PC World Komputer 1996 December
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Text File
212 lines
1 INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: (compiler file: 'jvc.cpp', line 1001)
2 Out of memory
3 Invalid code: '%s'
4 Cannot open class file '%s' for reading
5 Cannot open class file '%s' for writing
6 Cannot read class file '%s'
7 Cannot write class file '%s'
8 Cannot locate class file '%s'
9 Class file '%s' contains invalid data
10 Syntax error
11 Expected ':'
12 Expected ';'
13 Expected '('
14 Expected ')'
15 Expected ']'
16 Expected '{'
17 Expected '}'
18 Expected 'while'
19 Expected identifier
20 Expected 'class' or 'interface'
21 Expected type specifier
22 Expected end of file
23 Expected 'catch' or 'finally'
24 Expected method body
25 Expected statement
26 Expected Unicode escape sequence
27 Identifier too long
28 Invalid number
29 Invalid character
30 Invalid character constant
31 Invalid escape character
32 Unterminated string constant
33 Unterminated comment
34 Nested comment
35 Initializer block must be declared 'static'
36 A data member cannot be 'native', 'abstract' or 'synchronized'
37 A method cannot be 'transient' or 'volatile'
38 'final' members must be initialized
39 'finally' cannot be mixed with 'catch'
40 Cannot define body for abstract/native methods
41 Duplicate modifier
42 Only classes can implement interfaces
43 Redeclaration of member '%s'
44 Cannot find definition for class '%s'
45 '%s' is not a class name
46 '%s' is not an interface name
47 '%s' is not a package name
48 Cannot extend final class '%s'
49 Undefined name '%s'
50 '%s' is not a member of '%s'
51 Undefined package '%s'
52 The class '%s' has not been imported
53 Ambiguous name: '%s' and '%s'
54 Methods '%s' and '%s' differ only in return type
55 A constructor may not specify a return type
56 Missing return type specification
57 Class file '%s' doesn't contain class '%s'
58 Cannot have a variable of type 'void'
59 Cannot reference member '%s' without an object
60 Invalid forward reference to member '%s'
61 The members '%s' and '%s' differ in return type only
62 Attempt to reduce access level of member '%s'
63 Declare the class abstract, or implement abstract member '%s'
64 Local variable '%s' shadows another local variable
65 Cannot assign to this expression
66 'this' can only be used in non-static methods
67 Cannot convert '%s' to '%s'
68 Cannot implicitly convert '%s' to '%s'
69 Cannot apply '.' operator to an operand of type '%s'
70 Need argument list for call to member '%s'
71 Cannot use argument list with '%s'
72 '%s' is not a member of class '%s'
73 '%s' cannot access member '%s'
74 Operator cannot be applied to '%s' and '%s' values
75 Invalid call
76 Too many arguments for method '%s'
77 Not enough arguments for method '%s'
78 Class '%s' doesn't have a method that matches '%s'
79 Ambiguity between '%s' and '%s'
80 Value for argument '%s' cannot be converted from '%s' in call to '%s'
81 Value for argument %s cannot be converted from '%s' in call to '%s'
82 Class '%s' doesn't have a constructor that matches '%s'
83 'super()' may only be called within a constructor
84 Cannot return a value from a 'void' method
85 Expected return value of type '%s'
86 '[]' cannot be applied to a value of type '%s'
87 The 'goto' statement is not currently supported by Java
88 Switch expression may not have type '%s'
89 Already had 'case %s:'
90 Already had 'default'
91 'case' outside of switch statement
92 Constant expression expected
93 'break' only allowed in loops and switch statements
94 Label '%s' not found
95 'continue' only allowed in loop
96 Class value expected
97 Class or array expected
98 Attempt to access non-existent member of '%s'
99 The 'toString' method must return 'String'
100 Cannot throw '%s' - the type does not inherit from 'Throwable'
101 The type '%s' does not inherit from 'Throwable'
102 Handler for '%s' hidden by earlier handler for '%s'
103 Cannot override final method '%s'
104 Unreachable statement or declaration
105 Method '%s' must return a value
106 Class '%s' has a circular dependency
107 Missing array dimension
108 Cannot 'new' an instance of type '%s'
109 Cannot 'new' an instance of abstract class '%s'
110 Cannot 'new' an interface '%s'
111 Invalid use of array initializer
112 Cannot assign final variable '%s'
113 Call to constructor must be first in constructor
114 Cannot reference 'this' in constructor call
115 Cannot call constructor recursively
116 Variable '%s' may be used before initialization
117 Cannot declare a class to be 'private'
118 Too many local variables in method - must be <= 256
119 Too much code in method
120 Divide or mod by zero
121 Unable to recover from previous error(s)
122 Exception '%s' not caught or declared by '%s'
123 Multiple inheritance of classes is not supported
124 Operator cannot be applied to '%s' values
125 'finally' without 'try'
126 'catch' without 'try'
127 'else' without 'if'
128 Cannot declare an interface to be 'final'
129 Cannot declare a class to be 'abstract' and 'final'
130 Cannot declare an interface method to be 'native', 'static', 'synchronized', or 'final'
131 Cannot declare a method to be '%s' and '%s'
132 Cannot declare a field to be '%s' and '%s'
133 Constructors cannot be declared 'native', 'abstract', 'static', 'synchronized', or 'final'
134 Interfaces cannot have constructors
135 Interface data members cannot be declared 'transient', 'volatile', 'private', or 'protected'
136 Public class '%s' should not be defined in '%s'
137 Code page %d not supported
138 Interface cannot have static initializer
139 Invalid label
140 Cannot override static method '%s'
141 Argument cannot have type void
142 Cannot make direct (non-virtual) call to abstract method '%s'
143 Cannot throw exception '%s' from initializer '%s'
144 Cannot find definition for interface '%s'
145 Output directory too long: '%s%s%s'
146 Cannot create output directory '%s'
147 Cannot access private member '%s' in class '%s' from '%s'
148 Cannot reference instance method '%s' before superclass constructor has been called
149 The value '%s' cannot be represented by type '%s'
150 Cannot have repeated interface '%s'
151 Variable '%s' is already defined in this method
152 Ambiguous reference to '%s' in interfaces '%s' and '%s'
153 Could not load type library '%s' -- LoadTypeLib() failed
154 Could not get library attribute
155 Could not get library name
156 Could not load library %s looking for %s
157 Could not load type %s from library %s
158 Class '%s' already defined
159 '@' must be followed by the response file name
160 response file '%s' could not be opened
161 Cannot open source file: '%s'
162 Failed to initialize compiler - maybe you didn't set the class path?
163 Array '%s' missing array index
164 Ambiguous import of class '%s' from more than one package
165 Cannot throw exception '%s' from method '%s' -- it is not a subclass of any exceptions thrown from overloaded method '%s'
166 Cannot access member '%s' in class '%s' from '%s' -- it is in a different package
167 Non static methods can't be overriden by a static method
168 The declaration of an abstract method must appear within an abstract class
169 Cannot access '%s' -- only public classes and interfaces in other packages can be accessed.
170 Cannot load predefined class '%s' -- is CLASSPATH set correctly?
171 Could not load type %d from library %s
172 Could not load type %s.%s from library %s
173 Found class '%s' in package '%s' rather than package '%s'
5001 Local variable '%s' is initialized but never used
5002 Compiler option '%s' not supported
5003 Ignoring unknown compiler option '%s'
5004 Missing argument for compiler option '%s'
5005 Package '%s' was already implicitly imported
5006 'private protected' not supported, using 'protected'
5007 Non standard conversion from '%s' to '%s'
10001 Loading class: %s
10002 Loading class: %s (referenced in %s)
10003 Creating class %s
10004 %s is out of date or does not exist
10005 Generating file '%s'
10006 Parsing %s:
10007 Compiling %s:
20001 Microsoft (R) Visual J++ Compiler Version %1u.%02u.%04u\n
20002 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1996. All rights reserved.\n
20003 Microsoft (R) Visual J++ Java Typelib Conversion Utility Version %1u.%02u.%04u\n
20004 Usage: JVC [options] <filename>
20005 /cp <classpath> set class path for compilation
20006 /cp:p <path> prepend path to class path
20007 /cp:o[-] print classpath
20008 /d <directory> root directory for class file output
20009 /g[-] full debug information (g:l, g:d)
20010 /g:l[-] generate line numbers <default=none>
20011 /g:t[-] generate debug tables <default=none>
20012 /nowarn turns off warnings <default=warn>
20013 /nowrite compile only - do not generate class files
20014 /O[-] full optimization (O:I,O:J)
20015 /O:I[-] optimize by inlining <default=no opt>
20016 /O:J[-] optimize bytecode jumps <default=no opt>
20017 /verbose print messages about compilation progress
20018 /w{0-4} set warning level <default=2>
20019 /x[-] disable extensions <default=enabled>
20020 '-' turns flag off
20021 Using classpath:\n %s\n
20022 warning
20023 error
20024 fatal error