PC World Komputer 1996 December
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730 lines
Begin VB.Form DemoForm
BackColor = &H00000000&
Caption = "Screen Blanker Demo"
ClientHeight = 4425
ClientLeft = 960
ClientTop = 1965
ClientWidth = 7470
BeginProperty Font
name = "MS Sans Serif"
charset = 1
weight = 700
size = 8.25
underline = 0 'False
italic = 0 'False
strikethrough = 0 'False
ForeColor = &H00000000&
Height = 5115
Icon = "BLANKER.frx":0000
Left = 900
LinkMode = 1 'Source
LinkTopic = "Form1"
ScaleHeight = 4425
ScaleWidth = 7470
Top = 1335
Width = 7590
Begin VB.Timer Timer1
Interval = 1
Left = 6960
Top = 120
Begin VB.CommandButton cmdStartStop
BackColor = &H00000000&
Caption = "Start Demo"
Default = -1 'True
Height = 390
Left = 240
TabIndex = 0
Top = 120
Width = 1830
Begin VB.PictureBox picBall
AutoSize = -1 'True
BackColor = &H00000000&
BorderStyle = 0 'None
ForeColor = &H00FFFFFF&
Height = 480
Left = 1800
Picture = "BLANKER.frx":030A
ScaleHeight = 480
ScaleWidth = 480
TabIndex = 1
Top = 720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 480
Begin VB.Image imgMoon
Height = 480
Index = 8
Left = 6330
Picture = "BLANKER.frx":0614
Top = 3765
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 480
Begin VB.Line linLineCtl
BorderColor = &H00FF0000&
BorderWidth = 5
Visible = 0 'False
X1 = 240
X2 = 4080
Y1 = 2760
Y2 = 2760
Begin VB.Image imgMoon
Height = 480
Index = 7
Left = 5760
Picture = "BLANKER.frx":091E
Top = 3720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 480
Begin VB.Image imgMoon
Height = 480
Index = 6
Left = 5160
Picture = "BLANKER.frx":0C28
Top = 3720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 480
Begin VB.Image imgMoon
Height = 480
Index = 5
Left = 4560
Picture = "BLANKER.frx":0F32
Top = 3720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 480
Begin VB.Image imgMoon
Height = 480
Index = 4
Left = 3960
Picture = "BLANKER.frx":123C
Top = 3720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 480
Begin VB.Image imgMoon
Height = 480
Index = 3
Left = 3360
Picture = "BLANKER.frx":1546
Top = 3720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 480
Begin VB.Image imgMoon
Height = 480
Index = 2
Left = 2760
Picture = "BLANKER.frx":1850
Top = 3720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 480
Begin VB.Image imgMoon
Height = 480
Index = 1
Left = 2160
Picture = "BLANKER.frx":1B5A
Top = 3720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 480
Begin VB.Image imgMoon
Height = 480
Index = 0
Left = 1560
Picture = "BLANKER.frx":1E64
Top = 3720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 480
Begin VB.Shape shpClone
BackColor = &H00000000&
BackStyle = 1 'Opaque
BorderColor = &H00FF0000&
FillColor = &H000000FF&
Height = 1215
Index = 0
Left = 240
Top = 720
Visible = 0 'False
Width = 1410
Begin VB.Shape Shape1
Height = 15
Left = 960
Top = 1080
Width = 15
Begin VB.Menu mnuOption
Caption = "&Options"
Begin VB.Menu mnuLineCtlDemo
Caption = "&Jumpy Line"
Checked = -1 'True
Begin VB.Menu mnuCtlMoveDemo
Caption = "Re&bound"
Begin VB.Menu mnuImageDemo
Caption = "&Spinning Moon"
Begin VB.Menu mnuShapeDemo
Caption = "&Madhouse"
Begin VB.Menu mnuPSetDemo
Caption = "&Confetti"
Begin VB.Menu mnuLineDemo
Caption = "C&rossfire"
Begin VB.Menu mnuCircleDemo
Caption = "Rainbo&w Rug"
Begin VB.Menu mnuScaleDemo
Caption = "Co&lor Bars"
Begin VB.Menu sep1
Caption = "-"
Begin VB.Menu mnuExit
Caption = "E&xit"
Attribute VB_Name = "DemoForm"
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
' Declare a variable to track animation frame.
Dim Shared FrameNum
' Declare the X- and Y-coordinate variables to track position.
Dim Shared XPos
Dim Shared YPos
' Declare a variable flag to stop graphic routines in Do Loops.
Dim Shared DoFlag
' Declare a variable to track moving controls.
Dim Shared Motion
' Declare form variables for color.
Dim R
Dim G
Dim B
Private Sub CircleDemo()
' Declare local variables.
Dim Radius
' Create random RGB colors.
R = 255 * Rnd
G = 255 * Rnd
B = 255 * Rnd
' Position center of circles in the center of the form.
XPos = ScaleWidth / 2
YPos = ScaleHeight / 2
' Generate a radius between 0 and almost half the form's height.
Radius = ((YPos * 0.9) + 1) * Rnd
' Draw a circle on the form.
Circle (XPos, YPos), Radius, RGB(R, G, B)
End Sub
Private Sub cmdStartStop_Click()
' Declare local variables.
Dim UnClone
Dim MakeClone
Dim X1
Dim Y1
Select Case DoFlag
Case True
cmdStartStop.Caption = "Start Demo"
DoFlag = False
mnuOption.Enabled = True
If mnuCtlMoveDemo.Checked = True Then
' Hide bouncing graphic again.
picBall.Visible = False
ElseIf mnuLineDemo.Checked = True Then
' Remove lines from the form.
ElseIf mnuShapeDemo.Checked = True Then
' Remove all dynamically loaded Shape controls.
For UnClone = 1 To 20
Unload shpClone(UnClone)
Next UnClone
' Reset background color of form to black.
DemoForm.BackColor = QBColor(0)
' Refresh form so color change takes effect.
ElseIf mnuPSetDemo.Checked = True Then
' Remove confetti bits from form.
ElseIf mnuLineCtlDemo.Checked = True Then
' Hide Line control again.
linLineCtl.Visible = False
' Remove any stray pixels left after hiding line.
ElseIf mnuImageDemo.Checked = True Then
' Hide bouncing graphic again.
imgMoon(0).Visible = False
ElseIf mnuScaleDemo.Checked = True Then
' Clear the form.
' Return form to the default scale.
ElseIf mnuCircleDemo.Checked = True Then
' Remove the circles from the form.
End If
Case False
cmdStartStop.Caption = "Stop Demo"
DoFlag = True
mnuOption.Enabled = False
If mnuCtlMoveDemo.Checked = True Then
' Make the bouncing graphic (picture box control) visible.
picBall.Visible = True
' Determine initial motion of bouncing graphic at random.
' Settings are 1 to 4. The value of the Motion variable determines
' what part of the Do Loop routine runs.
Motion = Int(4 * Rnd + 1)
ElseIf mnuLineDemo.Checked = True Then
' Initialize the random-number generator.
' Set the line width.
DrawWidth = 2
' Set the initial X- and Y-coordinates to a random location on the form.
X1 = Int(DemoForm.Width * Rnd + 1)
Y1 = Int(DemoForm.Height * Rnd + 1)
ElseIf mnuShapeDemo.Checked = True Then
' Dynamically load a control array of 20 shape controls on the form.
For MakeClone = 1 To 20
Load shpClone(MakeClone)
Next MakeClone
ElseIf mnuPSetDemo.Checked = True Then
' Set the thickness of the confetti bits.
DrawWidth = 5
ElseIf mnuLineCtlDemo.Checked = True Then
' Make the line control visible.
linLineCtl.Visible = True
' Set thickness of the line as it will appear.
DrawWidth = 7
ElseIf mnuImageDemo.Checked = True Then
' Make the bouncing graphic (image control) visible.
imgMoon(0).Visible = True
' Set initial animation frame.
FrameNum = 0
' Determine the initial motion of the bouncing graphic at random.
' Settings are 1 to 4. The Value of the Motion variable determines
' what part of the Do Loop routine runs.
Motion = Int(4 * Rnd + 1)
ElseIf mnuScaleDemo.Checked = True Then
' Initialize the random-number generator.
' Set the width of the box outlines so boxes don't overlap.
DrawWidth = 1
' Set the value of the X-coordinate to the left edge of form.
' Set the first box's X-coordinate = 1, second box = 2, and so on.
ScaleLeft = 1
' Set the Y-coordinate of top edge of form to 10.
ScaleTop = 10
' Set the number of units of the form width to a random number between
' 3 and 12. This changes the number of boxes drawn each time the
' routine starts.
ScaleWidth = Int(13 * Rnd + 3)
' Set the number of units in the form height to -10. Then the height of all boxes
' varies from 0 to 10, and Y-coordinates start at the bottom of the form.
ScaleHeight = -10
ElseIf mnuCircleDemo.Checked = True Then
' Define the width of the circle outline.
DrawWidth = 1
' Draw circles as dashed lines.
DrawStyle = vbDash
' Draw lines using the XOR pen, combining colors found in the pen or
' in the display, but not in both.
DrawMode = vbXorPen
End If
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub CtlMoveDemo()
Select Case Motion
Case 1
' Move the graphic left and up by 20 twips using the Move method.
picBall.Move picBall.Left - 20, picBall.Top - 20
' If the graphic reaches the left edge of the form, move it to the right and up.
If picBall.Left <= 0 Then
Motion = 2
' If the graphic reaches the top edge of the form, move it to the left and down.
ElseIf picBall.Top <= 0 Then
Motion = 4
End If
Case 2
' Move the graphic right and up by 20 twips.
picBall.Move picBall.Left + 20, picBall.Top - 20
' If the graphic reaches the right edge of the form, move it to the left and up.
' Routine determines the right edge of the form by subtracting the graphic
' width from the form width.
If picBall.Left >= (DemoForm.Width - picBall.Width) Then
Motion = 1
' If the graphic reaches the top edge of the form, move it to the right and down.
ElseIf picBall.Top <= 0 Then
Motion = 3
End If
Case 3
' Move the graphic right and down by 20 twips.
picBall.Move picBall.Left + 20, picBall.Top + 20
' If the graphic reaches the right edge of the form, move it to the left and down.
If picBall.Left >= (DemoForm.Width - picBall.Width) Then
Motion = 4
' If the graphic reaches the bottom edge of the form, move it to the right and up.
' Routine determines the bottom of the form by subtracting
' the graphic height from the form height less 680 twips for the height
' of title bar and menu bar.
ElseIf picBall.Top >= (DemoForm.Height - picBall.Height) - 680 Then
Motion = 2
End If
Case 4
' Move the graphic left and down by 20 twips.
picBall.Move picBall.Left - 20, picBall.Top + 20
' If the graphic reaches the left edge of the form, move it to the right and down.
If picBall.Left <= 0 Then
Motion = 3
' If the graphic reaches the bottom edge of the form, move it to the left and up.
ElseIf picBall.Top >= (DemoForm.Height - picBall.Height) - 680 Then
Motion = 1
End If
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Delay()
Dim Start
Dim Check
Start = Timer
Do Until Check >= Start + 0.15
Check = Timer
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
DoFlag = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
If mnuScaleDemo.Checked = True And DemoForm.WindowState = 0 Then
' Initialize the random-number generator.
' Set the width of the box outlines to narrow so the boxes don't overlap.
DrawWidth = 1
' Set the value of the X-coordinate of the left edge of the form to 1.
' This makes it easy to set the position for each box. The first box has
' an X-coordinate of 1, the second has an X-coordinate of 2, and so on.
ScaleLeft = 1
' Set the value of the Y-coordinate of the top edge of the form to 10.
ScaleTop = 10
' Set the number of units in the width of the form to a random number between
' 3 and 12. This changes the number of boxes that are drawn each time the user
' starts this routine.
ScaleWidth = Int(13 * Rnd + 3)
' Set the number of units in the height of the form to -10. This has
' two effects. First, all the boxes then have a height that varies from 0 to 10.
' Second, the negative value causes the Y-coordinates to begin at the bottom
' edge of the form instead of at the top.
ScaleHeight = -10
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
End Sub
Private Sub ImageDemo()
Select Case Motion
Case 1
' Move the graphic to the left and up by 100 twips using the Move method.
imgMoon(0).Move imgMoon(0).Left - 100, imgMoon(0).Top - 100
' Increment animation to next frame.
' If the graphic reaches the left edge of the form, move right and up.
If imgMoon(0).Left <= 0 Then
Motion = 2
' If the graphic reaches the top edge of the form, move left and down.
ElseIf imgMoon(0).Top <= 0 Then
Motion = 4
End If
Case 2
' Move the graphic right and up by 100 twips.
imgMoon(0).Move imgMoon(0).Left + 100, imgMoon(0).Top - 100
' Increment animation to next frame.
' If the graphic reaches the right edge of the form, move left and up.
' Routine determines the right edge of the form by subtracting
' the graphic width from the control width.
If imgMoon(0).Left >= (DemoForm.Width - imgMoon(0).Width) Then
Motion = 1
' If the graphic reaches the top edge of the form, move right and down.
ElseIf imgMoon(0).Top <= 0 Then
Motion = 3
End If
Case 3
' Move the graphic right and down by 100 twips.
imgMoon(0).Move imgMoon(0).Left + 100, imgMoon(0).Top + 100
' Increment animation to next frame.
' If the graphic reaches the right edge of the form, move left and down.
If imgMoon(0).Left >= (DemoForm.Width - imgMoon(0).Width) Then
Motion = 4
' If the graphic reaches bottom edge of form, move right and up.
' Routine determines the bottom edge of the form by subtracting the graphic
' height from the form height minus 680 twips for the height of the title
' bar and menu bar.
ElseIf imgMoon(0).Top >= (DemoForm.Height - imgMoon(0).Height) - 680 Then
Motion = 2
End If
Case 4
' Move the graphic left and down by 100 twips.
imgMoon(0).Move imgMoon(0).Left - 100, imgMoon(0).Top + 100
' Increment animation to next frame.
' If the graphic reaches the left edge of the form, move right and down.
If imgMoon(0).Left <= 0 Then
Motion = 3
' If the graphic reaches the bottom edge of the form, move left and up.
ElseIf imgMoon(0).Top >= (DemoForm.Height - imgMoon(0).Height) - 680 Then
Motion = 1
End If
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub IncrFrame()
' Increment frame number.
FrameNum = FrameNum + 1
' Control array with animation frames has elements 0 to 7. At the eighth
' frame, reset the frame number to 0 for an endless animation loop.
If FrameNum > 8 Then
FrameNum = 1
End If
' Set the Picture property of the image control to the Picture property of the current frame.
imgMoon(0).Picture = imgMoon(FrameNum).Picture
' Pause display so animation isn't too fast.
End Sub
Private Sub LineCtlDemo()
' Set X- and Y-coordinates (left/right position) of the line's start position to a
' random location on the form.
linLineCtl.X1 = Int(DemoForm.Width * Rnd)
linLineCtl.Y1 = Int(DemoForm.Height * Rnd)
' Set X- and Y-coordinates (left/right position) of line's end position to
' a random location on the form.
linLineCtl.X2 = Int(DemoForm.Width * Rnd)
linLineCtl.Y2 = Int(DemoForm.Height * Rnd)
' Clear the form to remove any stray pixels.
' Pause display before moving the line again.
End Sub
Private Sub LineDemo()
' Declare local variables.
Dim X2
Dim Y2
' Create random RGB colors.
R = 255 * Rnd
G = 255 * Rnd
B = 255 * Rnd
' Set the end point of the line control to a random location on the form.
X2 = Int(DemoForm.Width * Rnd + 1)
Y2 = Int(DemoForm.Height * Rnd + 1)
' Using the Line method, draw from current coordinates to current end
' point, giving line a random color. Each line starts where the last
' line ends.
Line -(X2, Y2), RGB(R, G, B)
End Sub
Private Sub mnuCircleDemo_Click()
mnuCtlMoveDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineDemo.Checked = False
mnuShapeDemo.Checked = False
mnuPSetDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineCtlDemo.Checked = False
mnuImageDemo.Checked = False
mnuScaleDemo.Checked = False
mnuCircleDemo.Checked = True
End Sub
Private Sub mnuCtlMoveDemo_Click()
mnuCtlMoveDemo.Checked = True
mnuLineDemo.Checked = False
mnuShapeDemo.Checked = False
mnuPSetDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineCtlDemo.Checked = False
mnuImageDemo.Checked = False
mnuScaleDemo.Checked = False
mnuCircleDemo.Checked = False
End Sub
Private Sub mnuExit_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub mnuImageDemo_Click()
mnuCtlMoveDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineDemo.Checked = False
mnuShapeDemo.Checked = False
mnuPSetDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineCtlDemo.Checked = False
mnuImageDemo.Checked = True
mnuScaleDemo.Checked = False
mnuCircleDemo.Checked = False
End Sub
Private Sub mnuLineCtlDemo_Click()
mnuCtlMoveDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineDemo.Checked = False
mnuShapeDemo.Checked = False
mnuPSetDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineCtlDemo.Checked = True
mnuImageDemo.Checked = False
mnuScaleDemo.Checked = False
mnuCircleDemo.Checked = False
End Sub
Private Sub mnuLineDemo_Click()
mnuCtlMoveDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineDemo.Checked = True
mnuShapeDemo.Checked = False
mnuPSetDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineCtlDemo.Checked = False
mnuImageDemo.Checked = False
mnuScaleDemo.Checked = False
mnuCircleDemo.Checked = False
End Sub
Private Sub mnuPSetDemo_Click()
mnuCtlMoveDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineDemo.Checked = False
mnuShapeDemo.Checked = False
mnuPSetDemo.Checked = True
mnuLineCtlDemo.Checked = False
mnuImageDemo.Checked = False
mnuScaleDemo.Checked = False
mnuCircleDemo.Checked = False
End Sub
Private Sub mnuScaleDemo_Click()
mnuCtlMoveDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineDemo.Checked = False
mnuShapeDemo.Checked = False
mnuPSetDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineCtlDemo.Checked = False
mnuImageDemo.Checked = False
mnuScaleDemo.Checked = True
mnuCircleDemo.Checked = False
End Sub
Private Sub mnuShapeDemo_Click()
mnuCtlMoveDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineDemo.Checked = False
mnuShapeDemo.Checked = True
mnuPSetDemo.Checked = False
mnuLineCtlDemo.Checked = False
mnuImageDemo.Checked = False
mnuScaleDemo.Checked = False
mnuCircleDemo.Checked = False
End Sub
Private Sub PSetDemo()
' Create random RGB colors.
R = 255 * Rnd
G = 255 * Rnd
B = 255 * Rnd
' XPos sets the horizontal position of a confetti bit to a random location on the form.
XPos = Rnd * ScaleWidth
' YPos sets the vertical position of a confetti bit to a random location on the form.
YPos = Rnd * ScaleHeight
' Draw a confetti bit at XPos, YPos. Assign the confetti bit a random color.
PSet (XPos, YPos), RGB(R, G, B)
End Sub
Private Sub ScaleDemo()
' Declare local variables.
Dim Box
' Creates the same number of boxes as units in the width of the form.
For Box = 1 To ScaleWidth
' Create random RGB colors.
R = 255 * Rnd
G = 255 * Rnd
B = 255 * Rnd
' Draw boxes using te Line method with the B (box) F (filled) options.
' Boxes start at each X-coordinate determined by ScaleWidth and at
' a Y-coordinate of 0 (bottom of form). Each box is 1 unit wide and
' has a random height between 0 and 10. Fill the box with a random color.
Line (Box, 0)-Step(1, (Int(11 * Rnd))), RGB(R, G, B), BF
Next Box
' Pause to display all boxes before redraw.
End Sub
Private Sub ShapeDemo()
' Declare local variables.
Dim CloneID
' Create random RGB colors.
R = 255 * Rnd
G = 255 * Rnd
B = 255 * Rnd
' Set the form's background color to a random value.
DemoForm.BackColor = RGB(R, G, B)
' Select a random shape control in the control array.
CloneID = Int(20 * Rnd + 1)
' XPos and YPos set position of selected shape control to a random
' location on the form.
XPos = Int(DemoForm.Width * Rnd + 1)
YPos = Int(DemoForm.Height * Rnd + 1)
' Set the shape of the selected shape control to a random shape.
shpClone(CloneID).Shape = Int(6 * Rnd)
' Set the height and width of a selected shape control to a random size between
' 500 and 2500 twips.
shpClone(CloneID).Height = Int(2501 * Rnd + 500)
shpClone(CloneID).Width = Int(2501 * Rnd + 500)
' Set the background color and DrawMode property of the shape control to a random color.
shpClone(CloneID).BackColor = QBColor(Int(15 * Rnd))
shpClone(CloneID).DrawMode = Int(16 * Rnd + 1)
' Move the selected shape control to XPos, YPos.
shpClone(CloneID).Move XPos, YPos
' Make the selected shape control visible.
shpClone(CloneID).Visible = True
' Wait briefly before selecting and changing the next shape control.
End Sub
Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
If mnuCtlMoveDemo.Checked And DoFlag = True Then
ElseIf mnuLineDemo.Checked And DoFlag = True Then
ElseIf mnuShapeDemo.Checked And DoFlag = True Then
ElseIf mnuPSetDemo.Checked And DoFlag = True Then
ElseIf mnuLineCtlDemo.Checked And DoFlag = True Then
ElseIf mnuImageDemo.Checked And DoFlag = True Then
ElseIf mnuScaleDemo.Checked And DoFlag = True Then
ElseIf mnuCircleDemo.Checked And DoFlag = True Then
End If
End Sub