PC World Komputer 1996 December
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C/C++ Source or Header
504 lines
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// QTW.H - QuickTime for Windows C and C++ Bindings
// Version 1.0
// (c) 1988-1992 Apple Computer, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Prevent multiple inclusion
// --------------------------
#ifndef __QTW_H__
#define __QTW_H__
// Movie Controller MCDoAction action constants
// --------------------------------------------
typedef enum
{mcActionIdle = 1, // No Param
mcActionDraw = 2, // No Param
mcActionActivate = 3, // No param
mcActionDeactivate = 4, // No param
mcActionKey = 6, // Param is pointer to MSG
mcActionPlay = 8, // Param is LFIXED play rate
mcActionGoToTime = 12, // Param is pointer to TimeRecord
mcActionSetVolume = 14, // Param is SFIXED volume
mcActionGetVolume = 15, // Param is pointer to SFIXED volume
mcActionStep = 18, // Param is LONG number of steps
mcActionSetLooping = 21, // Param is a BOOL
mcActionGetLooping = 22, // Param is pointer to a BOOL
mcActionSetLoopIsPalindrome = 23, // Param is BOOL
mcActionGetLoopIsPalindrome = 24, // Param is pointer to a BOOL
mcActionSetGrowBoxBounds = 25, // Param is pointer to a Rect
mcActionControllerSizeChanged = 26, // No param
mcActionSetSelectionBegin = 29, // Param is pointer to TimeRecord
mcActionSetSelectionDuration = 30, // Param is pointer to TimeRecord
mcActionSetKeysEnabled = 32, // Param is BOOL
mcActionGetKeysEnabled = 33, // Param is pointer to BOOL
mcActionSetPlaySelection = 34, // Param is BOOL
mcActionGetPlaySelection = 35, // Param is pointer to BOOL
mcActionSetUseBadge = 36, // Param is BOOL
mcActionGetUseBadge = 37, // Param is pointer to BOOL
mcActionSetFlags = 38, // Param is LONG flags
mcActionGetFlags = 39, // Param is pointer to LONG flags
mcActionSetPlayEveryFrame = 40, // Param is BOOL
mcActionGetPlayEveryFrame = 41, // Param is pointer to BOOL
mcActionGetPlayRate = 42, // Param is pointer to LFIXED
mcActionBadgeClick = 44 // No param
} mcActionType;
// Movie Controller MCDoAction, action McActionSetFlags parameter, movie
// controller structure parameter, lfActionFlags
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef enum
{mcFlagSuppressStepButtons = 1<<1,
mcFlagSuppressSpeakerButton = 1<<2,
mcFlagsUseWindowPalette = 1<<3
} mcActionFlags;
// Toolbox function NewMovieController and Movie Controller function
// MCPositionController parameter controllerCreationFlags values,
// movie controller structure parameter, lfControllerStateFlags
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
typedef enum
{mcTopLeftMovie = 1<<0,
mcScaleMovieToFit = 1<<1,
mcWithBadge = 1<<2,
mcNotVisible = 1<<3
} mcControllerStateFlags;
// Movie Controller function MCGetControllerInfo parameter mcInfoFlags
// parameter, movie controller structure parameter, lfControllerInfoFlags
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
typedef enum
{mcInfoHasSound = 1<<5,
mcInfoIsPlaying = 1<<6,
mcInfoIsLooping = 1<<7,
mcInfoIsInPalindrome = 1<<8
} mcControllerInfoFlags;
// NewMovieFromFile flags
// ----------------------
typedef enum
{newMovieActive = 1<<0,
newMovieDontResolveDataRefs = 1<<1,
newMovieDontAskUnresolvedDataRefs = 1<<2,
newMovieDontAutoAlternates = 1<<3
} newMovieFlags;
// Flags for SetMoviePlayHints
// ---------------------------
typedef enum
{hintsScrubMode = 1<<1,
hintsInterpolateSound = 1<<7
} moviePlayHints;
// Manifest constants for ostypes as flags for Component Manager calls
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
#define kAnyComponentType 0
#define kAnyComponentSubType 0
#define kAnyComponentManufacturer 0
#define kAnyComponentFlagsMask 0
// SetDefaultComponent Flags
// -------------------------
typedef enum
{defaultComponentIdentical = 0,
defaultComponentAnyFlags = 1,
defaultComponentAnyManufacturer = 2,
defaultComponentAnySubType = 4
} defaultComponentFlags;
// RegisterComponent Flags
// -----------------------
typedef enum
{registerComponentGlobal = 1,
registerComponentNoDuplicates = 2,
registerComponentAfterExisting = 4
} registerComponentFlags;
// Error codes
// -------------
paramErr = -50,
couldNotResolveDataRef = -2000,
badImageDescription = -2001,
badPublicMovieAtom = -2002,
cantFindHandler = -2003,
cantOpenHandler = -2004,
badComponentType = -2005,
noMediaHandler = -2006,
noDataHandler = -2007,
invalidMedia = -2008,
invalidTrack = -2009,
invalidMovie = -2010,
invalidSampleTable = -2011,
invalidDataRef = -2012,
invalidHandler = -2013,
invalidDuration = -2014,
invalidTime = -2015,
cantPutPublicMovieAtom = -2016,
badEditList = -2017,
mediaTypesDontMatch = -2018,
progressProcAborted = -2019,
movieToolboxUninitialized = -2020,
wffileNotFound = -2021,
cantCreateSingleForkFile = -2022,
invalidEditState = -2023,
nonMatchingEditState = -2024,
staleEditState = -2025,
userDataItemNotFound = -2026,
maxSizeToGrowTooSmall = -2027,
badTrackIndex = -2028,
trackIDNotFound = -2029,
trackNotInMovie = -2030,
timeNotInTrack = -2031,
timeNotInMedia = -2032,
badEditIndex = -2033,
internalQuickTimeError = -2034,
cantEnableTrack = -2035,
invalidRect = -2036,
invalidSampleNum = -2037,
invalidChunkNum = -2038,
invalidSampleDescIndex = -2039,
invalidChunkCache = -2040,
invalidSampleDescription = -2041,
dataNotOpenForRead = -2042,
dataNotOpenForWrite = -2043,
dataAlreadyOpenForWrite = -2044,
dataAlreadyClosed = -2045,
endOfDataReached = -2046,
dataNoDataRef = -2047,
noMovieInDataFork = -2048,
invalidDataRefContainer = -2049,
badDataRefIndex = -2050,
noDefaultDataRef = -2051,
couldNotUseAnExistingSample = -2052,
featureUnsupported = -2053,
noVideoTrackInMovie = -2054,
noSoundTrackInMovie = -2055,
soundSupportNotAvailable = -2056,
maxControllersExceeded = -2057,
unableToCreateMCWindow = -2058,
insufficientMemory = -2059,
invalidUserDataHandle = -2060,
noPictureInFile = -2061,
invalidPictureFileHandle = -2062,
invalidPictureHandle = -2063,
badDisplayContext = -2064,
invalidComponentID = -3000,
validInstancesExist = -3001,
componentNotCaptured = -3002,
componentDontRegister = -3003,
noErr = 0,
mcOK = 0,
mcEventNotHandled = 0,
mcEventHandled = 1,
codecConditionErr = -8972,
controllerBoundsNotExact = -9996,
editingNotAllowed = -9995
// QTInitialize error codes
// ------------------------
{QTI_OK = 0,
QTI_FAIL_286 = 3,
// Component Manager error codes
// -----------------------------
#define badComponentInstance 0x80008001
#define badComponentSelector 0x80008002
// Special MCI Interface
// ---------------------
#define MCI_QTW_PLAY_WINDOW 0x01000000L
#define MCI_QTW_PLAY_FULLSCREEN 0x02000000L
#define MCI_QTW_SET_USE_MC 0x00100000L
#define MCI_QTW_SET_PAL_ASSERT 0x00200000L
#define MCI_QTW_SET_GROWBOX 0x00400000L
// Declared handles
// ----------------
DECLARE_HANDLE(UserData); // Hungarian: ud
DECLARE_HANDLE(PicHandle); // Hungarian: ph
DECLARE_HANDLE(DIBHandle); // Hungarian: dh
DECLARE_HANDLE(PicFile); // Hungarian: pic
DECLARE_HANDLE(MovieFile); // Hungarian: mov
// Typedef's
// ---------
typedef LONG ComponentResult; // Hungarian: cr
typedef LONG OSErr; // Hungarian: oserr
typedef LONG OSType; // Hungarian: ostype
typedef VOID FAR *ProgressProcRecordPtr; // Hungarian: pprp
typedef LONG TimeScale; // Hungarian: ts
typedef DWORD TimeValue; // Hungarian: tv
typedef LONG LFIXED; // Hungarian: lfx
typedef short SFIXED; // Hungarian: sfx
typedef struct _tagInt64 // Hungarian: qw (quad word)
{DWORD dwLo;
LONG dwHi;
} Int64;
typedef struct _tagOpenCPicParms // Hungarian: ocp
{RECT rect;
WORD wVersion;
WORD wReserved1;
DWORD dwReserved2;
} OpenCPicParams;
typedef struct _tagTimeBaseRecord // Hungarian: tbr
} TimeBaseRecord;
typedef TimeBaseRecord FAR *TimeBase; // Hungarian: tb
#define TIMEBASE_DEFAULT ((TimeBase) -1L)
typedef struct _tagTimeRecord // Hungarian: tr
{Int64 value;
TimeScale scale;
TimeBase base;
} TimeRecord;
typedef struct _tagSoundDescription // Hungarian: sd (SoundDescription)
{LONG descSize; // structure size
DWORD dataFormat; // always 'raw '
DWORD resvd1; // always 0
WORD resvd2; // always 0
WORD dataRefIndex; // always 1
WORD version; // always 0
WORD revLevel; // always 0
DWORD vendor; // always 0
WORD numChannels; // 1=mono; 2=stereo
WORD sampleSize; // 8=8bit sound; 16=16bit sound
WORD compressionID; // always 0
WORD packetSize; // always 0
LFIXED sampleRate; // eg: 44100.0000 per second
} SoundDescription;
typedef struct _tagImageDescription // Hungarian: id (ImageDescription)
{LONG idSize; // structure size
DWORD CodecType; // 'rpza', 'jpeg', 'rle ', 'raw ', 'smc'
DWORD resvd1; //
WORD resvd2; // always 0
WORD dataRefIndex; // always 1
WORD version; //
WORD revLevel; //
DWORD vendor; // 'appl' or other vendor
DWORD temporalQuality; //
DWORD spatialQuality; //
WORD width; // Source image width in pixels
WORD height; // Source image height in pixels
LFIXED hRes; // Horizontal resolution (eg: 72.0)
LFIXED vRes; // Vertical resolution (eg: 72.0)
DWORD dataSize; // Memory required for image data
WORD frameCount; // always 0
char name[32]; // Compression algorithm (eg: Animation)
WORD depth; // Pixel depth of source image
WORD clutID; // Macintosh ROM Color table ID
} ImageDescription;
typedef ComponentResult (_far _cdecl *ComponentRoutine) (VOID);
typedef LONG Component;
typedef LONG ComponentInstance;
typedef struct tagComponentDescription { // Hungarian: cd
OSType ostypeComponentType; // component identifier
OSType ostypeComponentSubType; // sub-type
OSType ostypeComponentManufacturer; // vendor ID
DWORD dwComponentFlags; // control flags
DWORD dwComponentFlagsMask; // mask for control flags
ComponentRoutine crEntryPoint; // pointer to entry point
HRSRC hrsrcName; // handle to name string
HRSRC hrsrcInfo; // handle to info string
HRSRC hrsrcIcon; // handle to icon
} ComponentDescription, FAR *LPCD;
// Macros
// ------
#define MAKELFIXED(integ, fract) ((LONG)(((WORD)(fract)) | (((DWORD)((WORD)(integ))) << 16)))
#define MAKESFIXED(integ, fract) ((int)(((BYTE)(fract)) | (((WORD)((BYTE)(integ))) << 8)))
#define QTFOURCC(ch0, ch1, ch2, ch3) \
((DWORD)(BYTE)(ch0) | ( (DWORD)(BYTE)(ch1) << 8 ) | \
((DWORD)(BYTE)(ch2) << 16 ) | ( (DWORD)(BYTE)(ch3) << 24 ))
// ToolBox Callbacks and Handles
// -----------------------------
typedef LPVOID Movie;
typedef OSErr (CALLBACK *MovieRgnCoverProc) (Movie, HDC, LONG);
// Movie Controller Callbacks and Handles
// --------------------------------------
typedef ComponentInstance MovieController;
typedef BOOL (CALLBACK *MCActionFilter) (MovieController, UINT, LPVOID, LONG);
// Support C++ Function Invocations
// --------------------------------
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
// Functions
// ---------
#define QTAPI _far _cdecl
OSErr QTAPI QTInitialize (LPLONG);
VOID QTAPI AddTime ( TimeRecord FAR *, const TimeRecord FAR *);
VOID QTAPI ClearMoviesStickyError ( VOID);
OSErr QTAPI CloseMovieFile ( MovieFile);
OSErr QTAPI ClosePictureFile ( PicFile);
VOID QTAPI ConvertTimeScale ( TimeRecord FAR *, TimeScale);
LONG QTAPI CountUserDataType ( UserData, OSType);
OSErr QTAPI DeleteMovieFile ( LPCSTR);
VOID QTAPI DisposeMovie ( Movie);
VOID QTAPI DisposeMovieController ( MovieController);
VOID QTAPI DisposePicture ( PicHandle);
OSErr QTAPI DrawPicture ( HDC, PicHandle, const LPRECT, ProgressProcRecordPtr);
OSErr QTAPI DrawPictureFile ( HDC, PicFile, const LPRECT, ProgressProcRecordPtr);
OSErr QTAPI EnterMovies ( VOID);
VOID QTAPI ExitMovies ( VOID);
BOOL QTAPI GetMovieActive ( Movie);
VOID QTAPI GetMovieActiveSegment ( Movie, TimeValue FAR *, TimeValue FAR *);
VOID QTAPI GetMovieBox ( Movie, LPRECT);
LONG QTAPI GetMovieCreationTime ( Movie);
LONG QTAPI GetMovieDataSize ( Movie, TimeValue, TimeValue);
TimeValue QTAPI GetMovieDuration ( Movie);
LONG QTAPI GetMovieModificationTime ( Movie);
PicHandle QTAPI GetMoviePict ( Movie, TimeValue);
PicHandle QTAPI GetMoviePosterPict ( Movie);
TimeValue QTAPI GetMoviePosterTime ( Movie);
LFIXED QTAPI GetMoviePreferredRate ( Movie);
SFIXED QTAPI GetMoviePreferredVolume ( Movie);
OSErr QTAPI GetMoviesError ( VOID);
OSErr QTAPI GetMoviesStickyError ( VOID);
ComponentResult QTAPI GetMovieStatus ( Movie, LPVOID);
TimeValue QTAPI GetMovieTime ( Movie, TimeRecord FAR *);
TimeScale QTAPI GetMovieTimeScale ( Movie);
UserData QTAPI GetMovieUserData ( Movie);
OSType QTAPI GetNextUserDataType ( UserData, OSType);
OSErr QTAPI GetPictureFileHeader ( PicFile, LPRECT, OpenCPicParams FAR *);
OSErr QTAPI GetPictureFileInfo ( PicFile, ImageDescription FAR *);
PicHandle QTAPI GetPictureFromFile ( PicFile);
OSErr QTAPI GetPictureInfo ( PicHandle, ImageDescription FAR *);
HPALETTE QTAPI GetPicturePalette ( PicHandle);
OSErr QTAPI GetSoundInfo ( Movie, SoundDescription FAR *);
OSErr QTAPI GetUserData ( UserData, LPHANDLE, OSType, LONG, LPLONG);
OSErr QTAPI GetUserDataText ( UserData, LPHANDLE, OSType, LONG, UINT, LPLONG);
OSErr QTAPI GetVideoInfo ( Movie, ImageDescription FAR *);
VOID QTAPI KillPicture ( PicHandle);
MovieController QTAPI NewMovieController ( Movie, const LPRECT, LONG, HWND);
OSErr QTAPI NewMovieFromDataFork ( Movie FAR *, HFILE, LONG, UINT);
OSErr QTAPI NewMovieFromFile ( Movie FAR *, MovieFile, LPINT, LPSTR, UINT, BOOL FAR *);
VOID QTAPI NormalizeRect ( LPRECT);
OSErr QTAPI OpenMovieFile ( LPCSTR, MovieFile FAR *, UINT);
OSErr QTAPI OpenPictureFile ( LPCSTR, PicFile FAR *, UINT);
DIBHandle QTAPI PictureToDIB ( PicHandle);
OSErr QTAPI PrerollMovie ( Movie, TimeValue, LFIXED);
BOOL QTAPI PtInMovie ( Movie, POINT);
VOID QTAPI SetMovieActive ( Movie, BOOL);
VOID QTAPI SetMovieBox ( Movie, const LPRECT);
VOID QTAPI SetMovieCoverProcs ( Movie, MovieRgnCoverProc, MovieRgnCoverProc, LONG);
VOID QTAPI SetMoviePlayHints ( Movie, LONG, LONG);
VOID QTAPI SubtractTime ( TimeRecord FAR *, const TimeRecord FAR *);
OSErr QTAPI UpdateMovie ( Movie);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCActivate ( MovieController, HWND, BOOL);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCDoAction ( MovieController, UINT, LPVOID);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCDraw ( MovieController, HWND);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCDrawBadge ( MovieController, HRGN, HRGN FAR *);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCGetControllerBoundsRect ( MovieController, LPRECT);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCGetControllerInfo ( MovieController, LPLONG);
TimeValue QTAPI MCGetCurrentTime ( MovieController, TimeScale FAR *);
Movie QTAPI MCGetMovie ( MovieController);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCGetVisible ( MovieController);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCIdle ( MovieController);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCIsControllerAttached ( MovieController);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCIsPlayerMessage ( MovieController, HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCKey ( MovieController, WPARAM, LPARAM);
OSErr QTAPI MCNewMovieController ( MovieController, ComponentInstance, Movie, const LPRECT, LONG, HWND);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCNewAttachedController ( MovieController, Movie, HWND, POINT);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCPositionController ( MovieController, LPRECT, LPRECT, LONG);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCRemoveMovie ( MovieController);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCSetActionFilter ( MovieController, MCActionFilter, LONG);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCSetControllerAttached ( MovieController, BOOL);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCSetControllerBoundsRect ( MovieController, const LPRECT);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCSetMovie ( MovieController, Movie, HWND, POINT);
ComponentResult QTAPI MCSetVisible ( MovieController, BOOL);
Component QTAPI CaptureComponent ( Component cCaptured, Component cCapturing);
OSErr QTAPI CloseComponent ( ComponentInstance ci);
OSErr QTAPI CloseComponentResFile ( short sFileNum);
LONG QTAPI ComponentFunctionImplemented ( ComponentInstance ci, short sFunctionNumber);
LONG QTAPI CountComponentInstances ( Component c);
LONG QTAPI CountComponents ( ComponentDescription FAR *lpcdLooking);
Component QTAPI FindNextComponent ( Component c, ComponentDescription FAR *lpcdLooking);
HINSTANCE QTAPI GetComponentResFileInstance ( short sFileNum);
OSErr QTAPI GetComponentInfo ( Component c, ComponentDescription FAR *lpcd);
OSErr QTAPI GetComponentInstanceError ( ComponentInstance ci);
LPVOID QTAPI GetComponentInstanceStorage ( ComponentInstance ci);
LONG QTAPI GetComponentListModSeed ( void);
LONG QTAPI GetComponentRefcon ( Component c);
LONG QTAPI GetComponentVersion ( ComponentInstance ci);
ComponentInstance QTAPI OpenComponent ( Component c);
short QTAPI OpenComponentResFile ( Component c);
ComponentInstance QTAPI OpenDefaultComponent ( OSType ostypeComponentType, OSType ostypeComponentSubType);
Component QTAPI RegisterComponent ( LPCD lpcd, WORD wGlobal, FIXUPFUNC lpfnTBFixup, FIXUPFUNC lpfnCMFixup);
OSErr QTAPI RegisterComponentResourceFile ( LPCSTR lpszDLL, WORD wGlobal);
VOID QTAPI SetComponentInstanceError ( ComponentInstance ci, OSErr oserr);
VOID QTAPI SetComponentInstanceStorage ( ComponentInstance ci, LPVOID lpvStorage);
VOID QTAPI SetComponentRefcon ( Component c, LONG lRefcon);
OSErr QTAPI SetDefaultComponent ( Component c, short sFlags);
OSErr QTAPI UncaptureComponent ( Component c);
OSErr QTAPI UnregisterComponent ( Component c);
OSErr QTAPI UnregisterComponentResourceFile ( LPCSTR lpszDLL);
// End of Functions
// ----------------
#ifdef __cplusplus
// End of QTW.H
// ------------
#endif // __QTW_H__