. This
- feature has two modes. Press <abbr title="forward slash"><kbd>/</kbd></abbr>
- and start typing to search all text on the current page, or press
- <abbr title="apostrophe"><kbd>'</kbd></abbr> before your string to search
- hyperlinks only. &brandShortName; will highlight matching text or hyperlinks
- as you type.</p>
- <p>The following keyboard shortcuts control this feature:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Type more characters to narrow your search. &brandShortName;
- will highlight the next matching hyperlink or text or alert you
- that nothing matched.</li>
- <li>Press &accelKey;+<kbd>G</kbd> or <kbd>F3</kbd> to find the next
- occurrence of your current search string.</li>
- <li>Press &accelKey;+&shiftKey;+<kbd>G</kbd> or &shiftKey;+<kbd>F3</kbd>
- to find the previous occurrence of your current search string.</li>
- <li>Press <kbd>Backspace</kbd> to undo the last character you typed.
- &brandShortName; will back up to the previously highlighted text.</li>
- <li>Press <kbd>Esc</kbd> to cancel a search. You can also cancel
- a search by changing focus, scrolling the page with the mouse or
- keyboard, or simply waiting for the timeout.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>You can change the default behavior of this feature by selecting
- &pref.menuPath;, opening the <em>General</em> tab of the <em>Advanced</em>
- panel, and checking the <em>Search for text when I start typing</em>
- &pref.singular;. If this &pref.singular; is checked, you can start typing at any
- time to auto-start an inline search. By default auto-started searches look
- for all text on the page. You can still explicitly press
- <abbr title="apostrophe"><kbd>'</kbd></abbr> or
- <abbr title="forward slash"><kbd>/</kbd></abbr> to start finding
- in one mode or the other.</p>
- <p>You can use this feature to get to buttons, text boxes and other
- form controls. Search for the text immediately before the form control
- you want and press <kbd>Tab</kbd>. Pressing <kbd>Tab</kbd> automatically
- exits the search and sets focus to the next form field or button
- after the highlighted text.</p>
- <h2 id="using_a_mouse">Using a Mouse</h2>
- <h3 id="common_mouse_shortcuts">Common Mouse Shortcuts</h3>
- <p>A list of common mouse shortcuts is available in
- <a href="mouse_shortcuts.xhtml">&brandShortName; Mouse
- Shortcuts</a>.</p>
- <h2 id="fonts_and_colors">Fonts and Colors</h2>
- <h3 id="overriding_page_fonts">Overriding Page Fonts</h3>
- <p>Some web sites may display text in fonts that are difficult to read,
- and other sites may rely on the browser's default fonts. You can set
- your default fonts by going to &pref.menuPath;, selecting the
- <em>Content</em> panel, and selecting a default font and size in the
- <em>Fonts & Colors</em> section.</p>
- <p>You can specify default fonts for different styles, including serif,
- sans-serif, and monospace by clicking the <em>Advanced</em> button.
- However, many web pages specify their own fonts, so your choices
- will have no effect on such pages. To override the fonts defined by
- such pages, uncheck the <em>Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead
- of my selections above</em> &pref.singular;.</p>
- <p>Note that some web pages may display incorrectly depending on your
- choice of a default font.</p>
- <h3 id="setting_a_minimum_font_size">Setting a Minimum Font Size</h3>
- <p>Some web sites may display text which is too small to read
- comfortably. To make such pages easier to read, you can set a minimum
- font size. On web pages that try to display text smaller than this
- size, &brandShortName; will enlarge the text to your chosen size.</p>
- <p>To set a minimum font size, go to &pref.menuPath;, select the
- <em>Content</em> panel, and click the <em>Advanced</em> button in the
- <em>Fonts & Colors</em> section. You can specify a minimum font
- size from the dropdown menu.</p>
- <p>Note that some web pages may display incorrectly depending on your
- choice of a minimum font size.</p>
- <h3 id="resizing_page_text">Resizing Page Text</h3>
- <p>You can temporarily change the size of text on any web page in the
- <span class="menuPath">View > Text Size</span> menu. The new
- size will remain in effect until you close your browser window or
- tab, even if you navigate to a different web site.</p>
- <p>The following keyboard shortcuts control text size:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Press &accelKey;+<kbd><abbr title="plus">+</abbr></kbd> to
- increase the text size. This zooms the text to 120% of its original
- size, then 150%, 200%, 300%, 450%, 675%, 1013%, and 1519%.</li>
- <li>Press &accelKey;+<kbd><abbr title="minus">-</abbr></kbd> to
- decrease the text size. This zooms the text to 90% of its original
- size, then 50%, 33%, 22%, 15%, 10%, 7%, 4%, 3%, 2%, and 1%.</li>
- <li>Press &accelKey;+<kbd>0</kbd> to reset the text size to the web
- page's default size.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>Note that some web pages may display incorrectly if you increase or
- decrease the text size.</p>
- <h3 id="overriding_page_colors">Overriding Page Colors</h3>
- <p>Some web sites may display text and background colors that are
- difficult to read, and other sites may rely on the browser's default
- colors. You can set your default colors by going to &pref.menuPath;,
- selecting the <em>Content</em> panel, and clicking the <em>Colors</em>
- button in the <em>Fonts & Colors</em> section. You can set
- default text and background colors, as well as default colors for
- visited and unvisited hyperlinks. You can also specify whether
- hyperlinks should be underlined.</p>
- <p>However, many web pages set their own colors, so your choices will
- have no effect. To override the colors defined by web pages, uncheck
- the <em>Allow pages to choose their own colors, instead of my
- selections above</em> &pref.singular;.</p>
- <div class="noMac">
- <h3 id="using_a_high_contrast_theme">Using a High Contrast Theme</h3>
- <p>&brandShortName; automatically detects if you are using a High
- Contrast theme and displays everything in your high contrast color
- scheme. This overrides all other other browser or web page
- settings, and it affects the &brandShortName; interface itself (all
- menus, windows, and dialog boxes) and the content of any web page
- you visit.</p>
- <p class="win">To use a High Contrast theme, go to
- <span class="menuPath">Start Menu > Control Panel >
- Accessibility Options > Display</span> and check the
- <em>Use High Contrast</em> &pref.singular;.</p>
- </div>
- <h2 id="controlling_web_content">Controlling Web Content</h2>
- <h3 id="blocking_popup_windows">Blocking Popup Windows</h3>
- <p>See <a href="popup.xhtml">Controlling Popups</a> for information on
- blocking popup windows.</p>
- <h3 id="turning_off_java_applets">Turning Off Java Applets</h3>
- <p>Some web pages provide a rich interactive experience with Java™
- applets. However, some users that rely on keyboard navigation may
- experience problems with some Java applets that automatically set
- focus and do not provide a way to <q>break out</q> of the applet and
- navigate to the rest of the web page. If this is a problem for you,
- you can disable Java by going to &pref.menuPath;, selecting the
- <em>Content</em> and unchecking the <em>Enable Java</em>
- &pref.singular;.</p>
- <h3 id="restricting_javascript_behavior">Restricting JavaScript Behavior</h3>
- <p>You can turn off JavaScript entirely by going to &pref.menuPath;,
- selecting the <em>Content</em> panel, and unchecking <em>Enable
- JavaScript</em>. Some web pages rely on JavaScript and may not work
- properly if JavaScript is disabled.</p>
- <p>If you do not wish to disable JavaScript entirely, there are also a
- number of advanced JavaScript settings to restrict the behavior of
- scripts. Immediately after the <em>Enable JavaScript</em> checkbox,
- click the <em>Advanced</em> button to open the <em>Advanced JavaScript
- Settings</em> window. You can control whether scripts are allowed
- to move or resize existing windows, raise or lower windows, disable or
- replace context menus, hide the status bar, or change status bar
- text.</p>
- <h2 id="compatibility_with_assistive_technologies">Compatibility With
- Assistive Technologies</h2>
- <p>The latest information about compatibility with third-party assistive
- technologies is online at
- <a target="_blank" href="http://www.mozilla.org/access/compatibility">Access
- Mozilla: Compatibility with assistive technologies</a>.</p>
- <h2 id="finding_help_online">Finding Help Online</h2>
- <div class="win">
- <p>Freedom Scientific maintains a number of
- <a target="_blank" href="http://www.freedomscientific.com/fs_support/User_Groups.asp">mailing
- lists for JAWS users</a>.</p>
- <p>GW Micro maintains a number of
- <a target="_blank" href="http://www.gwmicro.com/Support/Email_Lists/">mailing
- lists for Window Eyes users</a>.</p>
- </div>
- <p>You may <span class="win">also</span> post accessibility questions to the
- <a target="_blank" href="http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewforum.php?f=38">&brandShortName;
- Support forum</a>.</p>
- <div class="contentsBox"><em>29 Aug 2006</em></div>
- <p>Copyright © 2003-2007 Contributors to the Mozilla Help Viewer
- Project.</p>
- </body>
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