home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- //
- // Common.c - Common Routines - QuickTime for Windows
- //
- // Version 1.0
- //
- // (c) 1988-1992 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
- //
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Includes
- // --------
- #include <Windows.H> // Required by Windows
- #include <WindowsX.H> // Required by Windows
- #include <dos.h> // Standard "C" header
- #include <errno.h> // Standard "C" header
- #include <stdarg.h> // Standard "C" header
- #include <stdlib.h> // Standard "C" header
- #include <stdio.h> // Standard "C" header
- #include "Common.H" // Interface to Common.C
- // Globals
- // -------
- static struct
- {char szOutOfMemory[COMMON_STRING_MAX]; // Out of memory message
- WORD idNoMemMsg; // Non memory message id
- } g;
- // Region Code Table
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Ordinal position represents corresponding Mac region code
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- static char* pszRegion[] = {
- "enu", // 0
- "fra", // 1
- "eng", // 2
- "deu", // 3
- "ita", // 4
- "nld", // 5
- "fra", // 6
- "sve", // 7
- "esn", // 8
- "dan", // 9
- "ptg", // 10
- "frc", // 11
- "nor", // 12
- "---", // 13
- "---", // 14
- "eng", // 15
- "---", // 16
- "fin", // 17
- "fra", // 18
- "deu", // 19
- "---", // 20
- "isl", // 21
- "" // Last entry must be NULL
- };
- // Function: CommonAlloc - Allocate memory
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: LONG lBytes; /* Number of bytes to allocate */
- //
- // Returns: VOID FAR *pvMemory; /* Memory block */
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID FAR * FAR CommonAlloc (LONG lBytes)
- // Perform simple allocation for now
- {
- HGLOBAL hmem; // Memory handle
- if( hmem = GlobalAlloc( GHND, (DWORD) lBytes ))
- return GlobalLock( hmem );
- else
- return NULL;
- }
- // Function: CommonFormatMessage - Format Message
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: HINSTANCE hResources; /* Resource-only DLL handle */
- // WORD idMsg; /* ID of message in resource file */
- // LPSTR lpszMsg; /* Area in which to build message */
- //
- // Returns: LPSTR lpszMsg;
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- LPSTR FAR CommonFormatMessage
- (HINSTANCE hResources, WORD idMsg, LPSTR lpszMsg, ...)
- // Define function data
- {
- char szFormat[COMMON_STRING_MAX]; // Message format
- va_list pArgs; // String substitution arguments
- // Load the message string
- LoadString (hResources, idMsg, szFormat, sizeof (szFormat));
- // Build the message text
- va_start (pArgs, lpszMsg);
- wvsprintf (lpszMsg, szFormat, (LPSTR) pArgs);
- va_end (pArgs);
- // Return to caller
- return lpszMsg;
- }
- // Function: CommonFree - Free memory allocated by CommonAlloc
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: VOID FAR *pvMemory; /* Memory to free */
- //
- // Returns: None
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- VOID FAR CommonFree (VOID FAR *pvMemory)
- // Perform simple free for now
- {
- HGLOBAL hmem; //Memory handle
- if( hmem = (HGLOBAL) LOWORD( GlobalHandle( SELECTOROF( pvMemory )))) {
- GlobalUnlock( hmem );
- GlobalFree( hmem );
- }
- return;
- }
- // Function: CommonGetDirectoryOfModule - Get Path of Module
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: HINSTANCE hInstance; /* Application's instance handle */
- // LPSTR lpPath; /* pointer to path buffer */
- // Returns: LPSTR lpPath;
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- LPSTR FAR CommonGetDirectoryOfModule (HINSTANCE hInstance, LPSTR lpPath)
- {
- char szBuffer[CCHMAXPATH]; // Temporary buffer
- LPSTR lpszTemp; // Temporary pointer
- // Clear the buffer
- szBuffer[0] = '\0';
- // Get the fully qualified .EXE name
- if (!GetModuleFileName (hInstance, szBuffer, sizeof (szBuffer)))
- return (LPSTR) NULL;
- // Look backwards until we find the last backslash
- lpszTemp = szBuffer + lstrlen(szBuffer);
- while ((lpszTemp > szBuffer) && (*lpszTemp != '\\'))
- lpszTemp = AnsiPrev (szBuffer, lpszTemp);
- if (*lpszTemp != '\\')
- return (LPSTR) NULL;
- // We delete the last backslash; we now have the path specification
- *lpszTemp = '\0';
- lstrcpy (lpPath, AnsiUpper (szBuffer));
- // Return to caller
- return lpPath;
- }
- // Function: CommonGetLocalizedHelpFile - Get Help File Name
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: LPSTR lpszAppl; /* Application's root name */
- // LPSTR lpszName; /* Area in which to build name */
- // HINSTANCE hInstance; /* Application's instance handle */
- //
- // Returns: LPSTR pszName;
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- LPSTR FAR CommonGetLocalizedHelpFile
- (LPSTR lpszAppl, LPSTR lpszName, HINSTANCE hInstance)
- // Define function data
- {
- char szBuffer[CCHMAXPATH]; // Temporary buffer
- char szApplDir[CCHMAXPATH]; // Application's directory
- char szLanguage[4]; // Language code
- struct _find_t fileinfo; // Temp file info
- // Clear the area in which the name will be built
- lpszName[0] = '\0';
- // Get the application's directory
- if (!CommonGetDirectoryOfModule (hInstance, (LPSTR) szApplDir))
- return lpszName;
- // Look for the localized help file in the ..\HELP directory
- GetProfileString( "intl", "sLanguage", "enu", szLanguage, sizeof(szLanguage));
- wsprintf( szBuffer, "%s\\..\\help\\%s%s.hlp",
- (LPSTR) szApplDir, (LPSTR) lpszAppl, (LPSTR) szLanguage );
- if (_dos_findfirst (szBuffer, _A_NORMAL, &fileinfo) == 0) {
- lstrcpy (lpszName, AnsiUpper (szBuffer));
- return lpszName;
- }
- // If it can't be found, look for the localized help
- // file in the application's directory
- wsprintf( szBuffer, "%s\\%s%s.hlp",
- (LPSTR) szApplDir, (LPSTR) lpszAppl, (LPSTR) szLanguage );
- if (_dos_findfirst (szBuffer, _A_NORMAL, &fileinfo) == 0) {
- lstrcpy (lpszName, AnsiUpper (szBuffer));
- return lpszName;
- }
- // If it can't be found, look for the US English help
- // file in the ..\HELP directory
- wsprintf( szBuffer, "%s\\..\\help\\%senu.hlp",
- (LPSTR) szApplDir, (LPSTR) lpszAppl );
- if (_dos_findfirst (szBuffer, _A_NORMAL, &fileinfo) == 0) {
- lstrcpy (lpszName, AnsiUpper (szBuffer));
- return lpszName;
- }
- // If it can't be found, look for the US English help
- // file in the application's directory
- wsprintf( szBuffer, "%s\\%senu.hlp", (LPSTR) szApplDir, (LPSTR) lpszAppl );
- if (_dos_findfirst (szBuffer, _A_NORMAL, &fileinfo) == 0) {
- lstrcpy (lpszName, AnsiUpper (szBuffer));
- return lpszName;
- }
- // Otherwise, return NULL to the caller
- return lpszName;
- }
- // Function: CommonGetLocalizedResources - Load Resource-Only DLL
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: LPSTR lpszAppl; Application's root name
- // HINSTANCE hInstance; Application's instance handle
- // WORD idNoMemMsg; id of no memory message
- //
- // Returns: HINSTANCE hResource; handle to resource instance
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- HINSTANCE FAR CommonGetLocalizedResources
- (LPSTR lpszAppl, HINSTANCE hInstance, WORD idNoMemMsg )
- // Define function data
- {
- char szBuffer[CCHMAXPATH]; // Temporary buffer
- char szLanguage[4]; // Language code
- LPSTR lpszSave; // Temporary pointer
- HINSTANCE hResources; // Resource handle
- // Suppress DLL load warnings
- // Get the application path
- if (!CommonGetDirectoryOfModule (hInstance, (LPSTR) szBuffer))
- return NULL;
- // Build the name of the resource-only DLL
- lstrcat (szBuffer, "\\");
- lstrcat (szBuffer, lpszAppl);
- lpszSave = szBuffer + lstrlen(szBuffer);
- GetProfileString ("intl", "sLanguage", "enu", szLanguage, sizeof (szLanguage));
- lstrcat (szBuffer, szLanguage);
- lstrcat (szBuffer, ".dll");
- AnsiUpper (szBuffer);
- // Load the resource-only DLL. If it can't be found, use the US
- // English DLL. If it can't be found, we'll use the original .EXE
- // resources
- if ((hResources = LoadLibrary (szBuffer)) == 0)
- return NULL;
- else if (hResources < (HINSTANCE) 32) {
- lstrcpy (lpszSave, "enu");
- lstrcat (lpszSave, ".dll");
- AnsiUpper (szBuffer);
- if ((hResources = LoadLibrary (szBuffer)) == 0)
- return NULL;
- if (hResources < (HINSTANCE) 32)
- hResources = hInstance;
- }
- // Load the out of memory message
- if (idNoMemMsg > 0) {
- LoadString (hResources, idNoMemMsg, g.szOutOfMemory, sizeof (g.szOutOfMemory));
- g.idNoMemMsg = idNoMemMsg;
- }
- // Return to the caller
- return hResources;
- }
- // Function: CommonGetCurrentRegion - Get Region Code for Current Language
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: none
- //
- // Returns: UINT uiRegion; Mac region code corresponding
- // to current Windows language code
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- UINT FAR CommonGetCurrentRegion (VOID)
- // Define function data
- {
- char szLanguage[4]; // Language code
- UINT uiRegion; // Region code
- // Match Windows language code to Mac region code
- GetProfileString( "intl", "sLanguage", "enu", szLanguage, sizeof(szLanguage));
- for (uiRegion = 0; *pszRegion[uiRegion]; uiRegion++)
- if (lstrcmpi (szLanguage, pszRegion[uiRegion]) == 0)
- break;
- // Return to the caller
- return (*pszRegion[uiRegion])? uiRegion : 0;
- }
- // Function: CommonTellUser - Issue message to User
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Parameters: HINSTANCE hResources; /* Recource-only DLL handle */
- // WORD idMsg; /* ID of message in resource DLL */
- // WORD idCaption; /* ID of caption in resource DLL */
- // WORD idStyle /* MessageBox style flags */
- //
- // Returns: int idReply; /* MessageBox reply flags */
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------
- int FAR CommonTellUser
- (HINSTANCE hResources, WORD idMsg, WORD idCaption, WORD idStyle, ...)
- // Define function data
- {
- char szFormat[COMMON_STRING_MAX]; // Message format
- char szBuffer[COMMON_STRING_MAX]; // Message buffer
- char szCaption[COMMON_STRING_MAX]; // Message caption
- WORD idReply; // Message response
- va_list pArgs; // String substitution arguments
- // check for out of memory id
- if (g.idNoMemMsg == idMsg) {
- idReply = MessageBox (NULL, g.szOutOfMemory, NULL, MB_OK | MB_SYSTEMMODAL | MB_ICONHAND );
- goto endTellUser;
- }
- // Load the caption string
- LoadString (hResources, idCaption, szCaption, sizeof (szCaption));
- // Load the message string
- LoadString (hResources, idMsg, szFormat, sizeof (szFormat));
- // Build the message text
- va_start (pArgs, idStyle);
- wvsprintf (szBuffer, szFormat, (LPSTR) pArgs);
- va_end (pArgs);
- // Display the message and capture response
- idReply = MessageBox (NULL, szBuffer, szCaption, idStyle);
- // Terminate if abort was requested
- endTellUser:
- if (idReply == IDABORT)
- abort ();
- // Return reply
- return idReply;
- }