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- ------------------------------------------------------------
- README for Microsoft Internet Mail and News
- July l996
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation, 1996
- This document provides complementary or late-breaking information to
- supplement the documentation.
- ------------------------
- ------------------------
- To view Mailnews.txt on screen in Notepad, maximize the Notepad window.
- To print Mailnews.txt, open it in Notepad or another word processor,
- then use the Print command on the File menu.
- ========
- =======================
- Internet Mail is a new e-mail program designed specifically for
- the Internet. At this time, you cannot use Microsoft Internet Mail
- to access your e-mail account with any of the following services:
- MS Mail, cc:Mail, The Microsoft Network (MSN), CompuServe, America
- OnLine (AOL), and Microsoft Exchange Server. If you don't know
- whether your system uses these services, contact your administrator
- or your Internet service provider and ask if they support SMTP/POP3
- mail clients.
- =======================
- Microsoft Internet News enables you to read bulletin-board discussion
- groups, such as the Usenet, using NNTP-based news servers.
- Contact your Internet service provider for the name of the news server
- that you should use.
- This product can also be used for support on a variety of Microsoft
- products on the news server msnews.microsoft.com.
- ============================
- For the latest information about known issues, see our Web page
- at http://www.microsoft.com/ie/support/issue/imnissue.htm.
- - In order to send e-mail to someone who is not in your Address
- Book, you must enter a recognizable Internet e-mail address (that
- is, user@server).
- - The Address Book recognizes a name only if the full name matches.
- If you type only the first name, Address Book displays a dialog box
- with a best guess.
- - If you select a thread and then choose Expand from the View menu,
- only the first level of the thread is expanded. To expand the
- whole thread, click the News menu, and then click Options.
- Click the Read tab, and then select the Auto Expand Conversation
- Threads check box.
- - Some mail programs incorrectly send messages with tags indicating
- that they use Western European languages when the messages actually
- use non-Western European characters. As a result, these messages
- might appear garbled in Internet Mail and News. To work around this
- problem, click the View menu, point to Language, and then choose the
- appropriate language. If you want to reply to or forward such a
- message, first open the message by clicking File and then clicking
- Open. Change the language of the message by clicking the View menu,
- pointing to Language, and then selecting the correct language. Then
- reply to or forward the message.
- - Internet News requires that your news server support the XOVER
- command. If your news server does not support the XOVER command,
- you will get an error message indicating that XOVER is required in
- order to retrieve messages in a newsgroup. Support for news servers
- that don't use the XOVER command will be added in a future release
- of Internet News.
- - If you have multiple contacts with identical names (such as "Joe
- User") in your Address Book, you might have a problem sending
- a message to the correct recipient. If you type the entire name
- "Joe User" in the TO: or CC: line, the program searches for and
- sends the message to the first matching contact. To work around
- this problem, you can type in a partial name, such as "Joe," and
- the program will display a list of all matching contacts. Or you
- can assign each contact a unique name, such as "Joe B. User" or
- "Joe User (Acme Tools)."
- - If a group contains the same contact multiple times, sending mail
- to the group will fail.
- ===============
- - If you run into a problem, try the troubleshooters in online Help.
- To start the troubleshooters, carry out the following steps:
- 1. In Internet Mail or News, click the Help menu.
- 2. Look up "Troubleshooting" in the Help Index.
- - Check your connection to your Internet service provider.
- - If you are unable to send or receive mail, check the following:
- - The TCP/IP protocol is installed on your computer.
- - All cables are properly connected to your computer, modem,
- or LAN.
- - You have a PPP or SLIP account with your Internet Provider.
- - Your Internet Provider or LAN server supports POP3 and SMTP.
- - Your modem communication parameters (baud rate and type of
- protocol) are set correctly.
- - Make sure that you use an account name and password for a news
- server only if it requires them. If you use an account name and
- password and they are not required, you will not be able to connect
- to the news server.
- - To access the Microsoft peer product support newsgroups, carry
- out the following steps:
- 1. Click the News menu, and then click Options.
- 2. Click the Server tab, and then click Add.
- 3. Type msnews.microsoft.com as the name of the server.
- If that name isn't found by your Internet Service Provider, you
- can enter instead.
- You do not need to enter an account name or password.
- - If your mail server times out while you are sending mail, you might
- get an error message indicating that a recipient is unknown. If this
- happens, you should increase the timeout for your server. To do this,
- carry out the following steps:
- 1. Click the Mail menu, and then click Options.
- 2. Click the Server tab, and then click Advanced Settings.
- 3. Drag the slider to increase the timeout for your server.
- ===============
- - To rename a folder, create a new folder with the name you want,
- move the messages you want into the new folder, and then delete
- the old folder.
- - You can change the sound that notifies you that you have received
- new mail. To do this, open Control Panel, and then double-click
- the Sounds icon.
- - You can move the toolbar by right-clicking on it and then choosing
- Align/Left or Align/Top. To customize the toolbar, right-click on
- it, and then click Customize Toolbar.
- - You can resize the preview pane or the message list by dragging the
- divider between the preview pane and the message list.
- - You can change how the preview pane splits, or turn it off entirely
- by changing the options under Preview Pane on the View menu.
- - You can specify that you want to see only unread News messages. To
- do this, click the View menu, and then click Unread Messages Only.
- - You can set messages to automatically download to the preview pane
- by clicking the News menu, clicking options, clicking the Read tab,
- then selecting the Automatically Show Messages in the Preview Pane
- check box.
- - To view the e-mail address of someone who has sent you a message,
- double-click the message to open it, then double-click the author's
- name in the From field. You can also add this person to your
- Address Book by right-clicking the name, and then clicking Add To
- Address Book.
- - To view responses to a particular message in a newsgroup, click the
- plus sign (+) next to the message. The responses appear indented
- below it.
- - You should use HTML formatting to send messages only to recipients
- who have e-mail software that can display HTML. Otherwise, send
- messages as plain text, which is the default.
- - In Internet Mail, you can leave a copy of your messages on the
- server. To set this option, click the Mail menu, and then click
- Options. Click the Server tab, click Advanced Settings and select
- the Leave a copy of messages on server check box.
- - In Internet News, you can search for newsgroups that contain
- several keywords. To do this, click the News menu, and then click
- Newgroups. In the Search box, enter the keywords separated by a
- space. You can also search newsgroup descriptions. If you cannot
- see the descriptions, click the News menu, click Options, and then
- click the Server tab. Click a news server, click Properties, click
- the Advanced tab, and then select the Use Newsgroup Descriptions
- check box.
- - You can have your signature added to all messages, including those
- that you reply to or forward. To do this, click the Mail menu, and
- then click Options. On the Signature tab, select the following check
- box: Add Signature To The End Of All Outgoing Messages.
- - To switch to your Inbox, you can press CTRL+I.
- - To reorder columns, you can drag and drop column headings.
- - To save an attachment with a message from the preview pane, click
- the paper clip icon, and then hold down the CTRL key while you
- click the file you want to save. The Save As dialog box appears.
- - You can view all the headers for a news message. To do this,
- double-click the message to open it in a separate window, click
- the View menu, and then click Full Headers.
- - If you are running Internet Mail and News on Windows NT and you
- need to add support for a different language, double-click the
- Keyboard icon in Control Panel, and then click Add. Follow the
- instructions on your screen. This installs the appropriate NLS
- (National Language Support) files. You do not have to use the
- associated keyboard layout.
- - To send or receive messages in PanEuropean languages, choose
- between one of these character sets: CE/Baltic/Greek/Turkish (ISO)
- or CE/Baltic/Greek/Turkish (Windows).
- - To send or receive messages in Russian, use Cyrillic (Windows).
- To send messages in other Cyrillic languages (Ukrainian,
- Belorussian, Bulgarian), you can use either Cyrillic (KOI8-R)
- or Cyrillic (Windows; however, to reply, you should use the
- character set that was used in the original message.
- - If Internet Mail and News is unable to determine the language
- of an incoming message, the language defaults to the one
- selected in the Language list. To open the Language list,
- click the View menu, and then point to Language.
- ============================================
- Support for Microsoft Internet Mail and News is provided
- directly by Microsoft support engineers through standard
- phone lines.
- Phone support from within the United States is available via
- a toll call by dialing the following number between 6:00 a.m.
- and 6:00 p.m. PST, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays.
- - In the U.S., call (206) 635-7123 for Internet Mail and News
- support
- Phone support is also available for Canadian residents via a
- toll call by dialing the following number between 8:00 A.M.
- and 8:00 P.M. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, excluding
- holidays.
- - In Canada, call (905) 568-4494 for Internet Mail and News
- support.
- Excluding connectivity issues, free phone support is available
- for 90 days after your first call to a Microsoft support engineer.
- However, you however are still required to pay for any toll
- charges incurred. Connectivity issues are defined as connecting
- to the Internet via a service provider, and using e-mail and fax
- from within Windows 95. For more information, see the Support.txt
- file in your Windows directory.
- Internet newsgroup support is also being provided indirectly
- through Microsoft's news server. The following two newsgroups
- are dedicated to the discussion of Microsoft Internet Mail and
- News and provide a great deal of support:
- - news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.internet.mail
- - news://msnews.microsoft.com/microsoft.public.internet.news
- These newsgroups are one of the best places to go if you are
- experiencing a problem with Internet Mail and News, as the
- solution might already be posted by someone else who experienced
- the same problem. Additionally, Microsoft support engineers
- monitor these groups.
- In addition to the news groups mentioned above, there are other
- useful newsgroups dealing with Microsoft products. These groups
- can be found on the following Microsoft News server:
- - msnews.microsoft.com
- For additional instructions about connecting to the above
- newsgroups, please see the Troubleshooting section earlier
- in this document.