"Message": "This database does not have any tables, queries, forms or reports to output."
"ID": 17,
"Message": "The template file you chose is invalid. If you are not sure of the filename, click Browse to search for the template."
"ID": 18,
"Message": "The folder you specified is invalid. Please enter a valid folder in which to place your HTML documents.\r\n\r\nYou can also click on Browse to search for the folder."
"ID": 19,
"Message": "The Internet Assistant encountered an error while trying to create '|'. Do you want to continue outputting the remaining objects you selected?"
"ID": 20,
"Message": "The Internet Assistant was not completed successfully."
"ID": 21,
"Message": "The folder you have specified is not valid. The Internet Assistant will output all of your HTML documents to its own folder, '|'."
"ID": 22,
"Message": "The version of UTILITY.MDA in your Access directory is not the one that came with the Internet Assistant. You will need to re-install the Internet Assistant to get the correct version."
"ID": 23,
"Message": "Choose an &existing HTML document to use as a template"
"ID": 24,
"Message": "Choose an existing HTML document to use as a template"