home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // MathComp.cpp - Math Components - QuickTime for Windows
- //
- // Version 1.0
- //
- // (c) 1988-1993 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Includes
- // --------
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <windowsx.h>
- #include <qtw.h>
- #include <compmgr.h>
- #include "mathcomp.h"
- // No name decoration from C++
- // ---------------------------
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C" {
- #endif
- // Function Selectors
- // ------------------
- // Add Component
- #define fsAdd 0
- // Sum Component
- #define fsSum 0
- #define fsSetSum 1
- #define fsGetGlobalSum 2
- #define fsSetGlobalSum 3
- // Definitions
- // -----------
- #define ADD_VERSION 0x01000000
- #define SUM_VERSION 0x01000000
- // Typedefs
- // --------
- typedef struct tagSHARED {
- short sTotal;
- typedef struct tagPRIVATE {
- short sTotal;
- LPSHARED lpShared;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Component Manager Interface Section
- //
- // Glue code pointers from QTW.LIB
- // -------------------------------
- extern ENTRYFUNC lpfnQTToolbox;
- extern ENTRYFUNC lpfnQTComponentManager;
- // Internal Function Declarations
- // ------------------------------
- // Prototypes of ASM entry point functions
- // ---------------------------------------
- // Data structure defining components in this DLL
- // ----------------------------------------------
- ComponentDescription cdTable [2] = // Number of components
- {
- {
- QTFOURCC ('a','d','d','2'), // ostypeComponentType
- QTFOURCC ('s','h','r','t'), // ostypeComponentSubType
- QTFOURCC ('a','p','p','l'), // ostypeComponentManufacturer
- 0, // dwComponentFlags
- 0, // dwComponentFlagsMask
- (ComponentRoutine) AddEntryPoint, // crEntryPoint
- 0, // hrsrcName
- 0, // hrsrcInfo
- 0 // hrsrcIcon
- },
- {
- QTFOURCC ('s','u','m',' '), // ostypeComponentType
- QTFOURCC ('s','h','r','t'), // ostypeComponentSubType
- QTFOURCC ('a','p','p','l'), // ostypeComponentManufacturer
- 0, // dwComponentFlags
- 0, // dwComponentFlagsMask
- (ComponentRoutine) SumEntryPoint, // crEntryPoint
- 0, // hrsrcName
- 0, // hrsrcInfo
- 0 // hrsrcIcon
- }
- };
- // Function: THNGIDENTIFY - Required routine for components
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: LPCID FAR *lplpcid pointer to LPCID
- //
- // Returns: 'thng' constant
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- HGLOBAL hmem;
- LPCID lpcid;
- // Allocate memory to store CID info (will be freed by Component Manager)
- if ((hmem = GlobalAlloc (GHND, sizeof CID)) == NULL)
- return 0;
- if ((lpcid = (LPCID) GlobalLock (hmem)) == NULL) {
- GlobalFree (hmem);
- return 0;
- }
- // Fill table
- lpcid->lVersion = CID_VERSION; // Version of CompMgr interface
- lpcid->sComponentCount = 2; // Number of components this DLL
- lpcid->lpcdTable = (LPCD) &cdTable; // Component Table
- lpcid->lpfnTBFixup = FixupTB; // Quick fixup routine for Toolbox
- lpcid->lpfnCMFixup = FixupCM; // Quick fixup routine for CompMgr
- *lplpcid = lpcid; // Store the pointer
- return THING; // 'thng' identifies component
- }
- // Function: FixupTB - Set glue ToolBox pointer to given value
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: ENTRYFUNC lpfnTB pointer to ToolBox entry point
- //
- // Returns: VOID
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- lpfnQTToolbox = lpfnTB;
- return;
- }
- // Function: FixupCM - Set glue Component Manager pointer to given value
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: ENTRYFUNC lpfnCM pointer to CompMgr entry point
- //
- // Returns: VOID
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- lpfnQTComponentManager = lpfnCM;
- return;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // COMPONENT: add2 shrt - Add two 16-bit (short) values
- //
- // Function: cfAddOpenSelect - Open an add component instance
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // ComponentInstance ci; component instance handle
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfAddOpenSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci) {
- return noErr;
- }
- // Function: cfAddCloseSelect - Close an open component instance
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // ComponentInstance ci; component instance handle
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfAddCloseSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci) {
- return noErr;
- }
- // Function: cfAddCanDoSelect - Report if function is implemented
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // LONG lFunctionSelector; function selector
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfAddCanDoSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, LONG lFunctionSelector) {
- switch (lFunctionSelector) {
- case kComponentOpenSelect:
- case kComponentCloseSelect:
- case kComponentCanDoSelect:
- case kComponentVersionSelect:
- case kComponentRegisterSelect:
- case kComponentTargetSelect:
- case fsAdd:
- return TRUE;
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Function: cfAddVersionSelect - Report component version
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // ComponentInstance ci; component instance handle
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfAddVersionSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci) {
- return ADD_VERSION;
- }
- // Function: cfAddRegisterSelect - Report if able to register
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // ComponentInstance ci; component instance handle
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfAddRegisterSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci) {
- return 0;
- }
- // Function: cfAddTargetSelect - Not implemented
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // ComponentInstance ci; component instance handle
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfAddTargetSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci) {
- return 0;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Add2 Functions
- //
- // Function: cfAdd2 - Add two short values
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // LPVOID lpvStorage; pointer to instance storage
- // short sOne; first value to add
- // short wTwo; second value to add
- //
- // Returns: short sum of two given values
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- short QTAPI cfAdd2 (STKOFF_CMP so, LPVOID lpvStorage, short sOne, short sTwo) {
- return sOne + sTwo;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // COMPONENT: sum shrt - Sum 16-bit (short) values
- //
- // Function: cfSumOpenSelect - Open a sum component instance
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // ComponentInstance ci; component instance handle
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfSumOpenSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci) {
- // Allocate private storage for this instance
- LPPRIVATE lpPrivate;
- if ((lpPrivate = (LPPRIVATE) GlobalAllocPtr (GHND, sizeof LPPRIVATE)) == NULL )
- return insufficientMemory;
- // Inform Component Manager of allocated storage for this instance
- SetComponentInstanceStorage (ci, (LPVOID) lpPrivate);
- // If this is the first instance allocate shared memory
- LPSHARED lpShared;
- if ((lpShared = (LPSHARED) GetComponentRefcon ((Component) ci)) == NULL) {
- if ((lpShared = (LPSHARED) GlobalAllocPtr (GHND, sizeof LPSHARED)) == NULL) {
- GlobalFreePtr (lpPrivate);
- return insufficientMemory;
- }
- SetComponentRefcon ((Component) ci, (LONG) lpShared);
- }
- // Provide quick access to the shared memory
- lpPrivate->lpShared = lpShared;
- return noErr;
- }
- // Function: cfSumCloseSelect - Close an open component instance
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // ComponentInstance ci; component instance handle
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfSumCloseSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci) {
- // Get the private memory pointer
- LPPRIVATE lpPrivate;
- lpPrivate = (LPPRIVATE) GetComponentInstanceStorage (ci);
- // Free shared memory if closing last instance
- if (CountComponentInstances ((Component) ci) == 1) {
- if (lpPrivate)
- GlobalFreePtr (lpPrivate->lpShared);
- // Prepare for next re-open
- SetComponentRefcon ((Component) ci, 0);
- }
- // Free private instance memory
- GlobalFreePtr (lpPrivate);
- return noErr;
- }
- // Function: cfSumCanDoSelect - Report if function is implemented
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // LONG lFunctionSelector; function selector
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfSumCanDoSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, LONG lFunctionSelector) {
- switch (lFunctionSelector) {
- case kComponentOpenSelect:
- case kComponentCloseSelect:
- case kComponentCanDoSelect:
- case kComponentVersionSelect:
- case kComponentRegisterSelect:
- case kComponentTargetSelect:
- case fsSum:
- case fsSetSum:
- case fsGetGlobalSum:
- case fsSetGlobalSum:
- return TRUE;
- default:
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- // Function: cfSumVersionSelect - Report component version
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // ComponentInstance ci; component instance handle
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfSumVersionSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci) {
- return SUM_VERSION;
- }
- // Function: cfSumRegisterSelect - Report if able to register
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // ComponentInstance ci; component instance handle
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfSumRegisterSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci) {
- return 0;
- }
- // Function: cfSumTargetSelect - Not implemented
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // ComponentInstance ci; component instance handle
- //
- // Returns: ComponentResult
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- ComponentResult QTAPI cfSumTargetSelect (STKOFF_CMP so, ComponentInstance ci) {
- return 0;
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Sum Functions
- //
- // Function: cfSum - Add given value to running total
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // LPVOID lpvStorage; pointer to instance storage
- // short sOne; first short to add
- // short wTwo; second short to add
- //
- // Returns: short instance total
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- short QTAPI cfSum (STKOFF_CMP so, LPVOID lpvStorage, short sValue) {
- LPPRIVATE lpPrivate = (LPPRIVATE) lpvStorage;
- // Add the given value into instance total
- lpPrivate->sTotal += sValue;
- // Add the given value into global total
- lpPrivate->lpShared->sTotal += sValue;
- // Return the instance total
- return lpPrivate->sTotal;
- }
- // Function: cfSetSum - Set instance total to given value
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // LPVOID lpvStorage; pointer to instance storage
- // short sValue; value to set
- //
- // Returns: short instance total after set
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- short QTAPI cfSetSum (STKOFF_CMP so, LPVOID lpvStorage, short sValue) {
- LPPRIVATE lpPrivate = (LPPRIVATE) lpvStorage;
- // Set the given value into instance total
- lpPrivate->sTotal = sValue;
- // Return the instance total
- return lpPrivate->sTotal;
- }
- // Function: cfSetGlobalSum - Set global total to given value
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // LPVOID lpvStorage; pointer to instance storage
- // short sValue; value to set
- //
- // Returns: short global total after set
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- short QTAPI cfSetGlobalSum (STKOFF_CMP so, LPVOID lpvStorage, short sValue) {
- LPPRIVATE lpPrivate = (LPPRIVATE) lpvStorage;
- // Set the given value into global total
- lpPrivate->lpShared->sTotal = sValue;
- // Return the global total
- return lpPrivate->lpShared->sTotal;
- }
- // Function: cfGetGlobalSum - Return the global total
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: STKOFF_CMP so; component stack offset to parms
- // LPVOID lpvStorage; pointer to instance storage
- //
- // Returns: short global total
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- short QTAPI cfGetGlobalSum (STKOFF_CMP so, LPVOID lpvStorage) {
- LPPRIVATE lpPrivate = (LPPRIVATE) lpvStorage;
- // Return the global total
- return lpPrivate->lpShared->sTotal;
- }
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- } // extern "C"
- #endif
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Standard Windows DLL interface functions
- //
- // Function: LibMain - DLL initialization routine called by Windows
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: HANDLE hInstance; DLL instance handle
- // WORD wDataSegment; Value of DS register
- // WORD wHeapSize; Heap size
- // LPSTR lpszCmdLine; Command line info
- //
- // Returns: TRUE if initialization successful; FALSE otherwise
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- int FAR PASCAL LibMain (HINSTANCE hInstance, WORD wDataSegment,
- WORD wHeapSize, LPSTR lpszCmdLine) {
- // Unlock the current movable data segment
- if (wHeapSize > 0)
- UnlockData (0);
- // Return to Windows
- return TRUE;
- }
- // Function: WEP - Windows exit procedure
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: int nExitType Exit type
- //
- // Returns: Always 1
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- extern "C" BOOL FAR PASCAL WEP (int nValue);
- #pragma alloc_text(WEP_TEXT,WEP)
- extern "C" BOOL FAR PASCAL WEP (int nValue) {
- return TRUE;
- }