40003 The Visual J++ Uninstall program will not remove user-created files or files that may be used by another currently installed Microsoft Developer product.\n\nAre you sure you want to remove Visual J++ and its components?
40004 Setup has determined that this is a shared file, but it is not being used by any other applications. Do you want to remove this file?
40005 The following file is marked as read-only. Do you want to remove it?
40006 Remove Shared File
40007 File Marked as Read-Only
40008 Removing Microsoft Visual J++ files.
40009 Removing Microsoft Visual J++ Macintosh files.
40010 Removing Microsoft Visual J++ registry items.
40011 Removing Microsoft Visual J++ folder
40012 Microsoft Visual J++ is doing final cleanup.
40013 Microsoft Visual J++ has been removed from your system. It is recommended that you restart your machine to remove a temporary file created during uninstall.
40014 VJREMOVE.INF must exist in the same directory as VJREMOVE.EXE. Uninstall of Microsoft Visual J++ cannot continue.
40015 Missing Required File
40016 Error Reading File
40017 VJREMOVE.INF is corrupted. Uninstall of Microsoft Visual J++ cannot continue.
40018 Microsoft Developer Studio is running. You should exit Microsoft Developer Studio before continuing the Visual J++ Uninstaller application.\n\nDo you wish to continue removing Visual J++ and its components?
40019 Visual J++ Uninstall can also remove Java support in Internet Explorer.\n\nDo you wish to remove Java support?
40020 An error occurred while removing Java support.
40021 Visual J++ Uninstall can also remove the Java Class Library Source Code files (.java) from the "%1" directory.\n\nHowever, if any modifications were made to the files, they will also be lost.\n\nDo you wish to remove the source files?
40022 Visual J++ Uninstall could not remove the Java Class Library Sources.\n\nThe file "%1" could not be found on the path "%2".
40023 Visual J++ Uninstall could not remove the Java Class Library Sources.\n\nAn error occurred while executing "%1" on the path "%2".