home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- ' Require that all variables be declared
- Option Explicit
- ' Style flag used by the Show Method
- Global Const MODELESS = 0
- Global Const MODAL = 1
- ' Global data
- Global BorderWidth As Integer ' Width of frmEachMov border
- Global BorderHeight As Integer ' Height of frmEachMov border
- Global MovieCount As Integer ' Count of movies in MoviePath
- Global MovieNum As Integer ' Current movie number
- Global MoviePath As String ' Path containing the movies
- Global MovieName() As String ' Movie name array
- Sub Main ()
- ' Calculate the frame border width and height
- BorderWidth = frmEachMov.Width - frmEachMov.ScaleWidth
- BorderHeight = frmEachMov.Height - frmEachMov.ScaleHeight
- ' Load the directory form
- frmEachMovDir.Show MODAL
- ' Load the movie form; start playing the movies
- Load frmEachMov
- StartTheMovies
- End Sub
- Sub PlayMovie ()
- ' Frame coordinate data
- Dim formLeft As Long, formTop As Long
- Dim formWidth As Long, formHeight As Long
- ' If the movie number exceeds the array limit, we're done
- If MovieNum >= MovieCount Then End
- ' Hide the movie form so we can adjust its size and location
- frmEachMov.Hide
- ' Set the movie name from the array
- frmEachMov!QTMovie1.MovieName = MoviePath + "\" + MovieName(MovieNum)
- ' Suppress the movie controller
- frmEachMov!QTMovie1.Visible = False
- ' Calculate the frame dimensions to exactly fit the movie
- formWidth = frmEachMov!QTMovie1.Width + BorderWidth
- If formWidth > Screen.Width Then formWidth = Screen.Width
- formHeight = frmEachMov!QTMovie1.Height + BorderHeight
- If formHeight > Screen.Height Then formHeight = Screen.Height
- ' Calculate the frame position at screen center
- formLeft = (Screen.Width - formWidth) / 2
- If formLeft < 0 Then formLeft = 0
- formTop = (Screen.Height - formHeight) / 2
- If formTop < 0 Then formTop = 0
- ' Move the frame
- frmEachMov.Move formLeft, formTop, formWidth, formHeight
- ' Show the movie frame
- frmEachMov.Show MODELESS
- End Sub
- Sub StartTheMovies ()
- Dim FileName As String ' Current movie file name
- ' Initialize the movie count data
- MovieCount = 0
- MovieNum = 0
- ' Find the first movie in the movie path
- FileName = Dir$(MoviePath + "\*.mov")
- ' Loop through the path to get a count of the movies
- While (FileName <> "")
- MovieCount = MovieCount + 1
- FileName = Dir$
- Wend
- ' Let the user know if there's no movies in this directory,
- ' then end the program
- If MovieCount = 0 Then
- MsgBox "There are no movies in directory " + MoviePath, 0, "EachMov"
- End
- End If
- ' Dimension the MovieName array depending on the number
- ' of movies in the path
- ReDim MovieName(MovieCount) As String
- ' One more time, get the first movie in the path
- FileName = Dir$(MoviePath + "\*.mov")
- ' Load the MovieName array with all the movie names
- While (FileName <> "")
- MovieName(MovieNum) = FileName
- MovieNum = MovieNum + 1
- FileName = Dir$
- Wend
- ' Go to the first movie and play it
- MovieNum = 0
- ' Set the timer interval to start the next movie
- frmEachMov!tmrMovie.Interval = 1
- End Sub