204 Displays list of suggestions for correcting misspelled word.
205 Ignores current misspelled word and continues spell checking.
206 Ignores current misspelled word and continues spell checking. It also adds that word on Ignore list, so that word will be always be ignored when encountered during spell check.
207 Adds current misspelled word to the active custom dictionary.
208 Replaces current misspelled word with the word in "Change to:" text box and continues the spell check.
209 Replaces current misspelled word with the word in "Change to:" text box and continues the spell check. All future occurrences of the replaced word will be automatically replaced with the selected replacement.
210 Replaces current misspelled word with the word in "Change to:" text box and continues the spell check.It sets the replaced word to be automatically replaced with the selected replacement when user types.
211 Undoes last change that was made during current spell check.
216 Displays options dialog.
233 Automatically checks spelling as you type and underlines wrong words.
234 Automatically show suggestions for correcting misspelled word when performing a spell check.
235 Generate suggestions from main dictionaries, but not from opened custom dictionaries. Uncheck this checkbox if you want suggestions to be generated from custom dictionaries too.
236 Ignore words with all uppercase letter when performing a spell check or underlining wrong words.
237 Ignore words chat contain numbers when performing a spell check or underlining wrong words.
238 Ignore internet addresses and file paths when performing a spell check or underlining wrong words.
239 Lists all opened main dictionaries. You can open multiple main dictionaries at the same time.
240 Opens a dialog where you can open and close main dictionaries.
241 Opens a dialog where you can open, create, edit and close custom dictionaries.
242 Lists all opened custom dictionaries. Custom dictionary that is selected in this combo box becomes an active custom dictionary. Active custom dictionary is the dictionary where words added to custom dictionaries go to.
243 Lists added custom dictionaries. Only checked dictionaries are considered open (which means only words in checked dictionaries will be considered valid).
245 Fires save file dialog. You can then select file name for new custom dictionary. This custom dictionary is initially empty.
246 Fires an open file dialog box, where you can select custom dictionary to open.
247 Removes currently selected custom dictionary from list.
248 Opens selected custom dictionary for editing in a program associated with the file extension of selected custom dictionary.
252 Fires an open file dialog box, where you can select main dictionary to open.
253 Removes currently selected main dictionary from list.
256 Corrects words that start with first two capital letters and all other lower-case letters.
257 Capitalizes first letters of sentences, if they are incorrectly written in lower-case.
258 Corrects accidental usage of caps lock key. If first letter of the word is lower-case, all others are upper-case, and caps-lock key is turned on word is corrected and caps-lock is turned off.
259 Replaces text as you type if the word you type is set to be automatically replaced by another word.
260 Contains word that will be replaces when user types it.
261 Contains replacement for word that will be replaced when user types it.
262 Adds or updates automatic correction replacement.
263 Removes selected automatic replacement.
265 Fires dialog where you can configure exceptions for automatic correction of text.
266 Automatically adds words to exception list if user presses backspace just after automatic correction occurred.
269 Type the exception you want to add here. It will be added when you click Add button
270 Adds exception to exception list.
271 Deletes selected exception from the exception list.
272 Displays misspelled word
273 Displays currently selected replacement for misspelled word.
274 Fills "Suggestions" list box with suggested corrections for word in "Change to:" edit box.
275 Lists added main dictionaries. Only checked dictionaries are considered open (which means only words in checked dictionaries will be considered valid).