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- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // QTRAW.CPP - QuickTime for Windows Sample Decompressor
- //
- // Version 1.1
- //
- // (c) 1988-1993 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Windows header files
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- // Compiler header files
- #include <string.h>
- // Application header files
- #include "prototyp.hp"
- // Global data
- ComponentDescription cdTable[] = // one component in this DLL
- { ostypeDCMP // ostypeComponentType
- , ostypeRAW // ostypeComponentSubType
- , ostypeAPPL // ostypeComponentManufacturer
- , 0 // dwComponentFlags
- , 0 // dwComponentFlagsMask
- , ( ComponentRoutine) CodecEntry // crEntryPoint
- , 0 // hrsrcName
- , 0 // hrsrcInfo
- , 0 // hrsrcIcon
- } ;
- /* function cfBandDecompress:
- Decompress one frame of the movie
- */
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfBandDecompress( STKOFF_CMP so
- , LPVOID lpvStorage
- )
- {
- ImageDescription FAR * lpIm = lpdecomp->lpim ;
- LPVOID lpCompressed = lpdecomp->lpCompressed
- , lpUncompressed = lpdecomp->lpUncompressed
- ;
- // compute maximum size of uncompressed buffer
- DWORD dwMaxSize = GetSelectorLimit( SELECTOROF( lpUncompressed))
- - OFFSETOF( lpUncompressed)
- ;
- LONG lSafeSize = min( lpdecomp->lCompressedSize, ( LONG) dwMaxSize) ;
- // act based on sample depth
- if ( lpIm->depth == 16)
- DecompressRaw16( lpCompressed, lpUncompressed, lSafeSize) ;
- else if ( lpCompressed == lpUncompressed) // if source and target agree
- return noErr ;
- else
- CopyMemory( lpUncompressed, lpCompressed, lSafeSize) ;
- // successful return
- return noErr ;
- } // cfBandDecompress
- /* function cfCloseSelect:
- Close an open component instance
- */
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfCloseSelect( STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci)
- {
- // free any allocated storage
- LPVOID lpvPrivate = GetComponentInstanceStorage( ci) ;
- FreeMemory( lpvPrivate) ;
- // successful return
- return noErr ;
- } // cfCloseSelect
- /* function cfGetCodecInfo:
- Fill out the codec information block
- */
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfGetCodecInfo( STKOFF_CMP so
- , LPVOID lpvStorage
- , LPCODECINFO lpinfo
- )
- {
- // initialize fields to 0
- _fmemset( lpinfo, 0, sizeof( CODECINFO)) ;
- // fill out nonzero fields
- lpinfo->dwDecompressFlags = cdTable[ 0].dwComponentFlags & 0xffffffL ;
- lpinfo->dwFormatFlags = codecInfoDepth1
- | codecInfoDepth2
- | codecInfoDepth4
- | codecInfoDepth8
- | codecInfoDepth16
- | codecInfoDepth24
- | codecInfoDepth32
- | codecInfoDepth34
- | codecInfoDepth36
- | codecInfoDepth40
- | codecInfoDoesLossless
- ;
- lpinfo->wDecompressionSpeed = 392 ;
- // return to caller
- return noErr ;
- } // cfGetCodecInfo
- /* function cfOpenSelect:
- Open a codec component instance
- */
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfOpenSelect( STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci)
- {
- // allocate and register private storage
- #if 0 // no private storage for RAW
- LPVOID lpvPrivate = GetMemory( sizeof( RAW)) ;
- if ( lpvPrivate == 0)
- return insufficientMemory ;
- SetComponentInstanceStorage( ci, lpvPrivate) ;
- #endif
- // successful return
- return noErr ;
- } // cfOpenSelect
- /* function cfPreDecompress:
- Evaluate the image compression manager's proposed terms
- */
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfPreDecompress( STKOFF_CMP so
- , LPVOID lpvStorage
- )
- {
- // set capabilities
- ImageDescription FAR * lpIm = lpdecomp->lpim ;
- LPCODECCAPABILITIES lpcapab = lpdecomp->lpCapabilities ;
- lpcapab->lFlags = 0 ; // cannot do anything
- lpcapab->wBandMin = lpIm->height ; // no banding
- lpcapab->wBandInc = lpIm->height ; // no banding
- lpcapab->wExtendHeight = 1 ; // 1 row per compression unit
- lpcapab->wExtendWidth = 3 ; // allow 3 bytes for DWORD access
- lpcapab->wWantedPixelSize = lpIm->depth > 32
- ? lpIm->depth - 32
- : lpIm->depth
- ;
- lpcapab->optt = OPT_RAW ; // must decompress to raw
- return lpcapab->optt == lpdecomp->optt ? noErr : codecConditionErr ;
- } // cfPreDecompress
- /* function cfSequenceBusy:
- Report if an asynchronous operation is active
- */
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfSequenceBusy( STKOFF_CMP so
- , LPVOID lpvStorage
- , ImageSequence seq
- )
- {
- return FALSE ; // no asynchronous operations
- } // cfSequenceBusy